Title: Internal Combustion Engine
1Internal Combustion Engine
2Air-Standard Cycles
? ???? ???? ??? ?? ????. ? ??? ???? ???? ??
??? cycle analysis?? ?? ??? 3?? ???? ??? ??? ??.
??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????
?? ? ? ?? ????. ??? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??
??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? modeling ? ? ??.
? Air-Standard Cycles 1. Closed system ?????
????? ???? open system? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???
??? closed system?? modeling ??. ??? ?? ?? ???
?? ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???.
2. ?? ????? property ???? ??? ??? ?? ???
??? ????? ??? ??? ??, ??? ??, ?? ?? ??? ?????
??. ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???. ?? ?????
??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ????.
3Air-Standard Cycles
- 3. ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????
modeling??. - 4. ???? ? blowdown ?? ??? ???? ???? ????
modeling??. - 5. ??? ???? ?? ?????? modeling??.
- 6. ??, ???? ?? ????(isentropic process)??
4Otto Cycle
- ? Spark-ignition engine? ????? ??????? ??? ????
modeling? cycle??. ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?
??? ?? ?? ????.
? 3-31?? Otto cycle? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?
? ??. ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??, ??? ??? ???
???? ??? ? ??? SI engine? ?? ?? ?????? knock? ???
? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??. ? ???(specific heat
ratio)? ??? ?? ???? ????. ??? ? ??? ???? ??? ???
???? CI engine?? GDI(Gasoline Direct
Injection)engine? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? SI engine??
?? ????? ???? ?? ? ??.
5Otto Cycle
Otto Cycle? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????
6Real Air-Fuel Engine Cycles
- ? ??? ??? Otto cycle?? modeling ? ???? ??? ?? ???
?? ???? ??. - 1. pumping loss
- ??? ????? ??
- 2. ??? ??
- ??????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ????? ??
- 3. ????? ??? ??? property?? ??? ??? ???
- 4. ????? ?? ???? ???? ??
- ??? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??
- 5. Blowdown??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ???
Blowdown? Air-Standard Analysis?? ?????? ????
???. - ? ?? ??? ?? Ideal Cycle? Actual Cycle? ??? ???.
??? ? ??? ??? ?? ??. ??? Actual Cycle? ?? ? ???
?? Air-Standard Otto Cycle?? ??. ?? ???, ??, ??
??, ?? ???, ?? ?? ??? Blowdown, ?? ????.
7SI Engine Cycle At Part Throttle
- ? SI engine? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ????. Throttle
plate? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??
???? ??? ????. Throttle plate? ??? ?? ??(WOT)???
????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??
negative work? ????. ?? pumping loss ?? ??
pmep(pumping mean effective pressure)? ? 3-36? ??
8Exhaust Process
- ? ????? ?? BDC ??? ?? ??? ? ? ??? ? ????? ??? ??
??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???. ??? ??? ???? ?????
???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???. ?? ??? ??
? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????. ?? ???? ?? ?
?? ?? ????? ??? residual gas fraction?? ??.
9Diesel Cycle
- ? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ? ??? ???
?? ??? ??? ??. ?? modeling? ?? diesel cycle??
???. - ? cycle? ??? ? 3-73? ?? ???? ?? ???, ???, ???
cutoff ratio(?????? ??? ??? ?? ???)? ????.
10Dual Cycle
- ? ??? ??? SI engine, CI engine ?? ???? ???? ???
???? ???. ??? ??? modeling ? ?? Dual Cycle ??
???? ? ? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? model? ??? ???.
11Comparison of Otto, Diesel, And Dual Cycles
??? ??? Otto, Diesel, and Dual Cycle? ?? ?? ???
?? ???? ??? ???. ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ????,
??? T-s????? ??? ???? ??? ? ??. ??(b)? ??? ??? ?
?? ???? ??? ?? ??,
???, ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???? ??
???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??.
12Comparison of Otto, Diesel, And Dual Cycles
??? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? Peak Pressure? ?? ??( ?? ??
??? ??), ??? ???? ??? ???.? ??,
? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????.
13Miller Cycle
Atkinson Cycle
Miller Cycle
Miller Cycle? Atkinson Cycle? ????? ??? ?????. ?,
Atkinson Cycle???? ???? ????? ?? ?? ?? Miller
Cycle? ??? ?? ???? ????. Mazuda?? ?? ??? Miller
Cycle? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??.
14Two-Stroke Cycles
? SI Engine 2???? SI Engine? ??,
Air-Standard Process? ????, 1-2 Isentropic
Power or Expansion stroke 2-3 Exhaust
Blowdown. 3-4-5 Intake Exhaust
scavengine. 5-6 Exhaust scavengine. 6-7
Isentropic Compression. 7-1 Constant-Volume
Heat Input.
15Stirling Cycle
- ? Stirling Cycle Engine? ??? ??? ????? ???.
Stirling Cycle Engine? ? - ?? ??? Gas Chamber? ?? ???? ???? ??, ??? ? Gas
Chamber?? - ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??.?
- ?? ??? ??? Stirling Cycle?? ????.