1Lisha Lala, Programme Officer Health,
2AKDN Organogram
Aga Khan Development Network
Economic Development
Social Development
Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance
University of Central Asia
Aga Khan University
Aga Khan Foundation
Aga Khan Trust For Culture
Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development
Aga Khan Education Services
Aga Khan Health Services
Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Historic Cities Support Programme
Education and Culture Programme
Tourism Promotion Services
Industrial Promotion Services
Financial Services
Media Services
Aviation Services
Aga Khan Planning and Building Services
3Aga Khan Foundation
Assist local partners to identify and implement
sustainable solutions to long-term problems that
impact the quality of life
- Established in 1991 in Tanzania
- Education
- Zanzibar Madrasa Resource Centre
- Completion, Retention, Enrollement and Access for
Tanzanians to Education - International Scholarship Programme
- Health
- Raha Leo Community Health Programme
- Advanced Nursing Studies
- Civil Society
- NGO Resource Centre
- Young Development Professionals
- Rural Development
- Coast Rural Support Programme, Tz
4Coastal Rural Support Programme Tanzania (CRSP,T)
- Partnership with Government of Tanzania under
MKUKUTA. - Overall goal
- To improve quality of life and social well-being
of 60,000 households in Lindi and Mtwara Regions
in Southern Tanzania through sustainable
socio-economic interventions in - Food Security and Income Generation
- Health
- Education and
- Strengthening civil society.
- Outcomes
- Increased Food Security and incomes of rural
households in Lindi and Mtwara Regions. - Improved quality education for pre-primary,
primary and early secondary students - Improved health status of women of reproductive
age, children under five and youth - Enhanced effective local ownership of development
5AKF Partnership for Health and Community
- Targeting women of reproductive age, children
under 5 and youth. - Key partners
- Local, District, regional, and national
government (health and development departments) - Beneficiaries, community groups, local civil
society organisations - Other NGOs
6Goals and Objectives
- Goal To contribute to improved health of women
of reproductive age (15-49 years), children
under-five (with emphasis on infants and
newborns) and youth. - The major outcomes are
- (i) Increased demand for and improved access to
quality health services (preventive, promotive,
curative) at community level - (ii) Increased capacities and improved
performance of health professionals (preventive,
curative, and managerial) - (iii) Research on operations, documentation and
dissemination of results, achievements and
lessons learned.
7Programme strategies
- Community development and strengthening of local
structures and organizations in health - Advocacy for community involvement
- Capacity building of community health committees
- Awareness and behaviour change communication
- Women health, youth health, child health
- Nutrition
- School/ECD health and nutrition
8Programme Strategies
- Capacity building and professional development
- Training and continuous education
- Exchange of expertise
- Strengthening of the public/private health
delivery system - Facility management and quality of care
- Financing of health services
- Referral system
- Focus on maternal, newborn and child health
9Health Strategy for CRSP,T
To contribute to improved health and nutrition
status of women of mothers, children under-five
(with a focus on infants and newborn), and youth
Increased demand for and improved access to
quality health services at community level
Improved health and nutrition practices for MNCH
Increased capacities and improved performance of
health professionals and system
Health and nutrition education and behaviour
change communication
Community mobilization and strengthening of
capacities of community based structures
Capacity building and professional
development Facility level District level
Building a network of and strengthening a
sustainable public-private health delivery system
Operational research, ME, documentation and
10Key Thematic Areas
- Health Promotion Disease Prevention (includes
nutrition) - Rice farmers, savings groups
- School health
- Women of reproductive age
- Early childhood development
- Water and Sanitation
- Community-based health financing
- Access to quality maternal and child health
services - Community mobilisation
- Birth preparedness post-natal care
- Referral and community-based emergency transport
- Capacity Building
11Inception Phase
- A. Participatory programme planning at community
and district levels - Develop programme framework with district
authorities - Assist VHCs in developing effective village
health plans - Assist districts in action research related to
specific priority issues of the community based
health care system - Assist in developing an effective ME system
- B. Initiate health promotion/ behaviour change
communication activities - Assess demands, needs and social issues.
- Design and implement BCC strategy with focus on
maternal and newborn health and nutrition - Improve the performance of existing school health
programmes - C. Capacity building of health professionals
- 1) Management and leadership training for health
workers short-courses in quality care - 2) Planning for e-health and e-learning programmes
- Government
- Tanzania german support to the health sector
(high-level MoU) - Collaboration on healthcare financing e.g. CHF
- Approaches to PPP
- Ifakara and other research organisations
- Operational research especially MCH
- Others?
- Network and coordinate with all