Understanding POPULATIONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding POPULATIONS


Understanding POPULATIONS Chapter 20 Definition A population is a group of organisms that belong to the same species & live in a particular place at a particular time ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding POPULATIONS

Understanding POPULATIONS
  • Chapter 20

  • A population is a group of organisms that belong
    to the same species live in a particular place
    at a particular time, using same resources.
  • Examples
  • All of the bass in a pond
  • All of the blue jays in Washington County
  • All of the red maples in Western PA

Examples of populations
  • All the bacteria of one All the gorillas of
  • kind on this agar plate species on this

Population ecology
  • is concerned with fluctuations in population size
    and the factors that regulate populations.

Properties of Populations
May differ from properties of the individual
  • 1. Size
  • 2. Density
  • 3. Dispersion
  • Population dynamics
  • A. Growth rate
  • B. Age structure
  • C. Survivorship.

1. Population Size
  • Is the of individuals
  • Can be difficult to measure directly
  • How is counting a tree species different than
    counting a fish population?
  • Ways to find size
  • Counting individuals (might be impossible for
    some large, mobile, widespread populations)
  • Estimate

2. Population Density
  • - Measures how crowded a population is.
  • Expressed as number of individuals per unit or
  • Example
  • pop. density of humans in USA is 30people/ sq km.

Estimating Density
  • 1. Count all individuals in a sample plot.
    (Estimates become more accurate as sample plots
    increase in size.)
  • 2. Estimate by indirect indicators (such as
    number of nests or droppings or tracks.)
  • 3. Mark-recapture method. (animals trapped in
    boundaries, marked later retrapped. )

To Estimate Population Size
  • Instead of laboriously counting everyone, just
    count organisms in 1 area multiply
  • Example- If 25 oaks in 1 Km2, then estimate 250
    in 10 km2.
  • (This assumes even distribution, or there will be
    an error in )

3. Population Dispersion
  • Clumped-most frequent pattern of distribution.
    Individuals clustered together in groups in
    response to uneven distribution of resources.
  • Even - members maintain a minimum distance from
    one another, generally indicates strong
  • Random - spacing is the least common pattern.

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4. Population Dynamics
  • All populations change in size and composition
    over time.
  • A. Growth Rate includes
  • Birth rate births
  • Death (mortality) rate deaths
  • Life expectancy average life span

B. Age Structure
  • The distribution of ages in a population.
  • Important to know ages of individuals.
  • Example- older populations do not reproduce but a
    young population may have rapid growth.

Age structure represented by graphs.
users.rcn.com/.../ P/Populations.html
C. Patterns of Mortality
  • Survivorship curves- Show the likelihood of
    survival at different ages for an organism.
  • Data tends to fall into 3 types

3 types of Survivorship curves
  • Type I - likelihood of dying is small until old
    age (humans, elephants)
  • Type II - likelihood of dying is even over
    lifetime. (birds)
  • Type III - likelihood of surviving youth is
    small (many die young) but if live- then may live
    to be old (insects, fish)

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Charles Darwin
Calculated that a single pair of elephants could
increase to a population of 19 million
individuals in 750 years. Since the earth is NOT
overrun with elephants, this is evidence that
factors in the environment limit population growth
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
  • His Life and Work
  • Born to a wealthy family
  • Studied medicine - quit.
  • Then studied to enter the clergy.
  • Spent a lot of time collecting biological
  • Quit religion studies to become a NATURALIST.

Voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle
  • studied many things on the islands passed by
  • In part because he was so seasick he wanted to
    get off the boat.
  • Basis for his life work.

Darwins Evolutionary Theory
  • (which he liked to call natural selection
  • not evolution)
  • States that
  • -over many generations, natural selection causes
    characteristics of populations to change.
  • -natural selection is responsible for evolution.

What is survival of the fittest?
  • It is NOT- King of the Jungle- with the
    meanest, biggest, most muscular animal killing
    all the smaller ones.
  • Example- 2 dogs- One is the perfect specimen-
    shiny fur, wins shows, smart, etc. the other is
    small, ugly, mangy, living in the alley.
  • The ugly dog visits every female dog in the
    county and reproduces many times, but the perfect
    dog never has puppies-
  • which dog will pass on his traits?

Measuring Populations
  • 1. Growth rate
  • 2. Exponential Model
  • 3. Logistic Model
  • 4. Population Regulation

1. Growth Rate
  • Definition
  • The amount by which a populations size changes
    over time.

  • 4 Processes that affect growth
  • Birth
  • Death
  • Immigration (individuals moving in)
  • Emigration (individuals moving out)
  • Usually assume Immigration Emigration are zero

Growth Rate
  • Describe graph growth rate mathematically
  • Divide large populations into groups of 1000.
  • Growth Birth rate Death rate

Example population
  • If 32 Births 10 Deaths per 1000 per year of
    individuals, total population is 40,000.
  • Birth rate is 0.032
  • Death rate is 0.010
  • Growth rate is 0.022
  • To find the of new individuals, multiply growth
    rate by total population
  • 40,000 X 0.022 880 - increase in 1 year

2. Exponential Model
  • Describes a population that increases rapidly
    after only a few generations.
  • The larger it gets, the faster it grows.
  • Assumes birth/death rate are constant
  • Assumes unlimited resources (like food).

Limiting factors
  • In reality, populations cannot grow indefinitely
  • Resources become depleted
  • Waste accumulates
  • As Competition increases
  • Birth rate declines
  • Mortality increases

3. Logistic Model
  • Builds on Exponential Model
  • Accounts for limiting factors (environmental
  • Carrying Capacity
  • The number of individuals the environment can
    support over a long period of time.

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Population Regulation
  • Densityindependent factors
  • Weather, fire, etc
  • Reduces population regardless of size
  • Densitydependent factors
  • Resources shortages- like food, nesting sites-
    triggered by increase in population

Populations may fluctuate in response to
predator- prey relationships
Small Populations
  • Decreased genetic variations due to small gene
  • Inbreeding (mating with close relatives)
  • May reduce species ability to adapt to changes in
    the environment
  • May be due to human activities
  • Examples in wild
  • Less than 200 Siberian tigers left
  • Only 9 California condors in wild 1980s

Human Population History
  • For most of Homo sapiens existence, population
    grew very slowly
  • Small Nomadic Hunter gather groups
  • Agricultural Revolution- about 10,000 years ago-
    Human population grew moderately.
  • Population Explosion Middle ages
  • Times of decrease from disease, wars.
  • Population grew from 3 to 5 billion people
    between 1960 1987.

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Growth today
  • Developed Countries
  • Leveling off or decreasing
  • Developing Countries
  • Still growing rapidly

Demographic Transition Model
  • 1. Which of the following is a population?
  • A. all the fish in a pond
  • B. all the birds in New York City
  • C. all the members of a family of humans
  • D. all the fish of the same species in a lake
  • 2. Which of the following refers to the
    population size that can be sustained by an
    environment over time?
  • A. bell curve
  • B. allele frequency
  • C. carrying capacity
  • D. exponential growth

d. c.
More questions
  • 3. Which of the following is true in the
    exponential model of population growth?
  • a. Population growth continues indefinitely.
  • b. Population growth stops at the carrying
  • c. Population growth increases and then
  • d. The immigration rate falls with increasing
    population size.
  • 4. Which of the following is a density-dependent
    factor for a population of deer in a forest?
  • a. a drought
  • b. a landslide
  • c. a period of freezing weather
  • d. the number of cougars in the forest

a. d.
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