Australian Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Australian Culture


Australian Culture & Customs Welcome to Australia These are just some of the customs and culture aspects of Australian life that will help you integrate into our society – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: SuzanneEv


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Australian Culture

Australian Culture Customs
  • Welcome to Australia
  • These are just some of the customs and culture
    aspects of Australian life that will help you
    integrate into our society

Culture and Customs
  • Culture and Customs in this document encompasses
    the arts, values, traditions, expectations and
    the hopes of a Nation.
  • The Australian National Anthem (Advance
    Australia Fair)
  • http//

A brief history of Australia
  • Its always important to know a little of the
    history of a county to understand the country,
    the people and the culture and customs which are
    often based on that history
  • A cartoon Video on the above (5.59 mins)
  • http//
  • True Blue Video Australian Aboriginals
    The first Australians (October 2011)
  • http//

Australian Manners
  • Manners are different in every country
  • (manners show respect and consideration for
    others and indicates that you are a civilised
  • Greetings (Good morning, Hello, Hi, Gidday
    Mate more so in the country/bush)
  • Hand shake or kiss on cheek
  • Standing in a queue or line

Australian Manners
  • Please when requesting anything
  • Thank you when you receive anything
  • Excuse me or sorry if you need to get past
    anyone or bump into anyone
  • No spitting please
  • No pushing
  • Please No picking noses or putting your
    finger up your nose in public or class

Good manners in Australia
  • Being on time (i.e. British time)
  • Please speak English in front of others
  • Put your hand over your mouth when you yawn,
    cough or sneeze
  • Standing up for elders or ladies with babies on
    the bus or train
  • Please Thank you

Australian Culture
  • Most culture is based on history, traditions and
    belief systems (religion etc) therefore is
    different in every county (not right or wrong
    just different)
  • Because of its unique history Australia has a
    unique culture which appreciates people being up
    front and very open in their communication styles
  • Generally Australians are open, friendly and
    helpful and from a vast array of many different
    countries (multicultural)

Australian Culture
  • Australian law and education systems are based on
    the English model
  • Most of our laws are also based on common law
    which is derived from common sense and precedents
    created from court cases
  • Things like walking on the left side of the
    pavement are in line with driving on the left
    hand side of the road

Australian Customs
  • Although we are a Multicultural society most of
    us sit on a chair and not the floor and also we
    do not squat on the ground
  • Most of us have approx a metre of personal space
    around us and are not a touchy feely lot

Australian Customs
  • Unlike some cultures we believe in looking people
    in the eye (some believe that eyes are the
    windows to the soul?) as it indicates that you
    have nothing to hide
  • The humour in Australia has been described as
    larrikin and laconic in style, and sometimes
    takes some time to understand

Australian Humour
  • Australian humour has a long history that can be
    traced back to our origins as convict colonies
    and therefore very unique
  • It is therefore no surprise that a national sense
    of humour quickly developed that responded to
    those conditions

Australian Humour
  • This unique sense of humour is recognised
    (although maybe not always understood) the world
    over as being distinctly Australian
  • Our humour is dry, full of extremes,
    anti-authoritarian, self-mocking and ironic
  • Reference http//

Australian Culture Customs
  • This combines many long lost cockney and Irish
    sayings of the early convicts with words from
    Aboriginal languages
  • Australia has three defined accents, broad,
    general and cultivated

Australian Culture Customs
  • We often abbreviate words and then add an o or
    ie on the end as in bring your cossie to the
    barbie this arvo

Australian Culture Customs
  • Do yourself a favour and give yourself an
    Australian name
  • Why Most of us cannot pronounce your names and
    feel embarrassed when we cant
  • We would prefer to call you by name than Hey
  • We suggest that you choose a name that starts
    with your first initial, as it s easier for you
    to remember

Tips for living in Australia
  • Collect the free MX newspaper each weekday at
    major train stations
  • Dont take Australians behaviour as
    disrespectful, because it is not meant to be
  • Understand our Beach culture by always
    swimming between the red yellow flags
  • The Pacific Ocean is famous for having strong
    currents and rips that can pull you out to sea

The Essentials
  • Australia is a place of contradictions
  • It is an old county but a new one
  • It is one of the oldest continents on earth and
    has the oldest continuous culture with the
    Aboriginals But modern Australia is a society of
    newcomers who are building a culture from many
    different cultures

Australia is a place of contradictions
  • Australia is a very peaceful country, although
    has a reputation of having some of the most
    aggressive soldiers in war
  • Australia is a conservative country with a
    radical streak

Australia is a place of contradictions
  • Australia is a comfortable urban society, but
    its myths and stories are based on the harsh
    environment of the bush
  • Australians love leisure, but their folk heroes
    are hardworking battlers

Australia is a place of contradictions
  • Australians are open and direct, but they value
    their privacy
  • Most Australians are friendly and helpful to
    strangers, but it take hard work to develop deep
    friendships with them
  • Although they seem confident and loud, they are
    often cautious and uncommunicative about their
    real feelings

Australians are still in the process of change
  • For the first 150 years of modern Australian
    history, the country was definitely British
  • The settlers tried to remake the strange
    landscape into a copy of England
  • They adopted the political, legal and educational
    systems of England
  • They even went to war for England

Australians believe they are egalitarian,
irreverent and anti - authority
  • Australia is not an equal society. There are
    divisions between the rich and poor, white and
    black and privileged and underprivileged
  • But Australians are sincere when they say they
    are egalitarian
  • They believe that people should have a fair go
    or equality of opportunity

Australians believe they are egalitarian,
irreverent and anti - authority
  • Australians dont respect people just because of
    their role in society or their birth
  • For example teachers do not have a right to
    respect, unless they earn it
  • They dislike people who appear to be arrogant
  • They are basically law-abiding, but like people
    who bend the rules

Individuals versus groups
  • Australians put more value on the individual than
    the group, which is part of the Western
  • They approve of self reliance and independence
    and dont like being told what to do

Approach to Life
  • Australians have a casual approach to life
  • They are relaxed and informal about most aspects
    of daily living
  • There are some rules about polite behaviour but
    Australians arent too upset if the rules are
  • Australian is one of the worlds most successful
    multiracial societies

Ask Questions
  • Your college teachers expect all students to be
    responsible for their own learning
  • They expect you to organise your own work
    schedule, do independent research and meet
  • Most of all, they expect you to question
    everything and think for yourself
  • (Understanding Australia A Guide for
    International Students by Sally A White 2003)

Australian Culture Customs
  • Get to know your host country by checking out
    these three websites
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • Enjoy Australia

  • Australian Government Cultural Portal
  • http//
  • Australian Tourism
  • http//
  • Australian Educator
  • http//
  • Australian Culture
  • http//
  • I still call Australia (Qantas) Ad
  • http//
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