Title: The Oceanic Carbon Cycle: Biological Pump
1The Oceanic Carbon CycleBiological Pump
- Primary producers who are they?
- How does the pump work transport to the bottom
- Open ocean ecosystems
2high diversityDEEP SEA
3Deep-Sea diverse life forms
- Deep-sea thought to be without life (azoic)
until 19th century deep-sea exploration
expeditions - Erebus and Terror, 1839-1843, James Ross
Clark - Lightning and Porcupine, 1868-1869, Wyville
Thompson - Challenger, 1872-1876, Wyville Thompson, J. W.
Murray (ForaminiferaH .B. Brady, 1884)
Satellite data (CZCS, SeaWIFS)
High productivity input of nutrients (N, P) from
land Seasonality
5Oceanic spring bloom (high-mid latitudes)
- Winter light limitation (insolation, storms mix
phytoplankton below photic zone) - Nutrients not (fully) used accumulate
- Spring more light, warming causes
stratification, keeps plankton within photic zone - Bloom (until nutrients used up, zooplankton eats
- Molecular phylogenies
- Protein sequences
- Small subunit RNA
7Oceanic primary producers
- Prokaryotes (unicellular, simple cell, asexual
reproduction 0.6 mm) - cyanobacteria
Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus) up to 2/3 of
primary productivity in the oceans - Eukaryotes (complex cell - nucleus - sexual and
asexual reproduction tens of mm) - Bacillariophyceae - Opaline Silica skeleton
Diatoms - Haptophyceaea
- Calcium-carbonate skeleton Calcareous
Nannoplankton - No skeleton Phaeocystis
- Dinophyceae - organic -walled cysts
- Polysaccharide gels (transparent exopolymer
(Haptophyte Algae) Diameter 20-30 mm
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10Planktonic foraminifer
11Prymnesiophytes (Haptophytes) -Phaeocystis
- Polysaccharide gels (transparent exopolymer
12Transparent Exopolymer Particles
- Phaeocystis blooms at high latitudes (survive in
sea ice) - 10 of annual global marine primary productivity
- Much of this in form of gels - major part of
dissolved organic carbon in oceans - Secrete dimethylsulfide - add sulfur to atmosphere
- Today up to 20-40 net primary production, 50
organic carbon exported
- Rapid delivery of diatoms to sea floor in frontal
zones (Kemp et al., 2006) - giant diatoms in mats e.g., Fragilariopsis,
Thalassiothrix, Rhizosolenia
16Dinoflagellates harmful algal blooms (HABs)
17Type of primary producers/productivity of oceans
- Open ocean, low productivity (central gyres)
prokaryotes, some dinoflagellates - Open ocean, higher productivity calcareous
nannoplankton - Open ocean, highest productivity diatoms,
Phaeocystis - Coastal ocean, high productivity
dinoflagellates, Phaeocystis
18Oceanic primary productivity different dominant
producers - fertility
19Deep-sea environment cold, dark,high pressure,
very little food.
Food supplied by surface productivity, miles up
biological pump
20How much food reaches the bottom?Not very much
(lt1 to few of PP)
- e.g., Martin et al., 1987 north-east Pacific
stations - F1.53(z/100)-0.858
- zdepth
21Oceanic food chain
22Food from surface to bottombiological pumphow
does it work?
- Marine snow (4 mm particle, dead and dying
phytoplankton, zooplankton exoskeletons, fecal
matter) - 102-103 m/day
23Organic matter from surface to bottombiological
- Ballasted by
- silica (diatoms)
- carbonate (foraminifera, nannoplankton)
- terrigenous dust
- In fecal pellets
- Stuck together by polysaccharides (Phaeocystis,
diatoms, cyanobacteria, calcareous nannoplankton) - In giant balls of mucus - larvacean houses
- Carrion falls (dead whales)
- Lateral transport (refractory organic matter)
- Discrepancy between food requirements of faunas
and supply in sediment traps faunas need more
than what is delivered
24Larvacean houses (tunicates)2-3 feet diameter
- Tunicates are Chordates (related to us
vertebrates - lancelet fish)
25- We do not understand transport of organic matter
to the sea floor in the present ocean, nor
importance of prokaryotic productivity - We can not predict the effects of global warming
and increased nutrients on carbon cycle in the
26Oceanic primary productivity - how limited?
Transport to sea floor - how limited? Can we
manipulate (carbon sequestration)?
27In some regions N and P are NOT limiting
- "high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions,
e.g. equatorial Pacific - Not enough iron (Fe)
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