Modern Canada - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Modern Canada


Modern Canada A Changing Society Today s Focus Canada s changing society after WWII Social, demographic, political and economic trends PLO s describe the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: canada | modern | welfare | women


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Modern Canada

Modern Canada
  • A Changing Society

Todays Focus
  • Canadas changing society after WWII
  • Social, demographic, political and economic
  • PLOs describe the role of women in terms of
    soci/poli/econ change in Canada
  • PLOs assess the development and impact of
    Canadian social policies and programs related to
    immigration, the welfare state and minority rights

Changes after WWII
  • Booming economy
  • Thousands of immigrants
  • New houses in suburbs
  • More cars, televisions, radios
  • Changing culture rock n roll!
  • Materialism

Welcoming Newcomers
  • After WWII, millions of refugees around the world
    people uprooted by war and nothing to return to
  • Known as displaced persons
  • Canada accepts 165k
  • By 67, 2.5 million newcomers had arrived in
  • Moved mostly to the cities, unlike earlier
    immigration patterns in Canadian history

Economic Growth
  • Rapid in crease in production of aluminum
    manufacture of aircraft
  • Wood and paper production rose, as did mining and
  • Increase in demand for petroleum fuel tanks,
    trucks and airplanes
  • Oil fields jobs in production, transportation,
    processing, and providing services
  • Agriculture taken over my manufacturing
  • Rural to modern industrial nation

Societal Changes
  • Women employed in great numbers
  • Immigration of 48,000 war brides and 21,000
  • Allowed more immigration to fill demand for
    labour, but still preferred countries in Europe
    to enter Canada.

Canadians of Suburbia!
  • Between the baby boom and immigration, huge
    increase in demand for housing
  • Cities expanded outwards, where land was cheaper
  • The new housing developments suburbs
  • Communities developed identities of their own
    schools, malls, parks etc.

Suburban Values
  • A new set of values develops
  • Centered on traditional family
  • Women returned to the stay-at-home role
  • Family sizes were larger than present 1945 to
    1960 known as the baby boom
  • 6.7 million kids born between 46 and 61

Age of Automobile
  • Bought 3.5 million cars in the 1950s
  • Living in suburbs great convenience
  • Grew fancier with chrome, fins and fancy tail
  • Negatives
  • -Lots of fuel needed dependence on oil
  • -Atmospheric pollution

Pop Culture
  • The car becomes central to Canadian life
  • A necessity for those in the suburbs
  • Affects growth and development of cities urban
    sprawl, etc
  • TV also becomes central
  • Magnified cultural trends, encouraged consumer
    society key role in our societies economic

Teen Culture
  • Increase affluence and peace allows for the
    invention of teenagers
  • More education, money, leisure time,
  • Develop their own culture and trends
  • Rock n Roll (Elvis, etc.) takes root

Canadian Culture
  • People start to worry about American cultural
  • Massey Commission formed, to study Canadian
    culture recommend protection from US influence
  • 1957 Canada Council created award grants to
  • CBC was put in charge of developing Canadian TV
    and programming
  • 1968 CRTC (Canadian Radio Television and
    Telecommunications Commission) created to
    regulate foreign media content in Canada, and
    impose rules requiring Canadian content.

  • Unlike after WWI, the govt was prepared for
    economic transition after WWII - millions coming
    home what to do?
  • King suggests maintaining Fed. govt influence in
    the economy to address employment and inflation
  • Provs not excited about this
  • Howe recommends tax breaks to encourage
    production of consumer goods causes a boom
  • Also, beginning of transfer payments provs
    give money to feds, who then redistribute wealth
    to those most in need

Resource Boom
  • Canadas rich resources help the boom
  • Oil found in Leduc, Alberta in 47
  • Also, demand increases for many metals and
    minerals found in Canada

Infrastructure - page 187
  • Trans-Canada Highway becomes a prime project,
    completed by 1970
  • St. Lawrence Seaway built to link the Great Lakes
    to the Atlantic
  • Trans-Canada pipeline built to cheaply transport
    gas from Western to Central Canada
  • Kemano Project dam construction for
    hydroelectricity to support aluminum smelting

Canadian Prime Ministers 48-68
  • St. Laurent (48-57) Liberal, rich, positive
    public image (see pages 180-181 for more
  • Diefenbaker (57-63) - Conservative, first
    western PM, great orator and campaigner, populist
    (spoke for ordinary people), all Canadians equal,
    French disliked him (distinct culture)
  • Pearson (63-68) Liberal, believed connection
    to Britain would be severed, Canada needed an
    identity for ALL Canadians, flag, improvements to
    welfare system

Social Welfare
  • King had introd UI, family allowance
  • Pearson intros CPP Cdn. Pension Plan, 1966
  • Cdn. Assistance Plan as well financing for
  • Medicare is introd a cause championed by Tommy
    Douglas (NDP) of Sask.
  • First enacted in 1962 in Sask., Cdn. System
    pattern after it
  • Medical care without paying directly
  • Medical Care Act 1965 Feds and Provs share
    costs of Medicare

Trudeau Era
  • A man well-suited to his times Flashy,
    flamboyant, outspoken, intelligent
  • Dated celebrities, drove fast cars, dressed down
    at work
  • Canadians loved him Trudeaumania
  • Just Society was his catch-phrase govt had a
    duty to protect rights and freedoms, foster
    well-being, stay out of private life

Times they are a changin
  • The late 60s and 70s were an era of change and
  • 3 particularly influential groups in Canada
    womens movement, student movement, environmental

Womens Movement
  • During 60s feminism emerges
  • Resented isolation in modern life, menial jobs,
  • Royal Commission on the Status of Women 1967
  • Recommends womens right to choose where they
    work, society should help with raising children
    (daycare, etc.), entitlement to Maternity leave
    and Feds should help women overcome discrimination

Student Movement
  • Centered around protest of mainstream society
  • Sex, drugs and RocknRoll major changes in
    culture and outlook on morality, religion, etc.
  • Also some had strong political beliefs
    protesting for aboriginal, womens and
    environmental rights
  • Many also became involved in protests against
    Vietnam War as well
  • Music marked the generation Dylan, Stones,
    Beatles, etc.

Environmental Movement
  • Started by Silent Spring, written by Rachel
  • Warned of irreparable damage to the Earth by
    modern society
  • Public concern fuels the movement, govt and
    business reluctant
  • Public pressure forces creation of environmental
    protection laws
  • Groups like Greenpeace are created (starts in
    B.C., 1970) sometimes using dramatic tactics to
    draw attention to their cause

Summary Key Points
  • Canada has undergone massive change since WWII-
    first with the Baby Boom and prosperity
  • Face of society has changed multicultural and
    highly diverse, millions come from abroad
  • Women have changed their place in society for the
  • Welfare state has been entrenched CPP, UI,
    Medicare, etc.
  • Pop culture has had a huge influence on Canadians
    influencing trends, movements, policy
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