Title: Chapter 4 Hilbert Space
1Chapter 4 Hilbert Space
2 4.1 Inner product space
3 Inner product
E complex vector space
is called an inner product on E if
4 Inner product space
E complex vector space
Show in next some pages
is an inner product on E
With such inner product E is called
inner product space. If we write
is a norm on E and hence
E is a normed vector space.
5 Schwarz Inequality
E is an inner product space
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7 Triangular Inequality for ? .?
E is an inner product space
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9 Example 1 for Inner product space
10 Example 2 for Inner product space
11 Example 3 for Inner product space
12 Exercise 1.1 (i)
Show that
and hence
is absolutely convergent
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14 Exercise 1.1 (ii)
Show that
is complete
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17 Hilbert space
An inner product space E is called
Hilbert space if
is complete
is a Hilbert space of which
18 Exercise 1.2
Define real inner product space and
real Hilbert space.
19 4.2 Geometry for Hilbert space
20 Theorem 2.1 p.1
E inner product space
M complete convex subset of E
then the following are equivalent
21 Theorem 2.1 p.2
Furthermore there is a unique
satisfing (1) and (2).
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26 Projection from E onto M
The map
defined by txy, where
y is the unique element in M which satisfies (1)
of Thm 1 is called the projection from E onto M.
and is denoted by
27 Corollary 2.1
Let M be a closed convex subset of a Hilbert
space E, then
has the following
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29 Convex Cone
A convex set M in a vector space is called
a convex cone if
30 Exercise 2.2 (i)
Let M be a closed convex cone in a Hilbert
space E and let
Show that
I being the identity map of E.
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32 Exercise 2.2 (ii)
( t is positive homogeneous)
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34 Exercise 2.2 (iii)
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36 Exercise 2.2 (iv)
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38 Exercise 2.2 (v)
conversely if
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40 Exercise 2.2 (vi)
In the remaining exercise, suppose that
M is a closed vector subspace of E. Show that
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42 Exercise 2.2 (vii)
both t and s are continuous and linear
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44 Exercise 2.2 (viii)
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46 Exercise 2.2 (ix)
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48 Exercise 2.2 (x)
tx and sx are the unique elements
such that xyz
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50 4.3 Linear transformation
51 We consider a linear transformation from
a normed vector space X into a normed
vector space Y over the same field R or C.
52Exercise 1.1
T is continuous on X if and only if
T is continuous at one point.
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54 Theorem 3.1
T is continuous if and only if there is a
such that
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56 Theorem 3.3Riesz Representation Theorem
Let X be a Hilbert space and
such that
then there is
Furthermore the map
is conjugate linear and
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58 4.4 Lebesgue Nikondym Theorem
59 Indefinite integral of f
be a measurable space
and f a S measurable function on O
Suppose that
has a meaning
then the set function defined by
is called
the indefinite integral of f.
60 Property of Indefinite integral of f
? is s- additive i.e. if
is a disjoint sequence, then
61Absolute Continuous
? is said to be absolute continuous w.r.t µ if
62Theorem 4.1Lebesgue Nikodym Theorem
Suppose that ?is absolute continuous w.r.t. µ,
then there is a unque
such that
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67 4.5 Lax-Milgram Theorem
68Sesquilinear p.1
Let X be a complex Hilbert space.
is called sesquilinear if
69Sesquilinear p.2
B is called bounded if there is rgt0 such that
B is called positive definite if there is ?gt0 s.t.
70Theorem 5.1The Lax-Milgram Theorem p.1
Let X be a complex Hilbert space and B a
a bounded, positive definite sesquilinear
functional on X x X , then there is a unique
bounded linear operator SX ?X such that
71Theorem 5.1 The Lax-Milgram Theorem p.2
exists and is bounded with
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76 4.7 Bessel Inequality and parseval Relation
77Propositions p.1
be an orthogonal system in a
Hilbert space X, and let U be the closed vector
subspace generated by
be the orthogonal projection onto U
78Proposition (1)
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80Proposition (2)
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82Proposition (3)
For each k and x,y in X
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84Proposition (4)
For any x,y in X
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86Proposition (5)
Bessel inequality
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88Proposition (6)
( Parseval relation)
An orthonormal system
is called complete if UX
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A Hilbert space is called separable
if it contains a countable dense subset
91Theorem 7.1
A saparable Hilbert space is isometrically
isomorphic either to
for some n
or to
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