Title: Choice Based Credit Semester System (CCSS)
1Choice Based Credit Semester System (CCSS)
2Semesterisation and Grading at ug level
- Kerala State Higher Education Council recommended
to restructure the Under Graduate education by
Introducing Semesterisation and Grading. - Calicut University implemented CCSS
- Programme - Entire course of study
(traditionally referred to as course). - Course - subject (traditionally referred to as
paper) - Credit (Cr) - weekly unit of work
- Duration 6 semesters distributed in a period
of 3 years - The odd semesters June to October
- Even semesters November to March
- Each semester Min 90 working days of 18 weeks, 5
Days and 5 Hours
- Total 31 courses
- 10 Common Courses (Code A)
- 16 Core Courses (Code B)
- 04 Complimentary Courses (Code C)
- 01 Open Courses (Code D)
- To pass Achieve a min of 120 credits
- Common 38 credits
- Core and Complimentary 78 credits
- Open 4 credits
- Min 75 during a semester for each course
- Condonation max 10 days in a semester and max 2
times during the programme
8Extra credits
- NCC weightage certificate- 1
- NSS weightage certificate -1
- University level participation in sports -1
- Participation in inter zone arts festival -1
- Participation in inter University meets -1
- Compulsory social service (CSS) for a period of
30 days -
- Two parts
- Internal Evaluation (25 Weightage)
- External Evaluation (75 Weightage)
10Internal Evaluation
- Based on Direct Grading System
- Five components for internal assessment
- Assignment - 1 wieghtage
- Seminar - 1 weightage
- Test Paper (2 test papers) 2 weightage
- Attendance 1 weightage
- Total 5 weightage
- There shall not be any chance for improvement
for internal grade
11External Evaluation
- Immediately after Each Semester
- Based on Direct Grading System
- Four types of questions
- 1. Multiple Choice/Objective Type questions
- 2. Short Answer type questions
- 3. Short Essays/Problems
- 4. Long Essays
12External Evaluation
- Questions are given different weights.
- Weights are similar to marks in the traditional
marks system. - Weights of these 4 types of questions ¼, 1, 2, 4
Letter Grade Grade Point Grade Point Range
A 4 3.5-4
B 3 2.5-3.49
C 2 1.5-2.49
D 1 0.5-1.49
E 0 0-0.49
14Passing a course
- Aggregate C grade in each course for a pass and
also for awarding a degree
15Grade of Internal Assessment
Theory Weight Grade Grade point Weighted grade point
Assignment 1 A 4 4
Seminar 1 A 4 4
Attendance 1 B 3 3
Internal Test 1 1 B 3 3
Internal Test 2 1 A 4 4
Total 5 17
Internal Grade Sum of weighted grade points/ sum of weights 18/5 3.4 Sum of weighted grade points/ sum of weights 18/5 3.4 Sum of weighted grade points/ sum of weights 18/5 3.4 B
16Internal Grade for Attendance
of Attendance Grade
Above 90 A
85 89.9 B
80-84.9 C
75-79.9 D
Less than 75 E
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Grade of a Course
Exam Weight Grade Grade Point Weighted Grade Point
External 3 B 3.13 (ext wgpa) 9.39
Internal 1 B 3 3
Total 4 12.39
Grade of a course Overall WGPA Sum of weighted grade points/sum of weights 12.39/4 3.10 Overall WGPA Sum of weighted grade points/sum of weights 12.39/4 3.10 Overall WGPA Sum of weighted grade points/sum of weights 12.39/4 3.10 B
20Calculation of SGPA
Course Code Credits Overall Grade Overall WGPA Credit points
01 3 B 3.10 9.30
02 3 C 2.40 7.20
03 4 A 3.70 14.80
04 4 B 2.60 10.40
05 4 A 3.80 15.20
Total 18 56.90
SGPA Sum of credit points/sum of credits 56.90/18 3.16 Sum of credit points/sum of credits 56.90/18 3.16 Sum of credit points/sum of credits 56.90/18 3.16 B
21Calculation of CGPA
Semester SGPA Credits Credit points
I 3.16 18 56.88
II 2.80 20 56.00
III 3.58 20 71.60
IV 3.35 20 67.00
V 3.65 22 80.30
VI 3.70 20 74.00
Total 120 405.78
CGPA Sum of credit points/total credits 405.78/120 3.38 Sum of credit points/total credits 405.78/120 3.38 B
- CGPA is calculated at the end of the programme
- CGPA will be calculated seperately for
- Core courses
- Common Courses English
- Common Courses Other than english
- Complementary Courses
- Open courses
- And overall CGPA
23Overall Grade in a Programme
A seven point scale letter grade will be used
CGPA Overall Letter Grade
3.80- 4.00 A
3.50- 3.79 A
3.00- 3.49 B
2.5-2.99 B
2.00-2.49 C
1.50- 1.99 C
1.00-1.49 D
24Percentage equelence
- Percentage CGPA/4 100
- 3.38/4 100
- 84.5
- The successful completion of all the courses
(common, core, complementary and open courses)
prescribed for the degree programme with C grade
shall be the minimum requirement for the award of
the degree.