Title: TEAMS Total Electronic Asset Management System
1TEAMS Total Electronic Asset Management System
2TEAMS Training Modules
- Introduction to Set-up and Operations of TEAMS
Software - Inventory Function and Operation
- Criticality Assessments
- Condition and Valuation Assessments
- Maintenance Management Program
- Asset Rehabilitation and Replacement Program
- Financial Planning
- Training Module 2
- Inventory Function and Operation
- Treatment Facility
- Collection System
4Inventory Data Collection / Entry
- Start with a small number of assets.
- Apply the principle of One Asset at a Time
5Layout of Switchboard
6Suppliers Form
7Suppliers Form
8Suppliers Modification Form
9Suppliers Modification Form
10The Two Supplier Forms Work Differently
The first form only allows data entry
The second form allows data retrieval and
11Location Form Category Form
- Before entering data here, consider which
categories the assets will be included along with
their overall location. - Considerable thought is necessary in designing
the asset hierarchy
12Location Form Category Form
13Location Form
14Category Form
15Asset Data Entry Form
16Asset Data Entry Form Treatment Plant
Pumping Stations
17Asset Data Entry Form Collection System
18Collection System Data Entry Streets Form
Photos First
19Streets Form
20Photos Form
21Actual Collection System Data Entry First Step
22Asset Data Entry Form Pipes and
Manhole/Nodes Forms
23Manhole Data Entry Form
24Pipes Data Entry Form
25Asset Data Modification Form
26Trades, Departments, Employees, Payrolland
Training Forms
27TEAMS Training Modules
- Introduction to Set-up and Operations of TEAMS
Software - Inventory Function and Operation
- Criticality Assessment
- Condition and Valuation Assessment
- Maintenance Management Program
- Asset Rehabilitation and Replacement Program
- Financial Plan