Title: Sharon Walpole
1Literacy Coaches in ActionStrategies for
Crafting Building-Level Support Systems
Sharon Walpole University of Delaware Michael C.
McKenna University of Virginia
2Goals for this session
- Point to relevant areas for research
- Provide some description of existing models,
along with sources for further study - Invite you to incorporate aspects of these
models, as you plan to use coaches to build
knowledge, reflection on data, observe, model,
and reflect on their work
3Research Review?
- What we can not do
- Tell what works best in general
- Tell what will work best for you
- Predict specific problems in implementation
- What we can do
- Tell what is being tried
- Present research questions for the future
- Provide guidance for your inquiry
- Suggest related research
4Background Dimensions
Coaching Models
Professional Development
School Improvement Policy Initiatives
5Start by thinking broadly
6Coaching is school-based professional
development designed in light of the districts
reform agenda and guided by the goal of meeting
schools specific instructional learning
needs Neufeld Roper, 2003, p. 4
7Good Professional Development
- is grounded in inquiry
- is collaborative, based on communities of
teachers - is connected to and derived from teachers work
with students - must engage teachers in concrete tasks of
teaching, assessment, observation and reflection - must be connected to other aspects of school
change - is sustained, ongoing, intensive, and supported
by modeling, coaching, and problem solving - Neufeld Roper, 2003, p. 3
8Seagull Approach
9Research Questions?
- Who are these people?
- Why do we need them?
- What should they do?
- When should they do it?
- Where should they do it?
- How can they do it best?
10. . . while not yet proven to increase student
achievement, coaching does increase the
instructional capacity of schools and teachers, a
known prerequisite for increasing learning
Neufeld Roper, 2003, p. v
12Professional Support System
- Joyce, B., Showers, B. (2002). Student
achievement through staff development. White
Plains, NY Longman.
13 nested inside a system
- Schools are hierarchically structured each level
above helps or hinders the one below (the
relationships are rarely neutral) (Fullan, 2005).
14LCs must be systems thinkers . . .
- People capable of participating in the reform of
a system (a school nested in a district nested in
a state) by interacting with and supporting the
development of other leaders
Context Process Content
Learning communitiesLeadershipResources Data-drivenEvaluationResearch-basedDesignLearningCollaboration EquityQuality teachingFamily involvement
- http//www.nsdc.org/standards/index.cfm
16Continuum of PD
Training in specific skills or programs
Comprehensive plan aimed at increasing student
Narrow Broad
17Making coaching work for you
Monitor impact on teaching and learning
Plan implementation steps
Choose or create a model consistent with your
goals and resources
18Training Models
- If the curriculum target is very clear, consider
a training model - Work as a liaison to maintain support for the
program inside and outside the school - Manage and interpret data to measure program
outcomes - Provide support to teachers inside and outside
the classroom -- including formal observations
with set protocols
19Training models cut across theoretical boundaries
Extensive professional support systems for
leaders Clear and public expectations for
coaching roles and responsibilities Built-in
tools to facilitate the work of the coach
20Can you steal any ideas from training models?
21Process Models
- If the coaching duties extend across many
disciplines and content areas - Establish procedures for shared problem-solving
- Establish protocols for meetings and observations
- Plan for recognizing and including diverse talents
22Process models cut across curriculum boundaries
- Collaborative Consultation
- Peer Coaching
Implementation not nested within any one area of
reform Implementation not tied to any specific
set of teaching strategies Site-based effort with
some outside support Emphasis on
combining/sharing existing expertise
23(No Transcript)
24Can you steal any ideas from process models?
25One Choice and Process Model
- Teachers and coaches decide on a specific
strategy to study (within the broader constraints
of a district or state curriculum) and work with
the coach during a limited time frame
26Collaborative Coaching and Learning
- A cadre of coaches work together in Boston Public
Schools, working with groups of teachers in
8-week cycles in particular schools - Inquiry to determine focus and goals
- Course of study to direct professional reading
- Demonstration lessons for the group and
individuals - Follow-up to ensure administrative support
27Can you steal any ideas from training models?
28 Reform Model
29How have coaches enacted this particular reform
Mentor Director
Classroom-level focus Relationships Modeling Observing Differentiated support School-level focus Vision Scheduling Managing Differentiated support Modeling Observing
30Can you steal any ideas from this reform model?
31Once you craft a model, make sure that your
coaching includes time and support for specific
32Plan to build knowledge
- Consider a variety of educators, including
outsiders - Topics should begin with nuts and bolts
- Topics should become increasingly focused
- and based on teacher requests
- Be specific about how, when, and why the
knowledge you - are building can drive instruction
33Plan to reflect on student data
- Engage teachers in collecting and evaluating data
- Summarize data at the grade- or school-level
- Consider classroom-level data with individual
- teachers
34Plan to learn together
- Consider formal book clubs for professional texts
- carefully selected to support building goals
- Consider allowing teachers to choose among
several - concurrent study groups
- Focus attention on text ideas first, then on
implications - for teaching and learning
- Set a schedule that allows learning during the
school day
35Plan for Observation and Feedback
- Observe after teacher have a chance to learn
about and - practice new ideas
- Set up a formative, not evaluative, observation
system - Plan for feedback that is quick and specific
- Use observations to differentiate the work of
the coach - to meet the needs of individual teachers
36Plan for Modeling
- Show teachers after you tell them
- Consider peer modeling
- Consider strategies for incorporating technology
37Steps to Improved Practice PD Activities
Introduce New Ideas about Instruction Knowledge-building sessions, courses, study groups, modeling
Follow-up to Facilitate Implementation Observations, taping, conferencing, lesson plan review
Tie Implementation to Achievement Data Progress monitoring, grouping decisions, joint analysis
Revisit Beliefs about Instruction Grade group discussions, data-focused conferences