Chestnut Blight Cryphonectria parasitica - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chestnut Blight Cryphonectria parasitica


Chestnut Blight Cryphonectria parasitica The American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) American Chestnut: Range Maine to Georgia and west to Ohio and Tennessee. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chestnut Blight Cryphonectria parasitica

Chestnut BlightCryphonectria parasitica
The American Chestnut(Castanea dentata)
American Chestnut Range
  • Maine to Georgia and west to Ohio and Tennessee.
    (Braun, 1950)
  • Commonly made up 25 or more of mixed stands
  • Formed pure stands on many dry Appalachian
    ridgetops and near densely populated areas.

Historical Range of Castanea dentata (Saucier,
American Chestnut Habitat
  • Common on midslopes and other moderately dry
  • Shared moist meso-phytic soils with many other
  • Tap root 4 to 5 ft down

Redwoods of the East
  • Mature chestnuts could be 600 years old and
    average up to five feet in diameter and 100 feet
  • Many specimens of 8 to 10 feet in diameter were

American Chestnut Ecological Importance
  • Wildlife depended on the abundant crop of
  • Many species of insects fed on the leaves,
    flowers, and nuts

American Chestnut Economic Importance
  • Throughout much of the range chestnut had the
    most timber volume of any species
  • Half the standing timber volume of CT
  • Was the major source of tannin for leather
    production (6-11 tannin content)
  • Chestnuts

From cradle to casket
  • Fast growing
  • reached half ultimate height by 20th year
  • Resistant to decay
  • Straight and tall
  • often branch free for 50 feet
  • Only white pine tulip poplar could grow taller

From cradle to casket
  • Posts railroad ties
  • Telephone poles (65 feet)
  • Construction
  • Fuel
  • Fine furniture musical instruments

American Chestnut Economic Importance
  • Scientific forest management in the US was just
    getting started when the country lost its most
    important hard wood species (Smith, 2000)
  • Foresters had begun to develop comprehensive
    plans for intensive management

  • Near densely populated areas Chestnut often
    formed nearly complete stands
  • due to rapid growth from stump sprouts
  • repeated coppicing for fuelwood

Pure stand of Chestnut in CT 90 years after
clear-cutting, 1905.
  • Experts estimate that American Chestnut
    represented half the commercial value of all
    Eastern North American hardwoods

  • the most valuable and usable tree that ever
    grew in the Eastern United States.

Introduction of Cryphonectria parasitica
  • In 1904, Herman Merkel, a forester at the New
    York Zoological Garden, found odd cankers on
    American chestnut trees in the park

Introduction of Cryphonectria parasitica
  • "rapid sudden death of many branches stems

Introduction of Cryphonectria parasitica
  • American Chestnut produces a sweet but small nut 
  • Chinese chestnut produces a large but generally
    tasteless nut

Introduction of Cryphonectria parasitica
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • imported European or Spanish chestnut (Castanea
  • grafted it onto native root stocks at
  • In 1876, a nurseryman in Flushing, NY, imported
    the Japanese chestnut (C. crenata).
  • More were brought over in 1882 and 1886.
  • Chinese chestnut (C. Molissima) was brought here
    from Ichang in 1900.
  • to hybridize for ornamentals and nut production

Cryphonectria parasitica
  • Ascomycete
  • Produces both conidia ascospores
  • Pycnidia stromata break through the lenticels and
    produce conidia and perithecia producing
    ascospores are formed

Cryphonectria parasitica Life Cycle
  • Animals and insects
  • Ascospores are shot into the air after rain
    storms in the fall
  • Rain (conidia)

active growth sporulation
  • Infects trunk and branches
  • Only above ground parts of trees

How does it kill the tree?
  • Enters through fissures or wounds in the bark
  • Grows in and under the bark, girdling the
  • Kill the tree above the point of infection.

  • Causes swollen or sunken orange-colored cankers
    on the limbs and trunks of the chestnut trees.

How does it kill the tree?
  • The leaves above the point of infection die,
    followed by the limbs.
  • Within two to ten years the entire tree is dead.
  • Not uncommon to find many cankers on one tree

How does it kill the tree?
  • The fungus has girdled the tree and is
    producing yellow conidia asexual spores

Host Range
  • Like most cankers - fairly specific host range
  • Serious pathogen American European (infects
    Japanese and Chinese much less)
  • Moderate pathogen Chinquapin Live Oak 
  • Can also be found infecting/living on numerous
    oak species in the US

Rate of Spread
  • Aggressive attempts to halt the spread of the
    blight were made by PA and NY
  • removed chestnut over a large area to halt
    southward spread
  • In 1911-1913, the U.S. Congress appropriated
    special funds to enable foresters to study and
    control the blight

Rate of Spread
  • Horticulturalists, found a blight-free area in
    Pennsylvania and quickly imported trees to form
    an experiment station
  • transported the blight and created a new
  • Accelerated spread in PA
  • Cuts in funding for Chestnut blight research
  • With the onset of World War I in 1914
  • The evident futility of control efforts

  • By 1926, fungus reported throughout native range
  • By 1940, virtually all (an estimated 4 billion)
    were dead or infected with the blight
  • Chestnut was the dominant wood processed at PA
    sawmills in the early 1920s,
  • salvage logging to make use of the dead and
    dying trees

  • a tragic loss, one of the worst natural
    calamities ever experienced by this nation

Cummulative Impacts
  • Chestnut in Southern range was first affected by
    Phytophtera cinnamomum
  • Now affecting hybrids

Cummulative Impacts
  • In 1974, the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp
    (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) was brought to the US
  • Female lays eggs in chestnut vegetative buds
  • Galls suppress shoot elongation and reduce
  • Heavy infestations can kill the trees (afflicts
    both American and Chinese chestnuts at the
    southern end of their ranges)
  • Threatening complete extinction
  • (Anagnostakis, 1994)

Varying Outcomes Europe
  • The fungus was later introduced into Europe (for
    tree breeding) from America
  • Moved through Europe killing European Chestnut
  • However, it was observed that many trees, while
    infected and full of cankers, did not die

  • Instead of sunken diffuse cankers, surviving Europ
    ean chestnuts had swollen cankers with evidence
    of "healing" along the margins.

  • Many forest pathologists began working on
    this healing canker
  • Speculation that
  • European Chestnut was less susceptible
  • That the fungus had mutated
  • That it was a different fungus altogether 

  • Noticed that a different colored fungus was
    recovered from "healing cankers"  
  • Instead of the typical orange colored
    Cryphonectria parasitica fungus, a white-colored
    fungus was found. 
  • White fungus was slower growing and produced
    fewer spores
  • When you "sprayed" the white fungus on a "killing
    canker" the "killing canker"  became a "healing
    canker" (Europe)

  • Determined that the white hypovirulent strains
    had become infected with a simple dsRNA  virus
  • This virus was making the fungus "sick
  • A slower fungus allowed the tree to respond to a
    point where the tree could survive infection

Varying Outcomes Europe
  • Grente reported in 1965 that hypovirulent
    strains from Italy did not kill chestnut trees
  • Began a program of active intervention when
    blight was found in France
  • blight strains with dsRNA passed hypovirulence to
    lethal strains
  • Treatment of new cankers as they formed resulted
    in a successful biological therapy of the
  • treat every canker for several years

  • For a number of reasons biological control of
    chestnut blight does not work as well in the US
  • Different mating types of the fungus
  • Lack of chestnut to support conversion of the
    fungus by the virus
  • The many different types of virus in the United

Varying Outcomes Michigan
  • Hypovirulent strains were found in the United
  • Most notably in Michigan
  • Successful because
  • Few mating types
  • High number of Chestnut
  • Isolated from the native range   
  • Less diversity of pathogen in MI so that
    hypovirulence can transfer more readily

  • The transmission of hypovirulence from strain to
    strain of the fungus is restricted by a genetic
    system of vegetative incompatibility
  • Six loci, each with two alleles in a system of
    heterogenic incompatibility which keep the
    strains of the fungus from fusing and passing
    hypovirulence (Huber and Milgroom)
  • Virus transfer is restricted when there are
    different alleles at the vegetative
    incompatibility loci

Current Status
  • Reduced to a short lived sprouting understory
  • Fungus can not survive below the ground. 
  • roots continue to live and they send up stump

Current Status
  • Stump sprouts grow until infected
  • the stump re-sprouts again
  • Little chance for resistance to evolve
  • sprouts typically killed before they become
    sexually mature
  • sexual reproduction rare

Last remaining stand of American Chestnut
  • Largest living (gt3 ft dbh) about 20 miles east
    of La Crosse, WI.
  • 10 chestnuts planted in 1885
  • Seeds propagated around 50 acres and more than
    3000 trees
  • Trees were blight free due to isolation until a
    canker was found in 1986
  • Now over 1600 cankers are present on 530 trees.  
  • Virus was introduced in 1992 not successful

Where are we now?
  • Upper slopes scarlet oak, hickory, black gum
  • Mid slopes red and white oak, red maple,
  • Coves Poplar, hard maple, beech
  • Understory - American chestnut sprouts still
    persist, however they become infected between
    1-12 yrs of age.

Blight Control and Restoration
  • Approaches
  • Hypovirulent strains
  • Asian blight resistance
  • Natural resistance
  • Forest management practices

Hypovirulent Strains
  • Italian and French scientists observed non-lethal
    cankers growing on trees in Italy (1960s)
  • Found that strains of the fungus associated with
    the blight produced colonies of abnormal shape
    and pigment
  • Demonstrated that these strains contained some
    contagious factor responsible for the
    inability to produce lethal infections (i.e.,
  • In North America, hypovirus-infected strains have
    been found in stands in Michigan.

Hypovirulent Strains
  • In the last two decades, scientists have
    attempted to debilitate the fungus by infecting
    it with a virus, a process called hypovirulence.
  • Hypovirulence gives chestnut trees a much less
    potent form of the disease and gives chestnuts a
    fighting chance for survival (i.e., fungus is
    restricted to the outer bark).
  • Once introduced into a few trees, hopes are that
    hypovirulence will spread throughout the forest,
    offering hope to surrounding trees as well.

  • Varied success
  • increase in stem size and stem number
    (Anagnostakis 2001)
  • strains do not persist (Peever et al. 1997)

Virulent strains
Hypovirulent strains
Intensively treated - cankers sampled, paired
with hypovirulent strains, and reintroduced into
the canker.
Limited treatment - cankers were sprayed with a
mixture of conidia from Hypovirus-infected
strains that had been used for treatment of the
intensively treated plot.
Control Treatment
Factors contributing to failure
  • high blight susceptibility
  • abundance of virulent inoculum
  • restricted movement of the hypovirulence viruses
    among the many strains
  • Europe and Michigan strains

Factors contributing to failure
  • The transmission of hypovirulence from strain to
    strain of the fungus is restricted by a genetic
    system of vegetative incompatibility.
  • Genetic studies found that there are six loci,
    each with two alleles in a system of heterogenic
    incompatibility which keep the strains of the
    fungus from fusing and passing hypovirulence
    (Milgroom and Cortesi).

More factors contributing to failure
  • environmental stress
  • superficial canker instability (i.e.,
    hypovirulent cankers produced change back into a
    killing canker after one or more winters)

Asian blight resistance
  • Early breeding efforts unsuccessful
  • Poor form
  • lt 50 AC parentage
  • Poor survival
  • 1981 backcross breeding method proposed (Burnham)
  • Better form
  • Field blight resistance

  • Resistant Asian X Susceptible American
  • Partially resistant X American again
  • 1 out of the 4 will have 1 copy of both resistant
  • Process repeated until a final cross of 2 trees
    with partial resistance yields 1 having 2 copies
    of both resistant genes making it fully resistant

American chestnut resistance
  • Breeding programs
  • Scions were grafted into chestnut rootstocks to
    establish seed orchards
  • Seeds and seedlings have been distributed that
    have low levels of blight resistance by
    artificial inoculation with a standard virulent

Site Factors
  • High vs. low elevation
  • High elevation sites contain the highest density
    of chestnut sprouts
  • Studies found the superficiality rating of
    cankers to decrease greatly (disease developed at
    the vascular cambium) after several winters at
    high elevation sites
  • May be a result of physiological stress from low
    temperatures in mid- to late winter which may
    decrease host defense mechanisms in chestnut
    towards weak pathogens, such as hypovirulent

Site Factors
  • Xeric vs. mesic sites
  • Blight control greatest on mesic sites
  • Competition- high levels of hardwood competition,
    especially on mesic sites
  • Browse damage

  • Combination of the four approaches can bring the
    chestnut back
  • Individual or group selection openings- an
    integrated management system using grafted trees,
    inoculating them with hypovirulent strains, and
    controlling hardwood competition
  • Timber production- backcross approaches
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