Words and Pictures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Words and Pictures


Words and Pictures See Chapter 5 in A.Turnell and S.Essex Working with Denied child abuse: the Resolutions approach. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Words and Pictures

Words and Pictures
  • See Chapter 5 in
  • A.Turnell and S.Essex
    Working with Denied child abuse
    the Resolutions approach. OU press 2006
  • And article in Context 97 June 2008
  • Hiles, Essex, Fox and Luger.

Resolutions words and picturesHelping to
create a coherent narrative about difficult
  • What would you like me to make sure I cover this
  • Basic Principles and Techniques.
  • Brief exercise.
  • Recent experiences.
  • Questions?

Entertaining multiple positions
simultaneously, Process leading up to Words and
Pics very important. See book Donnas case
Chapter 4.
Judge He did it
Granma Im confused and worried
Mother Hes my Husband, I dont know what to
Worker She should leave him!
Dad Youre sick people Out to destroy me
Like these jugglers you need to be able to
utilise and keep all the positions in play all
the time
The challenge is this often feels like youre
juggling fire
The Benefit of the Words and Pictures Process
Some adults who, despite having had very
traumatic childhoods about which they can
nevertheless tell coherent stories, are likely
to have securely attached children One
important therapeutic implication of this finding
is that it may be helpful, perhaps even
transforming, to help the family to tell a more
coherent story about its painful
experiences, Including (traumatic events) its
illnesses. John Byng-Hall Toward a
coherent story about illness and loss. in
Multiple Voices 1997.
  • Certain topics are so emotionally laden that
    some people seem to think that systemic ideas do
    not apply in such cases....
  • Cecchin, Lane and Ray Irreverence 1992
  • We can be over or under organised by topics that
    emotionally overwhelm, how do we find a way that
    includes children and childrens voices.

This light globe seems faulty A key issue in
Child Protection is how do we create openess
about the concerns.
This light globe Still seems faulty
but now weve installed a whole new lighting
No Gratuitous opinions
  • Could we leave whether you did it or not to one
    side, up on a shelf so to speak?
  • If the dispute was easy to resolve I guess it
    would have happened by now.
  • Current research indicates, I can understand from
    the research and literature why they are worried
    but i do hear what you are saying , I have made a
    note of it here.
  • Dont be tempted to give a definitive position.

Words and Pictures
  • Explanations for children as to what has happened
    in their family and why they may not be living at
    home, using drawing, play people etc.
  • Undertaken with children and their parents and
    often with members of the support network
  • Words and Pictures are the bedrock in creating
    openess which leads the way to an agreed safety

DVD Case Example
  • Alex and Kate Smith have two children, Jake 4
    years and Chloe 8 months. Chloe is presented at
    hospital having allegedly been dropped by Alex
    whilst in his sole care. Medical examination
    reveals linear bruising to Chloes cheek, rib
    fractures of different ages and subdural
    haematomas, which the doctors think are
    non-accidental in origin. The family are not
    known to Social Services and the Health Visitor
    reports positively about the parenting and care
    of the children until this time. Jake is placed
    in foster care and Chloe joins him when she is
    allowed to leave hospital. Alex and Kate are
    allowed contact with the children five days per
    week supervised by social workers. The matter is
    put before the Court which has to decide what
    should happen to the children. Further
    assessments reveal no other concerns and both
    parents deny they have injured Chloe.

Genogram Alex and Kate.

DVD case example Julia and Gerry
  • A pre-school girl from Sunday School (Kelly),
    where Gerry helped as Leader, alleged that Gerry
    had sexually abused her. The matter was not taken
    to court but Social Services substantiated the
    allegations based on the detail of oral abuse in
    the girls report. As a result of this Social
    Services were concerned for the current and
    future safety of Gerry and Julias 3 year old
    daughter Emma. Julias sister Sharon and Julias
    mother have been helpful during the investigation.

Julia and Gerry Genogram

Financial Advisor
Artist Community Projects
Sunday School Teacher
CSA Allegation
Nursery School Day Care
Social Workers
Words and Pics exercise
  • In threes think of the DVD family with injured
    baby Chloe or little Emma.
  • What might you expect someone to say to Jake
    about why he and his sister were going to Foster
    carers for a while?
  • What might you expect someone to say to Emma
    about why Daddy is not at home?
  • ( Think how you might use age appropriate
    language and some pictures)
  • Who might explain to Jake/Emma, how might you
    help them explain?

Exercise in 3s
  • In 3s think what you might want children to know
    about the concerns.
  • What might they already know and how?
  • Who would you want to talk to the children about
    the concerns, workers, family member?
  • What would you want them to say, how much or how
    little to get across the concerns?

Susie Essex 2011
It isnt easy.
  • Children are often not asked what they make of
    what is happening.
  • Children are often left out of discussions about
    what is happening and why.
  • Adults are often at a loss about how much to say,
    or how little to say, and what words to use.
  • By adults I include not just family members but
    also key professionals.
  • If we have ideas about what to say how do we take
    family members /carers worries into account.

Fictitious Case Example for Fabricated or
Induced Illness
  • Family Members
  • Mother Mari 24 Dual Heritage 2nd Generation
  • Father Ralph 32 White UK
  • Jodie born Autumn 2006
  • Hospital age 1 month Apnoea attack
  • age 6 weeks Apnoea attack and rash
  • age 3 months rash possible Apnoea
  • Previous Child Death Boy Eli age 10 months in
  • New Baby Due Easter 2008
  • The Safety Network
  • Grandmother dual heritage white UK and black
  • Great Uncle Frank and girlfriend Jo (Grandpa died
    2005, white UK)
  • Godmother Connie
  • Church friends Pastor Mark and Cheryl etc.

Words and Pictures for Jodi - 1
In 2006, in the Winter, Jodi had a rash on her
face. The doctor came to see Jodi. Grandma Sophie
was there, as Mum had called her because they
were so worried about Jodi.
The doctor gave Mum and Dad a letter, saying
Please take Jodi to Hospital.
Words and Pictures for Jodi - 2
Jodi went to the Hospital. Mummy told them Jodi
seemed a bit floppy in the night. The doctors
said The rash might be a virus, but we need to
check. Jodi stayed in Hospital.
Words and Pictures for Jodi - 3
The doctors were worried as this was the third
time in 3 months that Jodi had come to Hospital
since she was born. The doctors talked to
another doctor..they thought the rash might be
because someone had stopped Jodie breathing but
they couldnt be sure.
..then they talked to Social Services and other
Words and Pictures for Jodi - 4
There was a big meeting - a Case Conference. The
doctor said We are very worried about Jodis
rash. We think she might have been hurt The
Case Conference decided to ask another doctor in
London to see Jodi.
Words and Pictures for Jodi - 5
In London, Mummy and Daddy said Jodi had one rash
and had been to hospital lots because she was
ill. The doctors seemed to say different things.
Everyone was very worried. The Social Worker
said this is confusing and worrying. I have to
make sure Jodi is safe . We need a Judge to help
sort it out. The Judge said she thought Jodi had
been hurt when mummy was looking after her. She
said she had to be sure Jodi would not be hurt
DVD clip Words and Pics
Words and Pictures Processin outline
  • Explain the process to parents and their key
  • ( Explore these same issues with the other
    parent, kinship system, and significant adults in
    the childs life)
  • Offer a first draft of the explanation to parents
    and advisors, and if possible network system.
  • Edit refine and agree the final version with
    parents advisors and social services. (CYPS).
    (Pictures agreed either what will be drawn or
    done as part of the draft.)
  • Provide the explanation using the words and pics
    document to the children preferably with network

Questions for Words and Pictures
  • What do you think Sharni makes of what is
  • What makes you think she thinks that?
  • What questions has she asked?
  • What difference would it make if she knew a bit
    more about what has been happening?
  • What might she have overheard?
  • What does she think happened to Asha, why does
    she think she is staying with grandma?

Words and Pics storyboard First part Keep
  • 1. Begin by briefing statutory child protection
    workers on the process and obtain their
    permission and endorsement to undertake the
    process and commitment to use the words and
    pictures within the looked-after/child protection
    system .
  1. Check with the parent or parents about the
    problem (e.g., mental health problem severe
    illness child protection concerns drug or
    alcohol misuse) regarding from their point of
    view what would be most helpful for their
    children to understand about the situation.

3. Explore these same issues with the other
parent, kinship system, and significant
adults in the childs life.
Second part, First Draft.
  • 4. Explore with child/children what they make of
    what is happening, what they already think and
    know, and what they are concerned about. (
    Depending on the circumstances include a parent,
    or both parents and a supporter or childrens
    current carers/ trusted adult from the kinship
    system. For teenagers have a separate session to
    talk through what would work best for them.)
  • 5. Draft the explanation utilising the families
    own language and ways of expressing concerns
    wherever possible bearing in mind the familys
    race culture and religion. Link all the above to
    any worries about the children at home, at
    school, with peers ie how the child might be
    expressing some of the worries and their

Second part cond.
  • 5cond.. The explanation should be balanced and
    not solely focused on the concerns/ negative. The
    explanation should be framed with a neutral or
    affirmative beginning and a positive end. The
    explanation should include meaningful positive
    events or aspects of the childs life that fit
    and add to the overall story.
  • 6. Present the first draft to the parents.
    Develop and refine the Words ( and Pictures if
    drafted), so that they are comfortable with the
    draft and the explanation reflects what they have
    agreed the child should know.
  • 7 Once the parents take ownership of the
    explanation, the next task is to ensure that the
    explanation captures everything the statutory
    agency wants the child to know.

Third Part.Making sure everyone is on the same
  • 8. Provide the explanation to child/children with
    their parents, extended family, carers and social
    service workers present. Set Context, use traffic
    lights, think carefully about teenagers.
  • 9. Ensure that all other significant extended
    family members and adults in the childs life
    have seen the explanation and will draw upon it
    when they need to talk to the child about the
    problems, their parents difficulties or why they
    are in care.
  • Remember no-one finds it easy to know what to
    say, or how much, this document forms the basis
    of all the work. If there are new concerns or
    more positive information comes to light, this
    can be added or included as sessions take place.

Words and Pics Basic Structure
  1. Title to be clear what this is about,
  2. Start Pic sets the Context, neutral not too
  3. Who is worried,
  4. What are they worried about, clear about what the
    worries are this might be the only chance to let
    everyone in the system know the concerns,
  5. Who is trying to help and move things forward,
  6. End all working together. Positive picture and
    future focussed
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