Title: Statutory Branch Audit of Banks
1 Statutory Branch Audit of Banks
2Topics covered......
- General
- Verification of Advances
- Income Recognition Asset Classification norms
of RBI - Long Form Audit Report (LFAR)
4Knowledge of bank business (SA 310)
- Obtain a level of knowledge of bank business to
enable to identify the events, transactions and
practices that may have significant effect on the
financial information - Sources of Information
- Banks annual report to shareholders
- Internal financial management reports for current
and previous periods including budget if any - Previous year audit working papers
- Discussion with and Letters seeking Information
from bank branch Manager - Bank policy and procedures manual
5Transactions in a Branch..
- Deposits account
- 1. Savings Account
- 2. Current Account
- 3. Fixed Deposit Account
6 Transactions in a Bank
- Loan accounts - Funded Non Funded
- Funded (INR/FC)
- 1. Term Loans
- 2. Cash Credits/Overdrafts (working capital
Loans) - 3.Bill Discounting
- Packing credit loans (working capital)
7 Transactions in a Bank
- Loan accounts Unfunded
- 1. Letter of Credit (L/C)
- 2. Bank Guarantees (BG)
- Total advance (exposure) includes funded
8 Transactions in a Bank
9 Letter seeking information
- Before actual commencement of audit a letter may
be written to the management of bank asking for
following information - 1. Basic information about the bank/branch and
its operations - 2. Copies of last year statutory audit
report/comments - 3. Copy of concurrent/inspection/IS audit/revenue
audit reports - 4. Information of top n borrowers for each
kinds of loans/deposits - 5. Instructions issued by Head office for closing
of accounts - 6. Exception reports generated by the software
10Other matters
- Internal control system in CBS environment
- Large volume of transactions
- Risk involved, including possibility of frauds
- Applicability of laws
- Audit Planning and Programme
11 What is CBS environment?
Mobile Banking
Central Server
Credit card
Back office
Net banking
12 13 14Classification of Advances
- Three ways of classification of advances in
balance sheet as schedule 9 of banking regulation
act ,1949 - A) Classification by nature
- i)Bills purchased and discounted
- ii)Cash credits, overdrafts and loans repayable
on demand - iii)Term loans
- B) Classification by security
- i)Secured by tangible assets
15Classification of Advances
- ii) Covered by bank/ government guarantees
- iii) Unsecured
- C) Classification by location
- I. Advance in India (i) Priority
sector (ii) Public sector (iii)
Banks (iv) Others
16Classification of Advances
- II. Advances outside India (i) Due from
banks (ii) Due from others (a) Bills
purchased and discounted (b) Syndicated
loans (c) Others
17Audit Procedures
- 1. Inspection
- 2. Observation
- 3. Inquiry confirmation
- 4. Computation
- 5. Analytical Procedures
- S A 500 (Audit Evidence)
18Inspection and observations
- Inspection consists of examining records,
documents, or tangible assets, ledger accounts - The auditor inspects in order to
- Ensure physical existence of assets that the bank
holds - Obtain the necessary understanding of the terms
and conditions of agreements (including master
agreements) - - Consider their enforceability and
- - Assess the appropriateness of the
accounting treatment they have been given.
19Verification of Advances
- General
- Verification of Advances against Stock Debtors
- Verification of advances against fixed
deposits/NSC/Gold - Verification of advances immovable property
- Verification of advances against bills purchased
and discounted
20Verification of loans and advances (General)
- Check the individual balance in each loan ledger
with the loan schedules/lists - Verify the head office sanction /renewal for
advances sanction as per appropriate authorities - See that margins are maintained in respect of
secured advances - Examine that the operation of each advance is
reviewed at least once in a year - Documentation
21Verification of loans and advances - General
Audit process
- Compliance of procedures ( Application ,
Sanctioning , Disbursement , Review and
Monitoring) - Quality of advance ( Health , Operation
,Security ,Risk and risk mitigation) - Compliance with IRAC norms
- Identification of NPA
- Disagreements with branch giving rise to MOC
- Reporting of NPA to the relevant authority
22Audit process
- Application
- Prescribed format
- Accompanying documents (constitution, Financials,
approvals , Project report agreements etc.) - KYC guidelines
- Processing
- Compliance with policies and guidelines
- Appraisal (technical feasibility, economic
viability and assessment of credit worthiness) - Documentation of appraisal
- Review by controlling authority
23Audit process
- Sanctioning
- Sanctioning by appropriate authority
- Sanctioning beyond the delegated authority
- Terms of sanction
- - Details of security (primary collateral)
- -Repayment Terms
24Audit process
- Documentation (SA 230)
- legal execution of all the necessary documents as
per terms of sanction. - deficiencies in documentation,
- non-registration of charges,
- non-obtaining of guarantees
- Marking of lien (loan against deposit)
- Legal scrutiny- legal title
- Valuation of security
- Safe custody of documents
25Audit process
- Disbursement
- Compliance of sanction terms
- Reporting to sanctioning authority
- End use utilization
- Review /Monitoring
- Clear understanding of procedures of the bank
- Inspection of borrowing unit
- Obtaining balance confirmation / acknowledgement
of debts), - Review of account operations and reporting of
deficiencies such as frequent/ unauthorised over
drawing beyond limits to sanctioning
authority .
26Audit process
- Review/ monitoring
- Submission of the stock/book debt statements /
other operational data and financial statements,
its scrutiny and appropriate follow up - Stock audit (particularly stock audit of all
borrowers exceeding Rs.5 crores) - Inspection / physical verification of securities
charged to the bank. Valuation by approved
valuers of security, once in 3 years, or a
shorter duration if so required. - Obtaining/ review of audited (under RBI
guidelines /other statute) accounts of
non-corporate entities with limits above Rs.10
lakhs - Inadequate insurance coverage , etc
- Initiating proceedings for recovery / recalling
as per instructions of the appropriate authority
27Drawing Power
- Terms of sanction
- Stock of inventory/ book debts
- Paid stock
- Realisable debtors (Sanction terms)
- Random verification/comparison of stock
statements and DP entered in the system - Comparison with Audited statements
- Periodic inspection by branch officials
- Stock audits
- Charging of penal interest exceedings
- Reporting of exceedings
28Drawing power -Illustration
Particulars Amount (Rs.lacs)
Inventory as per the stock statement 75
Creditors for purchases 15
Paid stock 60
Margin as per sanction-25 15
DP against stocks (A) 45
Debtors 125
Debtors more than 90 days 15
Eligible debtors 110
Margin as per sanction- 30 33
DP against debtors (B) 77
29 Areas of concern
- Sanction beyond delegated authority - Reporting
- Health of borrower
- Year end sanction to existing borrowers or group
concerns - Circuitous transactions
- Restructuring of advances ( evergreening)
- Year end regularisations
- Devolvement non fund based advances
- Bullet repayments
- Advances to risky sectors
30Export credit
- Pre shipment credit (financing production cycle)
- On the basis of individual order
- Liquidated out of export proceeds only and
normally not out of rupee funds (except where the
raw materials required for processing exceed FOB
value of contract in which case advance has to be
repaid within maximum 30 days of advance) - Post shipment (financing of bills raised on
oversees buyer) - Concessional rate of interest
- Export proceeds normally to be received in 180
days (Extended to 360 days by RBI) - Concessional rate of interest
31Operation of the account Critical audit
- No of occasions of balance exceeding drawing
power - Reason for excess drawing
- Whether excess drawings are reported to
controlling authority - Total summation less interest , balance
- Adverse observations (concurrent / stock/
internal /other audits / RBI inspection )
32Verification of advances against bills purchased
and discounted Specific points
- All the outstanding bills have been taken in the
balance sheet - The bills must be genuine trade bills
- Verify accompanying documents
- The bills are not overdue. If there are any
overdue bills, the auditors should ascertain the
reasons for the delay and the action taken by the
33End use of Funds
- In cases of project financing, banks ensure end
use of funds by, inter alia, obtaining
certification from the Chartered Accountants - In case any falsification of accounts on the part
of the borrowers is observed by banks, Banks can
lodge a formal complaint against the auditors of
the borrowers, with Institute of Chartered
Accountant of India (ICAI) if it is observed that
the auditors were negligent or deficient in
conducting the audit to enable the ICAI to
examine and fix accountability of the auditors
34Diversion of Funds
- Diversion of funds would be construed to include
any one of the under-noted occurrences - Utilisation of short-term working capital funds
for long-term purposes - Deploying borrowed funds for purposes /
activities or creation of assets other than those
for which the loan was sanctioned - Transferring funds to the subsidiaries / group
companies or other corporate entities by whatever
- Compiling of information required for annexure to
the LFAR relating to furnishing details of
large/irregular/ critical accounts - List of large advances i.e. those in respect of
which the outstanding amount is in excess of 5
of the aggregate advances of the Branch or
Rs.2.00 crores whichever is less duly certified
by the Branch Manager
36 37Income Recognition Asset Classification norms
of RBI
- Known as
- Prudential Norms
38Income Recognition
- Income from NPA is recognised on realisation.(
not on accrual basis concept of uncertainty) - On becoming NPA income recognised, but not
actually realised is to be reversed - Processing fee on sanction/renewal is recognised
on accrual basis (still concept of uncertainty
applies) - BG commission/ income from bills discounting, etc
are recognised over the period of the
guarantee/tenure of the instrument
39 Appropriation of recovery in NPAs
- Interest realised on NPAs may be taken to income
if they are not out of fresh/ additional credit
facilities sanctioned. - In the absence of a clear agreement, the banks
has exercise the right of appropriation of
recoveries and account the same in a uniform and
consistent manner. - Interest Application
- Interest on NPA can be accounted by credit
to Interest Suspense Account ( not to income
account) or such other proforma accounts.
40What is a Non Performing asset?
- Ceases to generate income (RBI Master Circular)
- 90 days over due norm
- Over due if not paid on due date fixed by Bank
- Out of order
- Continuously in excess of sanctioned limits /
drawing power - No credits continuously for 90 days (as on the
date of balance sheet) or credits not sufficient
to cover the interest debited during the same
41NPA various type of facilities
Facility Criteria
Term Loan Interest and or principal remain overdue for more than 90 days
Cash credit and over draft Account is out of order
Bills purchased or discounted Overdue and unpaid for more than 90 days
Securitisation The amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days
Direct Agricultural Advances (as listed in master circular) Short duration crop(( crop season less than one year)- Instalment and or interest remain overdue for two crop seasons Long duration crop( crop season more than one year)- Instalment and or interest remain overdue for one crop seasons As determined by state level bankers committee for each state
42 43Categories of NPAs
Category Basis Remarks
Substandard Assets NPA upto 12 months Possibility of sustaining some loss, if deficiencies are not corrected
Doubtful Assets Substandard for a period exceeding 12 months Recovery, is questionable/ not probable
Loss Assets Where loss is identified by the bank / or the RBI inspection To be written off or fully provided
44Questions ???
- radhesh_at_varmaandvarma.com
45Guidelines for classification
- Loss Assets are written off 100
- Accounts with temporary deficiencies
- DP arrived at based on stock statements older
than 3 months, would be irregular and will become
NPA if not rectified for a continuous period of
90 days even though the health of the account is
satisfactory. - Regular and ad hoc credit limits not reviewed/
renewed within 180 days from the due date will be
treated as NPA.
46Guidelines for classification- issues
- Upgradation of loan accounts classified as NPAs
- Accounts regularised near about the balance sheet
date - Borrower-wise and not facility-wise
classification. - Project loans - 6 months crieteria
47Projects under implementation
Particulars Standard NPA
Category I (Projects where financial closure had been achieved and formally documented) For not exceeding 2 years beyond the date of completion of the project, as originally envisaged at the time of initial financial closure For time over run beyond 2 Years
Category II (Projects sanctioned before 1997 with original project cost of Rs.100 crores or more where financial closure was not formally documented) for a period not exceeding 2years beyond the deemed date of completion of the project, as decided by the an independent Group constituted. For time over run beyond 2 Years
Category III (Projects sanctioned before 1997 with original project cost of less than Rs.100 crores where financial closure was not formally documented) for a period not exceeding 2 years beyond the date of completion of the project as originally envisaged at the time of sanction. For time over run beyond 2 Years
48Special Type of advances
- Post-shipment Supplier's Credit not treated as
a NPA to the extent payment has been received
under ECGC - Central Government guaranteed advances vis a vis
NPA - Advances under consortium arrangements
- Advances against Term Deposits, NSCs, KVP/IVP,
etc - Loans with moratorium for payment of interest
49Provisioning Norms
Category Provision
Loss assets written off or 100 percent provision.
Doubtful assets 100 percent of unsecured portion and in regard to the secured portion, 25 upto one year , 40 for one to three years and 100 for more than three years
Sub standard assets 15, unsecured advances require an additional provision of 10
Standard Assets 0.40 for loans not falling in specific sectors (refer para 5.5 of master circular)
50Audit Reports
51Various Reports/Certificates
- 1. AUDIT REPORT (and annexure to audit report,
if any) - 2. Tax Audit Report
- 3. Certificates
- 4. MOCs -Income recognition asset
Classification - 5. LFAR
- radhesh_at_varmaandvarma.com
- (LFAR)
54LFAR Basics
- LFAR (a management report) is an additional
reporting requirement. - The main objective is to report on systemic
deficiencies. - Any serious adverse observation require
qualification of the main report also. - Discuss the contents of the report with the
Branch head to avoid any factual errors. - Matters required to be reported by the auditor in
LFAR are illustrative not exhaustive
55Approach to LFAR
- Read LFAR before commencement of audit
- Gather information along with the verification of
advances, verification of income, etc. - Link the results of the above to questions in
LFAR - Discussion with Branch Personnel and obtaining
56 Cash and Bank Balances
- General level of Cash balance ,
- Cash balance retention limit ,
- Reporting of excess cash holding ,
- Adequacy of insurance cover for cash-on-hand
and cash-in-transit - Keeping cash in effective joint custody of two
or more officials, - Periodic verification of cash balance,
57Bank balances and money at call or short notice
- Obtaining of bank balance confirmations as at
the year-end - Report on nature and extent of difference in
reconciliation of bank balances - Cash transactions remaining unresponded
- Revenue items requiring adjustment write-off
- Old outstanding balances remaining unexplained /
unadjusted. Give details for - outstanding between six months and one year and
- one year and above
- Report any item in reconciliation requiring
special attention of the management
- Investments held on behalf of H.O/other offices
and its physical verification - If not available for verification any acceptable
other evidence is produced.
- Examine
- all large advances (outstanding amount is in
excess of 5 of the aggregate advance of the
branch or Rs.2 crores, whichever is less). - a test check of other advances.
- In respect of large advances , report all major
adverse features, deficiencies, etc attach
separate annexures., - In respect of other advances, generally comment
upon the adverse features , deficiencies along
with specific instances.
- Application/proposal/ Appraisal
- Sanctioning/Disbursement/Documentation
- Review /Monitoring/Supervision
- Recovery
61Guarantees Letters of Credit
- Details of outstanding in respect of guarantees
invoked and funded (in the prescribed format) - Guarantees invoked and paid but not adjusted
(Date of invocation, Name of the party ,Name of
beneficiary, amount , date of recovery) - Guarantees invoked but not paid (Date of
invocation , Name of the party, Name of
beneficiary ,amount ,date of recovery) - Similarly for Letter of Credit
- STATIONERY AND STAMPS Observe the internal
control system, verify and document - Control over inventory-joint custody
- Control over ATM/PIN
- cases of missing/lost items of such stationery?
63Suspense a/c sundry assets
- Obtain details of old outstanding entries and
ascertain the reasons for delay in adjusting the
entries - Unadjusted debits (such as ATM entries ,
fraudulent withdrawals, shortage of cash) - Report nature and amounts of any unusual items
observed on a test check
- Deposits
- Compliance with guidelines on conduct and
operations of inoperative accounts. Report
deviations - Identify , investigate and report any unusual
large movements (increase or decrease) in the
aggregate deposits between the balance sheet
date and the date of audit. - Details of overdue/ matured term deposits at the
end of the year
- Other Liabilities - Bills Payable, sundry
deposits - Obtain and report the details of (number of
items and the aggregate amount of items pending
for three years or more. - Give details of old balances (Year, No of
items, Amount, Remarks) - Report the nature and the amounts of any
unusual items or material withdrawals or debits
66Contingent Liabilities
- Obtain a list of Major items of the contingent
liabilities (other than constituents liabilities
such as guarantees, letters of credit,
acceptances, endorsements, etc.) not acknowledged
by the branch. - Discuss with the Branch in charge about any
notice from Income Tax department, VAT
department, etc.
67Profit and Loss A/c
- System to compute discrepancies in interest /
discount and interest on deposits and for
timely adjustment thereof - Check a few cases
manually - Details of material excess/ short credit of
interest observed on test checking of interest
. - Compliance with the income recognition norms
prescribed by RBI - Check unexpired interest on bills discounting.
- Analytical procedures
68General Books Records
- In respect of Computerised branches
- Whether hard copies of accounts are printed
regularly? - The extent of computerization covered.
- Data security measures
- Regular back-ups of accounts
- Contingency and disaster recovery plans
- Offer suggestion for the improvement
- Reconciliation of control and Sub ledgers
- Window dressing?
- Where documents of title in relation to branch or
other branches are available at the branch,
whether same have been verified. - Are there any other matter, which you as a
branch auditor would like to bring to the notice
of the management or the Central Statutory
71Other areas
72 73(No Transcript)