Title: National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
1National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control
Dr. Subhash Pandey State Nodal
Officer Directorate of Health Family Welfare,
Chhattisgarh, Raipur.
2Presentation Overview Part A About National
Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program Part
B Facts about Iodine and Iodized Salt Part
C Chhattisgarh State at a Glance
3 Part -A About National Iodine Deficiency
Disorders Control Program
4 GOALS To Reduce the prevalence of Iodine
Deficiency Disorders below 10 in the entire
country by 2012 Achieve Universal Access to
Iodized Salt Source 11th Five Year Plan, Govt.
of India
- Surveys to assess the magnitude of the Iodine
Deficiency Disorders - Supply of Iodated salt in place of common salt.
- Re-survey after every 5 years to assess the
extent of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and the
impact of iodated salt. - Laboratory Monitoring of Iodated Salt and Urinary
Iodine Excretion - Health Education Publicity
6Spectrum of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Foetus
1. Abortions 2. Still Births 3.
Congenital Anomalies 4. Increased PNMR 5.
Neurological Cretinism 6. Myxedematotous
7Spectrum of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Neonate
Neonatal Goitre Neonatal Hypothyroidism Chil
d Adolescent Juvenile Hypothyroidism Im
paired Mental Function Retarded Physical
development Adult Goitre with its
complication Hypothyroidism Impaired
Mental Function
8Iodine Deficiency A Disease of The Soil
- Effect on people HUMANS Health
Socioeconomic impact - Effect on animals LIVESTOCK Clinical
Reproductive disorders, decreased
productivity - Low Availability
- of iodine PLANTS Iodine poor feeds
fodders - Soil Erosion WATER, SOIL Environmental
iodine deficiency
9Brain Cell Growth
Iodine Sufficiency
Iodine Deficiency
Iodine Deficiency is the single most common
cause of preventable mental retardation
10Iodine Deficiency Learning Abilities
School age children living in iodine deficient
environment on an average, have 13 I.Q. points
less than those living in iodine sufficient
11IDD The Hourglass
- Iodine Deficiency Goitre
- Visible Swelling
- No Pain Not a cause of
- Mortality Cosmetic problem
- Cretinism rare
Historic View
Mental Physical growth Loss of
Energy-hypothyroidism Learning Disability,
Poor Motivation Child Development and Child
Survival Human Resource Development
Current View
12IDD Prevalence Indicators and Criteria for
classifying IDD as significant public health
Indicator Mild Moderate Severe
Goitre Grade gt0 5-19.9 20-29.9 gt30
Urine Iodine Excretion (Microgram/L) 50-99 20-49 lt20
13 Part -B
- Facts about Iodine Iodized Salt
14What is Iodine?
- Iodine is an essential micronutrient supporting
some of the most vital functions of the human
15What is Iodated Salt?
- Iodated salt is common salt containing minute
quantities of an iodine compound - Iodated salt looks, tastes and smells exactly
like ordinary salt. - The Govt. of India has issued notification
banning the salt of non iodized salt for direct
human consumption with effect from 17th May, 2006.
16How much Iodine does a person normally need?
- The average daily adult requirement is 150
micrograms - Average lifetimes requirement of an individual
less than a teaspoonful.
17From where do we normally get Iodine?
- Present in its natural state in the soil and in
water. - Normal requirement comes from crops grown on
iodine-rich soil. - When the soil lacks iodine, crops grown on that
soil are deficient in this essential
micronutrient. - People who live on iodine-deficient land and eat
its crops regularly, do not get their daily
requirement of this essential element.
18How do we know if salt contains Iodine?
- A low cost testing kit is available which allows
to test for the iodine content of the salt on the
19 Part - C
- Chhattisgarh State at a Glance
20- Iodine consumption
- Adequate iodine in salt 55 households
- Inadequate iodine in salt 24 households
- No iodine in salt 21 households
- SSM Oct 2008
- Salt tested for iodine content was found
satisfactory in 97 samples (n29,539)
21Prevalence of IDD and status of NIDDCP in
Chhattisgarh Table showing the number of
districts surveyed found endemic
State No. of Districts Surveyed No. of Districts Found Endemic IDD LAB
Chhattisgarh 2 (Sargujja, Jashpur) 2 No
22Status of Iodine Deficiency Survey in Sarguja
- 42 School Age Children (6-12 years) of Sarguja
district had Urinary Iodine Excretion below 99
micrograms/L - (Source National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR,
23Status of NIDDCP implementation in Chhattisgarh
- Mass awareness about Iodine Deficiency disorders
among community have been generated using print,
folk and electronic media , through NGOs and
public awareness campaigns. - The State Nodal officer for NIDDCP, Dr. Subhash
Pandey has been regularly attending discussions
on Doordarshan on the importance of iodine and
related disorders.
24Status of NIDDCP in Chhattisgarh State
- Mass Public awareness to use Iodized salt through
demonstration by salt testing kits was telecast
in the months of Oct 08 Oct 09 four times in
Kalyani Programme of Doordarshan. - The 21st of October is celebrated as Global
Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) Prevention Day
every year and marked by educational workshops,
seminars and attended by several line departments
like (DWCD, Food and Civil Supplies, PRD) -
25Special Campaign in the Month of October since
2006- SSM
- During the October round of SSM every year, Salt
- Testing Kits are used testing salt for its
iodine - content at the vaccination session sites and
also - during House hold surveys.
- Visits are made by the LHV or ANM to the
- households of few pregnant women and there
- cooking salt is tested for its iodine content.
- 10,000 such salt testing kits are distributed to
all sub centers, PHCs, CHCs and Urban areas.
26NIDDCP Budgetary Provisions under NRHM
Activity Proposed Amount Proposed Amount Approved 2009-10 Remarks
1 Establishment of IDD Control Cell 4.50 6.00 The State Govt. may modify the PIP as per allocation.
2 Establishment of IDD Monitoring Lab. 2.50 3.50 The State Govt. may modify the PIP as per allocation.
3 Health Education and Publicity. 3.00 6.00 The State Govt. may modify the PIP as per allocation.
4 IDD Surveys 1.50 2.50 The State Govt. may modify the PIP as per allocation.
Total 11.50 18.00 The State Govt. may modify the PIP as per allocation.
27Innovative activities in the state
- Iodized salt is distributed by Deptt. Of State
Civil Supplies through PDS - Total Iodized salt distributed per month is 7500
Metric ton - 37 lacs poor families are benefited by providing
Iodized salt (Amrit Namak), free of cost. - Iodine content of salt "Amrit" is 30 P.P.M., is
of ISI standard and has PFA specifications. - Special Iodized salt for above poverty line
families is Mahamaya Salt is also supplied by
State Civil Supplies Deptt.
28Innovative activities in the state
- The following has been the distribution details
of Iodized salt (Amrit Namak) in the state - 2003-04 1889.00 MT
- 2004-05 30916.14 MT
- 2005-06 46909.00 MT
- 2006-07 53823.00 MT
- 2007-08 64047.00 MT
- 2008-09 58743.54 MT
- 2009-10 55753.78 MT (till Oct 09)
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30Activities Undertaken
- One trained Laboratory Technician is working at
the District Hospital Raipur for investigations
related to estimation of iodine content. - Budgetary provisions under the NIDDCP for SC/ST
is allocated for IEC activities, medicines and
others supplies. - Under this scheme, Rs.1.27 lakhs for IEC
activities and Rs. 2.20 lakhs for procuring
medicines in year 2009-10 have been distributed
to all districts. - In Year 2009-10 each district was given Rs.
8000/- from the state budget to perform similar
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