Virtue Theory and Abortion: Rosalind Hursthouse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Virtue Theory and Abortion: Rosalind Hursthouse


Virtue: right action virtuous agent flourishingeudaimonia) ... Problem of eudaimonia. Definining eudaimonia is just as difficult as defining the elements in other ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Virtue Theory and Abortion: Rosalind Hursthouse

Virtue Theory and Abortion Rosalind Hursthouse
  • General defense of virtue theory/ethics
  • Application of virtue to the issue of abortion

Framework of Moral Theories
  • Deontology right action? moral rule?rationality
  • Act-utilitarian right action?consequences?happine
  • Virtue right action?virtuous agent?flourishing(eu

MisplacedCriticismsHursthouses Response
  • Problem of eudaimonia
  • Definining eudaimonia is just as difficult as
    defining the elements in other approaches to
  • Trivially Circular
  • Virtues ? right action
  • Virtues?Character traits?required for eudaimonia
  • Problem of answering What should I do?
  • Does provide an answer to this as well as to the
    question What sort of person should I be

Response (continued)
  • Lacks rules or principles
  • Every virtue generates a positive instruction
  • Every vice generates a prohibition
  • We need not appeal to an ideally virtuous person,
    but can appeal directly to the virtues.
  • Reductionism (defining all actions in terms of
    virtuous agents)
  • Virtue depends on a number of moral concepts
    other than the agent.
  • ExBenevolence?good for others?evil or
    harm?worthwhile or advantageous.

Problems Common to Deontological and Virtue
  • Which character traits are virtuous?
  • Same question can be asked as to which duties do
    we have.
  • How do we reconcile conflicts between virtues?
  • Similar to the problem faced with Kantian
    absolute moral rules/duties.

Major Criticisms of Virtue Theory
  • Conditions of Adequacy
  • Should a moral theory be able to make difficult
    decisions easy?
  • Should an adequate moral theory provide answers
    to questions about real moral issues with
    reference to truths about what is worthwhile, or
    what really matters in human life?

Employment of the notions of virtue and vice
  • Acting rightly is difficult, and does call for
    much moral wisdom, and the relevant condition of
    adequacy, with virtue theory meets, is that it
    should have built into it an explanation of a
    truth expressed by Aristotle, namely, that moral
    knowledgeunlike mathematical knowledgecannot be
    acquired merely by attending lectures and is not
    characteristically to be found in people too
    young to have had much experience in life.(253)

Employment of concepts such as worthwhile
  • If truths about what is worthwhile. . . do not
    have to be appealed to in order to answer
    questions about real moral issues, then I might
    sensibly seek guidance about what I ought to do
    from someone who had declared in advance that she
    knew nothing about such matters, or from someone
    who said that, although she had opinions about
    them, these were quite likely to be wrong but
    that this did not matter, because they would play
    no determining role in the advice she gave

Virtue Theory and Abortion
  • This issue does NOT revolve around asking what
    the virtuous person would do.
  • A Womens right to an abortion (or to control her
    body) in no way relates to the MORALITY of
  • EX Love/Friendship vs. Rights

Features of a Virtue Theory Approach to Abortion
  • Right attitude depends upon having the right
    (accurate or true) information.
  • Fetuss only relevance to the rightness or
    wrongness of abortion is as its status as a
    familiar biological fact.
  • Consideration must be given to the range of
    values and emotions associated with conception,
    childbearing and childrearing.
  • Virtue-parenthood as an intrinsically worthwhile
    way of lifeas an example of human flourishing.
    (One among many)(261)

Rightness or Wrongness of Abortion is Agent
  • Pregnancy is not just one among many physical
    conditionsviewing as such does demonstrate a
    lack of virtue.
  • Although abortion is a morally serious act, it is
    not always non-virtuous
  • Poor health
  • Worn out from childbearing
  • Forced to do physically demanding job
  • Commitments to other children
  • Being ready for parenthood may or may not be a
    legitimate reason for having an abortion.

Rightness or Wrongness (continued)
  • Having an abortion can be the right decision and
    still demonstrate a lack of virtue
  • The virtuous women. . .has such character traits
    as strength, independence, resoluteness,
    decisiveness, self-confidence, responsibility,
    serious-mindedness, and self-determinationand no
    one , I think, could deny that many women become
    pregnant in circumstances in which they cannot
    welcome or face the thought of having this child
    precisely because they lack one or some of these
    character traits(262)
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