Fractional PI controller in liquid level - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fractional PI controller in liquid level


Fractional PI controller in liquid level & flow control Experimental study on Coupled Tank System Varsha Bhambhani Graduate Research Assistant Center of Self ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fractional PI controller in liquid level

Fractional PI controller in liquid level flow
controlExperimental study on Coupled Tank System
  • Varsha Bhambhani
  • Graduate Research Assistant
  • Center of Self Organizing and Intelligent Systems
  • Electrical Engineering Department,
  • Utah State University, Logan, USA

Liquid Level Flow Control
  • Common control problem in Water-treatment
    plants, Petro-chemical industries and other
    process industries.
  • Human blood circulating system is another
    classic example of liquid level flow control.
  • Coupled Tank System
  • An important laboratory and teaching level
    instrument present in many universities which
    helps in study of design, operation and
    applications of common controllers.
  • Benefits- Useful in system modeling based on
    static and dynamic control study, steady state
  • and transient behavior
    analysis, controller design and controller tuning
  • study.
  • Working- a) compact , bench top instrument
    consisting of two water tanks made of perplex
  • seated on a water
    reservoir which stores water.
  • b) A baffle plate can be
    slided up down to vary interaction or coupling
  • between two tanks.
  • c) Two PWM operated motor
    pumps use either 0-5V analog voltage (internal
  • conditioning system
    covert analog to PWM (digital) signals) or
    external PWM
  • sources for their
    operation. Flow rates of water into tanks can be
    varied by
  • change of these pump

Coupled Tank System Specifications contd.
  • d)Two capacitive probes, one in each tank
    ,provided to measure water level.
    Output signals from these probes are
    conditioned to give 0-5V DC analog output.
  • e) A water outlet at side near base of each tank
    connected by a flexible tube returns water to
  • f) Two potentiometers at back side of CTS are
    provided for manual operation of motors.

Cases Studied
  • A comparison of Integer and fractional
    Proportional Integral (PI) Controller is made.
  • In general a PI controller has following effects
  • add damping
  • improve the steady-state error
  • the rise time and settling time are penalized
  • For this three configurations of Coupled Tank
    System are studied
  • First order Single Input Single Output (SISO)
  • A second Order SISO plant.
  • Cascaded control plant.
  • Each case involves
  • Brief description of system modeling.
  • Real time System identification.
  • Controller design.
  • Experiments simulations.
  • Comments.

Case I - First order Single Input Single Output
(SISO) plants.
  • System modeling
  • When baffle plate is lowered completely, two
    tanks operate independently as first order single
    input single output (SISO) systems.
  • Relation between water entering and leaving tank
    is expressed as-
  • Where,
  • is water flow in tank
  • Is water flow out of tank
  • A is cross-sectional area of tank
  • H is height of water in tank
  • The output flow through the valve is related to
    the water level in the tank by the relation-

Case I contd.
  • Where, C is discharge coefficient of the valve.
  • And a is the area of cross section of the
  • And g is gravitational constant 9.8 m/s2.
  • Summarizing we get,
  • Above non-linear equation describes the system
    behavior of first order SISO system.
  • Real time system identification
  • In terms of transfer function, in real time, the
    manipulated variable/plant input is pump input
    voltage and process variable/plant output is
    water level in the tank.
  • The transfer function of first order SISO system
    is given by

Case I contd.
  • Where, K is the gain of the system, is the
    time constant and L is the delay of the system.
  • One can either do frequency response analysis or
    step response analysis to identify transfer
  • Frequency response Analysis of first order SISO
  • Procedure Apply sinusoidal input at different
    frequencies to the open loop control plant and
    observe the gain and the phase shift at steady
  • Sinusoidal input-

Real Time Experimental Setup
  • A typical feedback control system will have the
    following components the Plant, Sensors,
    Actuators and a Controller.
  • In a digital real-time control application the
    analog controller is replaced by the digital
    computer (PC). They give the flexibility of
    changing the program according to the change in
    design requirements or dynamics of the system.
  • The digital controller needs feedback from the
    plant in the appropriate format which is ensured
  • by the DACB (Data Acquisition and Control boards)
    provided by Quanser.

Q4 Hardware In Loop Board from Quanser
  • Key Features
  • 4 x 14-bit analog inputs
  • 4x 12-bit D/A voltage outputs
  • 4 quadrature encoder inputs
  • 16 programmable digital I/O channels
  • Simultaneous sampling of both analog and encoder
  • 2x 32-bit dedicated counter/timers
  • 4x 24-bit reconfigurable encoder counter/timers
  • 2x on-board PWM outputs
  • 32-bit, 33 MHz PCI bus interface
  • Supports Quanser real-time control software
    WinCon (2000/XP)
  • Totem Pole digital I/O for high speed
  • Easy synchronization of multiple Q4 boards

Real time control of hardware in loop
  • These boards accept the sensor signals from the
    plant and convert them to digital signals which
    is then sent back to the computer.
  • The code which emulates the controller computes
    on this data and decides the next set of control
    signals and sends digital data to the DACB which
    converts it to an analog signal, sent to the
  • All these operations are performed in real-time
    and this is achieved by the real-time Windows2000
  • /XP application WinCon which runs in
    real-time the C code generated for the control
    law imple--mented in MATLAB/ Simulink Real Time

Case I - Frequency response Analysis of first
order system block settings
Results of frequency response analysis of first
order system (diff freq considered)
System identification by frequency response
Frequency (radians/sec) Magnitude (Decibels) Angle (Degrees)
0.001 7.224 -0
0.005 6.7408 -8
0.024 6.4208 -45
0.07 1.8852 -80
(No Transcript)
Extracted Data (from Bode Plot) Extracted Data (from Bode Plot) Experimental Data (from Frequency Response Experiments) Experimental Data (from Frequency Response Experiments)
Frequency (Rad/Sec) Magnitude (Decibels) Angle (Degrees) Magnitude (Decibels) Angle (Degrees)

0.001 7.22 -2.45 7.224 -0
0.005 7.03 -12 6.7408 -8
0.024 4.19 -45 6.4208 -45
0.07 -2.51 -71 1.8852 -78
Inputs that are not manipulated, classified as
disturbance or load variable result in
differences between extracted bode plot data
experimental data
Case I - closed loop system response first order
system block settings/Controller Design
Controller design/ Tuning rules
  • Integer Order Proportional Integral Controller
    (PI) tuned by
  • Ziegler Nichol s Method
  • Modified Ziegler Nichols Method
  • MethodKc,Pm,wc,wp margin(G)
  • Tc 2pi/wc
  • Fractional Order Proportional Integral Controller
    (FOPI) tuned by
  • Fractional Ms constrained Integral Gain
    (FMIGO) Method

PI-ZN 0.4Kc 0.8Tc
PI-MZN Kc r cos(a) Tc/2pi/tan(a)
Simulated results of First Order Coupled Tank
SISO System
Real Time results of First Order Coupled Tank
SISO System
Comments on First Order SISO Coupled Tank
  • Real time system results are in accordance with
    the simulation results with little difference
    which can be accounted due to uncontrollable real
    time environmental disturbances.
  • Both simulated and real time results confirm that
    the percentage overshoot is minimum in FOPI
    (FMIGO) method, though this is at the expense of
    slow response time when compared with integer
    order PI-ZN and PI-MZN methods.
  • Thus results of first order SISO coupled tank
    experiments clearly shows that a fraction order
    controller is a promising controller for water
    level and flow control.

Case II - Second order Single Input Single
Output (SISO) plants.
  • System modeling
  • When baffle plate is raised, water flows from one
    tank to another. The target is to maintain a
    fixed level of water in second tank by varying
    voltage input to first tank.
  • The control system has two states, levels in two
    tanks, i.e.
  • in tank 1 and in tank2.
  • , pump flow to tank 1, is the control
  • , water level in tank 2, is output.
  • Valve B and C account for load disturbances.
  • The equation of water flow balance in tank 1 is
    given by
  • is water flow from tank 1 to tank 2.

Cases II contd.
  • The water flow balance equation for tank 2 is
    given by
  • is flow of water out of tank 2 through
    valve C.
  • Assuming orifices to be ideal, the non- linear
    ties are computed by square root law in
    substituted in above equations as-
  • Above non-linear equations are linear zed
    further to obtain state equation of the coupled
    tank system.
  • The transfer equation for second order SISO
    system is given by

Case II contd.
  • Where, K is the process gain of the system,
  • is the damping ratio and is defined as
    degree of oscillation in the process response
    after a perturbation.
  • is the natural frequency of the system
    is the inverse of time constant which
    determines the speed of response of the system.
  • Analyzing the denominator, we get
  • The roots of the characteristic equation are

Case II contd.
  • Three cases arise as shown in table above
  • One can either do frequency response analysis or
    step response analysis to identify transfer
  • Frequency response Analysis of first order SISO
  • Procedure Apply sinusoidal input at different
    frequencies to the open loop control plant and
    observe the gain and the phase shift at steady
  • The real time experimental setup is shown in next
  • The block diagram and the different block
    settings for frequency analysis is shown in next
    to next slide.

Case II- Frequency response Analysis of Second
order system block settings
Results of frequency response analysis of second
order system (diff freq considered)
System identification by frequency response
Frequency (radians/sec) Magnitude (Decibels) Angle (Degrees)
0.01 6.06 -23.8
0.02 5.3 -48
0.04 1.83 -90
0.05 -0.283 -108
0.1 -10.5 -143
0.8 -30.0063 -180
(No Transcript)
Extracted Data (from Bode Plot) Extracted Data (from Bode Plot) Experimental Data (from Frequency Response Experiments) Experimental Data (from Frequency Response Experiments)
Frequency (Rad/Sec) Magnitude (Decibels) Angle (Degrees) Magnitude (Decibels) Angle (Degrees)

0.01 6.06 -23.8 8.1434 -39
0.02 5.3 -48 6.2773 -45
0.04 1.83 -90 1.9382 -90
0.05 -0.283 -108 -1.9861 -110
0.1 -10.5 -143 -8.2055 -120
0.8 -45.6 -175 -30.0063 -180
Approximation of second order transfer function
by first order transfer function using getfod
Case I I - closed loop system response second
order system block settings/Controller Design
Simulated results of second Order Coupled Tank
SISO System
Real time results of second Order Coupled Tank
SISO System
Comments on second Order SISO Coupled Tank
  • Real time system results are in accordance with
    the simulation results with little difference
    which can be accounted due to uncontrollable real
    time environmental disturbances.
  • It is seen that in case of second order SISO
    system, FOPI (FMIGO) results in large overshoot
    when compared with integer order PI-ZN and PI-MZN
    method but then the response time is much less
    when compared to other controllers.
  • Thus results of second order SISO coupled tank
    experiments clearly shows that a fraction order
    controller is a promising controller for water
    level and flow control.

Case III - Cascaded control plant system.
  • System modeling
  • This type of control system has two cascaded
    controllers namely primary and secondary
  • The controlled variable is water flow to tank1.
    The master controller decides the set point of
    the slave controller. The slave controller tries
    to track the set point.
  • The master controller uses water level in tank 2
    as process variable by varying water level in
  • Suitable baffle opening between two tanks
    introduces significant time separation between
    the two controllers which minimizes the effect of
    disturbance in water level of tank 1 to water
    level of tank 2.

Case III contd.
  • Both cascaded plants are configured as first
    order transfer function namely primary and
    secondary plants having transfer function in
    general form as
  • Where, K is the gain of the system, is the
    time constant and L is the delay of the system.
  • One can either do frequency response analysis or
    step response analysis to identify transfer
  • Instead of doing frequency response twice for
    each plant ( which is time consuming), one can do
    step response in which step input is applied to
    the plant and the response recorded .
  • Step Input-

Case III- Step response Analysis of Cascaded
plants block settings
Results of step response analysis of two cascaded
  • An input step of 2V is applied and step response
    of tank1(secondary tank) and tank2(primary tank)
    recorded in real time.
  • The transfer function two plants computed from
    step responses are

Case III - closed loop system response cascaded
control plants block settings/Controller Design
Simulated results of Cascaded control plants
Real time results of Cascaded control plants
Comments on Cascaded control plant Coupled Tank
  • Real time system results are in accordance with
    the simulation results with little difference
    which can be accounted due to uncontrollable real
    time environmental disturbances.
  • It is seen that in case of real time system, FOPI
    (FMIGO) controller in time interval 600-1000
    seconds gives no overshoot and is an ideal
    controller when compared with integer order
    PI-ZN,PI-MZN method.
  • Thus results of cascaded control plants coupled
    tank experiments clearly shows that a fraction
    order controller is a promising controller for
    water level and flow control.

Results of Experimental study
  • 1_) A very intensive study showing system
    identification, controller design of coupled tank
    system was performed.
  • 2) A thorough comparison between the three
    controllers were made.
  • Results show that FOPI(FMIGO) is a promising
    controller in process industries and can even
    perform better at some point when compared with
    integer order PI controllers.
  • 4) Major problems in real time controller design
    seen are due to
  • Transient response design is hard
  • a) Robustness is always an issue
  • - Modeling uncertainty.
  • - Parameter variations.
  • - Disturbances.
  • b) Lack of theory (design uncertainty)
  • - Relation between pole/zero
    locations and transient response.
  • - Relation between Q/R weighting
    matrices in optimal control and
  • transient response.
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