- Sensors Used
- Representations
- Matching Algorithms
- State of Art
- Research Problems
2Sensors Used
3(No Transcript)
4Basic Types
- Optical Sensors
- Oldest and most widely used
- Solid State Sensors
- Thermal Based Sensors
- Pressure Based Sensors
- Recent rarely used
- Ultrasonic Based Sensors
- Recent rarely used
5Optical Sensors
- The finger is placed on a coated plate
- Charged Coupled Device (CCD) converts the image
of the fingerprint - It also takes a picture of the dirt, greases,
and contamination found on the finger
6Optical Sensors
- The process, referred to as
- Frustrated Total Internal Reflection
7Optical Sensors
- Dirty Fingerprints cannot use system effectively
- Latent prints are leftover prints from previous
users - No ESD issues
- Durable to incidental damage
8Solid State Capacitance Sensors
- The sensor uses solid-state capacitance sensing
to capture unique fingerprint data - Finger as one plate
- Surface of sensor as other plate
- Sensor surface - silicon chip containing an array
of 90,000 capacitor plates with sensing circuitry
at 500-dpi pitch
9Solid State Capacitance Sensors
- Veridicom one of the leading players
- Easy Integration into a variety of electronics
10Solid State Capacitance Sensors
- Very difficult to spoof.
- Immune to day-to-day fingerprint variations
- Low power
- Immune to ambient light
- High image quality
- Scratch resistant
11Thermal Based
- Infrared to sense the temperature differences
between the ridges and valleys of the finger to
create a fingerprint image - Temperature differential between the skin ridges
and the air caught in the fingerprint valleys - No latent prints
- Good Quality Images
12Thermal Based
- Sweeping needs some user skill
- High power consumption ? to avoid the possibility
of a thermal equilibrium between the sensor and
the fingerprint surface. - AMTEL one of the leading players
13Pressure-Based Sensors
- Principle
- when a finger is placed over the sensor area,
only the ridges of the Fingerprint come in
contact with the sensor piezo array - pressure sensors generate a 1-bit binary image
14Pressure Based Sensors
- Works well with Dry as well as Wet skin
- Larger Sensing Area
15Ultra Sound Based Sensors
- Use High Frequency Sound Waves
- Transmits acoustic waves and measures the
distance based on the impedance of Finger, Plate
and Air - Ultrasound can penetrate through many mediums
- Considered perhaps the most accurate of the
fingerprint technologies
16Acquisition Problems
- Regular Scratches
- Skin Peeling due to weather conditions
- Natural Permanent creases
- Temporary Creases
- Dirty Fingers
- Long Nails
- Ethnic Trait
17Feature Extraction
18Fingerprint Features
- Classification
- Distinguishing Characteristics
19Fingerprint Classification
- On the basis on ridge flow patterns
- Arch, Tented Arch, Whorl and Loop (Right/Left)
20Distinguishing FeaturesRidge Features and their
- Points where ridges terminate, bifurcate
- or merge with each other are called
minutiae points - In law enforcement 12 -16 matching
- minutiae are sufficient to match a
- person
22Image Enhancement
- Noise in fingerprint may be due to dry or wet
skin, dirt, cut or noise of capture device - Enhancement operations
- Adaptive Matched Filter to enhance ridges
oriented in the same direction as those in the
same locality - Adaptive Thresholding (binarization)
23Minutiae Extraction Algorithm
24Feature Extraction
- Original Grey level
- image
- Orientation of the ridges calculated by
- Fourier transform
25Feature Extraction (Contd)
- Segmentation into foreground and background
- Masking out the background is done in order to
retrieve the ridges
26Feature extraction (Contd)
- Finally minutiae points are calculated from the
ridge image - Endings have 1 adjacent black pixel ( 8
neighborhood ) - Bifurcations have more than 2 adjacent black
pixels - Finally the minutiae points are superimposed on
the original image
27Feature extraction (Contd)
- Minutiae extracted are represented by
- - Their (x,y) coordinate
- - Orientation (T)
- - Forming a 3 tuple (x, y, T)
- - Also the type of minutiae i.e. Ridge ending,
ridge bifurcation could be stored.
28Chain coded Ridge Extraction MethodBy Dr
Venugopal, Zhixin Shi John Schneider
29Chain coded Ridge Extraction MethodBy Dr
Venugopal, Zhixin Shi John Schneider
- Pin vector leading to candidate point P from
several previous neighboring contour points - Similarly Pout
- Calculate S(Pin , Pout) lt x1y2 x2y1
- S(Pin , Pout) gt 0 Left Turn and S(Pin , Pout) lt
0 Right Turn - Threshold
30Tessellated approach
- Equal sized non-overlapping windows over
- the image and normalizing pixel intensities
- within the window to constant mean and
variance. - Windows of size 3030
- Bank of 8 Gabbor filters is applied to each
window - Absolute average deviation of intensity in each
filtered cell is treated as a feature value - Thus 8 Feature values for each cell
- Feature values from all cells concatenated
inorder to form feature vector of the image. - For a 300 300 image 648d feature vector.
31Matching Algorithms
- Fingerprints represented by Minutiae points
- Simplest Method Point Pattern Matching
- Requirement
- Correspondence between Template and Input
- No Deformations
- Every Minutiae Localized
- Not Realistic
32Matching Algorithms
- Requirement of the Matching Model
- Different Locations
- Different Orientations
- Different Pressure
- Spurious Minutiae
- Missing Genuine Minutiae
- Linear / Non-linear perturbation of pair of
33Matching Algorithms
- Different Approaches
- Image Based
- Graph Based
- Ridge Based
- Minutiae Based
34Point Based Matching
- 1 . Relaxation Method
- Iteratively adjust confidence level
- Inherently slow due to Iterative property
- 2. Hough Transform Method
- Detecting Peaks in Transformation parameter Space
- If only a few minutiae points, difficult to
accumulate enough evidence for a match
35Point Pattern Matching
- 3. Energy Minimization Approach
- Correspondence between pair of points by using
an energy function - Energy function based on initial set of possible
correspondences - Very Slow ? unsuitable for real-time applns.
- 4. Tree-pruning Approach
- Search over a tree of possible matches
- Strict requirements equal number of points
- Impractical requirements
36Point Pattern Matching
- Alignment Based
- Alignment Stage
- Transformations determined for alignment
- Matching Stage
- Elastic String Matching Algorithm
37Alignment Based Matching
- Corresponding point pairs
- Exhaustive test
- Large Number of tests
- Impractical though Feasible
- Aligning Minutiae by aligning Ridges
38Ridge Alignment
39Post Alignment Matching
- Counting the number of overlapping points if
exact overlap - Elastic Algorithm tolerating deformation
- Bounding Box
- Minutiae Points as Strings
- Dynamic Programming approach for String Matching
( edit distances ) - Distance measure ? penalty for a mismatch
- Adaptive Bounding Box
40Ridge Based Matching
- Correlation Based ? compare the global patterns
Ridge and Furrows - Dont perform very well due to noisy Images
- Invariant Representation needed
- Strength of Ridges at various orientations
- 2D Gabor wavelets
41Ridge Based Matching
Parameters f -gt Frequency ? Ridge
Frequency Sx, Sy -gt Standard Deviations Theta
-gt Orientation
42Ridge Based Matching
- Each of 8 Gabor Filters applied
- Standard Deviation Map for each of 8 Images
- For Alignment,
- Weighted Correlation
- Euclidean Distance measure
43Graph Based Matching
- Clustering Techniques used
- Homogeneous Regions
- Regions with similar Direction
- Using these regions, develop Relational Graphs
- invariant with respect to translation and
rotation - Tolerates Partial Matches
44(No Transcript)
45Multilevel Matching
- Text Based
- Textual Fields
- age range / color of hair and eye
- Class Based
- 5 classes of Fingerprints
- Ridge Density Based
- Count of the ridges
- Elastic Matching
46Performance Evaluation
- FVC 2004 Fingerprint Verification Competition
- 4 databases 2 optical, 1 thermal sweeping
sensor and 1 synthetic - REJ, FMR, FNMR, ROC, Genuine/Imposter
distribution - Enrollment time, Matching time, average and
maximum template size, memory allocated
47Best Algorithm
- Winner of FVC2002 Bioscrypt Inc.
- Ridge patterns not ridge endings
- Pattern based templates not minutiae based
- correlation of ridge patterns
- Heavy weights to areas where images are clear and
highly complex - Incompatible with minutiae based systems
48Pressure based Systems
- Pressure sensitive
- Wet or dry fingers
- Captures print of the finger not just image of
the print - By Elform OEM Inc.
49Ultrasonic Fingerprint Technology
- Sound waves reflecting off ridges and valleys on
the finger - Oblivious to dirt, grease, ink, moisture, grime,
or other substances routinely found on fingers
which cause the most false readings - Fingerprints of children
50Ultrasonic Fingerprint Technology
51Ultrasonic Fingerprint Technology
52Fingerprinting Children
53Research Problems
54Research Problems (1)
- 1 Acquisition Problems
- Image acquisition susceptible to noise
- Sensors capable of capturing Fingerprint Image
invariant of noise
55- 2 Enhancement Problems
- The Gray Scale Image obtained has to be enhanced
for further processing - SOLUTION
- Better Binarization Algorithms
- More Effective Representation Schemes of
FingerPrint Images
56- 3 Features to be Extracted
- Deciding the exact features for matching
- Only Global or Local or both
- A comparative study of each Feature combinations
for determining Individuality
57- 4 Feature Extraction
- The feature Extraction Algorithm should be robust
to noise - Should detect false features
- Should capture Maximum possible features
58- 5 Partial Matches
- Only a few Feature Points captured
- Matching Algorithm Based upon trying to Match
using a subset of actual Feature points
59Fingerprint Classification
- To search large databases efficiently
- exclusive classification
- 90 in three classes
- Continuous Classification
- Fingerprints not classified into non overlapping
classes - Instead as a numerical vector (by K-L Transform)
60- E- Commerce applications
- Fingerprint generation
- multimodal biometrics (e.g., combination of
fingerprints and faces), - combination of multiple matchers
- digital watermarking of fingerprints