The Fox David Herbert Lawrence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Fox David Herbert Lawrence


The Fox David Herbert Lawrence Textual Analysis Analysis of: Title Historical Context Plot, Setting and Characters Narrator and narrative techniques Main themes Women ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Fox David Herbert Lawrence

The FoxDavid Herbert Lawrence
  • Textual Analysis

  • Analysis of
  • Title
  • Historical Context
  • Plot, Setting and Characters
  • Narrator and narrative techniques
  • Main themes
  • Womens autonomy
  • Relationships
  • The message

Carnivorous animal symbolizing shrewdness,
intelligence, cunning, malice, fraud
  • Definite article used to refer to something
    determinate, known.

Reading the title the reader expects the text to
be about the fox or someone who has got qualities
generally referred to the animal.
Characters March and Bandford. They are two
women of thirty years old working on a farm.
Bandford is presented as the most delicate and
weak because of her physical appearance, but
March is weaker than she. March is able to work
hard as a man and she will always be the man of
the situation but she is in the air and she is
subdued by Bandford. March and Bandford are the
surnames of the women and they are meaningful
because March refers to the month in which the
nature awakes, and Bandford refers to something
distant (to band) and strong. The surnames
communicate as the women realy are. Henry. He is
the soldier that arrives one day in the farm. He
is presented as the fox by the point of view of
March and as an obstacle by the point of view of
Bandford. The reader is not able to create in his
mind an idea of Henry. He knows a lot of pieces
of information about him, but they are not useful
to understand how he realy is. Setting Where? It
is set in an English coutryside. When? In 1920.
The novel is set during the I World Wars
  • Bandford and March worked on Bailey Farm facing a
    lot of difficulties. They are a balanced couple
    of friends, even if sometimes their relationship
    seems to be stronger than friendship, able to
    survive with their animals in the I World Wars
  • One day, Henry enters in their life modifying
    their relationship. Henry lived in the farm with
    his grandfather before he went to Canada as
    soldier, and now, that he returned back home, his
    grandfather is dead and the two women live in his
  • Bandford, at the beginning, was realy kind with
    him, but when she realized that Henry was
    interest on March, she feel jealous and she was
    against him.
  • Henry is attracted by March and vice versa. He
    realy wanted to marry her and he declared his
    love but she didnt know what to do. Finally she
    accepts to marry him even if she was doubtful
    because she didnt want Bandford to suffer.
  • Bandford and Henry proceed to persuade March get
    married or not.
  • At the end of the novel Henry, furious, decided
    to eliminate the obstacle that separated him by
    March he killed Bandford cutting a tree. The
    tree, falling down, hit the little and delicate
    Bandford and symbolically killed March. She
    suffers for the pain and sorrow, but fortunately,
    Henry took care of her.

  • The novel is set during the aftermath of the I
    World War.
  • Great Britain took part in the conflict declaring
    war to Austria in 1914.
  • It was lined up with France, Russia and United
    States and, at the end of the war, in 1918, it
    was one of the winners.
  • Anyway the war high damaged Great Britain. It
    wasnt the place in which the war was fought but
    it was the main investor. The value of British
    pound fell down. There was inflation and, as a
    direct consequence, people are not able to
    survive. Poverty made difficult men existences in
    addition to illness, death, sorrow, pain,
    destruction, and workless.
  • It is estimated that the Spanish Flu killed from
    50 to 100 million people worldwide, and there are
    also other diseases.
  • Life conditions of whom was survived at the war
    were precarious.

  • The narrator is a third person omniscient
    narrator that adopts the point of view of a
  • The narrative techniques he uses are
  • Direct speech ? to charge the text of realism
  • Shift of the point of view ? to consider the
    scene by the point of view of a character
  • Metaphorical and evocative language ? to create
    equivocal and confusion in the readers mind that

  • associations not even right ex. When
    the narrator speaks about the fox

  • and you cant realize if he is speaking
    about the animal, Henry or the

  • deal fox singing in Marchs mind.
  • Juxtaposition of scenes ? to convey the
    simultaneous idea of time through the reader
    possibility to know what

  • every character is doing in the
    same time

  • Love and friendship jealousy, loyalty, fidelity,
    sensitivity, submission, conditioning.
  • The novel makes the reader think about
    interpersonal relationships. They are at the
    centre of investigation and, as a consequence
    they are one of the main themes.
  • Work difficulties, obstacles, patience,
    constancy, care and help, collaboration.
  • The Fox perfectly shows the two womens work and
    their care towards the farm.
  • War death, destruction, survival, poverty,
    suffering, sorrow, pain, troubles, changes.
  • It is a main theme because it is the reason why
    the two women are in the farm and the cause of
    poverty and women troubles.
  • Reflection troubles, feelings, dreams and
    sensations, visions, perceptions, ideas
  • The narrator usually refers the characters chain
    of thoughts to the reader. The reader is in the
    characters mind and is supposed to apply himself
    to understand their ideas.

  • March and Bandford are alone in the country and
    they are able to provide everything for
    themselves. Their autonomy is the result of
  • The War ? Men are employed as soldiers in the
    conflict, as a consequence women are supposed to
    work. The state needs them in countries, and in
    factories to produce the bare minimum to survive
    and to maintain troops in life.
  • Women feel necessary and part of the social
    system a system in which they were nothing, a
    system they have ever wanted to take part of.
  • War creates the womens opportunity to become
    part of the society, to feel useful and to
    emancipate themselves.
  • Woman emancipation ? It is a feminine movement
    characterizing the first two decades of 20th
    Century. Women from the middle class, being
    frustrated by their social and economical
    situation, wanted to change it. A lot of
    demonstrations and direct actions of such wishes
    spread in England.
  • They wanted to be called Suffragettes from the
    word suffrage. They want to vote and to have
    the same place, opportunities and possibility of
    a men.
  • For some of such wishes, women are supposed to
    work and to fight even today, but for others they
    succeed. In England, on the 2nd of July 1928,
    every woman is allowed to vote.

  • Relationships are at the centre of texts
  • They can be analyzed from the direct reported
    speech or considering the characters reactions
    described by the narrator.
  • Anyway the reader is invited to consider the
    consequences of love on friendship. March and
    Bandford are friend before Henrys communication
    to desire to marry March.
  • March is not autonomous to chose what to do
    because she has to decide who is minded to loose.
    Bandford and Henry fight to kept March, but she
    didnt know what to do.
  • This is the demonstration that relationships
    limit the personal autonomy.
  • You are not able to decide what you want or what
    is better for you without considering the
    reactions of the one you love.

  • The novel has no definite message. It has got the
    purpose to make the reader reflect on
  • The consequences of the war
  • The influences of relationships on personal
  • The importance of relationships in human life
  • The rules in relationships
  • man (hunter) woman (prey)
  • submit (dominated) submitter

  • Cl. VA
  • 15-01-2010
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