ACCIDENTAL FIRES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Three elements, or factors, must be present to initiate a fire. Basic Fire Elements ... 1. Light bulbs can cause ignition of combustible materials, however this DOES ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Fire/Arson investigators should be able to
accurately determine the cause of all types of
fires to which they are called. The investigator
must know and understand those accidental fire
causes which are found in various
occupancies. Criminal prosecutions of arson
depends on the ability of the investigator to
prove the fact of incendiarism and the fact of
non-accidental fire cause. The cause of a fire
MUST BE DETERMINED before corrective action can
be taken.
I. Basic Fire Elements
Three elements, or factors, must be present to
initiate a fire.
  • A. Heat Sources (4)
  • 1. Chemical
  • a. Heat of Combustion (burning)
  • b. Spontaneous heating
  • c. Heat of decomposition
  • d. Heat of solution Heat released when a
    substance is dissolved

Basic Fire Elements
  • 2. Electrical
  • a. Resistive heating
  • b. Induction heating
  • c. Dielectric heating, ie. dust or dirt
    collecting on an insulator allowing a fault or
    leak of electrical current
  • d. Heat from electric arcing (includes static
  • e. Heat generated by lightning

Basic Fire Elements
  • 3. Mechanical
  • a. Friction heat
  • b. Friction sparks
  • c. Overheating of machinery (may be considered a
    form of friction heat

(No Transcript)
Basic Fire Elements
  • 4. Nuclear Heat
  • a. Fission - splitting of atoms
  • b. Fusion - splitting of atoms

Basic Fire Elements
  • B. Fuel The ease of ignition depends on
  • 1. Mass of the Fuel
  • 2. State of the Fuel
  • a. Solid
  • b. Liquid
  • (1) Ambient temperature
  • (2) Flash point
  • c. Gas or vapor

Basic Fire Elements
  • C. An event which brings together the heat
    source and the fuel may be
  • 1. An action
  • or
  • 2. Lack of an action

II. Fire Causes and Reasons
  • A. Accidental (including natural)
  • 1. Fires resulting from actions or inactions
  • a. Fires caused by carelessness
  • b. Providential acts or Acts of God
  • 2. Any fire incident NOT resulting from intent or
  • B. Incendiary
  • 1. Any fire caused intentionally
  • 2. Any fire allowed to start intentionally

Fire Causes and Reasons
  • C. Other classifications generally refer to the
    status of the investigation or a reason for the
    cause itself. Suspicious, not investigated,
    undetermined, and under investigation designate
    the investigative status.

Fire Causes and Reasons
  • D. Major Accidental Fire Causes
  • 1. Spontaneous heating
  • 2. Low temperature ignition, careless use of
    smoking materials
  • 3. Open flames and sparks, burning trash
  • 4. Heating equipment
  • 5. Cooking equipment
  • 6. Energized electrical equipment
  • 7. Gas fires and explosions
  • 8. Dust explosions
  • 9. Flammable and combustible liquids
  • 10. Others lightning, fireworks, explosives

III. Spontaneous Heating
  • A. Although probably somewhat rare except in
    rural areas, spontaneous heating is sometimes
    used as a catch-all by investigators faced with
    having to list a fire cause and being unable to
    find a correct cause.
  • B. Many organic materials and some metals are
    subject to oxidation and/or fermentation which
    results in spontaneous heating.

Spontaneous Heating
  • C. Spontaneous heating is produced in three ways
  • 1. Chemical Action
  • a. Unmined coal igniting underground
  • b. Unslaked lime in contact with water
  • Slake to cause (as lime) to heat and crumble by
    treatment with water, hydrate (Websters)
  • c. Other hazardous substances in contact with
    water, ie. metallic sodium, potassium, sodium
    hydroxide, and calcium oxide

Spontaneous Heating
  • 2. Oxidation
  • a. Most often associated with vegetable oils or
    materials containing vegetable oils and
  • b. Examples oil mops, oily rags, paint rags and
  • c. May require hours or days to build up enough
    heat to ignite
  • Spontaneous heating due to oxidation most often
    occurs in unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds

Spontaneous Heating
  • 3. Fermentation
  • a. Most common type of spontaneous heating
  • b. Occurs in vegetable matter such as hay, grain,
    straw and manure
  • (1) Low moisture content will not ferment
  • (2) High moisture content will not ignite

Spontaneous Heating
  • d. Spontaneous heating may be accelerated by
    outside heat sources
  • (1) Sunshine
  • (2) Storage near steam pipes or heaters
  • (3) Hot air ducts
  • (4) Friction

Spontaneous Heating
  • e. Available air is important to spontaneous
  • (1) Too much air may dissipate the heat
  • (2) Too little air may retard heating
  • (3) Example Oily rags in the bottom of a trash
    can may produce heating, but the same rags spread
    out on the floor may simply dry out

Spontaneous Heating
  • f. Material mass is important. Usually, several
    inches of depth is required to allow spontaneous
    heat to build up.
  • g. Spontaneous heating may occur for hours, days,
    or even months, prior to reaching ignition
  • h. Bacteriological preheating (Microbial
    Thermogenesis) MAY initiate the fermentation
    process causing spontaneous heating with
    oxidation occurring in the later stages just
    prior to ignition.

Spontaneous Heating
  • i. Some common materials subject to spontaneous

(1) Alfalfa meal (2) Charcoal (3) Colors in
oil (4) Cod liver oil (5) Fish meal (6) Fish
oil (7) Fish scrap
(8) Linseed oil (9) Red skin peanuts (10) Tung
nut meals (11) Varnished fabrics (12) Certain
metals in fine powder form, shavings, chips or
Spontaneous Heating
  • j. Charring inside the mass, or charring of more
    than one area inside the mass, is an indicator of
    fire caused by spontaneous heating
  • Hay clinker
  • Clinker stony matter fused together SLAG
  • Kirks Fire Investigation gives a good
    explanation of spontaneous heating

IV. Low Temperature Ignitionand Careless use
ofsmoking materials
  • When temperatures as low as 250 F. is applied to
    cellulosic materials, such as wood, cotton and
    other organic compounds, for an extended period
    of time, a chemical change occurs known as
  • A. Pyrophoric carbon is formed
  • 1. The character of the material is changed
  • 2. Exposed material becomes almost pure carbon
    and is subject to spontaneous heating

Low Temperature Ignition
  • B. Low temperature ignition may occur in areas
    where combustible materials are located near
    light bulbs, steam pipes, electric irons, or
    other low temperature heat generating equipment.
  • C. Small or thin materials may not be effected
    due to their low mass or low density
  • 1. Pyrolysis usually occurs in heavier timbers
  • 2. The density of a material has an insulating

Low Temperature Ignition
  • D. Low temperature heating may occur over an
    extended time period, from several weeks to
    several years
  • E. Common sources of low temperature heat,
    sufficient to cause pyrolytic decomposition are
  • 1. Electric light bulbs generating surface heat
    from around 200 F. to near 400 F.
  • 2. Steam pipes generating surface heat between
    240 F. and 260 F.

Low Temperature Ignition
  • F. Indicators of low temperature ignition
  • 1. Large, charred section of combustible material
  • 2. Presence of low temperature heat source
  • 3. A discoloration or baking of the material

Low Temperature Ignition
  • G. Smoking Materials Related Fires
  • 1. The temperature generated by burning
    cigarettes varies greatly, from
  • a. About 550 F., measured on the outside surface
    of a glowing ash
  • TO
  • b. about 1350 F., measured near the center of a
    glowing ash

Low Temperature Ignition
  • 2. Cigarettes in contact with most combustibles
  • a. usually cause local charring or damage due to
    a small contact area
  • AND
  • b. are often self-extinguishing
  • 3. Careless use of smoking materials is often
    over-used by investigators thinking this cause
    will be difficult to contradict

Low Temperature Ignition
  • 4. Cigarettes and the ignition of combustibles
  • a. Cigarettes usually must be insulated to ignite
    combustible materials
  • (1) Allows build-up of heat
  • (2) Increases surface contact
  • b. An insulating effect occurs when cigarettes or
    burning ashes fall between cushions of sofas or

Low Temperature Ignition
  • c. EXCEPTION A cigarette in open contact with
    cotton bed coverings, ie. sheets, mattress
    covers, etc.
  • (1) The insulation affect may not be necessary
  • (2) Mattress padding may begin smouldering
  • 5. Smouldering furniture usually requires a long
    period of time to produce open burning from
    1-1/2 hours to several hours

Low Temperature Ignition
  • 6. Smouldering fires inside padded furniture may
    produce temperatures from 1400 to 1600 degrees F.
  • 7. Indicators of fires in furniture caused by
  • a. Collapse of springs, which usually requires
    temperatures of about 1500 F. to cause loss of
    spring temper. (also known as annealing)
  • b. Smouldering furniture fires usually produce
    large quantities of heavy smoke, resulting in
    heavy smoke stain on windows and mirrors in the
    area near the point of origin

Low Temperature Ignition
  • c. Heavy floor damage (charring) may result from
    smouldering furniture fires
  • (1) May resemble flammable liquid pattern on the
  • (2) May mislead investigators
  • d. Almost total destruction of the involved
    article may result.

Low Temperature Ignition
  • 8. Exceptions to be considered when investigating
    fires thought to have started from contact of
    furniture with cigarettes
  • a. Large quantities of flammable liquids on or
    under furniture can cause spring collapse
  • (1) Small quantities of flammable liquids usually
    cause only local damage
  • (2) Small quantities usually cause top or surface

Low Temperature Ignition
  • b. Fires resulting in building collapse or
    extensive damage may produce sufficient heat to
    anneal (collapse) furniture springs
  • 9. SOME, NOT ALL, foamed plastics, foam rubber,
    and/or polyfoam furniture padding
  • a. may produce more heat than older (cotton
    padded) furniture
  • b. may or may not ignite easily upon contact with
    a lighted cigarette, depending upon the chemical
    composition of the material

Low Temperature Ignition
  • c. May produce melted, napalm-like materials,
  • (1) generating extreme heat
  • (2) generating extreme smoke
  • (3) causing very rapid burning
  • (4) creating very deep char patterns

Low Temperature Ignition
  • 10. Cigarettes in contact with flammable gases or
  • a. The cold ash around a burning coal may act as
    a flash screen, similar to the screen in
    flammable liquid safety cans
  • b. Explosions of flammable gases may occur when
    an individual attempts to light a cigarette using
    a match or a lighter
  • c. Explosions CAN occur, and MUST NOT BE

V. Open Flames and Sparks
  • A. Sparks are hot and/or burning fragments
    emitting from at heat source.
  • B. Sparks are not generally considered a primary
    source of ignition
  • C. Sparks are commonly found to be bits of
    glowing or burning wood, paper, or other organic

Open flames and Sparks
  • D. Significant sources for sparks would be
  • 1. Fireplaces and chimneys through
  • a. Open fronts on fireplaces resulting in small
    spots on the floor and possibly igniting carpets,
    rugs and/or furniture
  • b. Top of chimney resulting in fires on roofs or
    in other nearby flammable materials
  • c. Chinks or defects in a chimney wall allowing
    ignition of supporting timbers and construction
    materials near or in contact with the chimney

Open flames and Sparks
  • 2. Incinerators and trash burners
  • a. Usually rate high as a source of sparks and
    burning fragments
  • b. Most are used to destroy materials likely to
    generate many sparks, ie, paper, trash
  • c. Probably cause more grass fires than roof fires

Open flames and Sparks
  • 3. Bonfires and campfires
  • a. Usually generate less high-flying embers and
    brands due to density of the material being
    burned, ie, wood
  • b. Lack of restraint and protection from wind
    allows horizontal fire spread at ground level
  • c. Very dangerous from the standpoint of igniting
    larger, uncontrolled fires in surrounding grass
    and leaves

VI. Heating Equipment
  • A. Heating equipment may become defective or
    overheat and become an ignition source.
  • 1. May be installed too close to combustible
    materials. Should comply with manufacturers
    instructions or follow guidelines of NFPA
  • 2. Combustibles may be placed too close to
    heating device, ie, clothes or papers

Heating Equipment
  • B. Oil burning equipment
  • 1. Observe the firebox, pipes and flues, looking
    for excess soot which could indicate incomplete
    combustion due to malfunction or improper
  • 2. The point of origin may be located near the
    pipes or flues

Heating Equipment
  • 3. Check the controls and fuel lines for
  • a. Prior trouble with equipment indicated by
    fresh tool marks indicating attempted repairs
  • b. Fuel leakage soaked into the floor

Heating Equipment
  • C. Gas burning equipment
  • 1. Check firebox, pipes and flues as above
  • 2. Check the controls and gas lines as above

Heating Equipment
  • D. Electrical heating equipment (portable)
  • 1. Again, check for combustibles too close to the
  • 2. Check the units controls
  • a. Main switch on or off
  • b. Tilt or overturn switch in place or missing
  • 3. Is the unit in its normal location?
  • 4. Check for electrical short circuits
  • E. Electrical heating equipment (stationary) same
    as portable except location and tilt switch.

Heating Equipment
  • F. Coal, wood, or other solid fuel heating
  • 1. Often over supplied with fuel
  • 2. Often causes fires in nearby combustibles
  • 3. Fuel supplies often are stored too close to
    the heating unit. (includes combustible
    liquids/combustible starting fuels)
  • 4. Check the combustion and flue areas
  • 5. Check old solid fuel units to see if they
    have been converted to burn liquid fuels. If so,
    they may leak and/or overheat

Heating Equipment
  • G. Technical information on specific heating
    equipment may be found at dealerships, in owners
    manuals, or in the NFPA Handbook.

VII. Cooking Equipment
  • A. Consider your point of origin in respect to
    the location of the cooking equipment. Most
    severe burning will be directly above the
  • B. Check the position of all controls and heating

Cooking Equipment
  • C. Check the location of the rooms trash
  • 1. Often placed between the cooking equipment and
    a cabinet or wall
  • 2. Ignition of the trash may occur due to
  • a. Splattering grease
  • b. Conducted heat from the equipment
  • D. Check for an accumulation of trash behind the

Cooking Equipment
  • E. Observe all electrical contact points of the
    controls, switches, and thermostats, for
    malfunction. If the equipment is gas or oil
    fired, check all valves and fuel lines.
  • F. Look for any signs of repair or adjustments to
    fuel or electrical supply
  • 1. Tool marks
  • 2. Missing cover plates or screws

Cooking Equipment
  • G. Be aware of attempts by occupants to remove
    burning fuel from the equipment
  • 1. Burning pans may be dropped or thrown,
    resulting in burn injuries to occupants.
  • 2. The point of origin may appear to be located
    at floor level.
  • 3. The point of origin may appear to be located
    in or near the sink.
  • 4. The floor may appear to have been spread with
    a flammable accelerant.

Cooking Equipment
  • H. Check time factors
  • 1. Did the fire occur during normal meal
    preparation time?
  • 2. Check for other evidence of meal preparation
  • 3. Check the number of heating elements being
  • I. Commercial cooking equipment is generally
    equipped with automatic power shut-offs and
    extinguishing systems which should operate when
    excessive heat is incurred.

VIII. Energized Electrical Equipment and
ElementaryElectrical Theory
  • A. Home and commercial electrical protection
  • 1. Designs are based on the National Electrical
    Code, a publication of the National Fire
    Protection Association.

Electrical Equipment
  • 2. Incoming electrical power is usually protected
    by a fuse or circuit breaker at the meter
    connection on or near the structure being
  • a. The fuse or breaker should be rated to
    correspond to the power (current) demands of the
    structure, generally 60 amps or more depending on
    the type occupancy.

Electrical Equipment
  • b. For residential service, incoming power may be
    from 110 volts to 120 volts for small appliances,
    lights, etc. 220 volts to 240 may also be
    provided to residential occupancies for use with
    heavy appliances, window air conditioning units,
    central air and heating units, ranges, ovens,
  • c. Commercial and industrial occupancies often
    require 440 volt service or greater.

Electrical Equipment
  • 3. Electric power service normally enters the
    structure at a distribution panel containing
    overcurrent protective devices, ie. fuses or
  • a. The incoming main power is divided into
    secondary circuits such as
  • (1) Lighting circuits
  • (2) Appliance circuits
  • (3) Water heater circuits (usually and individual

Electrical Equipment
  • (4) Range circuits (usually an individual
  • (5) Heating/air conditioning (usually an
    individual circuit)
  • b. Secondary circuits are normally called branch
    circuits, and extend beyond the overcurrent
    protective devices.

Electrical Equipment
  • c. Wiring found in branch circuits
  • (1) General purpose and small appliance circuits
    are normally 12 guage (AWG- American Wire Gauge)
    and carry approximately 20 amps
  • (2) Small appliance circuits found in kitchens,
    bathrooms, and residential garages should also be
    protected by a special type circuit breaker, a
    GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter).

Electrical Equipment
  • (3) Special purpose, individual branch circuits,
    provide service for individual appliances and
    utilize wire sizes and overcurrent protection as
    required by specific codes.
  • 4. Grounding of circuits
  • a. All metal appliance enclosures, metal
    conduits, and metal electrical conductors, should
    be connected to ground.

Electrical Equipment
  • b. Circuits shall be grounded through at least an
    iron or steel rod electrode. The rod shall be at
    least 5/8 inch in diameter and shall be installed
    so that at least 8 feet of the rod length is in
    contact with the soil. The rod shall be driven
    into the soil to a depth of eight feet, except
    that when a rock bottom is encountered, the rod
    shall be driven at an oblique angle not to exceed
    45 degrees from vertical or shall be buried in a
    trench at least 2-1/2 feet deep. 1993 NEC

Electrical Equipment
  • c. Loose connections or accidental overcurrents
    may energize appliances or other objects and
    cause shock and/or fire hazards.

Electrical Equipment
  • 5. Overcurrent Protection
  • a. Current generates heat
  • b. Excessive current due to an increased power
    demand, generates excessive heat, at times
    creating short circuits, which develop when two
    elements of different potentials come in contact
    with one another.

Electrical Equipment
  • (1) Ground fault is the most common type short
    and occurs when a hot wire contacts a ground or
    grounded wire. This produces a very large surge
    of current.
  • (2) True short circuits occur when a hot wire
    contacts a neutral wire.

Electrical Equipment
  • c. If properly designed and operating, excess
    heat or a current surge should cause the
    overcurrent device to open or trip, stopping the
    current flow.

Electrical Equipment
  • 6. Typical overcurrent protective devices
  • a. Fuses
  • (1) Fuse links melt and produce an open circuit
  • (2) Types of fuses
  • (a) Edison - screw base glass or screw base
    creamic with glass windows. Up to 30 amps
    maximum. 15 amps or less have hexagonal windows.
    Above 15 amps have round windows.

Electrical Equipment
  • (b) S Type - similar to Edison, with the size
    of the screw base varying according to the amp
  • (c) Ferrule - clip in, cartridge type, resembling
    a shotgun shell. Cardboard with metal caps on
    either end. Rated up to 60 amps.
  • (d) Blade - a cartridge fuse resembling a ferrule
    fuse except the endcaps have blades which fit
    into a clip in the panel. Rated 60 amps or above.

Electrical Equipment
  • (e) Time Delay - similar to an Edison fuse in
    appearance but designed to withstand momentary
    overloads without tripping. Sometimes called
    slow blow fuses. Time delay fuses are also
    available in cartridge type fuses.

Electrical Equipment
  • b. Circuit breakers
  • (1) Circuit breakers are designed to open and
    close a circuit by non- automatic means and to
    open a circuit automatically at a predetermined
  • (2) Older types usually contain bimetallic strips
    which heat and bend, opening contacts or tripping
    the breaker.
  • (3) Newer types operate due to an increase or
    decrease in an electromagnetic field caused by
    current flow variations.

Electrical Equipment
  • B. Evaluating electricity as an accidental fire
  • 1. Conductor material (wires) for general wiring
    shall be of aluminum, copper-clad aluminum, or
    copper, and shall be insulated unless otherwise
    specified or specifically permitted by code.
    1993 NEC, 310-2

Electrical Equipment
  • 2. Aluminum wiring first came into use about
  • a. Contracts and expands approx. 38 more than
  • b. Oxidizes more than copper.
  • c. Oxidation and expansion at connections may
    cause connectors to become loose.
  • d. Aluminum and copper react with one another
    (electrolysis) and the connection may corrode due
    to the reaction.

Electrical Equipment
  • e. Proper connections MUST be used for copper to
    aluminum connections. Proper connectors will be
    marked as follows
  • (1) AL/CU (aluminum/copper)
  • (2) Connector may be painted white

Electrical Equipment
  • 3. Examine the service/distribution area,
  • a. Fuses - Overheating usually causes little or
    no burning or discoloration. Electrical shorts
    usually cause sudden current surges resulting in
  • b. Circuit Breakers - May have been taped in an
    on position or be held in on position by a
    broom or mop handle.

Electrical Equipment
  • c. The distribution panel may show evidence of
    tool marks on the cover plate or have the cover
    plate removed.
  • d. Check the panel for
  • (1) Tight/loose connections
  • (2) Pennies in fuse sockets
  • (3) Altered fuses
  • (4) Foil wrapped fuses
  • (5) Solid metal jumpers
  • (6) Jumper cables
  • (7) Other bridging methods

Electrical Equipment
  • 4. Examine the undamaged building areas,
    evaluating the electrical system for
  • a. Unsound mechanical work, missing cover
    plates, loose connections, splices, etc.
  • b. Adequate number and placement of receptacles
  • c. Evidence of circuit misuse such as many
    extension cords in use, extra long extension
    cords (longer than 8 feet), multi-adapters, etc.

Electrical Equipment
  • d. Major appliances on light circuits
  • e. NOTE Evidence of misuse or overuse of
    circuits DOES NOT PROVE an electrical fire cause,
    but DOES indicate a need for additional

Electrical Equipment
  • 5. Examine wiring in the area of the point of
  • a. Aluminum wiring usually melts at about 1200
    degrees F. It may melt and run after causing a
    fire or may melt due to normal house fire
  • b. Copper wiring usually melts at about 2000
    degrees F, a temperature not normally produced in
    most structural fires of accidental cause.

Electrical Equipment
  • c. Heat damaged copper wire usually results in
    sharp pointed ends and some blistering may occur
    on the wire surface. Heat may also cause the
    wire to neck or have thin diameters resembling
    pulled taffy.
  • d. Insulation may remain on heat damaged wire and
    may be tightly bonded to the wire due to external
    heat burning the insulation from the outside.

Electrical Equipment
  • e. Sparks from electrical short circuits
    generate temperatures of from 2,000 to 7,000
    degrees F, and may cause damage to copper wiring.
  • (1) Copper may melt and spatter
  • (2) Beads may form at the ends of smaller wires
    or cable strands
  • (3) Cavities may form on ends of larger cables

Electrical Equipment
  • f. Insulation may indicate the type of heat
  • (1) Internal head causes insulation to expand and
    produce a sleeve over the wire.
  • (2) External heat may cause insulation to bond
    tightly to the wire.
  • g. Short circuits may develop during the fire and
    do not, of themselves, indicate or prove the
    short to be the fire cause.

Electrical Equipment
  • h. Conduit or flexible metal cable (B cable) (BX
    Cable??) may develop cavities or blow outs from
    short circuits occurring during the fire.
  • i. Evidence of short circuits very close to the
    point of origin indicate the need for additional

Electrical Equipment
  • j. Evaluate circuits containing suspected
    electrical fire causes, tracing wiring back to
    the distribution panel, checking for loose
    connections, bridge overcurrent protection
    devices and recent repair attempts.

Electrical Equipment
  • C. Evaluating equipment and applinces as
    accidental fire causes.
  • 1. Light bulbs can cause ignition of combustible
    materials, however this DOES NOT occur as often
    as some investigators believe.
  • 2. Temperatures generated by light bulbs depend
    on their
  • a. Size (wattage)
  • b. Shape (design), and
  • c. Position (angle of installation)

Electrical Equipment
  • 3. Light bulbs in contact with thin combustibles
    often produce only localized scorching.
  • 4. Indicators of light bulbs as a fire cause
  • a. Heavy staining of bulb fragments
  • b. Combustible ash may be stuck to the bulb or
    bulb fragments.
  • c. A short circuit may develop near the bulb or
  • d. the point of origin may be very near

Electrical Equipment
  • e. Usually long periods of time with no occupants
    in the area of origin
  • f. Laboratories may be able to determine if the
    bulb was on at the time of the fire by
    examining the filament remains

Electrical Equipment
  • 5. Lighting fixtures may cause fires in nearby
    combustible building components (joists, studs,
    insulation, etc) if improperly installed.
  • a. Fire may be slow starting and be
    characteristic of low temperature ignition
  • b. The point or area of origin may be found near
    the fixture due to very deep charring.

Electrical Equipment
  • 6. Fluorescent fixtures may malfunction or the
    ballast transformer may break down.
  • a. Ballasts may contain tar like filler
    materials which will melt and run at higher
  • b. Improperly operating ballast transformers may
    develop extreme temperatures and self-ignite or
    ignite other nearby combustibles.
  • 8 single-pin slim-line fixtures are somewhat
    famous for starting fires and/or causing problems

Electrical Equipment
  • 7. Small electrical appliances are required to
    have thermal controls, thermostats, and/or
    overload protective devices.
  • a. Controls are usually constructed of bimetalic
  • b. Control points may be pitted or fused together
    thus allowing overheating.
  • c. Control points which are closed during the
    fire are usually clean and unstained.

Electrical Equipment
  • 8. Electric motors as heat sources
  • a. Bronze bearings usually do not seize-up,
    freeze, or lock, from external fire damage and
    heat, but this may indicate an internal heat
    source due to electrical overload or friction.
  • b. Motor overload fuses should be examined.
  • c. Contact points should be examined for fusing
    or pitting.

Electrical Equipment
  • d. Damage to the inside surface of drive belts,
    at their points of contact with pulleys, may
    indicate friction heat build-up.
  • e. The clear, varnished appearance of electrical
    motor insulation, is usually burned away ONLY
    when a motor burns out from internal heat.
    External fire heat usually DOES NOT destroy motor
    wiring insulation.

Electrical Equipment
  • f. Motors which retain high temperatures after
    other metal objects in the same area have cooled
    down, may indicate internal heating. Consider
    the metal mass of each object.

Electrical Equipment
  • 9. Electric blankets, heating pads, and water bed
    heaters may generate heat sufficient to start a
  • a. Frequently due to an owners misuse by not
    following the manufacturers recommendations
  • b. Check thermostat controls
  • c. Often difficult to distinguish from fires
    caused by a cigarette in or on the mattress

Electrical Equipment
  • 10. Televisions, radios, stereos, and home
    entertainment centers may generate enough heat to
    ignite themselves or nearby combustible
  • a. Adequate ventilation is an absolute necessity
    to allow proper operation without overheating.
  • b. Dust build-up inside the set may produce
    arcing and ignite internal plastic components.
  • c. Many T.V. sets operate with elevated voltages
    (up to 32,000 volts) in some areas within the set.

Electrical Equipment
  • d. Many units fail due to their power switch
    being of a light duty design and/or possibly
    remaining in an instant on position, thereby
    allowing the set to be partially energized at all
    times generating heat.
  • e. Plastic cabinets may melt, run, and burn,
    producing floor charring similar to furniture
    fires and/or liquid accelerant fires.

Electrical Equipment
  • 11. Static electricity may cause fires.
  • a. Occurs when objects of different potentials
    (or charges) contact one another.
  • b. Usually occurs more during cold, dry weather.
  • c. Accidental fires may occur especially in areas
    where flammable vapors/gases are present.
  • d. Ground wires, straps, or clamps, may indicate
    static hazard areas.

Electrical Equipment
  • D. Questions to be answered in any fire suspected
    to have been caused from electrical sources
  • 1. Was the electricity on before the fire?
  • 2. Was the electricity on at the time of the
  • 3. Did the local utility company respond to the
  • 4. Have there been any recent problems of an
    electrical nature in the building?
  • 5. Have there been any blackouts or brownnouts?

Electrical Equipment
  • 6. Have the fuses been blowing?
  • 7. Have the circuit breakers been tripping?
  • 8. Has the local utility company been called, or
    have servicemen been seen on the premises in
    recent days?
  • 9. Do the lights seem to dim, or do they get dim
    at peak hours of electrical usage?
  • 10. Do the lights flicker or dim when appliances
    are turned on?
  • 11. Do appliances start or operate slowly?

Electrical Equipment
  • 12. Does the television picture shrink or fade
    when appliances are turned on?
  • 13. If there have been any electrical problems,
    what, if anything, has been done to alleviate
  • 14. Has the handyman or janitor been working on
    the electrical system?
  • 15. Has the owner or manager been working on the
    electrical system?
  • 16. Has any other authorized or un- authorized
    person been working on the electrical system?

Electrical Equipment
  • 17. Has an electrical contractor been working on
    the electrical system - if so, who?
  • 18. Why was the electrical contractor called?
  • 19. Was he called to alleviate a problem, for an
    addition, remodeling or for new work?
  • 20. Is the contractor licensed?
  • 21. Is there a permit for the job - if so, where
    is it?
  • 22. Has the job been completed.

IX. Handling, storage and hazards of compressed
and liquefied gases
  • A. Definition of gas The physical state of a
    substance which has no shape or volume of its
    own, but will take on the shape and occupy the
    entire volume of whatever container it occupies.
  • B. Chemical classification of gases The
    chemical properties of a gas are of primary fire
    protection concern because they can react with
    other materials that can produce hazardous

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 1. Flammable gases
  • a. Any gas that will burn in normal
    concentrations of air
  • b. Will burn in air the same as a flammable
    liquid vapor
  • c. Most flammable gases are shipped in their
    liquid state

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 2. Nonflammable gases
  • a. Any gas that WILL NOT burn in any
    concentration of air or oxygen
  • b. Some will support combustion (ie. oxygen) but
    others will suppress combustion (ie. carbon

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • (1) Those supporting combustion are known as
    oxidizers and usually contain more oxygen than
    normally present in air.
  • (2) Those NOT supporting combustion are known as
    inert gases (ie. nitrogen, helium, argon)

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • C. Physical classifications of gases
  • 1. Compressed gas A gas that remains in its
    gaseous state under pressure
  • 2. Liquefied gas A gas that, at normal
    temperatures inside its container, exists as
    partly liquid and partly gaseous
  • 3. Cryogenic gas A liquified gas that exists in
    its container at below normal temperature, but
    slightly above its boiling point
  • a. Cryogenic gases cannot be contained for an
    indefinite period of time

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • b. Heat enters the container, increasing the
    temperature of the confined liquid, resulting in
    a vaporization of the contents
  • c. Resulting pressure will exceed any feasible
    container strength

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • D. Usage classifications of gases
  • 1. Fuel gases Butane, propane, natural gas,
    manufactured gases (from coal, coke, or other
    flammable materials)
  • 2. Industrial gases Entire range of gases used
    in any industrial process
  • 3. Medical gases Oxygen, nitrous oxide,

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • E. Storage and transportation of gases Gases
    are stored, handled and transported basicly in
    three (3) types of closed, pressurized,
    containers ie. cylinders, tanks and pipelines.
    Each type requires careful design, fabrication
    and maintenance.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 1. Cylinders (NFPA Handbook, 17th Edition)
  • a. Fabricated in accordance with the United
    States Department of Transportation (DOT) or the
    Canadian Transportation Commission (CTC)
  • b. Generally limited to a maximum water capacity
    of 1,000 pounds or about 120 gallons of water
  • c. Designed for a maximum service pressure

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • d. Designed to contain a specific gas or group of
  • e. Require specific safety devices
  • f. Other specifications cover metal
    composition and physical testing, wall thickness,
    joining methods, nature of openings in the
    container, heat treatments, proof testing, and

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 2. Tanks (NFPA Handbook, 17th Edition)
  • a. Usually fabricated in accordance with
    standards published by either the American
    Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) or the
    American Petroleum Institute (API).
  • b. ASME tanks are covered by their Boiler and
    Pressure Vessel Code and are usually smaller
    tanks under moderate pressure.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • c. API tanks are covered by their tank
    fabrication standards and are usually very large
    tanks under low pressure.
  • d. Cylinders or tanks that are part of
    transportation units such as cargo vehicles or
    railcars, are subject to additional regulations
    of the DOT or CTC, generally reflecting the fact
    that the containers are on wheels.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • e. Cylinders or tanks containing liquefied
    petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas
    (CNG), or liquefied natural gas (LNG), are
    regulated in Texas by safety rules of the LPG
    Division of the Texas Railroad Commission.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 3. Pipelines (NFPA Handbook, 17th Edition)
  • a. Natural gas, LP Gas, anhydrous ammonia,
    oxygen, hydrogen, and other gases used in large
    volumes, are often transported by pipeline.
  • b. Most pipelines transporting or distributing
    flammable gases have been regulated since 1968 by
    the DOT Office of Pipeline Safety, and are
    covered by federal regulations.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • c. DOT regulations cover such items as pipe
    materials, design for pressure and other
    stresses, piping components including valves,
    joining methods, installation of meters, service
    regulators and service lines, testing
    requirements, and other items.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • F. Safety Considerations
  • 1. Contained compressed gas hazards and
  • a. Compressed gas (solely in a gaseous state)
    simply expands when heated and generally follows
    basic gas behavior laws, generating more pressure
    in the container.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • b. Additional pressure generally is relieved by
    an overpressure relief device.
  • (1) Spring-loaded valve
  • (2) Bursting disk
  • (3) Fusible plug
  • c. Flammable gases should not be stored with
    nonflammable gases, but should be separated by at
    least 20 feet.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 2. Contained liquefied gas hazards and safeguards
  • a. Liquefied gases, including cryogenic gases,
    exhibit more complicated behaviors because the
    net end result of heating is the combination of
    three effects
  • (1) The gas phase is subject to the same effects
    as a compressed gas

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • (2) The liquid attempts to expand, compressing
    the vapor, and
  • (3) The vapor pressure of the liquid increases as
    the temperature of the liquid increases.
  • b. The relieving capacity of pressure relief
    devices is based upon the discharge of gas, not

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 3. A BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor
    Explosion) is a pressure-release explosion.
  • a. Results FROM container failure
  • b. Even though an overpressure relief device
    functions properly as designed, BLEVEs may still
    occur because of the circumstances present at the

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • G. Ignition sources and conditions conducive to
  • 1. The major and most dangerous source of
    ignition is exposure of pressure containers to
    external heat sources, such as flame impingement,
    resulting in a BLEVE.
  • 2. Other sources of ignition stem from escaping
    gases traveling to an open flame or spark, and

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • H. Gas fires and explosions
  • 1. Gas fires
  • a. Destruction of fuel lines during a fire may
    increase the burn rate and the resulting charring
    may appear unnatural.
  • b. The point of origin may be located in the area
    of a gas appliance, which would require
    confirmation that the appliance malfunctioned.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 2. Gas explosions
  • a. The type of structural damage may indicate the
    type of explosive fuel (gas) involved.
  • (1) Natural gas and manufactured gas are
    lighter than air and will rise to upper levels of
    a structure, usually resulting in damage being
    centered in the upper levels of the area involved.

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • (2) LP Gases, such as butane and propane are
    heavier than air and generally settle to lower
    levels of a structure resulting in more damage to
    the lower levels of the area involved.
  • (3) All flammable liquid vapors are heavier
    than air and will normally settle to the lower
    levels of a structure, usually producing more
    damage centered at the lower levels of the area

Compressed and Liquefied Gases
  • 3. Explosions may occur during attempted suicides
  • a. Many people wrongly believe natural gas and
    LPG to be poisonous, and may attempt to use gas
    fueled cooking equipment to commit suicide.
  • b. Check for extinguished pilot lights and
    controls set on HIGH.

X. Combustible Dusts
  • A. Most finely divided combustible materials are
    capable of igniting and burning or exploding.
  • 1. Agricultural products, ie. wood, starch,
    sugar, corn
  • 2. Carbonaceous dusts, ie. coal, charcoal, coke,
  • 3. Chemical dusts, ie. sulphur, lactose, ascorbic
    acid, lead stearate, methyl celulose
  • 4. Metal dusts, ie. aluminum, bronze, iron,
    magnesium, zinc

Combustible Dusts
  • B. Deposits of combustible dust on beams,
    machinery, and other surfaces, are subject to
    flash fires.
  • C. When combustible dust particles are suspended
    in air and ignited, they may explode.

Combustible Dusts
  • D. The chance of a dust cloud igniting is
    governed by
  • 1. The size of its particles
  • 2. The dust concentration
  • 3. Impurities present
  • 4. Oxygen concentration
  • 5. Strength of the source of ignition

Combustible Dusts
  • E. Dust explosions generally occur as a series
  • 1. Small cloud explodes, creating more dust
  • 2. Larger cloud ignites and explodes, etc.
  • F. The hazard of any given dust is relative to
    its ease of ignition and the severity of the
    ensuing explosion.
  • G. The small the dust particle, the easier it

Combustible Dusts
  • H. Dust clouds have been ignited by open flames,
    lights, smoking materials, electric arcs, hot
    filaments of broken light bulbs, static sparks,
    welding and cutting torches, and other common
    heat sources

Combustible Dusts
  • I. Destructiveness of a dust explosion depends
    primarily on the
  • 1. Rate of pressure rise
  • 2. Maximum pressure developed
  • 3. Duration of the excess pressure
  • 4. Degree of confinement
  • 5. Oxygen concentration

Combustible Dusts
  • J. It is the total duration of excess pressure,
    rather than the force exerted at any one moment,
    that will determine the amount of destruction
  • K. The involved area may appear to have suffered
    a flash fire with NO SINGLE POINT OF ORIGIN.

XI. Flammable and Combustible Liquids
  • A. Definitions
  • 1. Flammable liquids Liquids having a flash
    point BELOW 100 degrees F.
  • 2. Combustible liquids Liquids having a flash
    point AT or ABOVE 100 degrees F.

Flammable and Combustible Liquids
  • B. Misuse of flammable/combustible liquids may
    cause accidental fires
  • 1. Improper storage
  • a. Can occur in almost any storage area
  • (1) Residential occupancies
  • (a) Utility rooms
  • (b) Kitchen cabinets
  • (c) Bathrooms
  • (d) Garages/carports

Flammable and Combustible Liquids
  • (2) Commercial/industrial occupancies
  • (a) Offices
  • (b) Plant or work areas
  • (c) Storage closets
  • (d) Warehouse area
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