Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)


Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome) Andrew Avery A.M. Report 06/26/09 Introduction HHT is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
(Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)
  • Andrew Avery
  • A.M. Report
  • 06/26/09

  • HHT is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder
    that leads to vascular malformations
  • First recognized in the 19th century as a
    familial disorder with abnormal vascular
    structures causing bleeding from the nose and
    gastrointestinal tract
  • HHT is characterized by telangiectatic lesions of
    the nose, lips, and visceral organs including the
    liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, lungs,
    brain, and spinal cord

  • Incidence in Europe and Japan at rates between
    15000 and 18000 but widely variable in other
  • More frequently occurs in whites

  • Mutations in at least four genes can cause HHT
  • The two major disease genes responsible for HHT
    are on chromosome 9 (ENG, protein product
    endoglin) and chromosome 12 (ACVRL1, protein
    product activin receptor-like kinase 1, ALK-1)
    designated HHT1 and HHT2, respectively

  • HHT results from endoglin or ALK-1
    haploinsufficiency (ie, lack of sufficient
    protein for normal function)
  • ALK-1 is a transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta
    superfamily type I receptor, and endoglin
    associates with different signaling receptors and
    can modify TGF-beta-1 signaling
  • Thus, it is thought that abnormal vessels in HHT
    probably develop because of aberrant TGF-beta
    signaling at some stage during vascular

  • HHT1 pulmonary and cerebral AVMs are more common
  • HHT2 hepatic AVMs are more common
  • However, understanding whether a pt has an
    endoglin or ALK-1 mutations does not allow a
    strong prediction of the likely course of HHT,
    since all features of HHT can be seen in both
    HHT1 and HHT2.

Clinical Features
  • Majority of patients with HHT experience only
    epistaxis, mucocutaneous telangiectasia, and a
    tendency to develop iron deficiency anemia
    secondary to the blood loss
  • In pts who do not present spontaneously to a
    clinician before the age of 60 years, there is no
    excess mortality
  • There is significant morbidity and mortality in
    younger patients, predominantly attributed to the
    consequences of visceral involvement

Clinical Features
  • Epistaxis-most common manifestation. Severity is
    widely variable
  • GI Bleeding-occur in 1/3 of pts telangiectasia
    more common in the stomach or duodenum, but can
    occur anywhere
  • Mucocutaneous telangiectasia- occur in the skin
    and buccal mucosa of about 75 percent of
    individuals, typically presenting after the age
    of 20, and increasing in size and number with
    age mostly occur on the face, lips, tongue,
    buccal mucosa, fingertips, and dorsum of the
    hand, but can occur elsewhere

Colon Angiodysplasia
Superficial telangectasias
Pulmonary AVMs
  • Definition thin walled abnormal vessels that
    replace normal capillaries between the pulmonary
    arterial and venous circulations
  • Provide a direct capillary-free communication
    between the pulmonary and systemic circulations
  • The majority of pulmonary AVM patients have no
    respiratory symptoms
  • Only 1/3 of affected individuals exhibited
    physical signs indicating a substantial
    right-to-left shunt (eg, cyanosis, clubbing,

Complications of Pulmonary AVMs
  • Neurological sequelae 2/2 to paradoxical emboli
    are most common and include both catastophic
    embolic cerebral events (e.g. cerebral abscess
    and embolic stroke) and TIAs
  • Hemorrhage may occur vessels in a bronchus or the
    pleural cavity, causing hemoptysis or hemothorax
  • High-output heart failure may develop in the
    presence of marked shunting arterial blood to the
    venous circulation

Pulmonary AVMs
Cerebral AVMs
  • Cerebral AVMs affect approximately 10 percent of
    HHT patients (usually silent)
  • May lead to headache, seizures, hemorrhage, or
    ischemia of the surrounding tissue (due to a
    steal effect)
  • One large observational study showed that HHT pts
    under the age 46 years were 23 times more likely
    to have a stroke than their counterparts in the
    general population

Cerebral AVMs
Hepatic AVMs
  • Silent hepatic involvement occurs in up to 30
    percent of patients with HHT
  • Symptoms are much less frequent and include
    high-output heart failure, portal hypertension,
    and biliary disease
  • Large AVMs between the hepatic artery and vein
    can cause a significant left-to-right shunt with
    steal syndromes that can cause angina
  • Portal hypertension and hepatic encephalopathy,
    particularly after episodes of gastrointestinal
    bleeding, may result from shunts between the
    hepatic artery and portal vein

Diagnostic Criteria
  • Spontaneous and recurrent epistaxis
  • Multiple mucocutaneous telangiectasias
  • Visceral involvement (eg, gastrointestinal,
    pulmonary, cerebral, or hepatic AVMs)
  • A first-degree relative with HHT
  • -three or four criteria-gtdefinite two criteria
    -gtsuspected none-gtunlikely
  • The diagnosis may be confirmed by formal genetic
    testing for mutations involving endoglin, ALK-1,
    or SMAD4

Physical Exam
  • When HHT is suspected, PE focuses on searching
    for teleangiectasias, which are usually most
    commonly located on the digits, pinna, bridge of
    the nose, tongue or palate.
  • Auscultation of the liver for presence of
    bruits, and heart for high-output cardiac failure
    should be performed
  • A detailed neurological examination should foucs
    on uncovering prior evidence of a stroke

  • Epistaxis Treatments are generally directed to
    patients either experiencing massive hemorrhages
    or experiencing daily epistaxis, and include
    laser ablation, arterial ligation,
    septodermoplasty, and unilateral or bilateral
    surgical closure of the nostrils
  • GI Bleed Repeated endoscopic ablation of
    gastrointestinal lesions may be used to control
    bleeding in the short term. Surgery has limited
    success due to recurrent disease, but may be
    useful for emergency control of hemorrhage from
    discrete lesions, as may embolization

  • GI Bleed Estrogen-Progesterone has been found to
    be useful in managing recurrent bleeds role of
    antifibrinolytics is being investigated
  • Iron Deficiency Anemia Pts with minimal degrees
    of bleeding can receive oral iron therapy.
    However, bleeding may be severe enough to require
    blood transfusions and/or parenteral iron therapy

Management of AVMs
  • Pulmonary AVMs embolotherapy is recommended
  • Cerebral AVMs may be treated with embolectomy,
    surgical removal, or stereotactic radiotherapy
  • Hepatic AVMs if medical management fails, liver
    transplantation is the treatment of choice.
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