Title: General Knowledge-2
1General Knowledge-2
General Knowledge-2
2General Knowledge-2
3Session Objectives
General Knowledge-2
To Understand and Explore Static General
Knowledge (History ,Sports Science)
4Important areas of History
General Knowledge-2
- Important events and their years
- Important kingdoms and dynasties, their important
rulers and the important work that was done
during that particular period. - Famous battles and their years
- Important Lords and what they did during their
tenure - Famous travelers, kings during their travel
period and what important work they did during
their travel - Historical literary works and their authors
- Famous organizations in the history and their
founders - Famous personalities of history and related facts
- Important historical monuments their creators
5Important areas of Science
- Physics
- Day to day phenomenon and the laws of physics
- behind them
- Units of measurement
- Important physics scientists related facts
- Chemistry
- Elements and related specific facts
- Common names and chemical names
- Important chemists of the world related info
6Important areas of Science
General Knowledge-2
- Biology
- Human body and related facts
- Human body and related diseases, their
causative organisms and affected parts of the
body - Scientific instruments
- Inventions and discoveries .
- Information Technology
- Basics of computer and related terminology
- Computer terminology
- Important facts related with Information
Technology ( mainly current in nature)
7Important areas of Sports
- Cups and trophies associated with sports
- Various terms associated with sports
- History of sports festivals and famous
personalities of sports
8Question - 1
General Knowledge-2
The national calendar of India was adopted in
a. 1953 b. 1955 c. 1957 d. 1959
9Question - 2
General Knowledge-2
Which of the following personalities you would
associate with the foundation of Dev samaj? a.
G.K. Gokhale b. Shiv Narayan Agnihotri c. Keshub
Chandra Sen d. None of these
10Question - 3
General Knowledge-2
Under which of the following Lords tenure,
Government of India act 1935 was passed? a. Lord
Wavell b. Lord Linlithgow c. Lord Mountbatten
d. Lord Wellingdon
11Question -4
General Knowledge-2
- Kanishka was a famous ruler of
- Gupta dynasty
- Maurya dynasty
- Kushan Dynasty
- d. Chola Dynasty
12Question - 5
General Knowledge-2
Who initiated the Mansabdari system? a.
Aurangazeb b. Sher Shah Suri c. Akbar d.
13Question - 6
General Knowledge-2
Tughlaq Nama is a famous work of . a.
Alberuni b. Amir Khusro c. Hasan Nizami d.
14Question - 7
General Knowledge-2
The year of foundation of the World Bank was
a. 1943 b. 1945 c. 1947 d. 1949
15Question - 8
General Knowledge-2
Which of the following was the first women
president of the Indian National
Congress(INC)? a. Sarojini Naidu b. Aruna Asaf
Ali c. Annie Besant d. Vijaylakshmi Pandit
16Question - 9
General Knowledge-2
Ashtangika Marga, is the path for the
elimination of the human misery, propounded by
. a. Mahavira b. Gautama c. Adi Shankaracharya
d. Kabir
17Question - 10
General Knowledge-9
Ashvaghosha was one of the greatest literary
figures in the court of a. Ashoka b.
Kanishka c. Harshavardhana d. Chandragupta-II
18Question - 11
General Knowledge-2
Which of the following is NOT a VIRAL disease?
a. Yellow fever b. AIDS c. Leprosy d.
19Question - 12
General Knowledge-2
Cirrhosis is the disease which affects the a.
Eyes b. Brain c. Liver d. Immunity system
20Question 13
General Knowledge-2
- Cinnabar is an ore of
- a. Lithium
- b. Mercury
- c. Zinc
- d. Iron
21Question 14
General Knowledge-2
- Who discovered Ultrasound?
- a. Ian Donald
- b. Roger Bacon
- c. JP Merrill
- d. Joseph Lister
22Question 15
General Knowledge-2
- Who is credited with the invention of e-mail?
- a. Ray Tomlinson
- b. Jeffrey Bezos
- c. Jerry Yang
- d. Steve Woznik
23Question 16
General Knowledge-2
- Huntingtons disease is caused by the
malfunctioning of - a. Kidney
- b. Brain
- c. Liver
- d. Pancreas
24Question 17
General Knowledge-2
- This is the heaviest metal, can you identify it
from the given options? - a. Rhodium
- b. Osmium
- c. Plutonium
- d. Astatine
25Question 18
General Knowledge-2
- Which of the following instrument is used for
measuring the velocity and the direction of the
wind? - a. Manometer
- b. Anemometer
- c. Viscometer
- d. None of these
26Question 19
General Knowledge-2
- Which of the following is the chemical name of
Quartz? - a. Calcium Oxide
- b. Calcium Sulphate
- c. Sodium Silicate
- d. Magnesium Sulphate
27Question - 20
General Knowledge-7
Naphthoquinone forms the central chemical
structure of (a) vitamin C (b) vitamin A (c)
vitamin E (d) vitamin K
General Knowledge-2
- K.D. Jadhav was the first individual medal
winner - in Olympics from India. He won this medal in
- Weightlifting
- Athletics
- Wrestling
- Swimming
29Question- 22
General Knowledge-2
- Mark Spitz is a famous name in the field of
- Lawn Tennis
- Swimming
- Pole Vault
- Weight Lifting
30Question 23
General Knowledge-2
- Upper cut is a term used in
- boxing
- football
- c. hockey
- d. chess
31Question 24
General Knowledge-2
- This personality has won maximum number
- of medals (including gold, silver and
- bronze) in the history of Modern Olympic
- games individually. Can you name him/her
- from the given options?
- a. Paavo Nurmi
- b. Mark Spitz
- c. Jenny Thompson
- d. Larissa Latynina
32Question 25
General Knowledge-2
- Find the odd one out.
- a. P. Harikrishna
- b. Tanya Sachdev
- c. Parimarjan Negi
- d. Jayant Talukdar
33Question 26
General Knowledge-2
- The world record for scoring maximum
- number of the double centuries is held by
- a. Gary Sobers
- b. Don Bradman
- c. Allan Border
- d. Clive Loyed
34Question 27
General Knowledge-2
- Peace, Perseverance, Progress is the
- motto of
- a. Olympic Games
- b. Asian Games
- c. SAF Games
- d. Commonwealth Games
35Question 28
General Knowledge-2
- With which of the following sports
- disciplines is Wightman Cup associated?
- a. Golf
- b. Polo
- c. Lawn Tennis
- d. Volleyball
36Question 29
General Knowledge-2
- Which of the following represents the
- headquarters of the International Olympic
- Committee (IOC)?
- a. Zurich
- b. Geneva
- c. Lausanne
- d. Athens
37Question 30
- Can you identify the country which hosted the
first - commonwealth games from the given options?
- France
- Canada
- Greece
- India
38My Contacts
General Knowledge-2
- Email ID
- debashish.mukherjee_at_careerlauncher.com
39General Knowledge-2