Title: Pengolahan Citra
1Pengolahan Citra
- Sistem Pengolahan Citra Digital
2Sistem Pengolahan Citra Digital
- Merupakan suatu kesatuan yang saling berhubungan
atau terintegrasi untuk membentuk suatu sistem
antara data, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak,
prosedure pengolahan, dan tenaga pelaksana dalam
ekplorasi citra digital
3Konsep Dasar
- Pengolahan citra digital merupakan manipulasi dan
interprestasi digital dari citra dengan bantuan
komputer. Konsep dasar pengolahan citra dengan
data masukan pokok (internal data) berupa langkah
berikut - Pengumpulan data yang relevan, yaitu citra
digital - Klasifikasi atau pengelompokan dengan cara
pengkelasan - Penyusunan data sesuai kelas
- Perhitungan dan manipulasi
- Pengujian ketelitian dan perhitungan
- Penyimpulan dan rekapitulasi hasil
- Informasi
- Aplikasi Grafik
- Pengolahan Citra Design
- Rancangan Arsitektur
- Rancangan Design
- Animasi
- Pengolahan Citra
- Pengolah Citra
- Pembuatan Efek
- Contras
- Brightness
- Emboss
- Perangkat Input
- Scanner
- Digital Camera
- Perangkat Output
- Printer
- Plotter
- Monitor
- Aspek penentuan kualitas citra dari perangkat
keras - Resolusi
- Warna
- Kecepatan
- Kapasitas
6Proses Pengolahan Data Citra Secara Umum
7Perangkat Input Data
- Perangkat input data yang digunakan diantaranya
perangkat penangkap atau capture citra yang
bekerja membaca citra dengan cara dijelajahi dan
kemudian dilakukan proses konfersi kedalam data
digital. - Perangkat capture ini memiliki 3 (tiga) elemen
dasar - Sensor intensitas cahaya
- Penjelajah untuk merekam seluruh bagian citra
- Analog Digital Converter (ADC)
8Perangkat Output data
- Diantara perangkat keras output diantaranya layar
menggunakan perangkat pengolah data yang dikenal
sebagai Card VGA atau Display Processor dengan
cara kerja seperti terlihat dalam gambar berikut
- Display ProcessorCPUMemoryDisplay Processor
- Layar
- I/O
- Display Processor akan mengubah digital ke
analog, digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan CPU
dan mengontrol operasi dari display device
9Mode Layar Monitor
- Mode Teks
- 25 x 80
- 25 x 40
- Mode Grafiks (Resolusi)
- 320 x 200
- 640 x 200
- 640 x 400
- 800 x 600
- 640 x 480
- 1024 x 768
- 1180 x 1024
- 1600 x 1400
- Dibedakan oleh adanya Pixel ? Resolusi Layar
Monitor - Resolusi adalah jumlah penembakan titik pada
horizontal atau vertical tiap pixel oleh elektron
gun. Resolusi merupakan jumlah pixel percentimer
vertical dan horizontal.
- Tipe Resolusi
- High Penampungan jumlah pixel pada layar
maksimum - Midle
- Low
- Tipe Monitor
- Monocrome
- CGA (Color Graphic Adapter)
- EGA (Enchanded Graphic Adapter)
- VGA (Video Graphic Array)
- SVGA (Super VGA)
- XGA (eXtra Graphic Array)
- Warna yang dihasilkan pada setiap monitor selain
tergantung pada jenis monitor juga tergantung
dari interface yang berupa Card Monitor seperti
VGA Card. - Layar dari ukuran monitor terbatas dan tidak akan
tampak jelas dilihat dari jarak jauh, untuk
keperluan tersebut digunakan Computer Display
11Sistem Monitor
- Aspek Ratio (Y/X)
- Perbandingan antara Y dan X yang digunakan untuk
mendapatkan panjang yang sama antara garis
vertical-horizontal yang dibutuhkan yaitu
vertical 3 pixel dan horizontal 4 pixel. - Random Scan Monitor
- Pengaksesan setiap titik secara langsung yang
digunakan untuk menelusuri titik pada tiap screen
dengan cukup diwakili oleh 1 pixel - Raster Scan Monitor
- Penggambaran suatu gambar yang sama dengan
penelusuran setiap garis - Refresh rate 30 60 frames/sec
- Frame banyak pixel pada layar
- Interlaced System Teknik untuk mengatasi layar
bergoyang, dengan cara menampilkan tiap frame
secara bergantian.
12Jumlah Warna
2 4 16 256 64K 16,7 M Warna
High Color True Color
1 2 4 8 16 24 . Bit
- Setiap Pixel dapat menampilakan 1 warna
- Total warna yang dapat ditampilkan dapat
ditentukan, sebagai contoh - Monitor resolusi 800 x 600 warna yang
ditampilkan 16,7 Juta warna, memori yang
dibutuhkan ? 16,7 Juta 24 Bit - Jumlah Pixel 800 x 600 480.000
- 1 Pixel ? 24 Bit 3 Byte
- 480.000 x 3 / 1024 1440 Kb 1,44 Mb
13Image Media Types
- Images can be generally divided into two formats
- Bitmapped or Raster images
- Draw-type or Vector graphics or Metafile images
- Bitmapped images are stored as an array of
pixels. It represents the image as an array of
dots, called pixels - Vector graphics are stored as geometric shape to
represent the image
14Bitmaps Image
- A pixel is the smallest element of resolution on
a computer screen (Screen Resolution) - A pixel is the basic unit of a digital images.
Digital image is a picture that may be stored in,
displayed on, processed by a computer. - As mentioned, bitmap is composed of a matrix
elements called pixels - Each pixel can be in a specific colour and each
pixel consists of two or more colors.
15Bitmaps Image
- The range of these colours is known as the colour
depth. - The color depth determined How much data in bits
used to determined the number of colors. - Colour depth is measured in bits per pixel
- Remember a bit (binary digit) is either 1 or 0
and that there are eight bits in a byte
16Colour depth
- 1 bit per pixel 2 colours (monochrome)
- 2 bits per pixel 4 colours
- 4 bits per pixel 16 colours
- 8 bits per pixel 256 colours
- Generally good enough for colour images
- 16 bits per pixel 65536 colours
- Better quality for photograph-like images, also
known as high colour - 24 bits per pixel gt16 million possible colours
- Used to recreate photo realistic images, also
known as true colour
17Bitmaps Image
- The more colours that are allowed per pixel, the
greater the size of the image - The number of pixels is related to the size of
file that required to store an image. - Remember, two factors effect the size file bitmap
are - Resolution
- Color Depth
18Bitmaps images
Original image
Shown magnified
19Calculating the sizeof a raster image
- Where
- Width of the images measured in pixels
- Height of the images measured in pixels
- Colour depth is the number of bits used for color
measured in bits per pixel - Remember
- 1024 bytes 1 kilobyte (KB)
- 1024 kilobytes 1 megabyte (MB)
- A 640 x 480 pixel image in 24-bit colour would
require how much disk space?
21Popular bitmap formats
- Microsoft bitmap (.bmp)
- Used in microsoft windows
- TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.tif)
- Used for faxing images (amongst other things)
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group (.jpg)
- Useful for storing photographic images
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
- Used a lot on web sites
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics (.png)
- A new format for web graphics
- PCD Kodak photo CD
- A new format for store image in a compressed form
on a CD
22Advantages and Disadvantages of using bitmap
- Advantages
- Convey detail of information quickly
- Real life
- Disadvantages
- Depend on a Resolution
- Effect to the image quality
- Size file is big
23Software to create bitmap images
- Popular PC packages include
- Microsoft Paint
- Included with microsoft windows
- Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000
- http//www.microsoft.com/office/photodraw/
- Adobe Photoshop
- http//www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/main.html
- Paint Shop Pro
- http//www.jasc.com/psp6.html
- Macromedia Fireworks
- http//www.macromedia.com/software/fireworks/produ
24Vector images
- Vector images are stored as the set of graphic
primitives required to represent the image - A graphic primitive is a simple graphic based on
drawing elements or objects such as shape - e.g. square, line, ellipse, arc, etc.
- The image consists of a set of commands
(mathematical equations) that are drawn the
object when needed.
25Vector images
- Storing and representing images by mathematical
equations is called vector graphics or Object
Oriented graphics. - Each primitive object has various attributes that
go to make up the entire image - e.g. x-y location, fill colour, line colour, line
style, etc. - Example
- RECTANGLE rectangle top, left, width, height,
color is ( 0, 0, 200, 200, red) - CIRCLE circle top, left, radius, color
- LINE Line x1, y1, x2, y2, color
26Vector images
- Vector image or vector graphics can be resized
without losing the integrity of the original
image. - Scaling a vector is a mathematical operation -
only the attributes change, the image is
27Primitive geometric drawing objects
- Shapes
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Rectangle
- Square
- Pie segment
- Triangle
- Pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, etc
- Basic
- Line
- Polyline
- Arc
- Bezier curve
- Text
- Font, weight
28Scaling vector graphics
29Advantages and Disadvantages of using vector
- Advantages
- Relatively small amount of data required to
represent the image. - Therefore, it does not required a lot of memory
to store - Easier to manipulate
- Disadvantages
- Limited level of detail than can be presented in
an image
30Software to create images
- Graphics programs are tools that allow an artist
to create and edit designs used in multimedia
applications. - Generally, graphics programs can be categorized
as - Drawing programs
- Creating draw type graphics
- Provide freehand. Example geometric shape
- Example Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw,
Macromedia Freehand - Paint programs
- Those creating bitmaps
- Useful in creating original art
- Example Paint Shop Pro
- Image editing programs
- Making changes to existing images, such as
manipulating the brightness or contrast, applying
textures, patterns - Examples Adobe Photoshop, Corel PhotoPaint
31Vector formats
- Windows metafile (.wmf)
- Used by Microsoft Windows
- SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
- A new format devised for the web
- CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm)
- Older format commonly used for clip art
- Adobe PostScript (.ps)
- A page description language used to control
printers - Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
- A page description language common on the web
- Drawing Exchange Format (.dfx)
- Store 3D image created by design program AutoCAD
- Encapsulated PostScript (.epf)
323-Dimensional Graphic models
- A 3D model is a variation on the vector format
- The location of a 3-dimensional object is
specified using x, y and z co-ordinates - Further primitives can be found in 3D models
- Cube, sphere, pyramid, etc.
- Camera, spotlight, texture, shading etc.
3D model
333-Dimensional Graphic models
- 3D graphics offer the photorealistics effects
that have you seen in TV, Computer Games - Examples, Motion Picture films such as
- Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, Lost World and Toy
Story - Examples 3D programs
- Carigali Truespace
- 3D Studio Max
- Infini-D
343-Dimensional Graphic models
35Hardware used to acquire images
- Scanners and digital imaging products
- Many forms of scanner
- Drum
- Flat-bed
- Negative / slide
- Hand-held
- Important to check the optical resolution of the
scanner - measured in dots per inch (DPI)
36Hardware used to acquire images
- Digital camera
- Uses digital memory instead of film
- Images are transferred to computer via a cable
- Can be very high resolution
- Stills from a camcorder or PC web-cam type
camera - Home products tend to be low resolution
37Hardware used to create / edit images
- Graphics tablet and pen
- Preferred by digital artists
- Pressure sensitivity
- Digitiser tablet
- Preferred by technical artists
- Mouse has accurate crosshair to help digitise
Tablet and pen
38Converting image formats
TrueType / PostScript Type font
Bitmapped font
Render as bitmap
Bitmapped image
Vector image
Contour trace
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)