Intrusion Detection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intrusion Detection


Intrusion Detection Advances, Problems, and all the politics that lie between Laurence Berland CS 395 Prof Yan Chen Why do we need protection? Cyberattacks still on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intrusion Detection

Intrusion Detection
  • Advances, Problems, and all the politics that lie
  • Laurence Berland
  • CS 395
  • Prof Yan Chen

Why do we need protection?
  • Cyberattacks still on rise
  • Threat of cyber-terrorism, more coordinated
  • Even sensitive installations not well-secured,
    regular breakins
  • Change in demographic attacks require less
    sophisticated attackers.

Incidents Increasing
What is an attack?
  • Perspective matters
  • Victim intrusion of loss or consequence
  • Attacker achieved specific goals
  • Generally, if the victim has been affected, we
    say he has been attacked
  • Intrusion successful attack
  • Even attacker-unsuccessful attempts may be
    intrusion. (ie Machine crashed)

Breakdown of an Intrusion
  • Intrusion begins when intruder takes steps to
    fulfill objectives
  • A flaw or weakness must be exploited, either by
    hand or with a precrafted tool
  • Flaws include social engineering human processes
    can weaken security/integrity
  • Intrusion ends when attacker succeeds or gives
  • Attacks can have multiple victims or attackers

Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Detecting attacks and preventing intrusions

Goals of IDS
  • Answer the questions
  • What happened?
  • Who was affected? Who was the attacker?
  • How are they affected? How did the intrusion
  • Where and when did the intrusion originate?
  • Why were we attacked?
  • ID aims to positively identify all attacks and
    negatively identify all non-attacks

Parts of an ID system
  • Sensors Collect data. Include logs, system
    calls, network packets, etc
  • Analyzers Receive sensor input and determine
    whether or not an attack has occurred.
  • User interface Could be a graph, a remote page,
    or a management console. Imparts knowledge from
  • Honeypots, telescopes systems designed to be
    attacked or probed to enhance the IDS

ID System Hierarchy
  • Application Studies app behavior, generally
    through logs
  • Host Studies host behavior, primarily through OS
    hooks and logs
  • Network Monitors network traffic, possibly also
    host and app information passed up
  • Infrastructure Aggregates many (generally
    network) monitors to get a bigger picture view of
    the situation

Analysis ModelsSignature vs Anomaly
  • Knowledge
  • A signature system (SS) must have a complete
    database of possible attacks,
  • An anomaly system (AS) must have a complete
    understanding of the systems normal state

Analysis ModelsSignature vs Anomaly
  • Configuration
  • SS must be kept up to date, but is otherwise
    largely preconfigured.
  • AS however, needs to be trained in what is and
    isnt anomalous behavior, which can take
    substantially more sophistication.

  • Reporting
  • SS simply report signature matches, and
    possibly include what matched the signature.
  • AS include much more information, as they are
    statistics based. Some non-attack anomalies
    (like network outages) might also be noted.

  • Accuracy
  • SS tend to produce more false-negative
    responses. Signatures must be specific enough,
    and regularly updated
  • AS produce more false-positive results. Must
    have a sufficiently complete view of nominal

The trouble with IDS
  • ID systems generally promise more than they can
  • ID systems are themselves vulnerable, and can be
    used to make things worse if an attacker is
  • Proprietary systems do not easily cooperate
  • ID systems leak information

IDS are hard to evaluate
  • Much like top-tier network peers, IDS systems
    tend to be closed and secretive
  • Vendors have little to gain from truly open
    evaluation, and instead rely on un- or
    undersubstantiated marketing claims

IDS are hard to evaluate
  • IDS maintenance is complicated, and is often
  • Staffing is critical. Most sophisticated
    attacks, and most actual captures of the
    attacker, stem from manual monitoring and
    forensics by qualified individuals

Defense in Depth
  • ID systems function best as part of a deep
    defense strategy including authentication,
    identification, firewalls, and other security

Where are we now?
  • Extant Intrusion Detection Systems

State of IDS
  • IDS has been a topic of research since 1980 or so
  • The field is immature, similar to early years of
    automotive industry
  • There are research products, commercial products,
    and even some abandoned public domain products
  • Transition from host- to network-based systems as
    computing has changed focus

Research Products
  • Research exploded in the 1990s, but most tools
    were student projects that were dropped when
    research was completed
  • Three main research systems in use today
  • NetSTAT
  • Bro

  • Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous
    Live Disturbances
  • Research began in 1983
  • Uses both signature and anomaly detection

  • Origins in IDES host based
  • Emerald is a full network-focused system that
    fuses information from multiple network points
    using a combination of methods
  • Designed for hard-to-monitor loose networks
  • Emerald imposes a hierarchy on the network and
    aggregates information based on user-assigned,
    independently administered domains

Emerald Divide and Conquer
  • Three levels of monitoring
  • Service monitors local level
  • Domain monitors monitor independent domains
  • Enterprise monitors the big picture
  • Cross-level communication channels are
    established to share useful information amongst
    any monitor that might gain by doing so

Emerald Divide and Conquer
  • Different monitors for different attacks worms
    would show up at the enterprise level, while a
    targeted attack to break into a database would
    show up on the service monitor for that service
  • Manages profiles to select systems to be
    monitored and types of alerts to trigger
  • Configuration can be very complicated. Still
    very much a work in progress

  • Began at UCSB in the early 90s
  • State transition-based certain action sequences
    indicate malicious behavior
  • Audit-trail analyzer abstracts audit information,
    making it more portable and understandable
  • Functions as a state machine moving towards
    compromised state
  • Began life as host-based system

  • Uses an inference engine, which determines
    likelihood of violations and notifies decision
    engine for possible action
  • State-machine can identify attacks before they
    succeed, allowing preventative action
  • States fork as multiple actions move away from a
    single state any fork can reach a compromised
    state and set off an appropriate alert

  • Each of these state machines is deployed across
    the network. They communicate in a decentralized
    manner. Individual probes may subscribe to event
    streams to see related activity at other probes.
  • A stand-alone analyzer manages and initiates
    probes and aggregates information using its own
    analyzer engine
  • The analyzer engine uses a network fact base
    along with a scenario base to determine which
    vulnerabilities exist, and then communicates with
    the manager to deploy appropriate probes to
    mitigate the threat

  • Research tool with broad goals being developed at
    Lawrence Livermore NL. Bro has several advanced
    design goals
  • High-load monitoring many systems drop
    potentially valuable packets when load gets too
  • Real-time notification worm attacks, DoS, etc,
    require very fast reaction times
  • Separating policy from mechanisms cleaner,
    clearer implementation, easier to enact policy
  • Extensibility New and different attack
    techniques are being constantly developed, an IDS
    that cant keep up is useless
  • Secure Preventing IDS compromise substantially
    enhances the IDSs ability to maintain a secure

  • Three-level hierarchy
  • Network level libpcap is used to filter unwanted
    packets and pass the rest up to the next level.
    This rejects many packets that are uninteresting
    with minimal processing overhead
  • Event level Performs sanity and integrity
    checks, then events are generated and placed on a
    queue to the next layer
  • Policy level A policy script interpreter
    reads events off the queue and evaluates them.
    It records statistics, generates new events, and
    logging real-time alerts

  • Bro is limited to finger, ftp, portmapper and
    telnet, but is highly extensible
  • Extending bro is easy according to the author,
    but appears to have a high learning curve

Commercial Tools
  • Commercial offerings tend to be more complete
    but less sophisticated than research tools
  • Commercial tools use simple hierarchies,
    generally mimicking a backup network or power
    supply notification network
  • Commercial tools are much easier to deploy and
    configure, making them possibly more useful
    despite their shortcomings

Public Domain Offerings
  • Unsupported offshoots of commercial ventures.
    Many are being removed by the commercial owners
    for various reasons
  • Tend to require a high level of user
    sophistication to implement.
  • Tripwire a file-system integrity checker, which
    can be helpful in noting both attacks and
    post-mortem analysis (ie root kit removal).
  • Available for free, but the free version is old
    and the commercial version appears to be far more

Government OTS IDS
  • Government has substantially tighter
    requirements. Not driven by liability or profit
  • Cyber-terrorism risk means government is at high
    risk of coordinated sophisticated attacks far
    exceeding attacks on commercial sites

Government OTS IDS
  • Sophisticated attacks on commercial sites are
    also possible, and may represent soft targets
    for terrorists, especially if the goal is to
    cause economic disruption (9/11 economic losses
    were far more damaging than loss of life to US at
  • Government needs to determine the intentions and
    origins of attacks, not merely detect and prevent
  • Commercial vendors have no incentive to develop
    objective standards to evaluate their systems

GOTS cont
  • GOTS systems display a high level of
    sophistication and aggregation, but are very
    complicated to set up and generally not available
    to the public
  • Mature sensor network written for many platforms
    in languages ranging from bourne shell to assembly

Does anyone actually care?
  • Real-world IDS deployment, limitations, and issues

What do people think IDS does?
  • Increase integrity
  • Analyze logs and other obfuscated sources. Make
    sense of it all
  • Automate vulnerability detection, reduce staff
  • Allow non-experts to manage the system
  • Assist in setting security policy
  • Trace users through the system
  • Recognize attacks, alert appropriate individuals
  • Perform OS audits

What do they do?
  • Not what people think
  • Current view of IDS is somewhat idealized. IDS
    could do these things, but it doesnt
  • Most intrusions spotted by other methods

Growth of IDS deployment
  • ID systems are becoming all but standard in some
  • Seen as a time-saving measure, biggest impediment
    to improving security is generally lack of time
  • Growth is perhaps too rapid, users are
    incompletely evaluating the benefits (and limits)
    of ID systems

The Bandwagon Effect
  • Look to others for guidance
  • Best practice approach deployment prevents
    shareholder liability. Only need to do as well
    as competitors
  • Management making technical deployment decisions
  • Technical staff may be forced into premature
    decisions, tendency to simply agree instead of
  • Developing effective IDS provides little benefit
    from the big picture until an attack has
    already occurred.
  • Most claims by vendors unsubstantiated, most user
    perceptions inaccurate and unfounded

Testing IDS
  • Simple test environment full mirroring of DMZ
    traffic to ID system

Test environment drawbacks
  • Drops packets under high load mirrored port not
    high-bandwidth enough
  • Not scalable. If the network layout were more
    complex, a single location would not suffice
  • Does not test distributed aspects of NIDS
  • Host-based IDS not deployed on servers due to
    resource that would require

Observations on IDS
  • Most systems required both a secure and insecure
    interface for installation
  • Open to attacks on IDS to bypass firewall,
    Network Access control, etc
  • Fix read only on insecure side
  • Drawbacks cannot use automated response tools
  • Allen et al think this is okay, but only because
    they dont trust IDS

Observations on IDS cont
  • Installation is much simpler with commercial
    software. This seems in line with commercial vs
    free software at large. More managed user
  • Configuration was generally obtuse and hard to
    use, even with commercial graphical interfaces.
    Sophistication, such as category grouping, is

Benefits of IDS
  • IDS can provide some unintended secondary
  • Firewall policy confirmation a NIDS may detect
    packets the firewall should have, but did not,
  • Version/Patchlevel checking If a machine is not
    patched, the NIDS may detect this fact and alert
  • Could be deployed to specific services or subnets
    if load is excessive

  • Commercial systems are very closed, dont provide
    packet dumps or signature algorithms
  • Desire to outdo competitors often means products
    are released prematurely
  • Closed nature prevents true forensic analysis,
    logs may be incomplete
  • Products are simply not mature at this time, this
    may change but not quickly

The IDS of tomorrow, next week
  • Directions of IDS systems, further complications,
    changes in attacks

The future of IDS
  • Attackers are becoming rapidly more
    sophisticated, far outpacing IDS
  • IDS need to be more proactive, detect warning
    signs such as probes, penetration testing, target
    list compilation
  • Systems and network software has become
    incredibly complex, and with that complexity has
    come a general decrease in security
  • Application vulnerabilities translate to attacks
    very rapidly due to toolkits, signatures must
    keep up

Source of Attacks
New Technologies
  • Sophisticated technologies carry new risks
  • Counter-IDS tools such as Anti-sniff
  • Encrypted messaging IDS cannot scan packet
  • IDS systems become primary targets. They are
    trusted, and so can provide added access. Taking
    them out early reduces detection risk
  • Modems and wireless networks provide backdoors
    into secure networks
  • Mobile malcode such as email worms penetrate at
    the application layer. Most IDS do not scan this
    deeply, although that is likely to change

Network Issues
  • Systems must be written from the ground up to
    scale on large, diverse, multihomed networks
  • Choke-point type NIDS, depending on observing at
    the border router, are insufficient

Network Issues
  • Some research tools, such as Emerald, are
    specifically engineered with this in mind
  • Operating systems are not written to be secure.
    IDS are increasingly being deployed to band-aid
    this situation
  • IDS tools do not communicate with each other.
    Proprietary formats and the competitive market
    prevent system from sharing data and hence
    leveraging larger and more complete ID views of
    the network

Network Issues
  • Switched networks deny IDS a complete view of the
    network. Port mirroring is often not able to
    keep up with the high volume switched traffic
  • Even simple encryption such as SSL can stifle an
    IDS. If a web server is simply mirrored to SSL,
    server vulnerability signatures will be
    ineffective since the IDS cannot read the packets

The Human League
  • Lack of trust, cooperation in a competitive
    environment prevents optimal leveraging of
  • Competitors ought to share vulnerabilities in
    industry-standard software, but often do not,
    even when they may ultimately stand to benefit
    from such cooperation

The Human League
  • IDS only present finalized analysis, but showing
    incomplete analysis to humans might be very
    useful. People are very good at pattern
    matching Countered by desire to use
    less-skilled employees with an IDS
  • ID systems are good at spotting attacks, but
    cannot determine goals or motives, which may be
    useful in capturing attackers or preventing
    future attacks
  • No standardized taxonomy is used, so determining
    what a system is saying is itself a task.
    Clarity and precision are needed to optimize
    human-computer interaction, and would also aid in
    cross-platform IDS communication

Future Changes
  • The community, particularly commercial segments,
    can move very quickly once decisions are made.
    IDS will become more sophisticated very rapidly
    if there is demand for superior products
  • Preemption the speed of attacks as well as the
    damage they cause makes it desirable to act to
    prevent an attack before it completes. This
    includes detecting early warning signs and
    preventing reconnaissance
  • Attack scenarios which can be generically be
    detected should be more common

Future Changes
  • IDS should be able to take automated action, such
    as enhanced packet filtering or black-holing, as
    appropriate, without human intervention
  • Of course, currently, the authors dont trust IDS
    enough to actually let it take action given the
    current state of the art. This is one area that
    shows a great deal of potential, and tools
    designed to stop limited activity such as
    portscans are already successfully deployed

Future Changes
  • IDS are not very sophisticated at providing
    useful information for a complete post-mortem of
    an attack.
  • Provide limited audit trails, and are almost
    never useful in recovering lost data or even
    determining what may have been done.
  • Tripwire is notable in its utility in this area

Future Changes
  • IDS still do not keep up with high loads,
    especially as will occur with Flash Events or DoS
  • Even worse at countering attackers intentionally
    draining IDS resources.
  • A DoS on the ID system can render the system
    largely ineffective.
  • Distributed systems help to counter this threat

Future Changes
  • IDS do not easily detect unknown attacks.
    Signature systems tend to be completely
    ineffective at unknown vectors, while analysis
    systems fare better. Analysis systems tend not
    to detect new classes of attacks, or stealth
    attacks, so a stealthy attack on an unknown
    vector is likely to go completely undetected
  • IDS signatures do not keep up with the malware
    community. Toolkits mean exploits are available
    long before ID signatures. Without signatures,
    signature systems become largely useless, unless
    they have good logs from which a human can
    construct a new signature. At present, this is
    generally not the case

Future Changes
  • IDS are not easily evaluated. Some sort of
    standard benchmarks would be useful, but are not
    present because there is actually commercial
    incentive not to develop these benchmarks.
  • A third party like Consumer Affairs or United
    Laboratories would be a tremendous asset to the
  • Bizarre traffic patterns can often be false
    alarms. While on testbed networks such unusual
    traffic as hundreds of FIN packets will only
    occur under a simulated attack, downright strange
    things can occur on large widely deployed networks

Data Analysis
  • ID systems generally lack sophisticated data
    analysis tools, especially interactive tools to
    help a human further analyze events
  • Data is not sufficiently aggregated If a
    million SYN packets are flooded in, it is of
    course not necessary to record every packet in
    its entirety. Counting sources by netblock is
    often sufficient, and only a random sampling of
    full packets need be saved

Data Analysis
  • Data is not sufficiently categorized anomalies
    should be easily grouped and regrouped by time,
    network location, type, duration, etc to make
    trends more obvious
  • ID systems do not attempt to preserve
    forensic-class evidence systems should save
    data streams associated with suspicious events
    for some period of time such tracebacks can be
    highly valuable to the FBI or other forensic
    specialists. This would be the equivalent of a
    surveillance camera

Advanced Research
  • Better-learning IDS, through neural nets or
    heuristic (Bayesian) learning could help to
    identify unknown attacks
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Data fusion more complex analysis and better
    data aggregation
  • State transition NetSTAT uses this model

Dont you want me, baby?
  • Why not secure the network?

  • There are many reasons why you might be attacked

Do what I say
  • Advice on IDS deployment and research for the

Practical IDS Deployment
  • A properly deployed IDS requires management to
    support the technical staff in deploying a sound
  • The IDS should be deployed as part of a
    consistent defense-in-depth strategy

Practical IDS Deployment
  • The IDS should not be expected to perform
    miracles or any other tasks outside of the
    scope presented here
  • ID systems should not be seen as a replacement
    for competent and consistent staffing
  • Outsourcing will become commonplace. It is
    important to find a contractor the organization
    can trust, as IDS sometimes carry highly
    sensitive information

  • Users
  • Be aware of organizational issues that will
    impact IDS use and deployment
  • Use a layered defense in depth approach to
    asset protection
  • Make a full assessment of your needs before
    selecting an IDS. Consider the larger context of
    your security policy when doing so

  • Administrators and Operators
  • Maximize performance by Installing
    application-specific IDS around key or vulnerable
    applications. Limit false positives, as they
    will eventually impact your response times. Turn
    off unneeded scans and signatures ie if you do
    not run windows on that subnet, there is no need
    to monitor for a netbios exploit
  • Analyze your data, respond using clearly laid out
    procedures. Develop response procedures in
    advance. Do not fly by the seat of your pants.
    Keep extensive audit trails

  • Vendors
  • Model the IDS community after the antivirus
    community. Share information, make updates
    straightforward and automatic, and make your
    software flexible
  • Encourage development and testing of signatures
    in a wider environment. Provide users the
    resources to conduct further testing when needed
  • Provide fine-grained evaluations of your product,
    and of the efficacy of individual signatures.
    Indicate which are prone to more false positives

  • Make it easy for humans to be involved in the
    process, do not overautomate at the expense of
    accuracy or reliability
  • Use more complex data manipulation, and aggregate
    data more efficiently. Be prepared for more
    distributed stealth attacks
  • Provide superior forensic capability
  • Enhance application-layer scanning for malicious
  • Work more closely with the research community

  • Research
  • Extended IDS testing
  • Reduction of false alarm rates
  • Provide target-oriented taxonomies for attacks
  • Develop methods to detect and counter attacks on
    the ID system
  • Develop enhanced methods for human-IDS
    interaction. Consider in particular more
    abstraction-oriented interfaces
  • Coordinate more with the vendor community
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