Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set Architecture


What is a Java Virtual Machine? JVM is an abstract computing machine. Like an actual computing machine, it has an instruction set and manipulates various memory areas ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set Architecture

Java Virtual MachineInstruction Set Architecture
  • Justin Dzeja

What is a Java Virtual Machine?
  • JVM is an abstract computing machine
  • Like an actual computing machine, it has an
    instruction set and manipulates various memory
    areas at run time
  • A JVM enables a set of computer software programs
    and data structures to use a virtual machine
    model for the execution of other computer
    programs and scripts
  • Not just Java, JVM now supports many languages
  • Ada, C, LISP, Python

Why a Virtual Machine?
  • The Java platform was initially developed to
    address the problems of building software for
    networked consumer devices
  • It was designed to support multiple host
    architectures and to allow secure delivery of
    software components
  • To meet these requirements, compiled code had to
    survive transport across networks, operate on any
    client, and assure the client that it was safe to
  • "Write Once, Run Anywhere"

Java Timeline
  • 1991 James Gosling begins work on Java project
  • Originally, the language is named Oak
  • 1995 Sun releases first public implementation
    as Java 1.0
  • 1998 - JDK 1.1 release downloads top 2 million
  • 1999 - Java 2 is released by Sun
  • 2005 - Approximately 4.5 million developers use
    Java technology
  • 2007 Sun makes all of Javas core code
    available under open-source distribution terms

Java Principles
  • Sun set five primary goals in the creation of the
    Java language,
  • It should be "simple, object oriented, and
  • It should be "robust and secure".
  • It should be "architecture neutral and portable".
  • It should execute with "high performance".
  • It should be "interpreted, threaded, and

JVM Instruction Set Architecture
  • Instructions
  • A Java virtual machine instruction consists of a
    one-byte opcode specifying the operation to be
    performed, followed by zero or more operands
    supplying arguments or data that are used by the
  • Operands are not required, there are many
    instructions that consist of only the opcode
  • One-byte instructions allow for up to 256
    instructions but only about 200 are used in class
    files, leaving room for more instructions to be
  • Each instruction has a mnemonic name which is
    mapped to the binary one-byte opcode

JVM Instruction Set Architecture
  • Instruction Format
  • The mnemonic operation names often include the
    data type followed by the operation name
  • iadd, ladd, fadd, dadd
  • int, long, float, double
  • JVM supports conversion operations that convert
    from one data type to another, these include both
    data types in the operation name
  • i2l, i2f, i2d, l2f, l2d, f2d

Operation Types
  • The JVM ISA is a CISC architecture, thus having
    many instructions
  • They can be classified into broad groups
  • Load and store
  • Arithmetic and logic
  • Type conversion
  • Object creation and manipulation
  • Operand stack management
  • Control transfer
  • Method invocation and return

Operation Types
  • Load and store
  • Used to move values from local variable array or
    heap to the operand stack
  • iload, istore
  • Arithmetic and logic
  • JVM supports addition, subtraction, division,
    multiplication, remainder, negation, increment
  • irem, idiv, iinc
  • Type conversion
  • Allows converting from one primitive data type to
  • i2l, i2f, i2d, l2f, l2d, f2d
  • Object creation and manipulation
  • Instantiating objects and manipulating fields
  • new, putfield
  • Operand stack management
  • swap, dup2
  • Control transfer
  • ifeq, goto
  • Method invocation and return
  • invokespecial, areturn

JVM Data Types
  • The Java virtual machine operates on two kinds of
    types primitive types and reference types
  • Integral Types
  • Byte - 8-bit signed two's-complement integers
  • Short - 16-bit signed two's-complement integers
  • Int - 32-bit signed two's-complement integers
  • Long - 64-bit signed two's-complement integers
  • Char - 16-bit unsigned integers representing
    Unicode characters

JVM Data Types
JVM Data Types
  • Floating Point Types
  • Float - values are elements of the float value
    set (typically 32-bit single-precision but may
    vary with implementation)
  • Double - values are elements of the double value
    set(64-bit double-precision)
  • Boolean - values true and false
  • JVM has very little support for the Boolean data
  • Boolean variables in a Java program are compiled
    to use values of the JVM int data type
  • returnAddress - are pointers to the opcodes of
    Java virtual machine instructions

JVM Data Types
  • Three kinds of reference types
  • Class types
  • Array types
  • Interface types
  • These reference dynamically created classes,
    arrays, or interface implementations
  • Can be set to null when not referencing anything
    and then cast to any type

JVM Data Types
  • The basic unit of size for data values in the
    Java virtual machine is the word
  • a fixed size chosen by the designer of each Java
    virtual machine implementation
  • The word size must be large enough to hold a
    value of type byte, short, int, char, float,
    returnAddress, or reference
  • at least 32 bits

JVM Runtime Data Areas
  • Since JVM is a virtual machine it doesnt have
    any physical registers , instead it defines
    various runtime data areas that are used during
    execution of a program
  • One of the areas defined is the program counter
  • Each thread of control has its own PC register
  • The register is wide enough to contain a
    returnAddress or a native pointer on the specific

JVM Runtime Data Areas
  • JVM Stack
  • Each thread gets its own JVM stack when it is
  • Stacks store frames which hold data and play a
    role in method invocation and return
  • The actual memory for a JVM stack does not need
    to be contiguous
  • The stack can be either of a fixed size or
    dynamically contracted and expanded as needed

JVM Runtime Data Areas
  • JVM Frames
  • A frame is used to store data and partial
    results, as well as to perform dynamic linking ,
    return values for methods, and dispatch
  • A new frame is created each time a method is
    invoked and destroyed when the method is
  • Only one frame, for the executing method, is
    active at any point
  • Each frame contains a local variable array
  • Local variables can store primitive or reference
    data types
  • Variables are addressed by index, starting from
  • Data types long and double occupy two consecutive
    local variables
  • Frames also contains an operand stack
  • Last-in-first-out (LIFO)
  • JVM loads values from local variables or fields
    onto the stack
  • Then JVM instructions can take operands from the
    stack, operate on them, and the push the result
    back onto the stack
  • The operand stack size is fixed at compile time
    based on method associated with the frame

JVM Operand Stack
  • Code
  • iload_0 // push the int in local variable 0
  • iload_1 // push the int in local variable 1
  • iadd // pop two ints, add them, push result
  • istore_2 // pop Int, store into local variable 2

JVM Runtime Data Areas
  • JVM Heap
  • The heap is a data area shared by all JVM threads
  • Memory from the heap is allocated for instances
    of classes and arrays
  • Can be either of fixed size or dynamic
  • Does not to be in contiguous memory space
  • Maintained by an automatic storage management
    system or garbage collector

JVM Runtime Data Areas
  • Method Area
  • The method area is also shared among all JVM
  • It stores per-class structures
  • such as the runtime constant pool, field and
    method data, code for methods and constructors,
    including the special methods used in class and
    instance initialization
  • The method area is logically part of the heap,
    but depending on the implementation it may or may
    not be garbage collected or compacted

JVM Runtime Data Areas
  • Runtime Constant Pool
  • The runtime constant pool is a per-class runtime
    representation of the constant pool table in a
    class file
  • It contains numeric constants as well as method
    and field references that are resolved at runtime
  • This is similar to a symbol table for a
    conventional programming language, although it
    stores a wider range of data

JVM Addressing Modes
  • JVM supports three addressing modes
  • Immediate addressing mode
  • Constant is part of instruction
  • Indexed addressing mode
  • Accessing variables from local variable array
  • Stack addressing mode
  • Retrieving values from operand stack using pop

JVM Method Calls
  • Sample Code
  • Compiles to

int add12and13() return addTwo(12, 13)
Method int add12and13() 0 aload_0 // Push
local variable 0 (this) 1 bipush 12 // Push
int constant 12 3 bipush 13 // Push int
constant 13 5 invokevirtual 4 // Method
Example.addtwo(II)I 8 ireturn // Return int on
top of operand stack it //is the int result
of addTwo()
Design Principles
  • Simplicity favors regularity
  • Examples of this principle can be found
    throughout the JVM specification
  • Instructions are all a standard opcode that is
    one byte in size
  • The naming conventions for opcode mnemonics are
    standard across different types of operations
  • Smaller is faster
  • Data areas such as the heap are dynamic in size
    resulting in memory space saved when not in use
  • JVM has a large instruction set, which results in
    a smaller code size when converted to byte code

Design Principles
  • Make the common case fast
  • JVM includes instructions to increment variables
    or to arithmetically shift values for fast
    execution of common operations
  • Good design demands good compromises
  • The JVM finds a good balance between high
    performance and being secure and robust

JVM Advantages/Disadvantages
  • A self-contained operating environment as if its
    a separate computer, this gives JVM two main
  • System Independence a Java application will run
    the same on any JVM, regardless of the underlying
  • Security Since a Java program operates in a
    self-contained environment there is less risk to
    files and other applications
  • The disadvantage is that running the virtual
    machine is extra overhead on the system, which
    can impair performance in some situations

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