Exploring American History Unit VII - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exploring American History Unit VII


... Upton Sinclair and The Jungle. Meat Inspection Act- federal inspections of meat shipped across state lines. Pure Food and Drug Act- forbid sale, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Exploring American History Unit VII

Exploring American HistoryUnit VII Beginning
of Modern America
  • Chapter 21 - The Progressive Spirit of Reform
  • Section 4- The Progressive Presidents

The Progressives 321 min.
The Progressive Presidents
  • The Big Idea
  • American presidents in the early 1900s did a
    great deal to promote progressive reforms.
  • Main Ideas
  • Theodore Roosevelts progressive reforms tried to
    balance the interests of business, consumers, and
  • William Howard Taft angered Progressives with his
    cautious reforms, while Woodrow Wilson enacted
    far-reaching banking and antitrust reforms.

Theodore Roosevelt 513
Main Idea 1 Theodore Roosevelts progressive
reforms tried to balance the interests of
business, consumers, and laborers.
  • Theodore Roosevelt called his reform policy the
    Square Deal.
  • Used his policy to help settle the 1902 coal
    miners strike
  • Threatened to take over the mines unless managers
    agreed to arbitration, a formal process for
    settling disputes, with the strikers

Theodore Roosevelt
  • 1901-1909- 26th President (Republican)
  • McKinleys Death
  • Rough Riders and San Juan Hill
  • Square Deal
  • 1902 Coal Strike
  • Northern Securities Case
  • Meat Inspection Act 1906
  • Food and Drug Act 1906
  • Employers Liability Act
  • Newlands Reclamation Act 1902

Regulating Big Business
  • Influenced by Upton Sinclairs The Jungle,
    Roosevelt urged Congress to enact meat inspection
  • Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act in
  • Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transport
    of mislabeled or contaminated food and drugs
  • Roosevelt persuaded Congress to regulate railroad
    shipping rates.
  • Was the first president to successfully use the
    1890 Sherman Trust Act to break up a monopoly
  • The public largely supported this expansion of
    federal regulatory powers.

Roosevelts View of the Presidency
  • Protecting the Consumers
  • Food and Drug industries- selling dangerous
    products to unknowing public.
  • Tainted food and medicines that did not work or
    were dangerous narcotics (cocaine, opium and
  • Upton Sinclair and The Jungle.
  • Meat Inspection Act- federal inspections of meat
    shipped across state lines.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act- forbid sale, manufacture
    or transportation or food or patent medicine
    containing harmful ingredients. Food and
    medicine must carry a label of ingredients.

  • Roosevelt strongly supported conservation, the
    protection of nature and its resources.
  • Considered it an important national priority
  • Some preservationists wanted to protect nature to
    save its beauty.
  • Other preservationists wanted to make sure the
    nation used its natural resources efficiently.
  • Roosevelt responded by
  • Adding 150 million acres of public land to the
    Forest Service to regulate use of forest
    resources by business
  • Doubling the number of national parks to preserve
    natural beauty
  • Created 18 national monuments
  • Started 51 bird sanctuaries

Roosevelts View of the Presidency
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Roosevelt believed each generation should protect
    and conserve nature for the future.
  • John Muir- Naturalist, wanted to preserve nature
    in its natural state.
  • Roosevelt- active management of public lands for
    various uses. Some land as wilderness and some
    for economic uses.
  • Newlands Reclamation Act- 1902- Federal
    government created irrigation projects with money
    from sale of public lands. Irrigation would
    reclaim over 20 projects
  • Gifford Pinchot- 1st chief of the U.S. Forest
    Service which added over 150 million acres to
    national forests. Followed Roosevelts beliefs.
  • The Antiquities Act of 1906- created 18 national

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Roosevelts Progressive Reforms
  • Recall - What did the Square Deal policy do for
    the public good?
  • Make Generalizations In what way does the Pure
    Food and Drug Act Protect Citizens?
  • Evaluate What do you think about Roosevelts
    accomplishments in conservation?

Price of Progress
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William Howard Taft
  • 1909-1913- 27th President (Republican)
  • 16th Amendment
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff
  • Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
  • Mann-Elkins Act 1910
  • Roosevelt returns
  • Election of 1912- Republicans split.
  • Taft- 45 indictments against trusts civil
    service jobs million acres to national reserves
    protected mineral rights postal saving banks, 2
    new states, 16th amendment (income tax) Dept. of
    Commerce and Dept. of Labor.
  • Roosevelt- Good and bad trusts, Issues,
    Progressives (Bull Moose) and New Nationalism
  • Wilson- Issues and New Freedom
  • Debs- Socialist
  • Outcome of Election

William H. Taft- 340
Main Idea 2William Howard Taft angered
Progressives with his cautious reforms, while
Woodrow Wilson enacted far-reaching banking and
antitrust reforms.
  • William Howard Taft moved more cautiously than
    Roosevelt had toward reform and regulation.
  • Progressives were disappointed in Tafts approach
    to reform.
  • Tafts signing of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, which
    raised prices for consumers, was opposed by many

The Republican Party Splits
Election of 1912
  • All four candidates were reformers.
  • Taft ran for reelection on the Republican ticket.
  • Roosevelt, angry at Taft, formed the Progressive
    Party to run for president.
  • Woodrow Wilson ran on the Democratic ticket and
    was elected president by a wide margin.
  • Eugene V. Debs ran on the Socialist Party ticket.
  • Woodrow Wilson won by a wide margin as the
    Republican voters split between Taft and

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Woodrow Wilson
  • 1913-1921- 28th President (Democrat)
  • Leadership
  • Underwood Tariff Act
  • Federal Reserve Act 1913
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act 1914
  • Federal Trade Commission Act 1914

Wilsons Reforms
  • Introduced the modern income tax, made possible
    by ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in
  • Addressed banking reform with the Federal Reserve
    Act in 1913, creating a national banking system
  • Pushed for laws to regulate big business
  • The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 strengthened
    laws against monopolies.
  • The Federal Trade Commission, created in 1914,
    had the power to investigate and punish unfair
    trade practices.

Reforms of Taft and Wilson
  • Explain To what was Wilson referring when he
    used the term human cost?
  • Sequence Describe the sequence of events
    leading up to and including the election of

Reforms of Taft and Wilson
  • Recall What allowed the modern income tax to go
    into effect?
  • Explain What power does the Federal Trade
    Commission have?

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