Title: Soul
1Soul Body, Human DestinyIntroduction part
- Historical background
- 2. Platos (Greek, 428-348) dualism
- Euthydemus (ca. early 380s)
- What is happiness?
- Having?
- Using what we have?
- Requires knowledge
- Which kind of knowledge is the most worthwhile?
2Soul Body, Human DestinyIntroduction part
- Knowledge of the good
- Platos theory of salvation
- Cf. Christianity
- The Phaedo (ca. 384)
- One of the aims of philosophy is to practice for
dying and death (10) - What does this mean?
3Soul Body, Human DestinyIntroduction part
- Platos dualism
- Extreme?
- Platos denigration of the bodily?
- The Ideas or Forms
- Platos position on afterlife is immortality, not
4Soul Body, Human Destiny in theOld New
- 3. Human destiny in the O.T. N.T.
- The Hebrew Bible
- Life in Sheol ? a life of lethargy
inactivity, on the borderline of consciousness.
Does this imply some sort of dualism?
5Soul Body, Human Destiny in theOld New
- Resurrection in the O.T.
- Isaiah 2619 - reference here may be political
not refer to the human person - Daniel 122-3 (c. 165 B.C.E)
6Soul Body, Human Destiny in theOld New
- In the apocrapha
- Ecclesiasticus 1727-28 - death is final
- Wisdom of Solomon 31-5 - probably written by a
Hellenized Jew notion of immortality - II Enoch II Baruch - intermediate state
7Soul Body, Human Destiny in early
- When will resurrection occur?
- Resurrection in the N.T.
- locus classicus I Corinthians 15 II Cor.
51-10 - 4. The Christian tradition
- Early Christianity
- Origin - resurrected person is entirely spiritual
8Soul Body, Human Destiny in early
- Jerome - literal bodily resurrection
- Augustine - resurrection of a transformed earthly
body - Medieval Christianity
- Aquinas - soul without the body is emaciated,
incomplete. Complete person is both soul body.
Probably combines resurrection immortality.
9Soul Body, Human Destiny in early
- Oscar Cullman on the death of Socrates the
death of Jesus - Sum N.T. early, medieval Christianity
support 2 notions of resurrection - Extinction/recreaton - compatible with monism?
Defended by Cullmann Hick. Problem Personal
10Soul Body, Human Destiny in early
- Intermediate state
- Requires some sort of dualism? A soul which in
intermediate state is incomplete, emaciated - A combination of immortality resurrection
11Badhams physicalism
- 5. Badhams physicalism
- No possibility of retention of personal identity
without continuity - To Badham file
12Lamms argument for afterlife
- 6. Maurice Lamms response
- A top-down argument for life after death
- Begin with attributes of God
- Goodness of God
- Life is gift
- Expectation following from this
13Soul Body, Human Destiny
- 7. John Hicks rejection of dualism defense of
personal identity in resurrection - To Hick