Title: Horticultural Crops Group
1Hortivar is a database (information system) on
performances of horticulture cultivars in
relation to environmental conditions and crop
cultivation practices.
Horticultural Crops Group Plant Production and
Protection Division GCP/INT/697/BEL
2HORTIVAR relates to 6 groups of crops
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Roots and tubers
- Mushrooms
- Herbs and condiments
- Ornamentals
3Origin and justification
FAO and horticulture research centres have a
considerable amount of technical information with
uneasy access, share and management.
4HORTIVAR a tool for knowledge management
- A standard methodology for data collection and
record keeping (individual and institutional
memory) - A powerful search engine for easy retrieval and
comparison of information - A standard template for educational purposes
- Gateway to horticulture knowledge
5Why to use HORTIVAR ?
- Answer questions relating to horticultural
cultivars - Monitoring of production data season by season
for comparison - A source for data analysis and extrapolation
- A lively interface between scientists, growers
and institutions - A source of useful and selective links to sites
and other horticulture related database
6Who is using Hortivar?
- Growers
- Scientists and institutions (variety testing,
breeding, nutrition) - Extensionists, consultants (plant production and
protection, nutrition) - Seed/plant material producers
- Traders
- Teachers and students
Version 3.5 - released July 2006 available in
English, French, Portuguese and Spanish
Search for information Enter new data Update
existing data
Entries 9,100 Countries 61 Species 390
Cultivars 5,060 Partners 680 Host
Institutions 36 Website visits (since 4/2003)
Database statistics Hortivar maps Download
documentation Hortivar partnership News and
Contact us Tell a friend Links
for which data is available
IPP Card System
8HORTIVAR search
Simple Production system Culture
media Planting date Target plant productÂ
Harvest dates Crop cycle Data entry code FAO
project Host Institution
Lycopersicon esculentum M.
9HORTIVAR database results
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16Enter new data Update existing data
17Database statistics Hortivar maps Download
18Automatic reports and other resources
Hortivar family
IPP Card System database
20Comments, suggestions, questions? Please contact
us at hortivar_at_fao.org
Prepared by Horticultural Crops Group Crop and
Grassland Service, Plant Production and
Protection Division, FAO Project
GCP/INT/697/BEL Contact FAO of the UN Hortivar,
AGPC, C 794 Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100
Rome, Italy E-mail hortivar_at_fao.org Tel
003906-57054658 Fax 003906-57056347