Teaching Speaking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teaching Speaking


Teaching Speaking Card B You are a new student at this school. ... Ask your classmates what they like to do. Remember, you must speak in English only! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Teaching Speaking

Teaching Speaking
Teaching Speaking
  • Issues for discussion
  • Characteristics of spoken language
  • Principles for designing speaking activities
  • Using group work in speaking activities
  • Common types of speaking activities

What are the characteristics of spoken language?
  • Speaking is a skill, just like swimming, driving
    a car, or playing ping-pong.
  • Too often, in the traditional classroom, the
    learning of English has been relegated to
    linguistic knowledge only, e.g. knowledge of
    vocabulary and grammar rules, with little or no
    attention paid to practising language skill.

How can we tell the difference between knowledge
and skill?
  • According to Bygate (19874) one fundamental
    difference is that both can be understood and
    memorised, but only a skill can be imitated and

Characteristics of spoken language
  • Spontaneity
  • Time-constraint

Characteristics of spoken language
  • Spontaneity
  • In most situations, people do not plan ahead of
    time what they are going to say.
  • The fact that speech is spontaneous means that it
    is full of false starts, repetitions, incomplete
    sentences, and short phrases.
  • Should we expect the students to produce complete
    sentences in language classroom?

Characteristics of spoken language
  • Time-constraint
  • The students must be able to produce unplanned
    utterances in real time otherwise people will
    not have the patience to listen to them.
  • Which of the following activities do you think
    would help to prepare students for real life
    speech in English?

  • Reading aloud (needs to be supplemented with more
    realistic activities as the level increases).
  • Giving a prepared talk (may be used for advanced
  • Learning a piece of text or dialogue by heart
    more realistic activities as the level
  • Interviewing someone, or being interviewed (Yes.
    It helps to prepare students for real life speech
  • Doing a drill (needs to be supplemented with more
    realistic activities as the level increases) .

  • Reading aloud (needs to be supplemented with more
    realistic activities as the level increases).
  • Giving a prepared talk (may be used for advanced
  • Learning a piece of text or dialogue by heart
    more realistic activities as the level
  • Interviewing someone, or being interviewed (Yes.
    It helps to prepare students for real life speech
  • Doing a drill (needs to be supplemented with more
    realistic activities as the level increases) .

needs to be supplemented with more realistic
activities as the level increases.
may be used for advanced level.
needs to be supplemented with more realistic
activities as the level increases.
Yes. It helps to prepare students for real life
needs to be supplemented with more realistic
activities as the level increases.
  • Also students must consider whom they are talking
    to and be able to check if they are being
  • e.g.

  • Kelly Hey Jack, hows the project coming along?
  • Jack What project?
  • Kelly The one you and Craig are working on.
  • Jack Craig and I?
  • Kelly Yeah, for the science fair.
  • Jack Oh, that project. Its finished. Im so
    busy working on another project for my economics
    class that I almost forgot about it. I hope itll
    work like we want to.
  • Kelly Oh, Im sure it will.

Designing speaking tasks
  • One important consideration Proficiency level of
    the students (challenging but not too difficult.)
  • If the task is too easy or too difficult, the
    students may be demotivated.

Common characteristics in successful speaking
  • Maximum foreign talk
  • Even participation
  • High motivation
  • Right language level

  • Maximum foreign talk
  • Try to avoid students talking in the mother
    tongue, and avoid too much Teacher Talk.
  • Even participation
  • Try to avoid outstanding students dominating
    discussions. Try to guarantee equal opportunities
    for students of different levels.
  • High motivation
  • Interesting topic, and clear objective. Make sure
    that the task is in line with the students
  • Right language level -

  • Right language level
  • The task must be designed so that the students
    can complete the task successfully with the
    language that they have. Otherwise the task will
    become frustrating and the students are likely to
    give up or revert to the native language.

Using group work in speaking tasks
  • There are four ways of organizing classroom
  • Pair work,
  • Group work, and
  • Individual study

Advantages of using group work
  • More opportunities. As compared with activities
    for the whole class, group work enables students
    to talk a lot because it increases the time for
    each student to practise speaking in one lesson.
  • More motivation. Group work helps students avoid
    losing their face in front of a whole class, and
    thus it makes students courageous to speak.
  • -

  • More authenticity. Speaking in a small group is
    more natural than speaking in a large group,
    because the latter is usually more formal and
    requires preparation.
  • Different levels. Students can naturally perform
    to their abilities more readily in small groups
    than in a whole class, i.e. students of different
    levels can participate.
  • More cooperation. Small group work helps students
    learn to work cooperatively and it helps develop
    interpersonal skill fostering development of
    tolerance, mutual respect and harmony.

Type of speaking tasks
  • It is important to provide the students with a
    variety of speaking activities because
  • A variety of speaking activities will enable
    students to cope with different situations in
  • Variety helps keep motivation high.
  • Variety may suit students of different learning

  • There are two major purposes for listening. One
    is to get information and the other is for social
  • Since speaking is reciprocal of listening, the
    same is true of speaking.

  • According to Littlewood, communicative speaking
    activities can be divided into two types
    functional communication activities, and social
    interaction activities

Structural ActivitiesPre-C.A.
Quasi-com. Activities
(sent. pattern drills, dialogues, etc.)
Functional Com. Act.Com.
Act. (obtaining information)
Social Interaction Act.
(role-playing, problem-solving, etc.)
Information Gap, Choices Feed-back)
  • For beginning students, pre-communicative
    activities are also necessary, which are more
    structural and allow the learner to practise the
    forms of the language. However, we should make
    speaking tasks as communicative as possible.

Some types of speaking activities
  • Information-gap activities
  • Dialogues and role-plays
  • Activities using pictures
  • Problem-solving activities
  • Other speaking activities

Information-gap activities
  • Compare 2 activities
  • Activity A

  • Activity B
  • Use the same pictures, but cut them up, paste
    them on cards, and give each student a different

  • Directions Ask your partner what is in his/her
  • Fore example
  • Student A Whats in your picture?
  • Student B There is __________. Whats in your
  • Student A There is __________.

  • Obviously the second activity includes an
    information gap that the first one does not.
  • Information-gap activities can be designed at a
    very elementary level, so that communicative
    practice can be done from almost the very
    beginning of foreign language learning.

Dialogues and role-plays
  • Two problems with most dialogues in textbooks
  • Not authentic or natural. The natural speech of
    native speakers is often phrases or sentence
    fragments full of pauses, false starts, and
  • The way most dialogues are taught. Teachers ask
    students to memorize dialogues by heart.

  • What can a teacher do to make a dialogue more
  • Example 1 Playing the roles in a dialogue

Step 1. Practise the dialogue in pairs
  • A What time is it?
  • B Its 300. Why?
  • A Oh, I need to go to the store! Do you want to
  • B OK. Just a minute. I need to finish this

Step 2. Ask a few pairs to perform the dialogue
in front of the whole class, speaking in
different moods such as happy, irritated, bored,
or in different role relationships such as parent
and a child, husband and wife, two friends, etc.
  • The students may paraphrase the underlined parts
  • go to the post office, go to the bank, etc.
    instead of go to the store.
  • find my jacket/shoes, etc. instead of finish
    this first.

Example 2 Using cue cards
  • Card A
  • You are talking to a new classmate. Begin the
    conversation with a greeting.
  • 1. Greet your partner.
  • 2. Ask your partner which school he/she went to
  • 3. Ask your partner if he/she lives near the
  • 4. Suggest you go shopping together after school.

  • Card B
  • You are a new student at this school. One of your
    classmates greets you.
  • 1. Greet your partner back.
  • 2. Answer the question.
  • 3. Answer the question.
  • 4. Respond to the suggestion.

Then students should be ready to move quickly
into less controlled types of role plays, where
only the situation and the relationship between
the two speakers are specified
  • Card A
  • You and your friend are going out to eat lunch.
    You need to decide where to go. You would like to
    try something different because youre tired of
    the same food. You make a suggestion.

Notice that the outcome of this role play is not
specified in the cue cards. It only sets up a
point of disagreement.
  • Card B
  • You and your friend are going out to eat lunch.
    You need to decide where to go. You would like to
    go to the place where you always go, because you
    like the food. You dont agree with your friends

Factors that affect the success of role-plays
(Ur, 1996)
  • Teachers enthusiasm
  • Careful instructions
  • Clear situation and roles
  • Making sure that the students have the language
    they will need to carry out the role-play.

Activities using pictures
  • In groups of 3 or 4

A secretary is appointed to mark a tick for each
sentence said. Check which group has got most
In pairs (Littlewood 1981)
In groups of 5
Problem-solving activities
  • You are on a committee that is in charge of
    deciding what to do with a small amount of money
    that has been donated to improve your school. You
    have a list of things to do, but you only have
    enough money for 5 of the items. You must reach a
    consensus (agreement) in your group on which 5
    items you will spend the money. Here is the list

  • Repaint 3 classrooms.
  • Paint lines for games on the playground.
  • Install lights that automatically turn off to
    save electricity.
  • Buy curtains for 8 classrooms. This will make it
    easier to see the OHP (Overhead Projector) when
    the room is darker.
  • Buy sound absorption panels for 2 classrooms.
    This will make the classroom quieter so it will
    be easier to hear each other.
  • Buy an air conditioner for one classroom.
  • Buy 4 new basketball hoops for the playground.
  • Buy 15 young trees to be planted for shade around
    the edge of the playground.
  • Buy fans for 6 classrooms.
  • Remodel bathroom faucets so students can wash
    their hands using hot and cold water.
  • Add soap dispensers and hand dryers to bathrooms.

  • Problem solving activities require a higher level
    of language proficiency, but the difficulty
    levels can be controlled somewhat by the topic.
  • In problem-solving activities, participants tend
    to become personally involved they begin to
    relate the problem as an emotional issue as well
    as an intellectual and moral one (Ur 1996).

Other speaking activities
  • Find someone who
  • e.g. Stand up and walk around the room. Ask your
    classmates what they like to do. Remember, you
    must speak in English only!

Find someone who Name
likes to swim
likes to play basketball
likes to play badminton
likes to play tennis
likes to play football
likes to play volleyball
likes to roller skate
likes to ice skate

A model conversation can be provided.
  • A Hi, Tom.
  • B Hi, Sherry.
  • A Im conducting a survey for our school
    newspaper. Could you tell me, do you like to
  • B Yes, I do. In fact, usually go swimming once
    or twice a week.
  • A Great. Would you mind signing your name here
    for me please?
  • B Sure, there you are.
  • A thanks a lot. See you around.
  • B See you.

Change the story
  • Step 1 Form groups of 3-5
  • Step 2 The group together makes a list of about
    20 random verbs.
  • e.g. go, sleep, teach, learn, jump, fall, look
    (at), hear, laugh, sing, etc.
  • Step 3 Each one writes a short story, and
    underlines all the verbs in the story
  • e.g.

  • Yesterday I saw a cat. She was running in the
    street. She had a fish in her mouth. A dog was
    running after the cat. The dog wanted to eat the
    fish too. Then the cat climbed up a tree. The dog
    stopped under the tree. He could not climb the
    tree. At last the cat ate the fish.

  • Step 4 Each one read his/her story, but pauses
    at every verb. The group then supplies one of the
    random verbs into that slot.
  • The results can be very funny.
  • A possible version may be

  • Yesterday I taught a cat. She was sleeping in the
    street. She learned a fish in her mouth. A dog
    was laughing after the cat. The dog fell to hear
    the fish too. Then the cat sang up a tree. The
    dog jumped under the tree. He could not heard the
    tree. At last the cat looked at the fish.

Example A card game
  • On the table are a set of picture cards, face
    down. No one can see the pictures. Student B
    holds one of the cards with a picture on it.
    Student A cannot see the picture, so she asks
    Student B a question.
  • A What can you see?
  • B I can see
  • A No. You are lying. /Yes, I believe you.
  • If Student A is right, he gets the card. If
    Student A is wrong, Student B gets the card. Then
    they take turns. When the game is over, the one
    who has got more cards is the winner.

  • The most important aspect of preparing students
    to speak in real life is to give them as many
    opportunities as possible to practise producing
    unplanned, spontaneous and meaningful speech
    under time pressure.
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