Title: Silicon Carbide: Manufacturing Processes and Material Properties
1Silicon CarbideManufacturing Processes and
Material Properties
- B. C. Bigelow, UM Physics
- 3/24/05
2Silicon Carbide for SNAP
- Motivations
- Silicon Carbide has extreme material properties
- Very high thermal conductivity
- Very low thermal expansion close match to Si
- Very high specific stiffness (E/r)
- Fabrication processes have matured
- Process-tunable material properties
- Complex geometries, assemblies
- Substantial space heritage exists
- Space science applications
- Military applications
- Structures and reflecting optics
3Silicon Carbide for SNAP
- This talk
- Brief history
- Manufacturing processes
- Commercial sources
- Material properties
- Spacecraft heritage
- Current applications
- Conclusions
4Silicon Carbide for SNAP
- History
- Accidentally discovered by Edward G. Acheson
(assistant to Thomas Edison) in 1890, while
trying to synthesize diamond. - First synthesis method - Acheson Process SiC
created intentionally by passing current through
a mixture of clay and carbon - Natural SiC found only in meteorites, in very
small quantities
5Silicon Carbide for SNAP
- SiC Raw Material Production
- Acheson Process for producing powders
- Pyrolysis for producing fibers
- Reactions of silicon and carbon for producing
6SiC Production Processes
- Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 99
theoretical density, single phase - Chemical Vapor Composite (CVC) CVD with
particulate injection (Trex) - Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) graphite or
carbon conversion / infiltration graphite
greenbody, may be reinforced with carbon or
other fibers (C/SiC), multi-phase final material,
porosity varies with process, also called Ceramic
Matrix Composite (CMC) - Sintering trace amounts of impurities and second
phase result from sintering additives, few
percent porosity - Slip Casting similar to sintering, with liquid
mold-filling additives - Reaction Bonding two phase mixture of SiC and
Si, percentages and porosity vary with process - Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) near-theoretical
density, may have second phase or impurities from
hot-pressing additives, can be very low porosity
(inert gas compaction) - Hot Pressing mechanical pressure compaction with
electric current heating
7Selected Sources for SiC
- BOOSTEC (Tarbes, France)
- Cercom (Vista, CA)
- Ceradyn (Costa Mesa, CA)
- Coorstek (Golden, CO)
- GE Power System Composites (Newark, DE)
- IBCOL (Munich, Germany)
- Kyocera Advanced Materials (Vancouver, WA)
- Poco Graphite (Decatur, TX)
- SSG Precision Optronics (Wilmington, MA) no mat
props. - Trex Enterprises (Lihue, HI)
- Rohm Haas (Woburn, MA)
- Saint Gobain / Carborundum (Niagara Falls, NY)
8SiC fabrication - IBCOL
9SiC fabrication - Boostec
Picture of the Week
10R. Temp SiC Material Properties
Manuf. Process E, GPa Fl. Str, Mpa Kic, MPam0.5 Density, kg/m3 Poisson ratio CTE, ppm/C K, W/mK
Boostec sintered 420 450 3.5 gt3100 0.16 4.0 180
Ceradyne CVD 440 375 3.1 3200 0.17 4.5 200
HP 450 634 4.3 3200 0.17 4.8 115
sintered 430 400 4.3 3200 0.17 4.5 120
Cercom CVI 460 570 4.4 3200 0.16 4.5 130
Coorstek CVD 462 468 3.5 3210 0.21 4.6 115
RB 462 462 4-5 3100 0.20 4.4 125
sintered 410 480 4-5 3150 0.21 4.4 150
GE Cesic C/SiC 197 120 4.6 2650 2.1 125
IBCOL C/SiC 235 175 2650 2.6 135
Kyocera 430 539 5.6 3200 0.16 4.0 63
Poco CVI 218 147 2.3 2530 0.17 1.2 170
Rohm-Haas CVD 466 461 3.3 3210 0.21 2.2 300
St.Gobain sintered 410 240 4.6 3100 0.14 4.0 125
Trex CVD 466 380 3.4 3200 0.17 3.5 205-250
11SiC Mat. Prop. Comparisons
Manuf. Process E, GPa Fl. Str, Mpa Kic, Mpa-m-0.5 Density, kg/m3 Poisson ratio CTE, ppm/C K, W/mK
Ceradyne CVD 440 375 3.1 3200 0.17 4.5 200
Coorstek CVD 462 468 3.5 3210 0.21 4.6 115
Rohm-Haas CVD 466 461 3.3 3210 0.21 2.2 300
Trex CVD 466 380 3.4 3200 0.17 3.5 205-250
GE Cesic C/SiC 197 120 4.62 2650 2.1 125
IBCOL C/SiC 235 175 2650 2.6 135
AlN 330 290 2.6 3260 0.24 4.5 170
Alum 7075-T6 72 50 24 2790 0.33 23.4 160
TZM Arc cast 325 860 6-30 10160 0.32 4.9 120
Molybdenum Stress rel. 330 415 10220 0.32 5.35 138
304 St. Stl. 193 500 346 8030 0.29 16.2 16
12SiC Space Heritage
- Heritage missions
- NASA EO-1 ALI SiC mirrors
- ESA ROCSAT2 SiC optical bench
- ESA ROSETTA SiC optical bench
13SiC Space Heritage EO1
14SiC Space Heritage Rosetta
Rosetta SiC optics and optical bench
15SiC Space Heritage - ESA
IBCOL EADS/ESA verification structure
16SiC Space Applications - Hershel
3.5m SiC primary mirror
17SiC Space Applications - Hershel
Hershel SiC secondary mirror support structure
GAIA optical layout 2 fields simultaneously
GAIA focal plane mosaic 10 x 18 180 CCDs 4500
x 1966 px/CCD, 1.5 Gpx
20SiC Space Applications - GAIA
Picture of the Week
GAIA SiC primary mirror demonstrator - 1.4m x 0.5m
21SiC Space Applications - GAIA
Picture of the Week
GAIA SiC stability verification optical bench
22SiC Space Applications - GAIA
Picture of the Week
GAIA focal plane demonstrator model
(Boostec) 770mm by 580mm by 36mm, with a mass of
about 8kg.
23SiC Space Applications - GAIA
Picture of the Week
GAIA focal plane - sintered SiC detector
mounting detail
24Silicon Carbide for SNAP
- Conclusions
- There are many commercial sources for SiC
- SiC material production and fabrication methods
are well developed - SiC and C/SiC demonstrate extremely high
performance material properties - Space heritage for SiC has been established
- NASA and ESA are using of SiC in current programs
- SiC is a real option for SNAP, both for optics
and structures