Title: How to distinguish benign and malignant tumors
1- Section 6
- How to distinguish benign and malignant tumors
2Comparisons between benign and malignant tumors
Benign Malignant
Differentiation Well Poor or lack
Mitoses Few or no pathologic mitoses Always, have pathologic mitoses
Growth rate Slow Rapid
Secondary changes Less bleeding and necrosis Common in bleeding and necrosis
3Comparisons between benign and malignant tumors
Benign Malignant
Growth pattern Expansive or exotexic have envelope Invasive or exotexic no envelop
Metastasis No Often
Recurrence Rare Always
Affection Mainly local oppress and obstruction Great, destruction, bleeding, infection, pain, cachexia
4- Annotation
- 1. Above comparisons are relative, i.g. Angioma
is benign, but invasion growth, carcinoma of base
cell is malignant, but rare metastasis. - 2. Some boundary tumors are between benign and
malignant. - 3. Some benign tumors may change to malignant
- 4. There are different malignant level of
different malignant tumors.
5Comparisons between benign and malignant
(Quoted from Robbins Pathology
Basis of disease)
6(No Transcript)