Title: Developing Prophetic Ministry
1Developing Prophetic Ministry
2 develop
- 1. to change, or cause to change and become
larger, stronger and more impressive, successful
or advanced - 2. to arise and then increase or progress to a
more complex state - 3. to aquire a feature or habit, that then
becomes more marked and extreme - 4. to add details to a basic plan or idea
- 5. to become apparent and thus resolve a question
or clarify a situation - 6. to present the sequential events or
successive stages of a story, or to have such
events or stages revealed
3Why Prophecy?
Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing, except
he reveal his secret unto his servants the
prophets. The lion hath roared who will not
fear? The Lord Jehovah hath spoken who can but
prophesy? Amos 37-8
4What is Prophecy
- Foretelling (to make known before the time)
- Forth telling (to make clear or plain)
- Functional Gifts
- A spiritual gift (operational)
- I Corinthians 12,14
- A motivational gift (offering)
- Romans 12
- A leadership gift (office)
- Ephesians 411
5What Does Prophecy Do?
- But he who prophesies speaks to men words of
edification, encouragement and comfort he who
prophesies does good to the Church. 1
Corinthians 143-4 - Three Prophetic Functions
- builds up - Edification
- bucks up - Exhortation
- binds up - Comfort
- Notice the direction?
6What Does Prophecy Do? Resource for Living
- Prophecy creates order from chaos
- Genesis 1
- Prophecy produces faith foundations
- Romans 107
- Prophecy releases a destiny with hope
- Psalm 1305
- Prophecy provides fighting tools
- 1 Timothy 118
7What Does Prophecy Do? Encourages believers
- encourage
- to give somebody hope, confidence, or courage
- to urge somebody in a helpful way to do or be
something - to assist something to occur or
increase - Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of compassions, and God of all
encouragement who encourages us in all our
tribulation, that we may be able to others who
are in any tribulation whatever, through the
encouragement with which we ourselves are
encouraged of God 2 corinthians 12
8The Prevailing Spirit of Prophecy
- We are being conformed to the nature of the Holy
Spirit who works in us - Paraclete one called along side to help
- We have been given the ministry of
reconciliation, God in us reconciling all men to
Him. - GOOD News! (Gospel)
- This is the Day (season) Ps 11824
- I will rejoice and be glad in it!
9When is Prophecy Appropriate?
- When potential exceeds reality
- When clarity would be fruitful
- When light and truth are dawning
- When destiny is unfolding
- When Gods enemies are stirred
- When release is imminent
- When radical obedience is required
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11Our Desire
I wish that ALL GODS PEOPLE were prophets,
and that the Lord would put His Spirit on
them! Numbers 1129
12Our Desire
Covet earnestly the best giftsespecially that
you may prophesy 1 Corinthians
141 All may prophesy 1 Corinthians
13Prophetic Ministry Old Covenant New
- Word Rare
- Hand Rested on Select Vessels
- Directive/Corrective
- Primarily Informational
- Under Law
- Judgment on False Prophetic Words
- All May Prophesy
- Spirit Potentially Resides in All
- Spirit Will Guide All
- Primarily Confirmational
- Under Grace
- Discernment of All Prophetic Words
Old testament prophets were most like New
Testament office prophets, rather than those
simply used in the gift of prophecy.
14Criteria for Judging Prophecy Fruit
- Prophecy is judged by the fruit it produces
- Deuteronomy 131-5
- Loving God
- Walk after Him
- Fear of God
- Keep His commandments
- Produces Obedience
- Releases Service to God
- Creates a supernatural bond
15Criteria for Judging Prophecy Testimony
- The testimony of Jesus
- Revelation 1910
- Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test
the spirits, whether they are of GodBy this you
know the Spirit of God Every spirit that
confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh
is of God, and every spirit that does not confess
that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of
God 1 John 41-2
16Criteria for Judging Prophecy Harmony with
- For prophecy never came by the will of man, but
holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the
Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 121 - What God has said he will not contradict
- God will fulfill, supercede, complete
- Three levels of biblical agreement/conflict
- Biblical (Agreement/Encouragement)
- Anti-Biblical (Rejection/Condemnation)
- Extra-Biblical (Harmony/Resonance)
17Criteria for Judging Prophecy Fulfillment
- How shall we know the word which the Lord has
not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name
of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come
to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not
spoken the prophet has spoken it presumptuously
you shall not be afraid of him. Deut. 1822
18Criteria for Judging Prophecy Liberty
- Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit
of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2
Corinthians 317 - For you did not receive the spirit of bondage
again to fear, but you received the Spirit of
adoption by whom we cry out, Abba, Father. The
Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that
we are children of God, and if children, then
heirsheirs of God and joint heirs with Christ,
if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be
glorified together. Romans 815-17
19Criteria for Judging Prophecy Transformation
- But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a
mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to
glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord 2
Corinthians 318
20Criteria for Judging Prophecy Four Validation
- A Word is Validated by
- The He Factor
- Does it draw us to Jesus and make us like Him
- The They factor
- Is this in agreement with the Words authors
- The Us Factor
- Accountability to the local congregation
- The Rest Factor
- Quietness and restfulness with the Spirit
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22Developing Prophetic Ministry
- The Care and Feeding of Prophetic Individuals
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24Nature of the PGI (Prophetically gifted
- Loves truth (intensely)
- Loves others deeply
- Understands others insightfully
- Sees and loves contrasts
- Would rather be rejected than wrong
- Constant revelation/information
- Have an eternal perspective
25How PGIs are Misunderstood
- Love of truth may be perceived as judgmental
- Intense Love requires truth telling, perceived as
harsh - Assumes others understand him/her in the same way
he/she understands them - Loving black/white contrasts seems intolerant or
26How PGIs are Misunderstood
- Often has learned to survive outside
- John the Baptist
- Constant revelation may be painful, perceived as
moody - Their timewarp is perceived as weirdness
- Others..
27PGIs Must Have Proper Focus
- I AM focus vs. I focus
- Gift and calling requires future focus
- Past successes and failures must be kept in the
past - Grace-based vs. Gift-based self image
- We are rooted in what God says rather than on
what we have or do - Must convince others of who He is, not who we are
28PGIs Need Lots of Understanding
- They perceive isolation as preferable to
rejection - Isolation is still painful
- Caves are more comfortable than crowds
- Prophets need covering
- Release is difficult (words are like their
babies) - Feedback. They need to know others get it!
- Thrive on truth-telling
- Need to be reminded to lighten up and have fun
29PGIs Need a Safe Environment
- Not designed to operate in a vacuum
- One is to prophesy, others are to judge
- No One on One prophecy, Seems safer, but not
scriptural - Connected in five fold ministry
- Submission shares responsibility
- Accountability affords flexibility
- Creativity flourishes in this environment
30Four Reasons Prophets are Extremely Powerful
- They are gifted with strong character
- They have deep insight
- They have a mantle of authority
- Their words bear weight
31Four Reasons Prophets are Extremely Dangerous
- They are gifted with strong character
- They have deep insight
- They have a mantle of authority
- Their words bear weight
32Developing Prophetic Ministry
- pitfalls inherent to prophecy
33Why NOT Prophecy?
Despise not prophesying -Paul-
- Prophecy has been (can be) messy
- Prophets can be difficult to understand
- Powerful potential for good or evil
- Theological misinterpretations
- Lack of accountability and balance
34Processing Revelation
- Write it out . Document the details
- Ask questions If H.S. is talking, Hell answer
- What is literal? Symbolic?
- Go to intercession, bind loose
- Pray the answer, not the problem
- Pray and listen for interpretation
- One has a tongue, one a revelation an
interpretation - Check it with seasoned leaders
- Ask for permission/timing/strategy
35Habakuk 22-3
- Write the vision, make it plain apon the tablets
that he may run that readeth it for the vision is
for an appointed time. But at the end it shall
speak and lie not. Though it tarry wait for it
because it will come. It will not tarry.
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38Understanding Second Heaven Revelation
- Jewish concept Seven levels of heavens, for our
discussion, we will use three - Natural heavens
- Stars, clouds, air, that which is seen
- Second heaven
- Schemes, attacks, demonic/angelic warfare
- Third heaven
- Thrones, Elders, Intercessions, Divine rule
39Understanding Second Heaven Revelation
- Scriptural example Jesus and Peter
- Satan has desired to sift you like
wheat Word of the Lord, or simple revelation? - We are not ignorant of the enemies schemes
- Gods promise is that this information would be
granted - Though we may have access to 2nd heaven, we have
only limited authority from God - Judes report on Gabriels interaction
- Needless Casualties of War (Jackson)
40Proclaiming (prophesying) Second Heaven
- Gives permission, guidance and access to satanic
thoughts - Gives attention to demonic activity
- next thing to worship
- Releases dominion
- covenant of agreement
- Revelation is a call to intercession
- I have prayed for you, when you are restored
- Valid prophecy is limited to Fathers Words
41Developing Prophetic Ministry
42What Does Prophecy Do? Releases fresh perspective
- Hind sight -
- History giving grabs attention
- Faith building - Verifies, validates future word
- Defines past in light of destiny
- Insight
- Awareness of current condition
- Priority check
- Valuable evaluation
- Foresight
- Defines a preferred future
- Resonance with Gods plans
- Repositions for future blessing
43Threefold Prophetic Sight pattern found in the
church letters of Revelation 3-5
- Hindsight
- Word of Knowledge History giving grabs
attention - Faith-building Verifies/validates future word
- Insight
- Aha moments of illuminating introspection
- Defines current situations in light of destiny.
- Foresight
- Defines a preferred future
- Resonates with Gods plans
- Positions for future blessing
44Prophetic Focal Length
- Focal Length T(AHA - yea, Verily )
- PGI Live Out-of-Sync with Natural World
- God also lives outside of time restraints
- The Longer Focal Length
- Greater Potential for Frustration
- More Need for Eternal Kingdom Perspective
- Must understand Others DIH Look
- PGI Must Understand 5-Fold Ministries
- PGI Prophetically Gifted Individuals
45The Diverse Functions of Prophetic Revelation
- Seers
- Hearers
- Watchmen
- Scribes
- Dreamers
- Interpreters (dreams, events, revelations)
- Minstrels and intimate worshippers
- Others
46The Watchman
- Ezekiel 317-22 331-9
- Job is not to require action but to inform
- An unconcerned watchman is useless
- An agenda driven watchman is obnoxious
- Not everyone will listen
- Opportunity for repentance/protection
- Gods justice and mercy require warning
47Developing Prophetic Ministry
48Egyptian Theology Model
Pharaoh God/man
49Desert Ministry model
50Fallacy of the God-man Perversion
- Lie of the garden
- Manifests in gnosticism
- My value is in what I KNOW
- My value is in what I DO
- My value is in what I SAY
- God does not need our help, counsel, words,
insight or direction - He is GOD and there is NO OTHER!
51Purpose to our Prophecy
The 70 Prophesy Momentarily Talents buried in
the tent They surrounded the tent Keeping
people out or Keeping God in?
52Sanctification or Separation
53Passion for His Purpose
Eldad and Medad prophesied in the camp In
this season the anointing will flow to those
who know how to use it Post-congregationals A
generation who see themselves as spiritual,
but have no use for church
54Strategy for the Season
Moses, My Lord, Stop Them! This is going to be
a white water ride for those who like things
predictable Things are going to change!
55Our Desire
I wish that ALL GODS PEOPLE were prophets,
and that the Lord would put His Spirit on
56This will NOT be predictable!
57Developing Prophetic Ministry
- Prophetic ministry in the marketplace
58Prophetic Function in the Marketplace
- Receiving of a prophetic word (ask for it!)
- Share it (Ask a courageous question)
- May I share something with you?
- Confirmation (Hmmyeah..)
- Activation of the word (WOW!)
- Life enhancement (WoHooooo!!!)
- Appreciation of the gift (HmmAnything else?)
- Seeking of the subsequent word -
- This is a dangerous place for the formation of a
healthy future pattern
59Classic Prophetic Paradigm
- God desires to speak to
people - Cessation theology
- God initiates the rebirth of the supernatural
gifts - People are blessed
- God Speaks
60Perversion of the Priestly Prophetic Paradigm
- Prophet hears well
- People long to hear
- Prophet receives ego boost from being needed
used - Prophet/priest becomes the persons primary
61Perversion of the Priestly Prophetic Paradigm
- Sabotage of individuals hearing development
- Position becomes perversion
- Unhealthy seeking of the person carrying the gift
- Gods desire My sheep know MY voice
- Gods jealousy is ignited
Houston, We have a problem!
62Prophetic Coaching Paradigm
- Intimacy is with God
- Prophetic voice encourages intimacy with God not
gift - Prophetic voice helps illuminate and remove
barriers - Primary function confirmation, not information
- Steadily decreasing as God speaks to person
63Prophetic Coaching Paradigm
- Intimate personal relationship trumps gifting
- Gifts compliment Gods passion, not our ego
- The gift multiplies Gods glory and enhances His
standing - I MUST decrease He must increase
- Gifts are to be globalized, not centralized
64Mature Release of Prophetic Ministry
Interaction will begin here
Our goal should be to move here
65Paradigm for Prophetic Ministry
66Paradigm for Pastoral Ministry
67 Paradigm for Apostolic Ministry
68Other Applications
- Altar Ministry
- Childrens Ministry
- Counseling
- Deliverance
69Ministry Modifications
70Marketplace use of the Gifts (Evangelism)
- Receiving and giving of a God-message
- Confirmation (God watches over it)
- Activation of the word (God does it)
- Life enhancement
- Appreciation of the gift
- Seeking of the subsequent Truth
- Influence is given to be used to point people
back to the Giver of the Gift (not the deliverer
or receiver of the gift)
71 God
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73Maturity Sensitivity
- Different people at different levels
Ministry function determined by their need - One size does not fit all
- Discern and Defer to the listeners
Developmental Maturity - Anothers Ability to Hear is Primary Function
- Knowing/Giving Info is Secondary
- Refined Listening Skills Produce Fruit
- Obedience to Current Word is the only
Guarantee of Continued Revelation
74Input needs of Maturing Believers
Confirmation Coaching
Information Telling
75Developing Five Fold Ministry
76Most Believers Have a Primary 5 Fold
- Apostolic Ministry
- Foundational, Building up, Governmental,
Expansion - Prophetic Ministry
- Revelation, Information, Judgment
- Evangelistic Ministry
- Souls, Multiplication, Mission, Passion
- Pastoral Ministry
- Personal Growth, Body Health, Maturity of
Believers - Teaching Ministry
- Scriptural, Foundational, Process/Information
77Five Fold Ministries are Effective
- Develop Models for Healthy Ministry
- Team ministry, Interdependence, Synergy
- Reproduce Themselves
- Success is Not in Doing, but in Making Disciples
- Identify, Train, Raise and Release Future Leaders
- Equip, Energize and Encourage Current Leaders
- Office Ministers are Marked
- They are Gifted, Called and Commissioned by God
- They are Known, Proven, and Trusted by men
78The office minister
- Called by God
- Focused if not vocational
- Confirmed By People and Ministry
- Function
- Fruit
- Found Faithful
- Commissioned by Other Church Leaders
- Five-Fold
- Connected, Serving, Submitted
- Not all who function have an office
79Functional Five
- Pastors add personal touch and timing
- Evangelists add multiplication and fire
- Teachers add stability and clarity
- Apostles add foundations and building
- Prophets add revelation and sight
80Pastoral Ministry
- Mentioned only once in N.T. Eph 411
- Is relational, knows sheep by name Jn 103-6
- Is sacrificial in leadership style
Jn 1011 - Shepherds are different than hirelings Jn
1012 - God uses the pasture to develop leaders
- Great leaders Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, Amos
and others throughout scripture
81Pastoral Ministry
- Function from typology Ps.23 Ezek 34
- Companion guides who live with/as sheep
- They exercise authority, give direction
- Provide safety, security, protection
- Oversee nourishment, quality/quantity
Jer 315 - Monitor health, pace, peace, reproduction
- Their work is demanding, solitary, dangerous,
unrelenting, obscure
82Teaching Ministry
- Provide heritage for generations Ps 7117-18
- Keepers of records, truth, successful strategy
- Light-givers provide light to discern Ps.11934
- Applies wisdom to the heart Pro. 1623
- To release increased knowledge Ps. 99
- Prepare leaders for greatness Ex 1820-21
- To release spiritual realities through revelation
- To multiply inspiration by distribution of truth
- To produce strength and value Pro. 1020-22
- To nourish and strengthen
83Teaching Ministry
- To train/capture the strength of beasts
- To train/discipline, make ready for warfare Is
23-4 - To secure, inform, of the will, purpose, and
declared plans of God - To secure an informed obedience
- To thrust out the hand point or show Ex 1525-26
- To cast seed of truth in the mind of man
- Stewards truth, the basis of authority, freedom
84Teaching Ministry Teachers Need
- To resist the mechanical release the passionate
- To connect beyond the facts to the vital story
- To love the history to release it to the future
- To move beyond the regulations and the rules
- To release revelation into dead religion
- To operate in freedom, not foster bondage
- To release spirit of Father, not just teach facts
- To guard against gnosticism, arrogance, lofty
knowledge that puffs up - To serve with truth as revealed in Gods heart.
85Tensions in the Cluster
- Apostle / Pastor
- Movement (Nature of Change Process)
- Evangelist / Teacher
- Discipleship (Intentional or Natural)
- Prophet / Pastor
- Timing Practicality (How Much, How Fast)
- Evangelist/Pastor
- Promises of and faith for miracles that dont
86Tensions in the Cluster
- Teacher / Prophet
- Revelation vs. established truth
- In-the-box vs. Out-of-the box
- Apostle / Prophet
- Lack of quick movement foundations time
- Big picture vs. specific elements
- Evangelist / Prophet
- Easy salvation vs. true repentance,
87Tensions in the Cluster
- Pastor / Prophet (most common conflict)
- Timing Practicality (How Much, How Fast)
- Pastor may be perceived as slow.
- Pastor sees process, prophet sees product
- Pastor needs to grow the revelation
- Pastor may have DIH look.
88Tensions in the Cluster Pastor/Prophet
- DIH may be interpreted as rejection
- Prophet may be perceived as pushy/strange
- Prophet will be on to the next
- I told you so!
- (will need to be said about 1 focal length down
the road) - Tempting, but Extremely Counterproductive!
89Five-Fold Synthesis in the Cluster
- Apostle/Prophet (most common team)
- I Corinthians identifies this as a foundational
team - Prophetic voice provides
- Warfare strategy,
- Identifies ruling spirits,
- Releases breaking anointing
- Apostolic voice provides
- Practical theological foundation
- Vision casting
- Process orientation
90Developing Prophetic Ministry
91Most Intercessors Have a Primary 5 Fold
- Apostolic Intercession
- Foundational, Building up, Governmental,
Expansion - Prophetic Intercession
- Revelation, Information, Judgment
- Evangelistic Intercession
- Souls, Multiplication, Mission
- Pastoral Intercession
- Personal Growth, Body Health, Maturity of
Believers - Teaching Intercession
- Scriptural, Foundational, Process Orientation
92Guidelines for Public Words
- Speak Clearly
- Make sure you can be heard
- Timing the Word
- Pace and Fit
- Stop when He stops
- Know the Flow
- Practice listening
- Look for the Next
- No parrots
- To Be Heard,Have 3Bs
- Build up, Buck up, Bind up
- Be Invisible
- We would see Jesus
- Speak When Needed
- No Monopolies in Kingdom
- Be Sensitive to Direction
- Let the leader lead
- Maintain a Low Stance
- Humility is a MUST
93KNOW the WORD!! The Word is
- A Purifying Fire
- Jeremiah 2329
- A Breaking Hammer
- Jeremiah 2329
- A Guiding light
- Psalm 119105
- An Examining Mirror
- James 121-25
- A Meal for Babes
- 1 Peter 22
- A Growth Measuring Rod
- Revelation 111-2
- A Faith-Growing Seed
- 1 Peter 123
- A Sharp Sword
- Hebrews 412
- A Cleansing Stream
- Ephesians 526
- A Rich Storehouse
- 2 Timothy 316
94Pastoral ministry
95Decisiveness in our Discontent
Decisiveness in our Discontent
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