Title: HCU students and their Learning Styles
1HCU students and their Learning Styles
- Somsri Jansom
- Wednesday, August 27, 2003
2HCU students and their Learning Styles
- Background
- Objectives
- To survey the learning styles used by HCU
students in order to arrange lesson plan to meet
their preferences. - Limitations
- Convenience Sampling
- Small group of subjects
3Subjects 59 first-year HCU students
4Subjects Sex
5Subjects Previous English Grades
- Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey
developed by Professor Joy Reid - 30 items ( five of each)
- Visual 6, 10, 12, 24, 29 Auditory 1,
7, 9, 17, 20 - Kinesthetic 2, 8, 15, 19, 26 Tactile 11, 14,
16, 22, 25 - Group 3, 4, 5, 21, 23 Individual 13, 18, 27,
28, 30
7Perceptual Learning Styles Preferences
- 1. Visual
- Learn well from seeing words. Remember and
understand information better if you read them. - 2. Auditory
- Learn well from hearing words. Benefit from
hearing audiotapes, lectures, and class
8Perceptual Learning Styles Preferences
- 3. Kinesthetic
- Learn best by experience, by being involved
physically in classroom. Remember when you
actively participate in activities, field trips,
and role-playing. - 4. Tactile
- Learn best when you have the opportunity to do
hands-on experiences with materials. Benefit
from experiments in a lab, handling and building
9Perceptual Learning Styles Preferences
- 5. Group
- Learn more easily when you study with at least
one other student. - 6. Individual
- Learn best when you work alone. Remember
information when you learn by yourself.
10Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey
11Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey
- Scoring
- E.g. Visual
- 6 ____
- 10 ____
- 12 ____
- 24 ____
- 29 ____
- Total _______ x 2 ________ Score
Score 38-50 Major Learning Style
Preferences Score 25-37 Minor Learning Style
Preferences Score 0-24 Negligible Learning
12Results Comparing Means
13Results Major, minor, or negligible?
14Results Comparing Sex
15Results Comparing Grades
16Results Pearson Correlation
Significant at the 0.05 level Significant at
the 0.01 level
- Kinesthetic and Tactile are preferred by this
group of students while Individual learning style
is the least one. - Female students like studying in groups more
than males do, and male students prefer studying
individually. - Successful students prefer Kinesthetic, Tactile
and Visual learning styles, while weak students
use Visual, Auditory, and Group. Weak students
score low in Kinesthetic and Tactile.
18Thank you for your attention.
Conclusion (2)
- Kinesthetic moderately correlate with tactile,
while individual moderately correlate with
visual. Group and Individual are negatively
Reference Reid, J.M.(1998). Understanding
Learning Styles in the Second
Language Classroom. New Jersey Prentice Hall