Title: Age-structured models (continued): Estimating l from Leslie matrix models
1Age-structured models (continued)Estimating l
from Leslie matrix models
2The facts on l
- Finite rate of population increase
- ler rln(l), therefore NtNlt
- A dimensionless number (no units)
- Associated with a particular time step
- (Ex l 1.2/yr not the same as l 0.1/mo)
- l gt1 pop. llt1 pop
3Matrix Population Models Definitions
- Matrix- any rectangular array of symbols. When
used to describe population change, they are
called population projection matrices. - Scalar- a number a 1 X 1 matrix
- State variables- age or stage classes that define
a matrix. - State vector- non-matrix representation of
individuals in age/stage classes. - Projection interval- unit of time define by
age/stage class width.
4Basic Matrix Multiplication
4x1 3x2 2x3 0 2x1 - 2x2 5x3 6 x1 -
x2 - 3x3 1
0 6 1
x1 x2 x3
4 3 2 2 2 5 1 1 3
5What does this remind you of?
- n(t 1) An(t)
- Where
- A is the transition/projection matrix
- n(t) is the state vector
- n(t 1) is the population at time t 1
- This is the basic equation of a matrix population
6Eigenvectors Eigenvalues
When matrix multiplication equals scalar
Aw ?w
vA ?v
v,w Eigenvector ? Eigenvalue
- Rate of Population Growth (?) Dominant
Eigenvalue - Stable age distribution (w) Right Eigenvector
- Reproductive values (v) Left Eigenvector
Note Eigen is German for self.
7Example Eigenvalue
A x y
A x y
4 1
6 3
-3 -3
1 1
No obvious relationship between x and y
Obvious relationship between x and y
x is multiplied by -3
Thus, A acts like a scalar multiplier. How is
this similar to ??
8Characteristic equations
- From eigenvalues, we understand that Ax ?x
- We want to solve for ?, so
- Ax - ?x 0 (singularity)
- or
- (A- ?I)x 0
- I represents an identity matrix that converts ?
into a matrix on the same order as A. - Finding the determinant of (A- ?I) will allow one
to solve for ?. The equation used to solve for ?
is called the Characteristic Equation
9Solution of the Projection Equation n(t1)
- ?4 - P1F2 ?2 - P1P2F3 ? - P1P2P3F4 0
- or alternatively (divide by ?4)
- 1 P1F2 ?-2 P1P2F3 ?-3 P1P2P3F4 ?-4
This equation is just the matrix form of Eulers
equation 1 S lxmxe-rx
10Constructing an age-structured (Leslie) matrix
- Build a life table
- Birth-flow vs. birth pulse
- Pre-breeding vs. post-breeding census
- Survivorship
- Fertility
- Build a transition matrix
11Birth-Flow vs. Birth-Pulse
- Birth-Flow (e.g humans)Pattern of reproduction
assuming continuous births. There must be
approximations to l(x) and m(x) modeled as
continuous, but entries in the projection matrix
are discrete coefficients. - Birth-Pulse (many mammals, birds, fish)Maternity
function and age distribution are discontinuous,
matrix projection matrix very appropriate.
12Pre-breeding vs. Post-breeding Censuses
Pre-breeding (P?1) Populations are accounted for
just before they breed.
Post-breeding (P?0) Populations are accounted for
just after they breed
13Calculating Survivorship and Fertility Rates for
Pre- and Post-Breeding Censuses
Different approaches, yet both ways produce a ?
of 1.221.
14The Transition/Population Projection Matrix
4 age class life cycle graph
15Example Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Software of choice PopTools
16Mako Shark Data
Mortality M1-6 0.17 M7-w 0.15 Fecundity
12.5 pups/female Age at female maturity 7
years Reproductive cycle every other 2 years
Photo Ron White
17Essential Characters of Population Models
- Asymptotic analysis A model that describes the
long-term behavior of a population. - Ergodicity A model whose asymptotic analyses
are independent of initial conditions. - Transient analysis The short-term behavior of
a population useful in perturbation analysis. - Perturbation (Sensitivity) analysis The extent
to which the population is sensitive to changes
in the model.
Caswell 2001, pg. 18
18Uncertainty and hypothesis testing
- Characterizing uncertainty
- Series approximation (delta method)
- Bootstrapping and Jackknifing
- Monte Carlo methods
- Hypothesis testing
- Loglinear analysis of transition matrices
- Randomization/permutation tests
Caswell 2001, Ch. 12
Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models
Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation.
Sunderland, MA, Sinauer Associates. 722
pp. Ebert, T. A. 1999. Plant and Animal
Populations Methods in Demography. San Diego,
CA, Academic Press. 312 pp. Leslie, P. H. 1945.
On the use of matrices in certain population
mathematics. Biometrika 33 183-212. Mollet, H.
F. and G. M. Cailliet. 2002. Comparative
population demography of elasmobranch using life
history tables, Leslie matrixes and stage-based
models. Marine and Freshwater Research 53
503-516. PopTools http//www.cse.csiro.au/popto