- 4th International Conference
- for
- Fire Chiefs in the Chemical Industry
- MOL Danube Refinery
- 22nd 24th May 2007
2Gerry Johnson M.C.M.I.
- Born Perth, Scotland
- 42 years experience in the Fire Industry
- 35 years service - CAA Airports CAT 4 - 9
- - MOD
Airports CAT 2A - 6A - 10 years as Chief Fire Officer British
Aerospace/Rolls Royce sites, Filton, Bristol - First Chief Fire Officer of U.K. Occupational
Fire Brigade to introduce NVQ Training for the
Brigade - Training Advisor to JOIFF
- with responsibility for the development of
Competency Based Training - Chairman of JOIFF Training Standards Committee
3About JOIFF
4JOIFF - The Organisation for Emergency Services
- Started life in 1989 as
- JOIFF Joint Oil Industry Fire Forum
- Changed to
- JOIFF Joint Oil and Industry Fire Forum
- Now JOIFF Ltd. referred to as
- The Organisation for Emergency Services
Management -
5JOIFF - The Organisation for Emergency Services
- JOIFF is
- Organisations that have nominated personnel
as Emergency Responders i.e. Hazard Management
Team / Occupational Firefighters etc. who provide
cover to Industrial / Commercial Organisations - JOIFFs Aim is
- To improve Standards of Safety and of the
Working Environment in those Industrial and
Commercial sectors in which its Members operate
6JOIFF - The Organisation for Emergency Services
- Membership - Categories
- Full Member
- Organisations with Emergency Services Personnel
- Corporate Member
- Organisations/Persons wishing to
- participate with/support JOIFF
7JOIFF Membership Numbers
- Currently (April 2007)
- 76 Organisations that are Full Members
- Australia 1 Bahrain 1 Belgium 1
- Denmark 1 England 31 Falklands 1
- Germany 1 Ireland 6 Malaysia 2
- Netherlands 2 New Zealand 1 Russia 1
- Qatar 2 Saudi Arabia 1 Scotland 4
- Singapore 5 South Africa 5 Trinidad 1
- U.A.E. 1 U.S.A 2 Wales 5
- and 30 Organisations that are Corporate Members
- England 19 France 1 Germany 2
- Ireland 1 Japan 1 Kuwait 1
- Netherlands 2 South Africa 1 Sweden 1
- Switzerland 1
- in 26 Countries
- ..and growing !!!!
8JOIFF Full Members
- Abu Dhabi Marine Alert Disaster
Control Astellas Ireland - Bahrain Petroleum Bassell Polyolefins BASF
Ludwigshafen - BASF Seal Sands Bayer CropScience Belgian
Refining - Blue Star Fibres BP Chemicals Hull BP
Exploration Dorset - BP Exploration Sullom Voe BP International
Plc BP Kwinana - BP Oil Coryton Bristol Airport British Nuclear
Fuels - British Sugar Cardiff Airport Chevron
Corporation - Chevron Ltd. Chevron (Sth Africa) Ciba
Specialty Chemicals. - ConocoPhillips Humber Refinery ConocoPhillips
Petroleum Dow Benelux - Dow Corning Dublin Airport Engen Petroleum
- Essex County FR Service Esso Fawley Esso
Malaysia - Falkland Islands FR Fire Service College First
Intervention - Gazobezopasnost GE Plastics GlaxoSmithKline
Montrose - Hexion Specialty Idemitsu International
plc Ineos Chlor - Ineos Manufacturing Scotland Irish Refining LFR
Washington Hall - Limerick CoCo Fire Service Manchester
Airport Merck Sharpe Dohme - NATREF South Africa New Zealand
Refining Petrochemical Corporation - PetroSA South Africa PETROTRIN PETRONAS
- Pfizer UK PPG Industries Qatar Int. Safety
10JOIFF accredited training
- Prior to JOIFF accredited Training, certification
for Industrial Emergency Responders was - Certificate of Attendance
- Reviewed Training available at the time
- Municipal Brigades
- Not satisfied with what we found
- JOIFF decided to self accredit its Training
11JOIFF accredited training
- Formed JOIFF Training Standards Committee
- Committee of experienced / highly qualified
peers within Industry who - set standards for Training
- established procedures to ensure maintenance of
12JOIFF accredited Training
- Course content
- Is developed from a background of competent
knowledge - Must be consistent and relevant
- Requires on-going assessment and verification and
review - Instructors / Assessors
- Must be professional, knowledgeable and
experienced in their field to maintain the
Standard - Require on-going verification and review
- Training facilities
- Must be regularly risk assessed and safe
- Must have resources / facilities necessary to
allow the Training to be carried out
13Competency Based Training
- JOIFF accredited Training
- is
- Competency Based Training
- which is
- an effective tool for Training
- Emergency Services personnel
- in
- Industry
14Competency Based Training - features
- Job Role / Rank
- builds in measurement of ability to do the job
- provides for the development of role competencies
by - establishing relevant training objectives
- incorporates accredited assessments
- independent verification that person is competent
to - effectively do the job
to which they are assigned - is based on the achievement and maintenance of
competency - incorporates auditable personal records for each
15Competency Based Training should be ongoing..
- Management commitment to
- Continually assesses Training outcomes
- Develop future Training Action Plan based on
progress of each individual - Ensure implementation of a programme for
Continuous - Personal Development of each
individual - Reward
- e.g. give certification / status
- base promotion / advancement on
success / progress
16JOIFF Training Policy QAP 002 1
- Purpose of JOIFF Training
- not only to meet minimum legal requirements,
but to demonstrate - the intent to maintain a consistent
level of expertise and - knowledge amongst Emergency Services
Personnel. - Principals
- initial / continuation / refresher and
conversion Training and - maintenance of currency of
competencies / revalidation. - Best Industry Practice
- outcome is Certification of Qualification
- Necessity for audit trail
- Health and Safety / Quality Assurance
17JOIFF Accredited Training - Control
JOIFF Training Standards Committee
Drawn from JOIFF Membership
18JOIFF Accreditation Process
19Preferred main location for Training Own Site
- Financial and logistical advantages
- using own equipment
- exposure to own Risks
- better control over timing
- use of Sites own Training facilities
- this is where any incident will occur and will
need to be dealt with - Possible disadvantages - if not properly planned
- lack of availability of planned Training
Programme - lack of availability of suitably accredited
Instructors - is the Training provided recognised / accredited ?
20Accredited Training on Site
- Competency Based Training Personal Portfolio
- divided into UNITS and ELEMENTS to be carried out
on the - Company Site by suitable Assessors /
Instructors -
plus - training e.g. practical Firefighting, to be
carried out at an - approved Training Establishment where the
training facilities - are not available on site
- The most effective form of Competency Based
Training is a mixture - of on-site Training building on core content to
address site-specific - issues and off-site Training to provide
specialist competencies / for - exposure to others to keep Training FRESH and
21U N I Q U E to E A C H
22INDEX of COMPETENCES (22) Number
of Units Title Elements 1. Site
familiarisation. 9 2. Personal
Safety. 7 3. Science of Fire. 3
4. Elementary Hydraulics. 2 5. Elements of
Building Construction. 3 6. Firefighting
Media. 3 7. First Aid Firefighting
equipment. 5 8. Fixed Installations. 7
9. Fire Safety Practice. 4 10. Appliances and
Equipment. 6 11. Firefighting
Operations. 3 continued/
23INDEX of COMPETENCES (22) Number
of Units Title Elements
12. Hydrant / Hose Standard Practices. 7 13. P
ump Standard Practices. 11 14. Foam Standard
Practices. 5 15. Ladder Standard
Practices. 6 16. Pump and Ladder Standard
Practices. 4 17. Knots, Ropes and
Lines. 4 18. Ventilation and
Salvage. 4 19. First Aid for
Firefighters. 15 20. Operational use of BA and
Associated Equipment. 9 21. Practical
Firefighting. 22. Site Specific requirements.
24Regular programme of Robust Fire Training
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36JOIFF Accredited Training
- JOIFF recognised the shortcomings in current
training requirements for Emergency Responders - Lack of joined up thinking
- Lack of detailed knowledge of Industrial /
Commercial response requirements - Lack of a standard system for accredited
certification - Lack of a career path / personal development
programme for Emergency Responders
37JOIFF Accredited Training
- Covers core skills
- Links into UK National Occupational Standards
- Provides a cradle to grave career path
- Provides Certificates of Competence that are
recognised Worldwide
38JOIFF Career Training Path for Emergency
Responders in Industry
New Entrant
personnel YEAR 1
Continuous Professional
On-going Certification of Maintenance of Currency
of Competence
Operations in the Community NVQ Level 3
Previous Training / Experience / APL
Assessor and Verifier NVQ Levels 3 and 4
BTEC Certification Drive and Manoeuvre Fire
Vehicles FF 9 (NOS)
Control Operations NVQ Level 3
JOIFF Accredited Firefighter Course
IFE G I Fire E Programme
JOIFF Accredited 2 day Practical Firefighting
Watch Management NVQ Level 3
JOIFF Accredited on-site Training Programme
BTEC Customised Awards Levels 3 and 4
JOIFF Accredited Team Leader Course
Fire Safety NVQ Levels 2, 3 and 4
I F E Firefighter Technician Programme
Certification Occupational FF BA Wearer IFE
Preliminary Examination
Learning and Development NVQ Level 3
39JOIFF Accredited Training
- is not yet the full solution
- is in a continual stage of development
- is developed and overseen by Industry specialists
- is gaining a growing level of recognition
- draws from all relevant sources
- is current Best Industry Practice
40- Competency Based Training
- without
- Assessment and Verification
- is not worth doing
41- Information on
- JOIFF Training Programmes
- is available
- on the JOIFF website
- www.joiff.com
Thank you for your attention !!