Earth Models and Projections - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Earth Models and Projections


Many ellipsoids have been measured, and maps based on each. ... Most commonly encountered are: Everest (Sir George) 1830. One of the earliest ellipsoids; India ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Earth Models and Projections

Earth Models and Projections
  • Models of the earth
  • Datums
  • How ArcGIS handles coordinates
  • Projections
  • Summary of projections

Models of the Earth
  • The earth can be modeled as a
  • Sphere,
  • Oblate ellipsoid
  • Geoid

The Map in Printed Form
  • The earth model used.
  • The coordinate/projection system.
  • The datum.

Earth Shape Sphere and Ellipsoid
Measuring the Ellipsoid
  • Oblate ellipsoid predicted by Sir Issac Newton
    (ca 1700).
  • French academy of sciences sent expeditions to
    Lapland and Peru (now in Ecuador) to measure the
    length of a degree along a meridian.
  • La Condamine (1735) sent to Mitad del Mundo.
  • Moreau de Maupertuis (1736-37) sent to Tornio
    river valley.

Measuring the Ellipsoid
  • Maupertuis reported a meridian degree as 57,437.9
    toises (1 toise 1.949 m).
  • Meridian degree at Paris was 57,060 toises.
  • Concluded earth was flatter at poles.
  • Measures were erroneous but conclusions were
  • Published as La figure de la Terre (1738).

Earth as Ellipsoid
The Spheroid and Ellipsoid
  • The sphere is about 40 million meters in
  • An ellipsoid is an ellipse rotated in three
    dimensions about its shorter axis.
  • Many ellipsoids have been measured, and maps
    based on each.
  • The terms spheroid and ellipsoid tend to be used
    interchangeably in the literature.

Earth As an Oblate Ellipsoid
Flatter, latitude line space 69.41 mi
Because the earth is flatter at the poles, close
to poles tangent must move further to change by
1 degree, hence 1 degree of lat. is longer at
poles than at the equator.
d 1
d 89
Curved, lat. line space 68.7 mi
Measuring Latitude
  • Geodetic latitude is always used.
  • Geodetic latitude (d) angle of vector
    perpendicular to ellipsoid surface compared to
    plane of equator.
  • Geocentric latitude (c) angle of vector
    perpendicular to spheroid surface, all pass
    through the center.

Earth As an Oblate Ellipsoid
  • Angle from center of earth subtends an arc at
    surface of earth.
  • 1 degree arc 68.7 mi at equator.
  • 1 arc-second 1/3600th degree or 30.86 m.
  • Tongass DEM is 2 arc-second.

Which Ellipsoid?
  • Hundreds have been defined depending upon
  • Available measurement technology
  • Area of the globe (e.g., North America, Africa)
  • Map extent (country, continent or global)
  • Political issues (e.g., Warsaw pact versus NATO)
  • ARC/INFO supports 26 different spheroids!
  • Conversions via math formulae
  • Earth measurements
  • Equatorial radius 6,378 km 3,963 mi
  • Polar radius 6,357 km 3,950 mi
  • (Flattened about 13 miles at poles)

Which Ellipsoid?
  • Most commonly encountered are
  • Everest (Sir George) 1830
  • One of the earliest ellipsoids India
  • a 6,377,276 m b 6,356,075 m f
  • Clarke 1886 for North America
  • Basis for USGS 7.5 Quads
  • a 6,378,206.4 m b 6,356,583.8 m f

Which Ellipsoid?
  • GRS80 (Geodetic Ref. System, 1980)
  • Current North America mapping
  • a 6,378,137 m b 6,356,752.31 m f
  • WGS84 (World Geodetic Survey, 1984)
  • Current global choice
  • a 6,378,137 b 6,356,752.31m
    f 1/298

The Datum
  • An ellipsoid gives the base elevation for
    mapping, called a datum.
  • Examples are NAD27 and NAD83.
  • The geoid is an ellipsoid that is based on local
  • It is the most accurate, and is used more in
    geodesy than GIS and cartography.

Earth Models and Datums
  • Elevations defined with reference to a sphere,
    ellipsoid, geoid or local sea level will all be
  • When linking GPS with GIS, the user must know
    what base to use.

Original North American Datums
  • 1900 US standard datum
  • First nationwide datum
  • Clark 1866 ellipsoid
  • Origin Meades Ranch, Osborne County, KS
    (39-13-26.686 n 98-32-30.506 w)
  • Determined by visual triangulation
  • Approx. 2,500 points
  • Renamed North American Datum (NAD) in 1913 when
    adopted by Mexico and Canada.

Original North American Datums
  • NAD27
  • Clark 1866 ellipsoid
  • Meades Ranch origin
  • Visual triangulation
  • 25,000 stations (250,000 by 1970)
  • NAVD29 (North American Vertical Datum, 1929)
    provided elevation
  • Basis for most USGS 7.5 minute quads

Original North American Datums
  • NAD83
  • Satellite (since 1957) and laser distance data
    showed inaccuracy of NAD27.
  • 1971 national academy of sciences report
    recommended new datum.
  • Used GRS80 ellipsoid (functionally equivalent to
    WGS84, but not identical).
  • Origin mass-center of earth.

Original North American Datums
  • NAVD88 provides vertical datum.
  • Points can differ up to 160 m from NAD27, but
    seldom more than 30 m.
  • Conversion from NAD27 see USGS Bulletin 1875
    for conversion tables (in ARC/INFO).

Coordinate Systems
  • Standardized method for assigning location codes
    to objects.
  • Standardized coordinate systems use absolute
    locations (lat/long).
  • A map captured in the units of the paper sheet is
    based on relative locations or map millimeters.
  • In a coordinate system, the x-direction value is
    the easting and the y-direction value is the
    northing. Most systems make both values positive
    by introducing false values.

Geographic Coordinates
  • Earth's latitude and longitude system ranges from
    90 degrees south to 90 degrees north in latitude
    and 180 degrees west to 180 degrees east in
  • A line with a constant latitude running east to
    west is called a parallel.
  • A line with constant longitude running from the
    north pole to the south pole is called a
  • The zero-longitude meridian is called the prime
    meridian and passes through Greenwich, England.
  • A grid of parallels and meridians shown as lines
    on a map is called a graticule.

Coordinate Systems for the US
  • Some standard coordinate systems used in the
    united states are
  • Geographic coordinates.
  • Universal transverse Mercator system.
  • Military grid.
  • State plane.
  • To compare or edge-match maps in a GIS, both maps
    MUST be in the same coordinate system.

Latitude and Longitude Location on the Spheroid
90 N
Prime Meridian
90 S
Latitude and Longitude Graticule
Lat and long measured in degrees minutes
seconds (60 1 60 1) Decimal
degrees, not minutes/seconds, best for
ArcView. dd d m/60
s/3600 Pixel size (m) pixel (dd)
cos(central latitude of the data)(earth
circumference (m)/360
Decimal Degrees
  • 121.135 degrees 121 degrees
  • and 0.135 60 8.1 minutes
  • and 0.1 60 6 seconds
  • 121 deg., 8 min., 6 sec.

Geographic Coordinates as Data
  • Geographic coordinates in decimal degrees.

Latitude and Longitude Location on the Spheroid
  • Prime meridian is zero Greenwich, U.K.
  • International date line is 180 EW.
  • Circ. 40,008 km or 24,860 mi.
  • (Equator to pole approx. 10,000,000 meters).
  • 1 degree 69.17 mi at equator.
  • 46.50 mi at 47.75 N (Pullman).
  • 0 mi at 90 N/S.
  • Changes as cos(latitude).
  • Equator is zero.
  • Circ. 40,076 km or 24, 902 mi.
  • 1 degree 68.70 mi at equator.
  • 69.41 mi at poles.
  • (1 mile 1609.34 m 5280 feet).
  • 1 nautical mile length of 1 minute of arc.
  • 1852 m 6076 ft (international).
  • 1843 m - 1862 m.

State Plane Coordinate System
  • Began in 1930s for public works projects Popular
    with interstate designers.
  • States divided into 1 or more zones (130 total
    for US).
  • Each zone designed to maintain scale distortion
    to less than 1 part per 10,000.
  • Washington has 2 zones running E/W.
  • http//

State Plane Coordinate System
  • Different projections used
  • Transverse mercator (conformal) for states with
    large N/S extent.
  • Lambert conformal conic for rest.
  • Some states use both projections (NY, FL, AK).
  • Oblique mercator used for Alaska panhandle.

State Plane Coordinate System
  • Each zone also has
  • Unique standard parallels (2 for Lambert) or
    central meridian (1 for mercator).
  • False coordinate origins which differ between
    zones, use feet for NAD27, meters for NAD83.
  • Scale reduction used to balance scale across
    entire zone resulting in accuracy variation of
    approx. 1 per 10,000, thus 4 times more accurate
    than UTM.
  • See Snyder, 1982 USGS bulletin 1532, p. 56-63
    for details.

State Plane Coordinate System Washington State
  • Two zones, N and S
  • South zone Lambert conformal conic
  • Standard Parallel 45.5
  • Standard Parallel 47.5
  • Longitude central meridian 120.5
  • Latitude of projection origin 45.33
  • False Easting 2000000
  • False Northing 0
  • Horizontal Datum NAD83
  • Ellipsoid Name GRS80
  • Semi-major axis 6378137
  • Flattening ratio 1/298.257222101

How ArcGIS Handles Coordinates and Projections
  • The coordinate reference system of the display
    view is determined by the first layer opened in
    the view.
  • Geographic (lat/long).
  • Projected (by type and parameters).
  • This may or may not be known.

How ArcGIS Handles Coordinates and Projections
  • As other layers are added, they are
  • Re-projected on-the-fly to that of the view if
    their reference system and reference system of
    first layer is known.
  • Displayed as is (and thus potentially
    incorrectly) if either is not known (warning

How ArcGIS Handles Coordinates and Projections
  • If the projection of the first layer was not
    already recorded, you must select view/data frame
    properties and..
  • Select Coordinate System tab to specify
    projection of view.
  • Projection is for entire view, not any one layer.
  • Once ArcMap has been informed of the original
    projection of the data, you can re-project the
  • This applies to the display only. The underlying
    data files are not changed in any way.
  • To change the underlying data files, use

How ArcGIS Handles Coordinates and Projections
  • For correct measurement only, you can select
    General tab.
  • Map units may be unknown when data read in.
  • User sets it based on actual units for raw data
    (e.g., decimal degrees).
  • Display units for reporting measurements (e.g.,
  • Map units must be specified before display units
    can be set.
  • If map units specified incorrectly, distance
    measures will be wrong!

Map Projections
  • A transformation of the spherical or ellipsoidal
    earth onto a flat map is called a map projection.
  • The map projection can be onto a flat surface or
    a surface that can be made flat by cutting, such
    as a cylinder or a cone.
  • If the globe, after scaling, cuts the surface,
    the projection is called secant. Lines where the
    cuts take place or where the surface touches the
    globe have no projection distortion.

Standard parallels
  • Secant conic projection.
  • Lines of true scale, standard parallels.

Map Projections
Map Projections
  • Projections can be based on axes parallel to the
    earth's rotation axis (equatorial).
  • At 90 degrees to it (transverse).
  • Or at any other angle (oblique).

Secant map projections
Map Projections
  • A projection that preserves the shape of features
    across the map is called conformal.
  • A projection that preserves the area of a feature
    across the map is called equal area or
  • No flat map can be both equivalent and conformal.
    Most fall between the two as compromises.
  • To compare or edge-match maps in a GIS, both maps
    MUST be in the same projection.

No flat map can be both equivalent and conformal.
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
  • First adopted by US army in 1947 for large scale
    maps worldwide.
  • Used from lat. 84N to 80S Universal polar
    stereographic (UPS) used for polar areas.
  • Globe divided into 60 N/S zones, each 6 wide
    These are numbered from one to sixty going east
    from 180th meridian.
  • Each zone divided into 20 E/W belts, each 8 high
    lettered from the south pole using C thru X (O
    and I omitted).

UTM zones in the lower 48
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
  • Coordinate origins are at the intersection of the
    equator and the zones central meridian
  • This origin given a value of 0 meters north,
    500,000m east, thus no negative values.
  • Military uses a different system for coordinate
    location dividing each UTM primary grid zone into
    10km by 10km squares and designates each by a
    double letter.

(No Transcript)
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
  • The meridian halfway between the two boundary
    meridians for each zone is designated as the
    central meridian and a cylindrical projection is
    done for each zone.
  • Scale of central meridian reduced by .9996 to
    minimize scale variation in zone resulting in
    accuracy variation of approx. 1 meter per 2,500

Review Map Projections
  • GIS Capability
  • Choosing a Projection
  • Common Projections in GIS
  • Classification of Projections

Map Projections
  • Location on the 3-D earth is measured by latitude
    and longitude.
  • Location on the 2-D map is measured by X,Y
    Cartesian coordinates.
  • Unlike choice of ellipsoid, choice of map
    projection does not change a locations lat/long
    coordinates, only its XY coordinates.

Map Projections Classification
  • Property Preserved
  • Equal area projections preserve the area of
    features (popular in GIS).
  • Conformal projections preserve the shape of small
    features (good for presentations) , and show
    local directions (bearings) correctly (useful
    for coastal navigation!)
  • Equidistant projections preserve distances
    (scale) to places from one point, or along a one
    or more lines.
  • Scale can never be correct everywhere on any map.
  • True direction projections preserve bearings
    (azimuths) either locally (in which case they are
    also conformal) or from center of map.

Map Projections Classification
Geometric Model Used
  • Planar/Azimuthal/Zenithal image of spherical
    globe is projected onto a map plane which is
    tangent to (touches) globe at single point.
  • Conical image of spherical globe is projected
    onto a cone which touches
  • Along one line (tangent) or
  • Cuts thru globe along two lines (secant)
    (usually parallels of latitude)
  • Cone is then unfolded to create flat map

Map Projections Classification
Geometric Model Used
  • Cylindrical image of spherical globe is
    projected onto a cylinder which again may be
    tangent along one line or secant along two
    --again, cylinder is unfolded to create a flat

Choosing a Map Projection
  • Rules of thumb.
  • Choose a standard for your organization and keep
    all data that way.
  • Retain lat/long coordinates as the GIS database
    if possible.
  • For small areas, projection not too critical
    unless you will be combining layers from
    different sources (common in GIS) Then, each
    layer must be in same projection, with same
    parameters and same datum.

Choosing a Map Projection
  • Issues to consider
  • Extent of area to map city, state, country,
  • Location polar, mid-latitude, equatorial?
  • Predominant extent of area to map E-W, N-S,

Choosing a Map Projection
  • Use equal-area projections for thematic or
    distribution maps, and as a general choice for
    GIS work.
  • Use conformal projections in presentations.
  • For navigational applications, need true distance
    or direction.

Common Projections in GIS
  • American Polyconic
  • Early projection used by USGS Usually only
    encountered on older maps Being replaced by
    transverse mercator.
  • Albers conic equal-area
  • Often used for US base maps showing all of the
    lower 48 states
  • Standard parallels set at 29 1/2N and 45 1/2N

Common Projections in GIS
  • Lambert conformal conic
  • Often used for US base map of all 50 states
    (including Alaska and Hawaii), with standard
    parallels set at 37N and 65N
  • Also for state base map series, with standard
    parallels at 33N and 45N
  • Also used in state plane coordinate system (SPCS)

Common Projections in GIS
  • Transverse Mercator
  • Used in SPCS for states with major N/S extent
  • Universal transverse Mercator (UTM) used for
    world wide military (and other) large scale

GIS Capability
  • A GIS package should be able to move between
  • map projections
  • coordinate systems
  • datum
  • ellipsoids
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