Title: Tongue Twisters
1Tongue Twisters Group 1 Group 2Fuzzy wuzzy
was a bear, A Tutor who tooted a flute Fuzzy
wuzzy had no hair. Tried to tutor two tooters
to toot. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy. Said the
two to their tutor, Was he? "Is it harder to
toot Or to tutor two tooters to
toot? Group 3 I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought
I thought I thought. Group 4 Group
5 Say this sharply, say this sweetly, She
sells sea shells by the sea shore. Say this
shortly, say this softly. The shells she sells
are surely seashells. Say this sixteen times in
succession. So if she sells shells on the
seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore
2Kindergarten Awareness Tasks
3Task 1 The ability to hear rhymes and
- Rhymes- words that sound alike
- Rhymes can be in stories or poems.
- Examples of rhyming words are cat, hat, mat, sat,
and fat.
4How Can You Go To Bed With An Elephant In Your
5(No Transcript)
- Sally the snake slowly slithered in the sand.
- Korkys Cool Rhyme Machine
7Task 2 The ability to do oddity tasks.
- Look at these pictures
- Which word begins with a different sound?
8In Review
- Rhymes words that sound alike such as cat, hat,
and rat. - Alliteration
- Sally the snake slowly slithered in the sand.
- Oddity Tasks picking out which word begins with
a different sound.
- How Can You Go To Bed With An Elephant in Your
Head. 4/6/2001. http//www.awpi.com/Romain/Ele/Ele
0.html - Korkys Cool Rhyming Machine. 1999 Sunshine
Multimedia Ltd. 4/6/2001. http//www.literacyhour.
co.uk/learning_activities/rhyme/rhyme.html - My Favorite Tongue Twisters. 4/4/2001.
http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4534/ - Reutzel, D. Ray, and Robert B. Cooter, Jr.
Teaching Children to Read. (2000, Prentice-Hall,
Inc. New Jersey) 270.