Title: As You Like It
1As You Like It
- Comedy, characters,
- structure, and themes
2As You Like Ita romantic comedy
- Comedy
- Hero in everyday situations
- reveals foibles and follies of man
- Comedy ends in inclusion, marriage
- satiric
- Romance
- Hero on quest
- Hero leaves home
- Hero grows, works toward becoming full characters
- moralistic
3As You Like ItMicro/macrocosm
- Disorder on political level
- Duke Frederick has ousted Duke Senior
- Law of Primogenitor overturned
- Disorder on family level
- A brother has banished his older brother
- Another brother has cheated his younger brother
out of his inheritance - a split between father and child
- physical separation
- emotional distance
4As You Like Ittwo worlds
- Court
- place of corruption
- wrestling (of Charles) is sport for ladies
- Love is a game to pass the time
- Forest of Arden
- ideal, golden world
- wrestling (of lion) is necessary to save human
life - love provides lessons
5As You Like ItFour Couples
- realistic
- Rosalind and Orlando
- romantic
- Celia and Oliver
- pastoral
- Silvius and Phebe
- sexual
- Touchstone and Audrey
6As You Like ItPlot/subplot structure
main plot
1.1 1.2 1.3
4.1 4.3 5.2 5.4
4.3 5.2 5.4
4.3 5.2 5.4
5.2 5.4
7As You Like ItFoiling
- Character foiling
- two Dukes, one men willing go with, one men fly
from - Duke Senior the idealist and Jaques the
melancholy - Touchstone as court fool, Jaques as fool in
forest - Similar scenes
- wrestling of Charles and of lion, 1.2 and 4.3
- fake marriages Touchstone/Audrey,
8As You Like It -- Act I
Scene 1 Orlando sad Charles and Oliver
Scene 3 Rosalind banished Celia plans trip to
Forest of Arden
Scene 2 Rosalind sad wrestling
9As You Like It -- Act II
Scene 1 Duke Senior Sermons in Stone
Scene 3 Adams warns Orlando to flee
Scene 4 Rosalind and Celia arrive, see Corin
Scene 2 Duke Frederick sends for Oliver
Scene 5 Jaques melancholy
Scene 7 Duke Senior and Orlando All the
Worlds a Stage
Scene 6 Orlando to help Adam in forest
10As You Like It -- Act III
Scene 1 Duke Frederick seizes Olivers lands
Scene 3 Touchstone and Audrey
Scene 2 Orlandos poems Corin/Touchstone Jaques/Or
lando Rosalind as Ganymede will teach Orlando
Scene 4 Rosalind and Celia
Scene 5 Silvius and Phebe
11As You Like It -- Act IV
Scene 1 Jaques Rosalind and Orlando Men have
died from time to time, but not for love
Scene 3 Rosalind and Celia w/ Silvius Oliver
tells of rescue by Orlando
Scene 2 Jaques
12As You Like It -- Act V
Scene 1 Touchstone and Audrey marriage
Scene 3 Touchstone and Audrey
Scene 4 Marriages Rosalind the Epiloque
Scene 2 Orlando and Oliver reconcile Rosalind
promised to solve all
13As You Like Itthemes
- Comic and Satiric view vs. Romantic ideal
- Nature of love
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Nature vs. Fortune
- Responsibility of brothers to each other
- Melancholy
- Court vs. Nature
14As You Like ItRosalind as ideal character
Duke Senior romantic ideal
Jaques satiric melancholy
Rosalind romantic and satiric