Title: Volleyball
- Kyle Rodgers
- Rowan University
- Glassboro, NJ
2Basic volleyball skills
- Serve
- Overhand set pass
- Underhand pass
- Spike
- Block
3Top Reasons to Play Volleyball
- It is good exercise
- Good way to have fun with your friends
- You can play inside or outside
- It is a good group activity
4 Volleyball Lingo
- Ace- When the ball is served to the other team,
and no one touches it. - Dig- when a player makes a save from a very
difficult spike. - Kill- when a team spikes the ball and it ends in
either a point or a sideout. - Sideout- when the team serving the ball makes a
mistake, causing the ball to go to the other team.
5The Volleyball CourtPlaying Area
- Dimensions of the court are 18m x 9m, for both
indoor and outdoor - Lines are 5cm thick
- Indoor courts have a line 3m from the net that is
an attack line.
6The Volleyball CourtThe Net
- Net height for men, co-ed, and mixed 6 is 7 feet
11 and 5/8 inches. - Women play with a net that it is 7 feet 4 and 1/8
inches high
7The Ball
- A standard volleyball weighs between 9 and 10
ounces - A volleyball should have between 4.5 and 6 pounds
of pressure in it.
8Volleyball RulesServing
- Server is to serve from behind the line
- Ball may be served overhand or underhand
- Served ball may graze the top of the net, and be
considered a live ball - Serve must be returned with a bump
9Volleyball RulesScoring
- Rallying scoring- points are awarded on every
score of the ball - Offense scores on defense miss or out of bounds
hit - Defense will score on offensive miss, out of
bounds hit, or serve into the net. - Game played to 25 win by 2
10Volleyball RulesRotation
- Teams rotate every time they win the serve
- Players rotate in clockwise manner
- There should be 4-6 players on each side
11Volleyball RulesGeneral
- Maximum of 3 hits per side
- Player may not hit the ball twice in succession
- Ball may be played off the net
- Ball touching the line is good
- A legal hit is contact with the
12Brief History
- 1895- William Morgan instructor at YMCA in
Holyoke, Mass. - 1930- first two man beach match played
- 1949- first World Championship held
- 1964- Volleyball introduced to the Olympics
- 1995- volleyball was 100 years old