Title: Ted This is your life!
1Ted This is your life!
- May 1969 March 2004
- University of Western Ontario
2Christmas 1978
Brent Sterner, Angela Devito, John Sproule, Bob
Ardern, Lori Forberg in foregroung.
Ted is the young chap wearing the black tie.
3April 1979
OUR PLACE Be it ever So humble
4Systems Engineering Tools of the trade
June 1979
Richard Blore
5Christmas 1979
Diane Goldstein (Mrs. Santa Claus) Jack Emerson
Diane Ted
Diane John Pooley
6Summer 1980 Peter Jones is the new Director
after George Lake departs. (Director 1980-1984)
7Christmas 1980
John Wren entertaining Ted (John Wren Acting
Director 1984-1985)
8October1981 Delivery of the Cyber 170/835
9Valentines Party - 1983
Bob Ardern, Wilma Aris, Bob Michels
Bob, Heather Woods at end
Some coy young people
10Hank Emily Enns
Richard Blore Vera Wren
Gwen Lynn Keenliside
11Greg Geri Harness, Glenn Miller with friend in
Suzanne and Bob Michels
12What style!
Ted dancing with Geri
13October 1983 Computing Centre Open House
Anna Ravbar Wilma Aris
Gerry Semple
14October 1983 Celebrating 20th anniversary with
John Burlock
John Stan Slezak
Kathy Dylowicz John
15Christmas - 1983
Peter Bangarth, Glenn Miller, Vivi Pliagas
Barbara Gauci Kathy
Heather (top) Bob
16August 1984 - Celebrating 25th anniversary with
Ellen Moll
Ellen, Mrs. Madeleine Hart, John Hart, John
Burlock (John Hart, first Director 1959-1966)
17(No Transcript)
18December 1984 Celebrating 25 years of
computing at Western
Mike Bennett, centre
With George Lake, Director 1966-1979
1925th Anniversary
Ted Dave Kidd
Kathy, Mike Bennett
Merran Neville Erich Buss
20November 1984 Staff Party
John, John, Ted
Dave Husson
Gord Cindy Munro
21Gotta luv those gals - 1
Vera Wren, Marilyn Blore Ted
June Rick Wheeler
22Gwen Lynn Keenliside with Barbara Ted behind
Ken Heather Woods with Norbert Alekniewicz
23Christmas 1984
Angela Devito
Francesca Raffa with Glen Harris
24Brent Sterner
Paul Starling
Raj Govindarajan
25March 1985
Back row Ricardo Riveros, Dave Husson, Jim
Frijters Front Ted, Rick Wheeler
Richard Blore
26Fall 1985 Dec 1091 to Vax Migration Team
Peter Marshall, Greg Harness, Dave Martin, Joe
Guerrero, Steve Siblock, Brent Sterner, Ted, John
27Christmas 1985
Never trust Santa
Mel Cooper is Santa
28Gotta wonder about these gifts
Andy Bjerring (Director 1985-1993)
Mike Ashton
301987 Stan Slezak Retires
Andy, Hank Enns, Stan
Stan, Debbie Banyard
31Christmas 1987
It must be serious
Heres to you, Ted!
32Heres TROUBLE!!! (Gerard Stafleu, Bob, Brian
Who me? (Chuck Reid)
33August 1988 The DEC10 goes
Brent wearing black armband out of respect
34The VAX takes its place
35Okay, so where do these go?!
John, Hank, Mila Vesely
This must be tough, it takes three to figure it
36Christmas 1988
Joan Duncan, Dave Mathers, Elizabeth Watt, Ted
37Gotta luv those gals 2 With Franca Teresa
Colleen Bretzlaff, Reg Quinton, Lou Spiranello,
Peter Marshall, Lori Corrin
38Mila Vesely, Margaret Cismek, Gloria Kelly
Ricky Price, Jim Griffiths, Matthew Maynard, Dave
Husson, Greg Steele, Ken Jorgenson
39lt Jane Winkler Kim Hoffman
Val Nancy Pratt
Gary Goddard
40Mike, Sandi Patterson
Greg John
41Dave Husson, Jim Griffiths, Ricky Price
Richard Towle, Stan McFadden, Debbie McFadden,
Terri Moeller, Sheila Thomson, Heather Woods,
Mona Brennan-coles
42Hello, ello, ello is this Laurence Gauci at the
The Musicians
Mark Enns, Lou Spiranello, Darren Bee, Franca,
Glen, Merran
43Summer 1989
441989 20 Year Service Awards
Dave Mathers, Val Pratt, Joan Duncan, Ted
45February 1990 Farewell to the Cyber
Migration Team Back row Gerard Stafleu, Keith
Worall, Raj Govindarajan, Rich Jones, Bob
Michels Front row Merran Neville, Colleen
Bretzlaff, Mila Vesely, Angela Devito
46Dismantling the Cyber Dave Card Keith
47June 1990 Milas Farewell
Ted, Karl Vesely, Brent, Bob
Elizabeth, Gary, Teresa, Gloria
Mila, Gary, Karl, Brent
481990 Francescas Farewell
Audrey Gauthier Ted
Franca, Raj, Cindy
49Keith, Sheila, Gary Miller, Terri, Rick Thompson
Gloria, Cindy, Brian Borowski
50Summer 1990- Renovations
Jane Kim they always go in pairs
Ta da
Ted, Anne Rasmussen, Glen, Henning Rasmussen
51Ted Brad McMillan
Brad, Andy Jon Hickmott
52Dave Kinchlea Rich Jones
Rich about to do the highland fling
Terri Rick looking for hidden treasure
53Christmas 1990
Barry Kay lining it up
Audrey, Sandi, Gloria
Reg Quinton, Heather (ahhh), Rick Wheeler in
54Halloween 1991
Cindy Merran Meow!
Ninja turtle Kim
55Christmas 1991
56December 1991 20th for Richard Blore
Ted, Richard, Marilyn Blore, John Pooley
Enjoying the cabaret Anne, Henning Rasmussen,
Debbie Jones Judy
Registration assistance from Judy Steward, Anne
Rasmussen Angela Devito
58lt Peter Marshall, John Pooley v Sandi Patterson
Barbeque lunch in the fields
59Las Vegas Night
Denis Regnier lt Diane Goldstein Blackjack
dealers theyre naturals!
60Wheel of Fortune
Bill Enright (Acting Director 1994-95) Richard
Norm Middaugh
61Andy, Nancy Bjerring, Angela do we have a
Anne, Gloria, Audrey, WeiMei Shyr, Gerard
62Program Committee Steve Rumas, Colleen, Norm,
Mike, Ted, Peter in centre
Entertainment Accommodation Committee Barry,
Betty Mathers, Richard, Sandi, Norm
Network Workstation Support Peter, Mike Cote,
Gary, Lori, Reg, Glen, Ted
64Christmas 1992
Brent, Heather, Cindy, Audrey
Hardware Services bringing Christmas cheer
65Christmas 1993
Bob Barry
Anne, Debbie, Reg
Anna Phil Willer
66Peggy Marrier, Barbara, Glen, John, Lynn, Ted
Rich Mike
Emily Hank
67August 1996 - Glorias Retirement
Jim, Gloria, Henning
Gloria Ted
68February 1997 - Vals Retirement
Staff Faculty at the Retirement Reception for
69June 1998 EMC2 Shut down
Migration Team Standing Eric Daugavietis,
Jean Lewcock (Savage), Eva Placko, Wade Coombs,
Dave Loveless Seated Reina Tebby, Debbie
Jones, Chuck Reid
70Jim Ken
Ted Peter
711999 Long Service Awards
Mike Bauer, Senior Director 1995-2001,
congratulates Ted
Andy Skelton (20 years), Heather (25 years), Ted
(30 years), Sandi (20 years)
72Summer 2001 Farewell to Cindy Mike
Patti Clifford, Betty Poots-McGaw, Sandi,
serenade Mike
but wait, Cindy returns February 2004!
73Summer 2001 ITS Management
Bill Genn, Acting Director, Debbie, Richard, Denis
74Sept 2001 Farewell to Bill
Reina, Kim, John
Andy, Debbie, Bill, Judy
Richard, Lynn, Kifle, Eric, Nancy, Ed
75Summer Party 2002
Terri, Glen, Ted, Jean, Lynn
76February 2004 President Paul Davenport comes to
ITS to meet Ted!
77A fitting farewell
Debbie Jones, Director 2001-present