AerodynamicsB, AE2115 I, Chapter III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AerodynamicsB, AE2115 I, Chapter III


The x-component of the momentum equation for a stationary, invisvid, ... from a stream function automatically satisfy the incompressibility constraint: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AerodynamicsB, AE2115 I, Chapter III

Fundamentals of Inviscid, Incompressible Flow
  • M.I. Gerritsma B.W. van
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Department of Aerospace Engineering
  • Section Aerodynamics

Stationary, inviscid, incompressible flow in the
direction of a streamline
  • The x-component of the momentum equation for a
    stationary, invisvid, incompressible flow reads
  • Multiplying this equation by dx gives
  • Now bear in mind that along a streamline we have
  • Using this in the momentum equation gives

Stationary, inviscid, incompressible flow in the
direction of a streamline
  • Similar manipulations can also be performed in
    the y- and z-component of the momentum equation
  • Adding these three relations together gives

Stationary, inviscid, incompressible flow in the
direction of a streamline
  • For an incompressible flow the density is
    constant so if we integrate these infinitisimal
    change between two points on the same streamline
    we get

Bernouillis Equation
  • So, although the momentum equation consists of 3
    partial differential equations, the equation
    along a streamline reduces to a single algebraic
  • The use of Bernoulli is limited. Necessary
    requirements are
  • stationary flow
  • inviscid, no body forces
  • incompressible
  • only valid along a streamline!
  • Bernoulli is valid for rotational flows also.
    However, when the flow is irrotational
    Bernoulli is valid everywhere in the flow field
    and there is no restriction that it is only
    satisfied along streamlines

Proof Bernoulli for irrotational flows
  • Home work
  • Show that Bernoulli holds everywhere in the flow
    field (I.e. the constant is the same everywhere)
    if the flow is irrotational.
  • In order to prove this either use
  • The definition of a irrotational flow
  • The following vector identity

Application of Bernoulli
  • 1. Airfoil at se level conditions Consider an
    airfoil in a flow at sea level conditions with a
    freestream velocity of 50 m/s. At a given point
    on the airfoil, the pressure is equal to
    . Calculate the velocity at this
  • Solution
  • At Standard see level conditions
    and . Hence

Flow through a converging-diverging nozzle
  • Assumption We assume that the flow is quasi 1
    dimensional, therefore
  • Continuity
  • Bernoulli
  • Eliminate

The pressure coefficient for incompressible flow
  • Bernoulli

Inviscid, incompressible, irrotational flows
  • Continuity
  • Irrotational
  • Laplace equation (insert potential equation in
    continuity equation)

Potential Equation
  • This equation is also applicable to unsteady
    flows in which
  • By introducing the potential, the
    irrotationality requirement is identically
  • Every inviscid, incompressible, irrotational
    flow is described by a potential which satisfies
    the above potential equation.
  • Conversely, every solution of the Laplace
    equation generates a valid inviscid,
    incompressible, irrotational flow.
  • The Laplace equation is linear, therefore we can
    use the principle of superposition. So if
    and are solutions of the Laplace
    equation, so is . So
    complicated flow paterns can be obtained by a
    suitable combination of elementary flows.
    (Although it is not known in advance how and
    which elementary flow patterns to combine)
  • Once the equation for has been solved the
    velocity components are obtained from

Potential Equation
  • If the potential flow is stationary (why?) the
    pressure coefficient is given by
  • The Laplace equation in Cylindrical coordinates
  • The Laplace equation in Spherical coordinates

Stream function for incompressible flow, 2D
  • Stream function
  • The velocity components obtained from a stream
    function automatically satisfy the
    incompressibility constraint
  • For 2D irrotational flow we have
  • Inserting the velocity components obtained from
    the stream function gives the 2D Laplace equation

Boundary conditions
  • Note flows in all kinds of different geometries
    (a sphere, airfoil, cone) are governed by the
    same equation
  • Question How can one equation generate
    solutions for so many different flow problems?
  • Answer The difference between the various
    geometries and flows is the domain in which the
    Laplace equation has to be solved and the the
    boundary conditions that are imposed at the
    boundary of the domain.
  • Boundary conditions at infinity We assume that
    any disturbances caused by a object placed in the
    flow have vanished at infinity, so we set

Boundary conditions at a solid wall
  • At a solid wall we assume that the flow cannot
    enter the object, nor will fluid emerge from the
    object. Since we assume that the flow is
    inviscid, the fluid is allowed to slide along the
    solid. If viscous effects are taken into account
    the friction will prevent the fluid from sliding
    along the surface of the object (the so-called
    no-slip condition). In the latter case a
    so-called boundary layer will develop. However,
    these viscous phenomena cannot be described by
    potential equations (why?).
  • So at a solid interface the velocity component
    perpendicular to the surface must be set to zero,
  • In terms of the potential function this condition
    can be written as
  • In terms of the stream function this can be
    written as (the wall is a streamline!)

Inviscid, incompressible, irrotational flow
  • Solution Strategy
  • Solve the Laplace equation for or
    which satisfy the appropriate boundary
  • Determine the velocity components using
  • Determine the pressure distribution using

Uniform parallel flow
  • Consider a uniform parallel flow given by
  • Satisfies the continuity condition
  • Irrotational, therefore a potential flow
  • Stream function

Uniform parallel flow
  • Circulation


Uniform parallel flow, under an angle a

Source flow
  • I am looking for a potential flow solution which
    only depends on r (in polar coordinates), so
  • inserting this in the two dimensional Laplace
    equation gives
  • The volume flow through a circle with radius R
    is equal to

So the velocity components are given by
Source flow (cont.)
  • If Qgt0 the flow is called a source flow (fluid is
    emanating from the origin) and when Qlt0 the flow
    is called a sink flow (fluid disappears at the

The stream function belonging to this flow can be
found by solving

Note that
Uniform flow source flow
  • Since the Laplace equation is linear, we are able
    to add elemenatary flows together. So one may ask
    what the resulting flow would be if we define a
    source at the origin in a uniform parallel flow
    along the x-axis.
  • Converting y to polar coordinates gives

Uniform flow
  • What does this flow look like??
  • Calculate the flow field
  • Determine stagnation points
  • Special streamlines

Uniform flow source flow
  • Stagnation points
  • Streamlines


Uniform flow source flow
  • The streamline ABC gives the contour of a
    semi-infinite body. The streamline passes through
    the stagnation point B, so
  • So the streamline passing through ABC is given by
  • The half-width of the semi-infinite body tends to
    (prove this).
  • for

Uniform parallel flow source (Q) sink (-Q)
  • Consider a uniform parallel flow in the
  • and a source and a sink placed at a distance 2b
    from eachother in the x-direction.
  • Rankine oval

Uniform parallel flow source (Q) sink (-Q)
  • Velocity components
  • Stagnation points

Uniform parallel flow source (Q) sink (-Q)
  • Remarks Because the total strength of the source
    and the sink (Q-Q) is equal to zero, a closed
    streamline through the stagnation points A and B
    will appear.
  • All the mass created by the source is consumed by
    the sink
  • Since the flow is assumed to be inviscid, the
    closed streamline can be cosidered as the shape
    of the Rankine oval placed in a uniform flow.
    Materializing the inner domain does not effect
    the outer flow.
  • Note that the Rankine oval is not an ellips!

Doublet flow
  • Consider the flow of a source and a sink placed
    at a distance l at either side of the origin.

Now let the distance l shrink to zero and let
the source strength Q grow to infinity, such that
the product . This will result
in a doublet. Since it
follows that

Doublet flow
  • Using we
    find that
  • Streamlines
  • So the streamlines consist of circles with
    midpoint (0,1/2c) and radius 2c
  • The doublet is oriented in the direction of the
    x-axis. The tilted doublet may be obtained by
    rotating the frame of reference. This yields

Uniform flow over a circular cylinder
  • Now we add together a uniform parallel flow in
    the x-direction and a doublet at the origin
    oriented in the x-direction.
  • Set gives

Uniform flow over a circular cylinder
  • Note that for rR the stream function vanishes
    identically, therefore the circle with radius R
    is a streamline. If we materialize the region
    inside the cylinder, we obtain the potential flow
    solution over a circular cylinder.
  • The velocity field
  • Stagnation points

Flow over a circular cylinder
  • Streamline , then either
  • The velocity at the cylinder (rR) are given by
  • The pressure coefficient now provides the
    pressure over the cylinder

Was this to be expected??
Source in 3D
  • In order to find the source in 3D we insert a
    potential function, which only depends on the
    radius into the Laplace equation in sperical

Compare in 2D

Velocity components
Source in 3D
  • The volume flow

Doublet (dipole) in 3D
  • 3D-source
  • Now let with

Flow over a Sphere
  • Uniform parallel flow
  • Addition of the doublet

Stagnation points
Flow over a Sphere
  • Stagnation points (R,0) and (R,p)
  • Note For rR
  • Materialize region (sphere)
  • Parallel flow doublet incompressible,
    inviscid, irrotational, steady flow over a sphere
  • For rR

Comparison between the flow over a cylinder and a
  • Cylinder

Note the different definitions of q
Vortex flow
  • Consider a 2 dimensional potential function
  • in order to satisfy the Laplace equation
  • Velocity components

Note this flow irrotational! (Why?)
Vortex flow
  • Note that unless c0 the circulation will be
    non-zero, that means the flow field cannot be
    irrotational according to Stokes.
  • However, if c0 then there will be no flow at
  • How do we resolve this problem??
  • If we calculate the vorticity, we will find that
    the vorticity is zero everywhere in the flow
    field, except at the origin where the vorticity
    is infinitely large.
  • So all contours which enclose will the origin
    will have a non-zero circulation. In complex
    function theory where similar phenomena occur the
    plane is usually cut to prevent contours around
    the origin.

Vortex flow
  • Instead of the integration constant c we usually
    express the strength of the vortex in terms of
    its circulation.
  • Note that the velocity is constant along the
    streamlines and therefore the pressure is
    constant along the streamlines.

Vortex flow
  • Calculation of the stream function

Elementary Potential Flows
Flow over a cylinder with circulation
  • Consider again the flow over a cylinder, but now
    we add a vortex at the origin. The stream
    function for this flow is given by
  • This can be succinctly written as

Just a constant
Uniform flow
Flow over a cylinder with circulation
  • Velocity field
  • Velocity at the cylinder
  • Stagnation points

Flow over a cylinder with circulation
  • Stagnation points (cont.)
  • Two stagnation points,
  • Two stagnation
    points underneath the cylinder
  • One stagnation point at
  • Two stagnation points, one
    outside the cylinder, one inside the cylinder,
  • Note that for every value of G, the resulting
    flow will be the flow around a cylinder, so the
    potential solution allows for infinitely many
    cylinder flows.

Flow over a cylinder with circulation
  • The velocity field at the cylinder was found to
  • So the pressure distribution over the cylinder is
    given by

Calculation of the Drag
  • Drag Only the pressure contributes to the total
    drag, since body and viscous forces have been

Independent of G. Use
Calculation of the Lift over the Cylinder
Using the definition of the lift coefficient, we
The Kutta-Joukowski Theorem
The Kutta-Joukowski Theorem
Contour B
Contour A
  • This expression is generally valid for 2D shapes
    in an icompressible, inviscid and irrotational
    flow. (Proof by means of complex potentials)
  • In order to describe the flow around an airfoil,
    one usually employes not one vortex, but a vortex
    distribution. The sum of the circulation induced
    by all these individual vortices appears in the

Potential Flow around Bodies (overview)
  • Combination of elementary flows
  • Basic idea Replace streamlines by solid wall
  • Example 1. Uniform flow source
  • Example 2. Uniform flow source sink
    (Rankine oval)
  • Example 3. Uniform flow doublet (flow around
  • Example 4. Uniform flow doublet vortex
    (flow over cylinder with lift)
  • Extension The approximation of arbitrary shapes
    by distributed sources on the body of the
    contour. The panel method.

Source panel method
  • Numerical method for an approximate
    determination of the flow around bodies of
    arbitrary shape
  • Idea Distribute sources (and sinks) with a yet
    undetermined strength along the boundary of the
    object. Use the boundary condition at the wall of
    the object to determine the strength of the
    sources and sinks. Finally, determine the flow of
    the source distribution in a uniform parallel
  • In order to do this we have to introduce the
    concept of a source sheet, which is a continuous
    distribution of sources along a contour.

s is a parameter along the contour and l is the
source strength per unit length which can be
positive (source) or negative (sink)
Source panel method (cont.)
  • An infinitisimal elemenent ds has a source
    strength of ldsand this induces a potential at
    the point P equal to
  • So the total potential induced by the coutour at
    the point P is given by
  • Problem How do we determine the strength l(s)
    such that the desired profile is approximated?

Source panel method (cont.)
  • Approximate the contour by a finite number of
    straight line segments and assume that l is
    constant within each segment, so we have a finite
    number, N, of source strengths li to determine.
  • Calculate the contribution at an arbitrary point
    P to the total potential due to one segment.
  • Add all N contribution to obtain the total
    potential at a point P.
  • Place the point P at the midpoint of an arbitrary
    panel and set the derivative of the potential in
    the direction of the normal of the panel equal to
    zero (boundary condition), i.e.
  • This gives one equation for the N unknowns li .
    Imposing the boundary conditions at all segments,
    gives N equations for N unknowns, which in
    general to a unique solution.

Source panel method (cont.)
  • The equation to be solved have the following
  • Remarks The influence coefficients Iij do not
    depend on the flow, but only of the geometry of
    the profile.
  • Of course, increasing the number of panels, will
    improve the approximation (higher accuracy).
  • Modern panel techniques employ curved panels and
    a non-constant source distribution.
  • Once the source strengths have been obtained we
    can calculate the velocity along the panels, using

Source panel method (cont.)
  • Once we have the velocity along the panel I, we
    can use Bernoulli to obtain the pressure acting
    on panel I.
  • For closed contour we should have

Comparison with real flows
  • This finalizes chapter 3 (and 6) on potential
  • I wish you good luck with the two remaining
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