Criminology Exam review session 52609 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Criminology Exam review session 52609


Q: This theory explains the rationality behind seemingly violent or random ... to targets), general deterrence, specific deterrence, incapacitation strategies) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Criminology Exam review session 52609

CriminologyExam review session5/26/09
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q This theory explains the rationality behind
seemingly violent or random criminal acts such as
the use or sale of drugs.
A Choice Theory
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q According to this theory, one begins or
continues deviant behavior after being exposed to
negative social sanctions and the experience or
A Cultural Deviance OR Labeling
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q This theory examines the influences of family,
school, religious beliefs, moral values, friends
and views about the government as reasons for why
one chooses to conform to social norms.
A Social Control
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q This theory holds that a unique value system
develops in lower class areas. Conformity with
this lower class value system causes conflict
with societys laws and norms.
A Cultural Deviance Theory
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q This theory attributes unusual allergic
reactions caused from reactions to foreign
substance to brain swelling, depression and
aggression which may, in turn, make someone more
likely to commit a crime.
A Biological Theory (Biochemical Factors diet,
hormones, contaminants)
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q This theory states that the breakdown of
social institutions and organizations and the
lack of informal social control as a result of
this breakdown is what causes many to commit
A Social Disorganization Theory
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q This theory that identifies social rejection
and as leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
A Labeling Theory
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q Someone who commits a crime as a result of
abuse endured as a child would be an example of
which theory?
A Psychological (Social Learning)
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What are sexual predator laws?
A Persons convicted of sexually violent crimes
can be detained even after their prison terms
have been served, provided that the extended time
is for purposes of treatment and rehabilitation.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What does the Washington Psychiatric
Association claim about treatments of sex
A They believe that treatment doesnt work.
That the acts of sexual predators are CRIMINAL
and exhibit anti-social behavior that needs to be
punished, NOT treated.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q Why are some (especially civil libertarians)
against sexual predator laws?
A They contest the constitutional validity of
the lawpeople are being tried/punished again for
potential future crimes they have not committed.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What theory of causality can be applied to the
crimes of Wesley Dodd? List theory and explain.
A Any of the following answers are correct, if
you clearly explain the theory... Psychological
Trait Theory (he exhibits behavior of
psychopath)   Choice Theory- he seems very
rationallike he was aware of the consequences
and made the rational choice to commit
crime.   Biological Trait (but never
tested)   Social Control lack of attachment,
involvement, belief and commitment by the time he
was a senior in high school.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What theory of causality can be applied to the
crimes of Joel from the movie Monsters Among
A Social Disorganization Social Control Cultural
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q In the article, Sexual Predators Cant be
Saved, list 2 reasons that the author gives to
support his thesis.
  • A Any two of the following
  • Sexual Predators are sociopathsthey have a
    card missing from that is not easily replaced.
  • Data given that those who completed psychiatric
    treatment were arrested more often for new sex
    crimes than those who had not been treated at
    all43 recidivism (return to crime rate).
  • Psychiatry is an inadequate forecaster of future
  • Sexual predators do not outgrow their behavior.
  • Experiments with sexual sadists have produced
    only victims. When we send them out into the
    community, we are in a sense conducting an

Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What is cultural transmission and what
theory is it a part of?
A Cultural Transmission norms that are passed
generation to generation, creating stable slum
culture. It is part of the Social
Disorganization Theory.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q Define the term ANOMIE and explain how it
fits as part of the STRAIN THEORY.
A Anomiedefined as the breakdown of the social
order as a result of the loss of standards and
values.  When socially mandated goals are uniform
throughout society and access to legitimate means
is bound by class and status, the resulting
strain produces ANOMIE among those who are
locked out of legitimate opportunity structure.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What is the concept of the American Dream as
discussed in the Strain Theory? What occurs as a
result of the pursuit of the American Dream?
A It is a term used as both a GOAL and a
PROCESS. GOAL American Dream involves the
accumulation of wealth and material goods under
conditions of open individual competition. PROCESS
it involves both socialization to the pursuit
of material success and the belief that
prosperity is an achievable goal in American
culture. ANOMIC conditions occur because the
desire to succeed at any cost drives people
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What is the difference between SOCIAL
A Social Structure disadvantages economic class
positions is the primary cause of
criminality. Social Process criminality is the
function of socialization.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What is the difference between General
Deterrence and Specific Deterrence as discussed
A Both work on the assumption that if crime is a
rational choice then it can be controlled by
convincing criminals that the CHOICE is
irrational. General idea that the fear of
punishment and the likelihood of being caught
should prevent rational people from committing
crime. Specific idea that severe punishment
will actually help avoid repeat offendersusing
offenders to set examples.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q What are three characteristics of a
A Any three of these Anti-social Low level of
guilt Unable to form relationshipsno
loyalties Paranoia Low levels of
arousal Sensation seekers This term is used
interchangeably with term sociopath and
anti-social behavior syndrome.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q According to an element of this theory,
criminals tend to be less evolved on Lawrence
Kohlbergs moral development scale.
A Psychological Trait focuses on moral
reasoning. Moral Development Theory theories of
moral reasoning in relation to development.
Criminology Crime Theories Review
Q Define SUBCULTURE and explain how it fits
into one of the social structure of social
process theories.
A Subculture subdivision within the dominant
culture that had its own norms, beliefs and
values. It is part of the Cultural Deviance
Theory where blocked opportunities prompt
formation of gangs with alternative lifestyles
and values.
Review of Causality Theories
Social Structure TheoriesDisadvantaged economic
class positions primary cause of criminality.
  • Social DisorganizationWhat factors contribute to
    a disorganized society?
  • Lack of connection to community
  • Breakdown of (and general lack of) social
  • Gangs
  • Lack of resources
  • Lack of social control
  • Culture conflict
  • Different social values

Social Structure TheoriesDisadvantaged economic
class positions primary cause of criminality.
  • StrainWhat is anomie?
  • Gap between goals and means to achieve those
  • Frustration leads to crime
  • Unequal distribution of wealth and power (social

Social Structure TheoriesDisadvantaged economic
class positions primary cause of criminality.
  • Cultural Deviance What are common values/focal
    concerns that emerge in this environment?
  • Status frustration due to middle class
    measuring rods
  • Different norms of society
  • Obeying street rules vs. real law
  • Gangs subcultures

Social Process TheoriesCriminality is function
of individual socialization
  • Social ControlWhat are commitment,
    attachment, involvement and belief?
  • Attachment
  • Commitment
  • Involvement
  • Belief

Social Process TheoriesCriminality is function
of individual socialization
  • LabelingHow/Why does labeling occur?
  • Self-fulfilling stereotypes and labels
  • Isolation
  • Poor self-image
  • Behavioral expectations
  • Primary and secondary deviance
  • Social interactions

Trait Theories
  • Biological Trait TheoryWhat are the factors that
    might influence brain dysfunctions?
  • Biochemical Factors (diet, hormones,
  • Neurophysiological conditions (brain structure,
    brain damage, brain chemicals) MBD
  • Genetics Crime

Trait Theories
  • Psychological Trait TheoryWhat are the factors
    that might influence brain dysfunctions? How
    might social learning, moral development, mental
    illness, personality affect criminal tendencies?
  • Psychodynamic (intra-psychic processes)
  • Behavioral (social learning)
  • Cognitive (information processing)

Choice Theory
  • Choice TheoryWhat rational choices do criminals
    make when structuring crime?
  • Location, target, means/techniques
  • Because decision is rational, there are rational
    means of eliminating crime (situational crime
    prevention/deny access to targets), general
    deterrence, specific deterrence, incapacitation
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