Title: Miss Awful Vocabulary
1Miss AwfulVocabulary
- Definition A dramatic emotional point in a
persons life.
Spanish crisis
Sentence (page 369) She has to take care of a
crisis, Roger explained.
Spanish alborotado
Sentence (Page 370) A lively, outgoing
youngster, as noisy and rambunctious as any eight
year old, he had another side to him, tender and
soft, which worried about people.
Spanish caprichoso
Sentence (Page 372) He had met Rogers teacher
on occasion she had struck him as capable but
excessively whimsical.
- Definition pierced deflated
Spanish pinchar
Sentence (Page 374) There was total silence,
punctured by a deranged giggle, quickly
Spanish prodigo
Sentence (Page 377) You know, of course, that
Roger is a prodigy, said Miss Orville.
- Definition gradually entered or sneaked into
Spanish infilitracion
Sentence (Page 379) Even before lunch recess, a
certain spirit of challenge and defiance had
infiltrated into the room.
- Definition a sudden, terrible accident
Spanish catastrofe
Sentence (Page 372) Let the blind man who sold
pencils outside the five-and-ten on Broadway be
absent from his post, and Roger worried that
catastrophe had overtaken him.
Spanish desperdiciar
Sentence (Page 380) You cannot permit
yourselves to squander a moment of it.
- Definition ashamed and hurt
Spanish humillar
Sentence (Page 378) As she reported to her
husband that evening, she had never in her life
been as mortified.
11Anxious Adjective
- Definition worried about an uncertainty
Spanish preocupado
Sentence (Page 372) Rogers anxious queries had
not ceased until he was discharged.