Title: National Youth Leadership Training
1National Youth Leadership Training
2Boy Scout Leadership Training(Same 3 Phases)
- Troop Level
- JLT Troop training (soon to be updated)
- On-going training with SM SPL
- Council Level
- National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
- National (Philmont)
- National Youth Leadership Instructor Camp (NYLIC)
3 NYLT ObjectiveTo develop and grow our youth
into the future leaders of our communities, our
country, our world.
- BE
- Finding their Vision, Setting Goals, Making
Ethical Decisions while leading themselves and
others - KNOW
- Learn the skills of teaching and leading to help
themselves and teams achieve their goals - DO
- Toolbox of leadership methods for Communicating
Effectively, Solving Problems Resolving
4Why Replace JLT?
- JLT elements are over 30 years old.......
- 11 Leadership Skills focused on a group led by a
leader - Todays leaders must work with a team
- NYLT teaches individual skills, and focuses on
team skills - NYLT uses the most contemporary successful
leadership tools available today - Many aspects of JLT remain as part of NYLT
- NYLT also aligns more closely with what the
adults learn in 21st Century Woodbadge
5Why a New Name?
- New material, New focus
- Both Scouts adults didnt like Junior
- Changed to Youth
- Same program across the country
- Any Scout in any Council gets same training
same recognition (just like Woodbadge) - Thus.... National
6Course Development History
- December 2002 Dallas, TX
- National Junior Leader Task Force
- 40 US Scouters from all regions Inspiration
from Blanchard - Vision World Class Youth Leadership Training
Program - April 2003 Sea Base, FL
- Design Team
- Led by Scouter from Woodbadge Design Team BSA
Professional - 12 US leaders from academia, industry, military,
Scouts, education - Design Process
- Aligned on topics, developed learning objectives,
selected content, developed program
activities/elements - Consolidated into 1 voice by author writer Bob
Birkby (BS Handbook Fieldbook author)
7Course Content Pilot Trials
- June 2003 Louisville
- Plug Play into JLT syllabus
- Test core content, sequencing timing
- Develop specific activities
- July 2003 Dallas
- Validate core content revise sequencing
- Determine audio-visual topics plan
- August 2003 Detroit
- Test revisions, sequencing activities
- Clarify course topic connections/linkages
8More Course Development History!
- November 2003
- Major syllabus revision based on pilot learnings
- Audio-visual developed
- December 2003 Houston
- 4 Troops ran NYLT (simultaneous at 1 location)
- Tested new audio-visual
- Design team observed refined again
- Early 2004
- Another round of revisions, with audio-visual
9Getting Close ?
- Spring/Summer 2004
- Issued Seattle version (Bob Birkbys home)
- 14 Regional Pilots across the country
- Each regional Pilot collected feedback-Staff
Scouts - Philmont Training for Adults pilot for NYLIC
- Fall 2004
- Final Syllabus issued
- Course Director Conferences in all Regions
- Summer 2004 NYLT across the U.S.A.!!!
10What is the NYLT Course?
- A Month in the Life of a Troop
- 6 day course Troop Patrol outdoor settings
- Challenges, Quests......
- BE KNOW DO Leadership
- Memory Tips
- Aids understanding use of leadership skills
- Team Development Leadership Behavior
11A Month in the Life of a Troop
- Six day course
- Troop Patrol outdoor settings
- Uses the Patrol Method throughout
- Immediate application of learning Have Fun!
- First 3 days First 3 weeks
- Troop meetings PLC meetings
- Wide range of activities, games, etc.
- GeoCache Wide Game w/ GPS
- Presentations, challenges, discussions
- Plan for Big Troop Event
- NYLT Outpost Camp
- Opportunity to test their plans
12Learning Through Action
- The Challenge
- A Shared Vision of success for each patrol
- Use this Shared Vision throughout the course to
help the achieve all they can as a patrol - The Quest for the Meaning of Leadership
- Presentation of the patrols understanding of the
meaning of leadership - Skit, song, something they build, poem, etc.
- Finding Your Vision/Creating a Future
- Each Scout develops their personal vision for
what future success looks like for them
13Leadership Is
- BE
- Who You Are
- And How to Use Your Strengths
- The Skills of Teaching Leading
- To Help Others and You Achieve Goals
- DO
- The Toolbox of Leadership Skills - How To
- Communicating, Problem Solving, Planning,
Resolving Conflict and all the rest
14Be Know Do LeadershipMemory Tips
- Vision Goals Planning
- Creating Future Success
- SMART Goals
- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
Timely - Planning/Problem Solving
- What, How, When, Who
- Assessment (SSC)
- Start Stop Continue
- Teaching EDGE
- Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable
15Be Know Do LeadershipMemory Tips
- Valuing People (ROPE)
- Reach Out, Organize, Practice, Experience
- Leading EDGE
- Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable
- Conflict Resolution (EAR)
- Express, Address, Resolve
- Ethical Decisions
- Right vs. Wrong, Right vs. Right, Trivial
- Communication (MaSeR)
- Message, Sender, Receiver
16Leadership BehaviorDepends
17Day 1 Sunday PM
- Registration Orientation Trail
- Opening Assembly
- Communicating Well Pt. 1
- Finding Your Vision Pt. 1
- Patrol dinner Flag Ceremony
- Getting to Know Me Game
- Opening Night Campfire
18Day 2 Monday
- Patrol Breakfast Troop Assembly
- Setting Your Goals
- Patrol Meeting
- Preparing Your Plans
- Model PLC meeting
- Patrol Lunch Planning Challenge
- Model Troop Meeting
- Building Pioneering Projects
- Patrol Dinner Flag Ceremony
- Scouts Worship Service
- Movie Night/Cracker Barrel
19Day 3 - Tuesday
- Patrol Breakfast Troop Assembly
- Developing Your Team
- Solving Problems
- Problem Solving Round-Robin
- PLC/Lunch/Troop Meeting
- The Leading EDGE
- Team Games
- Patrol Meeting/Dinner/Flag Ceremony
- Lego Challenge/Realistic First Aid
20Day 4 - Wednesday
- Patrol Breakfast/Troop Assembly
- The Teaching EDGE
- Patrol Activity
- Resolving Conflicts
- PLC/Lunch/Troop Meeting
- GeoCache Wide Game (GPS)
- Patrol Meeting/Dinner/Flag Ceremony
- Making Ethical Decisions
- Patrol Campfires
21Day 5 - Thursday
- Patrol Breakfast/Troop Assembly
- Leading Yourself
- PLC/Patrol Meeting/Lunch
- Valuing People
- Troop Assembly
- Outpost Camp
22Day 6 - Friday
- Patrols return from Outpost Camp
- Troop Assembly
- Finding Your Vision Pt. 2
- PLC/Patrol Meeting/Lunch
- Communicating Well Pt. 2
- Patrol Presentations Quest for the Meaning of
Leadership - Camp Breakdown
- Feast
- Closing Creating a Future
- Leave for home
23Leadership Modeling
- Youth Adult Staff Model NYLT Skills
- Effective communication skills
- Model EDGE throughout course
- Staff Personal Visions are shared with Scouts
- The SM as Coach Youth run NYLT/Troop
- Servant leadership is Critical
- Creates a rich learning environment
- Focuses on the Scout participants, not staff
- Great leaders seek to serve others
- YES! -- Traditions should be continued
- NYLT needs to be part of the name
- Golden Acorn NYLT
- Each core session must be presented
- No additional content sessions
- Core sessions to be taught in order
- Also, within six-day time frame
- Otherwise, make it fun and meaningful!
25NYLT Participants
- Ideal for training future SPLs PLs. Also a
valuable experience for older Scouts - At least age 13
- First Class Scout or higher
- Participated in at least 1 long term camping
experience - SM recommendation
- Need physical emotional maturity to fully
benefit from NYLT
26NYLT Staff Needs
- Adult Staff
- NYLT Coordinator
- Scoutmaster Assistant Scoutmasters (2)
- Quartermaster Assistant Quartermasters
- Youth Staff
- SPL ASPLs (2)
- Troop Guides 1 per patrol
- At least age 14
- PL, ASPL or SPl in home troop
- Past NYLT/JLT participant
27NYLT Recognition
NYLT Patch
NYLT Belt Buckle
Also, NYLT Recognition certificate