?????????? ?????????????
?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????
2Structure of Melamine and Related Compound
- ?????????????
- Determination of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid
using Liquid Chromatography Electrospray
Ionization Mass Spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS),
Calgary Laboratory, Canadian Food Inspection
Agency, version 1.0
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????
????????? LC-MS/MS
- ?????????????????????????????????? Acetonitrile
?????? - ????????????????????????????????????????????????
??? LC-MS/MS
- ?????????????????
- ???????? (18 M? cm)
- Acetonitrile
- Ammonium formate
- ????????????????????????????? (centrifuge)
- Centrifuge tubes ?????????? ???? 50 mL
- LC vials
- Vol. flask ???? 50 mL
- Mechanical shaker
- Vortex mixer
- ?????????? ???? 5-40 ?l, 40-200 ?l, 100-1000 ?l
- ???????????
- ??????? LC-MS/MS
8 9 10 11 12???????????????????????????????????? LC-MS/MS
- LC Column
- Analytical column Atlantis HILIC Silica 3
?m 3.0 x 50 mm column - Column Temperature 35 ? C
- Injection volume 5 ?l
14Mobile Phases
- Mass Spectrometer API 4000 LC-MS/MS system
- (Applied Biosystems)
- Ion Source Turbo Spray ( ESI )
16MS/MS Parameters
- MS Parameters
- Collision gas (CAD) 7
- Curtain gas (CUR) 20
- Ion source gas 1 (GS1) 65
- Ion source gas 2 (GS2) 60
- Temperature (TEM) 500 ? C
- Ionspray voltage (IS)
5500.00 - Entrance Potential (EP)
10 -
17MS/MS Parameters
- Multiple Reaction Monitoring ( MRM )
- Positive mode
MRM chromatogram of standard melamine 0.5 ng/mL,
column Atlantis HILIC Silica 3 ?m 3.0 x 50 mm
cyanuric acid
MRM chromatogram of standard cyanuric acid,
ammelide, ammiline 25 ng/mL, column Atlantis
HILIC Silica 3 ?m 3.0 x 50 mm
20Method validation
21????????? Melamine
- LC Column
- Analytical column ZIC-HILIC 5 um, 200 0A 150
x 2.1 mm. with ZIC-HILIC Guard 5 um 20 x 2.1 mm,
SeQuant - Column Temperature 40 ? C
- Injection volume 5 ?l
23Mobile Phases
24MS/MS Parameters
- Multiple Reaction Monitoring ( MRM )
- Positive mode
25MRM chromatogram of standard melamine 2
ng/mLISTD 5 ng/mL column ZIC-HILIC 5 um, 200
0A 150 x 2.1 mm. with ZIC-HILIC Guard
5 um 20 x 2.1 mm
????? spiked rec
???? ???? ????? Soy protein ?????? ???? ??????
????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????????? ???????
?? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???????? ????????
0.2 ppm 1 ppm 2 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 2 ppm 0.4
ppm 1 ppm 0.2 ppm
90-96 80-105
97 81-106 80-90
96 -105 95 97
90-104 86
27????????? Melamine and Cyanuric acid
28Mobile Phases
29MS/MS Parameters
- Multiple Reaction Monitoring ( MRM )
- Negative mode
30MS/MS Parameters
- Multiple Reaction Monitoring ( MRM )
- Positive mode
31MRM chromatogram of standard cyanuric acid,
melamine 20 ng/mL column ZIC-HILIC 5 um, 200
0A 150 x 2.1 mm. with ZIC-HILIC Guard
5 um 20 x 2.1 mm
32MRM chromatogram of standard melamine 0.5 ng/mL,
column ZIC-HILIC ?m 3.0 x 50 mm
33Mobile Phases
34Method Validation of Cyanuric acid
35Method Validation of Melamine
- Melamine (?g/g) (ng/ml blank) x dilution
factor -
Sample weight x 1000
37Spike Recovery Calculation
- Recovery (S U) x W x 100
- Cws
- S melamine in spiked sample, ug/g (ppm)
- U melamine in unspiked sample, ug/g (ppm)
- W amount of sample used in spike (g)
- Cws microgram of spiked standard
- LC Retention Time retention time should not
exceed 5 tolerance relative to the retention
time of standards. - Ions Ratios the relative intensities of the
detected ions, expressed as a percentage of the
intensity of the most intense ion or transition,
must correspond to those of the standards, either
from calibration standards or from spiked
samples, at comparable concentrations and
measured under the same conditions, within the
tolerances given in the table.
39- a relative intensity ( of base peak)
- b tolerance relative to relative intensity ( of
peak intensity)
40Control Sample and Spike
- If results for the control or spike sample
are outside of - control limits, results are invalid and
analysis is repeated. - - Blank must be free of interfering
peaks. - - Spike Recovery as per control charts
- - Correlation Coefficients R2 gt 0.98
41Clitical Control Points
- -Sample extracts shall be analysed
immediately after the sample preparation.
- - at least two chosen MRM transitions are
detected with correct daughter ratios and
retention times from the LC column -
43- If the results
- lt LOD reports not detected
- gt LOD - lt LOQ reports less than LOQ
- gt LOQ reports actual result
- Reporting Level
- mg/kg (ppm)
44Thank you for your attention