Hierarchical Clustering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hierarchical Clustering


The yellow points got wrongly merged with the red ones, as opposed to the green one. ... a high frequency item such as milk to a low frequency item such as ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering
  • Produces a set of nested clusters organized as a
    hierarchical tree
  • Can be visualized as a dendrogram
  • A tree like diagram that records the sequences of
    merges or splits

Strengths of Hierarchical Clustering
  • Do not have to assume any particular number of
  • cut the dendogram at the proper level
  • They may correspond to meaningful taxonomies
  • Example in biological sciences e.g.,
  • animal kingdom,
  • phylogeny reconstruction,

Hierarchical Clustering
  • Two main types of hierarchical clustering
  • Agglomerative
  • Start with the points as individual clusters
  • At each step, merge the closest pair of clusters
    until only one cluster (or k clusters) left
  • Divisive
  • Start with one, all-inclusive cluster
  • At each step, split a cluster until each cluster
    contains a point (or there are k clusters)
  • Traditional hierarchical algorithms use a
    similarity or distance matrix
  • Merge or split one cluster at a time

Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm
  • Compute the proximity matrix
  • Let each data point be a cluster
  • Repeat
  • Merge the two closest clusters
  • Update the proximity matrix
  • Until only a single cluster remains
  • Key operation is the computation of the proximity
    of two clusters
  • Different approaches to defining the distance
    between clusters distinguish the different

Starting Situation
  • Start with clusters of individual points and a
    proximity matrix

Proximity Matrix
Intermediate Situation
  • After some merging steps, we have some clusters

Proximity Matrix
Intermediate Situation
  • We want to merge the two closest clusters (C2 and
    C5) and update the proximity matrix.

Proximity Matrix
After Merging
  • The question is How do we update the proximity

C2 U C5
? ? ? ?
C2 U C5
Proximity Matrix
C2 U C5
How to Define Inter-Cluster Similarity
  • MIN
  • MAX
  • Group Average

Proximity Matrix
How to Define Inter-Cluster Similarity
  • MIN
  • MAX
  • Group Average

Proximity Matrix
How to Define Inter-Cluster Similarity
  • MIN
  • MAX
  • Group Average

Proximity Matrix
How to Define Inter-Cluster Similarity
  • MIN
  • MAX
  • Group Average

Proximity Matrix
Cluster Similarity MIN
  • Similarity of two clusters is based on the two
    most similar (closest) points in the different
  • Determined by one pair of points

Hierarchical Clustering MIN
Nested Clusters
Strength of MIN
Original Points
Can handle non-globular shapes
Limitations of MIN
Sensitive to noise and outliers
Cluster Similarity MAX
  • Similarity of two clusters is based on the two
    least similar (most distant) points in the
    different clusters
  • Determined by all pairs of points in the two

Hierarchical Clustering MAX
Nested Clusters
Strengths of MAX
Less susceptible respect to noise and outliers
Limitations of MAX
Original Points
Tends to break large clusters
Cluster Similarity Group Average
  • Proximity of two clusters is the average of
    pairwise proximity between points in the two

Hierarchical Clustering Group Average
Nested Clusters
Hierarchical Clustering Time and Space
  • O(N2) space since it uses the proximity matrix.
  • N is the number of points.
  • O(N3) time in many cases
  • There are N steps and at each step the size, N2,
    proximity matrix must be updated and searched
  • Complexity can be reduced to O(N2 log(N) ) time
    for some approaches

MST Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
  • Build MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)
  • Start with a tree that consists of any point
  • In successive steps, look for the closest pair of
    points (p, q) such that one point (p) is in the
    current tree but the other (q) is not
  • Add q to the tree and put an edge between p and q

MST Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
  • Use MST for constructing hierarchy of clusters

  • DBSCAN is a density-based algorithm.
  • Locates regions of high density that are
    separated from one another by regions of low
  • Density number of points within a specified
    radius (Eps)
  • A point is a core point if it has more than a
    specified number of points (MinPts) within Eps
  • These are points that are at the interior of a
  • A border point has fewer than MinPts within Eps,
    but is in the neighborhood of a core point
  • A noise point is any point that is neither a core
    point nor a border point.

DBSCAN Core, Border, and Noise Points
DBSCAN Algorithm
  • Any two core points that are close
    enough---within a distance Eps of one
    another---are put in the same cluster.
  • Likewise, any border point that is close enough
    to a core point is put in the same cluster as the
    core point.
  • Ties may need to be resolved if a border point is
    close to core points from different clusters.
  • Noise points are discarded.

DBSCAN Core, Border and Noise Points
Original Points
Point types core, border and noise
Eps 10, MinPts 4
When DBSCAN Works Well
Original Points
  • Resistant to Noise
  • Can handle clusters of different shapes and sizes

When DBSCAN Does NOT Work Well
Why DBSCAN doesnt work well here?
DBSCAN Determining EPS and MinPts
  • Look at the behavior of the distance from a point
    to its k-th nearest neighbor, called the kdist.
  • For points that belong to some cluster, the value
    of kdist will be small if k is not larger than
    the cluster size.
  • However, for points that are not in a cluster,
    such as noise points, the kdist will be
    relatively large.
  • So, if we compute the kdist for all the data
    points for some k, sort them in increasing order,
    and then plot the sorted values, we expect to see
    a sharp change at the value of kdist that
    corresponds to a suitable value of Eps.
  • If we select this distance as the Eps parameter
    and take the value of k as the MinPts parameter,
    then points for which kdist is less than Eps
    will be labeled as core points, while other
    points will be labeled as noise or border points.

DBSCAN Determining EPS and MinPts
  • Eps determined in this way depends on k, but does
    not change dramatically as k changes.
  • If k is too small ?
  • then even a small number of closely spaced
    points that are noise or outliers will be
    incorrectly labeled as clusters.
  • If k is too large ?
  • then small clusters (of size less than k) are
    likely to be labeled as noise.
  • Original DBSCAN used k 4, which appears to be a
    reasonable value for most twodimensional data

Fuzzy Clustering
  • Consider an object that lies near the boundary of
    two clusters, but is slightly closer to one of
  • In many such cases, it might be more appropriate
    to assign a weight wij to each object xi and each
    cluster Cj that indicates the degree to which the
    object belongs to the cluster Cj.
  • Fuzzy clustering is based on fuzzy set theory.
  • Fuzzy set theory allows an object to belong to a
    set with a degree of membership between 0 and 1,
    while fuzzy logic allows a statement to be true
    with a degree of certainty between 0 and 1.

  • Consider the following example of fuzzy logic.
    The degree of truth of the statement "It is
    cloudy" can be defined to be the percentage of
    cloud cover in the sky,
  • E.g. if the sky is 50 covered by clouds, then we
    would assign "It is cloudy" a degree of truth of
  • If we have two sets, "cloudy days" and "non
    cloudy days," then we can similarly assign each
    day a degree of membership in the two sets.
  • Thus, if a day were 25 cloudy, it would have a
    25 degree of membership in "cloudy days" and a
    75 degree of membership in "non-cloudy days."

Fuzzy Clusters
  • Set of data points X xl,,xm, where each
    point, is an n-dimensional point.
  • Fuzzy collection C1, C2, ..., Ck
  • The membership weights (degrees), wij, are
    assigned values between 0 and 1 for each point,
    xi, and each cluster, Cj.
  • We also impose the following reasonable
    conditions on the clusters
  • All the weights for a given point, xi, add up to
  • Each cluster, Cj, contains, with non-zero weight,
    at least one point, but does not contain, with a
    weight of one, all of the points.

(No Transcript)
Fuzzy c-means algorithm
  • Select an initial fuzzy pseudo-partition,
  • i.e., randomly assign values to all the wij
    subject to the constraint that the weights for
    any object must sum up to 1.
  • repeat
  • Compute the centroid of each cluster using the
    fuzzy pseudo-partition.
  • Recompute the fuzzy pseudo-partition, i.e., the
  • until The centroids don't change.

Computing centroids
  • Similar to the traditional definition except that
    all points are considered
  • Any point can belong to any cluster, at least
  • The contribution of each point to the centroid is
    weighted by its membership degree.
  • What happens in the case of traditional crisp
  • All wij are either 0 or 1, this definition
    reduces to the traditional definition of a
  • As p gets larger, the partition becomes fuzzier.
  • p2 good value.

Updating the Fuzzy Pseudo-partition
  • This step involves updating the weights wij
    associated with the ith point and jth cluster.
  • Intuitively, the weight wij which indicates the
    degree of membership of point xi in cluster Cj
    should be relatively high if xi is close to
    centroid cj if dist(xi,cj) is low and
    relatively low if xi is far from centroid cj if
    dist(xi,cj) is high.
  • If wij 1/dist(xi, cj) which is the numerator
    of equation then this will indeed be the case.
  • However, the membership weights for a point will
    not sum to one unless they are normalized
  • i.e., divided by the sum of all the weights as we
    do in the equation.

HICAP Hierarchical Clustering with Pattern
  • Xiong, Steinbach, Tan, and Kumar 2003

Pattern Preserving Clustering Motivation
  • In many domains, there are groups of objects that
    are involved in strong patterns that are key for
    understanding the domain.
  • In text mining, collections of words that form a
  • In genomics, sequences of nucleotides that form a
    functional unit.
  • We want to design a clustering method that
    preserves these patterns, i.e. that puts the
    objects supporting these patterns in the same
  • Otherwise, the resulting clusters will be harder
    to understand and interpret.
  • The value of a data analysis is greatly
    diminished for end users.

Review Crosssupport patterns
  • They are patterns that relate a highfrequency
    item such as milk to a lowfrequency item such as
  • Likely to be spurious because their correlations
    tend to be weak.
  • E.g. confidence of caviar?milk is likely to
    be high, but still the pattern is spurious, since
    there isnt probably any correlation between
    caviar and milk.
  • Observation On the other hand, the confidence of
    milk?caviar is very low.
  • Crosssupport patterns can be detected and
    eliminated by examining the lowest confidence
    rule that can be extracted from a given itemset.
  • Such confidence should be above certain level for
    the pattern to not be cross-support one.

Review Finding lowest confidence
  • Recall the antimonotone property of confidence
  • conf( i1 ,i2?i3,i4,,ik ) ? conf( i1 ,i2 ,
    i3?i4,,ik )
  • This property suggests that confidence never
    increases as we shift more items from the left
    to the righthand side of an association rule.
  • Hence, the lowest confidence rule that can be
    extracted from a frequent itemset contains only
    one item on its lefthand side.

Review Finding lowest confidence
  • Given a frequent itemset i1,i2,i3,i4,,ik, the
  • ij?i1 ,i2 , i3, ij-1, ij1, i4,,ik
  • has the lowest confidence if
  • s(ij) max s(i1), s(i2),,s(ik)
  • This follows directly from the definition of
    confidence as the ratio between the rule's
    support and the support of the rule antecedent.

Review Finding lowest confidence
  • Summarizing, the lowest confidence attainable
    from a frequent itemset i1,i2,i3,i4,,ik, is
  • This is also known as the h-confidence measure or
    all-confidence measure.
  • Crosssupport patterns can be eliminated by
    ensuring that the hconfidence values for the
    patterns exceed some user specified threshold hc.
  • h-confidence is antimonotone, i.e.,
  • hconfidence(i1,i2,, ik) ? hconfidence(i1,i2
    ,, ik1 )
  • and thus can be incorporated directly into the
    mining algorithm.

Hyperclique Patterns
  • An itemset P i1, i2, , im is a hyperclique
    pattern if
  • h-confidence(P) gt hc,
  • where hc is a user-specified minimum
    h-confidence threshold.

Some hyperclique patterns identified from words
of a (news) document collection.
Pattern Preservation?
  • What happens to hyperclique patterns sets of
    objects supporting hyperclique patterns when
    data is clustered by standard clustering
    techniques, e.g., how are they distributed among
  • Experimentally found that hypercliques are mostly
    destroyed by standard clustering techniques.
  • Reasons
  • Clustering algorithms have no built-in knowledge
    of these patterns and have goals that may be in
    conflict with preserving patterns,
  • e.g., minimize distance of points from their
    closest cluster centroid.
  • Many clustering techniques are not overlapping,
    i.e. clusters cannot contain the same object (for
    hierarchical clustering, clusters on the same
    level cannot contain the same objects).
  • But, patterns are typically overlapping.

HICAP Algorithm
  • Find maximal hyperclique patterns
  • Non-maximal hypercliques will tend to be absorbed
    by their corresponding maximal hyperclique
    pattern and not affect the clustering process.
  • Thus, using all hyperclique patterns would cause
    a great deal of overhead with little if any gain.
  • Perform a group average hierarchical clustering
  • The starting clusters are hyperclique patterns
    and the points not covered by hyperclique
  • Except for the starting point, the clustering
    algorithm is the same as the group average
  • Since hypercliques are overlapping, resulting
    clustering may also be overlapping.
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