Title: CM2 Chain Wear Monitor
1 CM2 Chain Wear Monitor
CM2 Chain Wear Monitor
2This model is the CM2 portable chain wear monitor
designed to measure wear between individual links
for overhead trolley conveyors. It is equipped
with adjustments, which allow it to be used on 3,
4, or 6 inch pitch chain and the different size
trolleys, which are used with these chains. The
battery life of a fully charged "data drop box"
is about 24 hours. The unit uses Ni Cad batteries
and as such best long term life is achieved by
allowing full discharge before recharge. The
batteries can be charged using the supplied
charger in approximately 24 hours and can be left
on the charger between uses. The software
supplied runs in DOS and requires COM port 1. The
data, which is taken, can be viewed, printed and
saved to disk files. This data can be viewed and
printed out as individual link wear or as wear
over ten foot sections. This data is stored to
the disk in ASCII format. It is therefore
available to be imported into database or
spreadsheet programs for those that would like to
do more sophisticated data or trend analysis.
3This unit can be used with the optional "start-
stop" magnetic sensors that are placed in the
male link. If the conveyor has a start- stop
magnet assembly attached, then the first pass of
the magnet will reset the unit and display "1st"
under the magnet status indicator "MAG" on the
data screen. The second pass of the magnet will
display "2nd" under the magnet status indicator
and lock out gathering further data. If a start
stop magnet is not used then the unit will
continuously gather data until out of memory or
it is removed. The unit can store up to 16,319
link sets. This unit is equipped with an
internal relay, which can be used to activate an
external paint sprayer to mark links, which
exceed a set point limit. This feature is quite
helpful when identifying abnormal links. To
date we have used the chain wear monitor to
identify chains with abnormal wear and to verify
that all new chain was installed when
refurbishing existing lines. We have also used
the paint sprayer to identify worn links and
remove them from the system until more extensive
repairs could be made.
4Chain Wear Specifications
New Chain
Specifications per 10 foot section
Per ANSI Standard
X-348 120.10 - 121.85
X-458 120.43 - 121.68
120.37 - 121.37 X-348 chain has 20 link
sets per 10 feet. Link sets should be inspected
when .13 of wear is reported. If a consistent
.22 of wear is reported, replacement is
recommended. X-458 chain has 15 link sets per
10 feet. Link sets should be inspected when .19
of wear is reported. If a consistent .27 of
wear is reported , replacement is
recommended. X-678 chain has 10 link sets per 10
feet. Link sets should be inspected when .31 of
wear is reported. If a consistent .41 of wear
is reported , replacement is recommended.
5 Chain Wear Monitor installed
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8 Optional Paint Sprayer installed
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10 Sensor Magnet installed in chain link
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