Title: The October Revolution
1The October Revolution
- The situation in Russia by September
- Bolshevik action
- Events of the revolution
- Reasons for Bolshevik success
- Significance of Revolution
2The situation in Russia by September
- Kerensky and the government had an impossible
task of making good the deficiencies of the
Tsarist regime - Also the Russian people turned against the whole
policy of war due to further failures
3The situation in Russia by September
- Therefore during September the governments
authority declined and the Bolsheviks influence
rose - They had gained a majority in both the Petrograd
and Moscow soviets although this was mainly due
to declined enthusiasm in attending meetings
- The Bolsheviks at the same time spread propaganda
amongst the troops leading to desertions - The men hurried home so as not to lose their
share of the land they expected to seize.
4Bolshevik action
- The PG at this time shifted to the right whilst
the soviets moved to the left- clashed - From Finland Lenin urged his party to prepare to
take over as the only hope of true revolutionaries
History will not forgive us if we do not assume
5Bolshevik action
- Urgency arose due to two events meeting of
All-Russian Congress of Soviets in late October
and the November election for the Constituent
Assembly - The latter was a problem as the assembly was what
the progressives and reformers had set their
hopes - Lenin was not sure how the Bolsheviks would
perform in the elections therefore they would
have to be in power before the elections
6Bolshevik action
- However there were Bolsheviks in the central
committee who were not ready to take action - Lenin therefore slipped back to Petrograd on 7th
of October
7Lenins return
- He spent the next 2 weeks trying to convince the
CC but it failed to agree on a date for action - Zinoviev and Kamenov wrote an article which
argued that it would be a mistake to overthrow
the government
8Kerenskys reaction
- He interpreted the article as indicating that a
date had been set - Pravda and Izvestiya the Bolshevik newspapers
were closed down - The Bolsheviks no longer had a choice and Lenin
ordered the planned insurrection to begin - Trotsky was the man behind the plan, he was the
chairman of the Petrograd Soviet and the dominant
member of the three-man Military Revolutionary
Committee (MRC) of the Soviet
9Events of the revolution(24-27 Oct)
- The red guards under Trotsky seized keys points
in Petrograd - There was little fighting in the 3 days
- This was due to the PGs lack of military
resources due to desertions
10Events of the revolution(24-27 Oct)
- Faced by the red guards, the Cossacks deserted,
whilst the cadets and womens battalion (Amazons)
were persuaded that resistance would be futile
- The red guards met minimum resistance
- The sound of the guns from the Aurora in the
River Neva declared their support for the soviet,
convinced the PG that their position was hopeless
11Much-publicized photo purporting to show the
storming of the Winter Palace, October 1917. It
is in fact from a Bolshevik re-enactment staged
as a civic spectacle on the third anniversary of
the action. The actual fighting at the Palace
took place at night and there were no cameras
12The womens battalion
13Events of the revolution(24-27 Oct)
- Kerensky fled to the USA
- On the 27th of October Lenin informed the
delegates to the Congress of Soviets that the
Bolsheviks had seized power in their name - He named himself as chairperson and announced
that they would construct the towering edifice
of socialist society - The PG had came nowhere near to solving Russias
problems and by October 1917 the Bolsheviks were
pushing against an already open door Lynch