Title: Adaptive Learning Environments
1Adaptive Learning Environments
- Prof. dr. Paul De Bra
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- The need for adaptation
- personalized adaptable / adaptive
- User Modeling
- Adaptation
- adaptive presentation
- adaptive navigation
- Authoring
- Examples (if we have time)
3We live in a one size fits all world
- But we are not all the same size(physically or
4Whats the main difference between these pictures?
5Automatic ? Adaptive
- Automatic systems automatic behavior according
to fixed rules - Adaptive systems automatic behavior with rules
that change based on environmental factors - first-order adaptation the change in the
automatic behavior follows fixed rules - second-order adaptation the change in the
automatic behavior is itself also adaptive - etc. there is no limit to how adaptive systems
can be - In this course we deal with user-adaptive
systemsthey adapt to users and the users
6Adaptation in any type of Information System
- Adaptation of the Information
- information adapted to who/where/when you are
- information adapted to what you are doing and
what you have done before (e.g. learning) - presentation adapted to circumstances (e.g. the
device you use, the network, etc.) - Adaptation of the Process
- adaptation of interaction and/or dialog
- adaptation of navigation structures
- adaptation of the order of tasks and steps
7Advantages of Adaptive Systems
- Increased efficiency
- optimal process (of navigation, dialog, study
order, etc.) - minimum number of steps
- maximum benefit (of relevant information)
- Increased satisfaction
- system gives good advice and relevant information
- interactive applications do not make stupid moves
- Return on investment
- recommending products the user needs is a form
ofadvertising that really works - adaptive (non-IS) systems have better technical
8Disadvantages of Adaptive Systems
- Adaptive Systems may learn the wrong behavior
- adaptive games learn badly from bad players
- generally adaptation good for one user may be
bad for another user it is personal after all - Adaptive Systems may outsmart the users
- all doomsday movies in which machines take over
the world blame second order adaptive systems - a game that learns how always to win is no fun
- an adaptive information system may effectively
perform censorship - it may be hard to tell an adaptive system that it
is wrong
9User-Adaptive Systems
10Main issues in Adaptive Systems
- Questions to ask when designing an adaptive
application - Why do we want adaptation?
- What can be adapted?
- What can we adapt to?
- How can we collect the right information?
- How can we process/use that information
- Exercise answer these questions for
- a presentation (lectures, talks at conferences)
- an on-line textbook
- a newspaper site or an on-line TV-guide
- a (book, cd, computer, etc.) store
- a (computer) help system
11Forward and Backward Reasoning
- Two opposite approaches for adaptation
- forward reasoning
- register events
- translated events to user model information
- store the user model information
- adaptation based directly on user model
information - backward reasoning
- register events
- store rules to deduce user model information from
events - store rules to deduce adaptation from user model
information - performing adaptation requires backward
reasoning decide which user model information is
needed and then deduce which event information is
needed for that.
12Application Areas of AS
- Educational hypermedia systems
- on-line course text, with on-line multiple-choice
or other machine- interpretable tests - we use AEH, AES and ALE as near-synonyms
- On-line information systems
- information kiosk, documentation systems,
encyclopedias, etc. - On-line help systems
- context-sensitive help, (think of Clippy)
- Information retrieval and filtering
- adaptive recommender systems
- etc.
13Adaptive Educational Hypermedia
- Origin Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- combination of reading material and tests
- adaptive course sequencing, depending on test
results - In Adaptive Educational Hypermedia
- more freedom for the learner guidance instead of
enforced sequence - adaptive content of the course material to solve
comprehension problems when pages or chapters
are read out of sequence - adaptation based on reading as well as tests
14What can we Adapt to?
- Knowledge of the user
- initialization using stereotypes (beginner,
intermediate, expert) - represented in an overlay model of the concept
structure of the application - fine grained or coarse grained
- based on browsing and on tests
- Goals, tasks or interest
- mapped onto the applications concept structure
- difficult to determine unless it is preset by the
user or a workflow system - goals may change often and more radically than
15What can we Adapt to? (cont.)
- Background and experience
- background users experience outside the
application - experience users experience with the
applications hyperspace - Preferences
- any explicitly entered aspect of the user that
can be used for adaptation - examples media preferences, cognitive style,
etc. - Context / environment
- aspects of the users environment, like browsing
device,window size, network bandwidth,
processing power, etc.
16User Modeling
17Modeling Knowledge in AES
- Moving target knowledge changes while using the
application - scalar model knowledge of whole course measured
on one scale (used e.g. in MetaDoc) - structural model domain knowledge divided into
independent fragments knowledge measuredper
fragment - type of knowledge (declarative vs. procedural)
- level of knowledge (compared to some ideal)
- positive (overlay) or negative information(bug
model) can be used
18Overlay Modeling of User Knowledge
- Domain of an application modeled through a
structure (set, hierarchy, network) of concepts. - concepts can be large chunks (like book chapters)
- concepts can be tiny (like paragraphs or
fragments of text, rules or constraints) - relationships between concepts may include
- part-of defines a hierarchy from large learning
objectives down to small (atomic) items to be
learned - is-a semantic relationship between concepts
- prerequisite study this before that
- some systems (e.g. AHA!) allow the definition
ofarbitrary relationships
19Which types of knowledge values?
- Early systems Boolean value (known/not known)
- works for sets of concepts, but not for
hierarchies (not possible to propagate knowledge
up the hierarchy) - Numeric value (e.g. percentage)
- how much you know about a concept
- what is the probability that you know the concept
- Several values per concept
- e.g. to distinguish sources of the information
- knowledge from reading is different
fromknowledge from test, activities, etc.
20Modeling Users Interest
- Initially weighed vector of keywords
- this mimics how early IR systems worked
- More recently weighed overlay of domain model
- more accurate representation of interest
- able to deal with synonyms (since terms are
matched to concepts) - semantic links (as used in ontologies) allow to
compensate for sparsity - move from manual classification of documents to
automatic matching between documents and an
21Modeling Goals and Tasks
- Representation of the user's purpose
- goal typically represented using a goal
catalog(in fact an overlay model)? - systems typically assume the user has one goal
- automatic determination of the goal is
difficult(use glass box approach show goal, let
user change it)? - the goal can change much more rapidly than
knowledge or interest - Determining the user's goal/task is much easier
when adaptation is done within a
workflowmanagement system
22Modeling Users Background
- User's previous experience outside the core
domain of the application - e.g. (prior) education, profession, job
responsibilities, experience in related areas,
... - system can typically deal with only a few
possibilities, leading to a stereotype model - background is typically very stable
- background is hard to determine automatically
23Modeling Individual Traits
- Features that together define the user as an
individual - personality traits (e.g. introvert/extrovert)
- cognitive styles (e.g. holist/serialist)
- cognitive factors (e.g. working memory capacity)
- learning styles (like cognitive styles but
specific to how the user likes to learn)
24Modeling Users Context of Work
- User model contain context features although
these are not really all user features. - platform screen dimensions, browser software
and network bandwidth may vary a lot - location important for mobile applications
- affective state motivation, frustration,
25Feature-Based vs. Stereotype Modeling
- Stereotypes simple, can be designed carefully,
very useful for bootstrapping adaptive
applications - Feature-Based allows for many more variations
- each feature considered can be used to adapt
something - detailed features leading to micro-adaptationdo
not necessary leading to overall adaptationthat
makes sense
26Uncertainty-Based User Modeling
- Most used techniques Bayesian Networks and Fuzzy
Logic - user actions provide evidence that the user
has(or does not have) knowledge of a concept - an expert needs to develop a qualitative model
- each concept becomes a random variable (node in
BN) - source of evidence reading time, answers to
tests, etc. - consider direction between evidential nodes E
andknowledge nodes K - causal direction K ? E (knowledge leads to
evidence) - diagnostic direction E ? K (evidence leads to
knowledge) - independence of variables influences validityof
the model
27Generic User Modeling Systems
- Adaptive Systems with built-in UM
- close match between UM structure and AS needs
- high performance possible (no communication
overhead) - UM not easily exchangeable with other AS
- AS using a generic User Modeling System
- cuts down on AS development cost
- communication overhead
- unneeded features may involve performance penalty
- UM can be shared between AS
28Requirements for Generic UM Systems
- Generality, including domain independence
- Expressiveness and strong inferential
capabilities - Support for quick adaptation
- Extensibility
- Import of External User-Related Information
- Management of Distributed Information
- Support for Open Standards
- Load Balancing
- Failover Strategies
- Transactional Consistency
- Privacy Support
29Requirements for Sharing UM Data
- Sharing a technical API is not enough
- the AS must translate its internal user
identities to the UM's user identities (and vice
versa) - data about users need to be standardized
- shared ontologies are needed for different AS
dealing with the same domain (ontology alignment) - agreement on who can update what
- agreement on meaning of values in the UM
- Scrutability of UM
- UM data must be understandable for the user
- users must have control over theirUM data
30User Modeling in GRAPPLE
- User model is inherently distributed
- The LMS contains fairly stable information about
the user - The ALE contains dynamically changing information
about the user - There may be several components of each type
- Different UM services may contradict each other
- conflict resolution needed
- Not every application is allowed to access/update
UM data on every server - elaborate security/privacy settings needed
31The GRAPPLE UM Architecture
- Synchronous communication
- send query to broker
- broker forwards query to appropriate server(s)
- answers are sent back (through the broker)
- Asynchronous communication
- applications signal a query or update to an
event bus (or broker) - services handle these events and may produce a
response which is posted to the event bus - caching is used to prevent applications from
hanging while waiting for answers/responses
33What Do We Adapt in AEH?
- Adaptive presentation
- adapting the information
- adapting the presentation of that information
- selecting the media and media-related factors
such as image or video quality and size - Adaptive navigation
- adapting the link anchors that are shown
- adapting the link destinations
- giving overviews for navigation support and
fororientation support
34Adaptive Presentation
35Canned Text Adaptation
- Inserting/removing fragments
- prerequisite explanations inserted when the user
appears to need them - additional explanations additional details or
examples for some users - comparative explanations only shown to users who
can make the comparison - Altering fragments
- Most useful for selecting among a number of
alternatives - Can be done to choose explanations or examples,
but also to choose a single term - Sorting fragments
- Can be done to perform relevance ranking for
36Canned Text Adaptation (cont.)?
- Stretchtext
- Similar to replacement links in the Guide
hypertext system - Items can be open or closed system decides
adaptively which items to open when a page is
accessed - Dimming fragments
- Text not intended for this user is
de-emphasized(greyed out, smaller font, etc.) - Can be combined with stretchtext to create
de-emphasized text that conditionally appears, or
only appears after some event (like clicking on
a tooltip icon)
37Example of inserting/removing fragments, course
- Before reading about Xanadu the URL page shows
- In Xanadu (a fully distributed hypertext
system, developed by Ted Nelson at Brown
University, from 1965 on) there was only one
protocol, so that part could be missing. - After reading about Xanadu this becomes
- In Xanadu there was only one protocol, so that
part could be missing.
38Example of inserting/removing fragments the GEA
- selects objects based on matching attributes
(arguments) to user preferences - presents arguments with relevance greater than a
(customizable) threshold.
39Example with group adaptation Intrigue (adaptive
tourist guide)
40Stretchtext examplethe Push system
41Scaling-based Adaptation
42Adaptive Navigation Support
43Adaptive Navigation Support
- Direct guidance
- like an adaptive guided tour
- next button with adaptively determined link
destination - Adaptive link generation
- the system may discover new useful links between
pagesand add them - the system may use previous navigation or page
similarityto add links - generating a list of links is typical in
information retrievaland filtering systems - Variant Adaptive link destinations
- link anchor is fixed (or at least always present)
but the system decides on the link destination
on the fly
44Adaptive Navigation Support (cont.)
- Adaptive link annotation
- all links are visible, but an annotation
indicates relevance - the link anchor may be changed (e.g. in color) or
additional annotation symbols can be used - Adaptive link hiding
- pure hiding means the link anchor is shown as
normal text (the user cannot see there is a link) - link disabling means the link does not work it
may or may not still be shown as if it were a
link - link removal means the link anchor is removed
(and as a consequence the link cannot be used) - a combination is possible hidingdisabling means
the link anchor text is just plain text
45Adaptive Navigation Support (cont.)
- Map adaptation
- complete (site)maps are not feasible for a
non-trivial hyperspace - a local or global map can be adapted by
annotating or removing nodes or larger parts - a map can also be adapted by moving nodes around
- maps can be graphical or textual
- adaptation can be based on relevance, but also on
group presence
46Example of Direct Guidance
- Simple suggest one best page to go to
- Webwatchercurious eyes
- Sometimes anext button
- Popular in ITS(sequencing)
47Example Link Ordering/Sorting
- Sorting links from most to least relevant.
- first introduced in Hypadapter (Lisp tutor)
- manual reordering by the user (if supported) can
be used as feedback to update the user model
48ExampleLink Annotation in ELM-ART
49Examplelink annotation in Interbook
3. Current section state 4. Linked sections state
1. Concept role 2. Current concept state
50ExampleLink Annotation in ISIS-Tutor
51Example Link Annotation and Hiding in ISIS-Tutor
52ExampleLink Generation in Alice
53Adaptation in GRAPPLE
- Based on AHA! version 4 must be very generic
- three separate components UM server, DM/AM
server, adaptation engine (AE) - linked through an event bus
- separation between concepts and content
- adaptation rules can call arbitrary (Java) code
- supports forward and backward reasoning
- UM caching to improve performance
- adaptation to arbitrary XML formats
- prepared to adapt within or without a surrounding
LMS environment
54AHA! Examples
- Most AHA! applications look like this
- This is the default layout, but any other
layout is possible.
55AHA! can look very different
56Creating Adaptive Applications
- Main question at what level to define the
adaptation (and the user model updates)? - AE works with adaptation rules
- tutorial.readme.knowledge 100
- if (tutorial.readme.knowledge) gt 50 then
- For authoring we prefer higher-level concept
relationships - A is a prerequisite for B
- A is a child of B (in a concept hierarchy)
- Some applications require still higher-level
constructs sequences, process models, etc. - In GRAPPLE CAM or Conceptual Adaptation Model
57Authoring in AHA!the Graph Author
58Example Applications
- The AHA! tutorial
- http//aha.win.tue.nl/tutorial/
- An adaptive paper about the Design of AHA!(and a
presentation about it) - http//aha.win.tue.nl/ahadesign/
- http//aha.win.tue.nl/ahadesigntalk/
- The hypermedia course 2L690
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/2L690/
- An adaptive version of a BBC course on Business
English - http//www.learning-demo.eu/aha/BE/
- AlcoZone an alcohol tutorial from Virginia Tech
- http//www.alcohol.vt.edu/alcozone06/
- AHA! was partly developed with a grant from the
NLnet Foundation - Part of this work was performed as part of the
Minerva ALS project (Adaptive Learning Spaces),
229714-CP-1-2006-1-NL-MPP - Part of this work was performed as part of the EU
FP7 STREP project GRAPPLE (215434)