Lecture 5: Structural Geology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 5: Structural Geology


Lecture 5: Structural Geology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 5: Structural Geology

Lecture 5 Structural Geology
  • Questions
  • How do you read a geologic map?
  • What structural elements of rocks form in
    response to deformation and how to you use the
    structures to reconstruct geologic history?
  • How and why do you construct a cross section?
  • Reading
  • Grotzinger et al., chapter 7

Conventions of Geologic maps
  • A geologic map is a scaled representation of
    geological observations at the surface of the
  • It shows the intersection between the underlying
    rocks and structures and the topographic surface
    (generally not a plane), projected vertically
    onto a plane
  • Topographic contours are usually shown in order
    that an accurate representation of geometry can
    be inferred from the map.

Conventions of Geologic maps
  • Mappable formations (i.e., thicker than a pen
    stroke at the map scale) are assigned colors or
    hatching patterns.
  • Other features are marked using the symbols in
    the table. Note especially
  • Light black lines for contacts between units,
    solid where known, dashed where inferred, dotted
    where covered (by alluvium, usually)
  • Heavy black lines for faults, with sense of slip
    marked if known (also solid where observed,
    dashed where inferred, dotted where covered).
  • Short lines with hatch marks on down-dip side
    for orientation (strike and dip) of planar
    features, particularly bedding but also foliation
    or joint sets.
  • Line with inward-pointing arrows for syncline,
    outward pointing arrows for anticline, arrow at
    end if fold axis has plunge.

Properties of topographic contours
  • Reading topography from contours is hard for the
    uninitiated, but contours follow some useful
    basic rules
  • The difference in elevation between adjacent
    contours is always given on the map as the
    contour interval.
  • Contour lines from a V pointing upstream in
    drainages and valleys
  • Contours never cross or divide (unless scale is
    so fine that cliffs can overhang). Spacing of
    contours gives the gradient or slope.
  • Hills and Knobs make closed contours.
  • Closed depressions are marked with
    inward-pointing hatchures on the closed contours.

Structural Elements of Maps and Rocks Folds
  • Fold nomenclature consider a curved surface
  • Any point on a surface can be described by a
    maximum and minimum principal curvature (in
    perpendicular directions). If one of these is
    zero, it is called a parabolic or cylindrical
  • If every point on a surface is cylindrical, but
    the orientation of the line of zero curvature
    changes, the surface is conic.
  • If every point on the surface is cylindrical and
    the orientation of the line of zero curvature is
    constant then the whole surface is cylindrical.
  • FACT most natural folds in rocks are (roughly)

  • Why are natural folds nearly cylindrical?
  • Define a property of a surface called Gaussian
  • where rmax and rmin are the principal radii of
  • For any deformation of a surface that does not
    change its area, CG is constant.
  • Since an initially flat surface has CG0, all
    shapes that can be obtained by constant-area
    folding have a principal curvature equal to zero
    all points are cylindrical points (try it with
    a piece of paper).
  • A circle around an elliptical point with
    rmaxrmingt0 encloses a larger area of surface
    than the same circle when the surface was flat.
  • A circle around a hyperbolic point with
    rmaxrminlt0 encloses a smaller area of surface
    than the same circle when the surface was flat.
  • For cylindrical folds, if layer thickness is
    preserved around the fold, measured perpendicular
    to bedding, the fold is parallel. If layer
    thickness is variable as a result of the fold
    deformation, the fold is nonparallel.
  • If the shape of each bedding surface in a fold is
    congruent with the shape of adjacent bedding
    surfaces, then the fold is similar.
  • Question Can a fold be both parallel and
  • If curvature varies smoothly along the fold, it
    is curved if there is a sharp maximum in
    curvature or a kink at the hinge, the fold is

  • Curved or angular? Parallel or not? Similar or

Fold terminology
  • The direction of the line of minimum curvature is
    the fold axis.
  • A fold axis is a line (or curve), so instead of
    strike and dip (which describe a plane), its
    orientation is given by trend and plunge.
  • A local maximum in curvature perpendicular to the
    fold axis is a hinge.
  • The line connecting the hinges along the
    direction of minimum curvature is a hinge line
    (parallel to the fold axis, for cylindrical
  • A point where both principal curvatures is zero
    is an inflection.
  • The surface or plane defined by hinge lines in
    successive layers is the axial plane.
  • The area between an axial plane and an inflection
    is a limb of a fold.

No plunge
Fold terminology
  • A fold with older rocks in the core is an
    anticline a fold with younger rocks in the core
    is a syncline.
  • A fold that is convex upwards is an antiform. A
    fold that is convex downwards is a synform.
  • A fold with vertical axial plane is symmetric. A
    fold so asymmetric that the beds on one side are
    overturned (dip gt90 compared to original
    direction of deposition) is an overturned fold.
    A fold with a nearly horizontal axial plane is
    recumbent. A fold with both limbs overturned is
  • You have to be careful because an inverted
    anticline is a synform!

Fold terminology
  • Two special classes of non-cylindrical folds, in
    which the plunge changes along the fold axis, are
    domes and basins

Mechanisms of folding
  • Folds can result from layer-parallel compression
    (buckling), layer-perpendicular variations in
    loading (bending), or from apparent growth of
    small-amplitude folds during homogeneous
    pure-shear strain.
  • Parallel folding requires layer-parallel slip
    between layers (c.f. deck of cards) parallel
    folds are dominant in regions of partly brittle
  • Non-parallel folding requires layer-parallel flow
    within layers and so is common in fully ductile

Structural elements of maps and rocks Faults
  • A crack in a rock indicates brittle failure. If
    there is no relative motion across it is a joint.
    If there is relative motion of the two sides of
    the crack then it is a fault.
  • In a ductile regime faults may be replaced by
    shear zones, but that is not quite the same thing
    as a fault.
  • Types of Faults Faults are classified first by
    orientation (the simplest observation), then by
    slip (which is harder to measure).
  • The orientation (dip) of a fault can be described
    as vertical, high-angle, or low-angle. The
    dividing line between high-angle and low-angle is
    45, more or less.
  • When slip is known, faults are classified into
    strike-slip (horizontal displacement), dip-slip
    (vertical displacement), and oblique (some of
  • Strike-slip motion is either right-lateral or
  • For non-vertical faults, dip-slip motion is
    either normal (hanging wall down with respect to
    footwall) or reverse (hanging wall up). A
    low-angle reverse fault is called a thrust fault.

Structural elements of maps and rocks Faults
Normal Faults
  • Normal faults often form in conjugate sets (same
    strike, equal but opposite dips) due to the
    symmetry of the Mohr diagram (q.v. lecture 10).
  • Pairs of opposing conjugate faults generate
    alternating horsts and grabens.
  • In brittle rocks near the surface, extensional
    normal faults are usually high-angle (55-70),
    but they frequently become low-angle with depth
    (listric normal faults) either because they enter
    a weak ductile layer (becoming a detachment fault
    parallel to bedding) or because of the overall
    increase in ductile behavior with depth.
  • The spacing between sets of normal faults is
    generally similar to the thickness of the brittle

Normal Faults
  • Normal faults form in several characteristic
  • Overall horizontal extension
  • Continental rifting (spacing controlled by
    intracrustal brittle-plastic transition depth,
    15 km)
  • Oceanic rifting (spacing controlled by very thin
    brittle layer over roof of crustal magma chamber
    at zero age, 1 km fewer, bigger faults at slow
    spreading rate than at high spreading rate).
  • Gravity slides On a variety of scales,
    topographic gradients at the surface create a
    driving force for horizontal extension. This
    includes landslides of all scales (the head scarp
    and bed of a landslide is a normal fault) as well
    as whole mountain front scale slides (Heart
    Mountain Fault, Montana-Wyoming) and regional
    slides (Gulf Coast).
  • Flexure like the Hot Creek graben in the Long
    Valley resurgent dome.
  • Normal faulting without horizontal extension
  • Caldera ring faults
  • Collapse features due to dissolution (of
    evaporites or carbonates) or differential
    compaction. A sinkhole is a normal fault feature
    of sorts.

Normal Faults Gravity Slides
  • The Heart Mountain Detachment Fault is a famous
    example of gravity driven near-surface tectonics.
    Heart Mountain is an isolated piece of
    Ordovician rocks sitting on Eocene mud 40 km away
    from the nearest similar outcrop.
  • It actually slid there in the Eocene
  • The system has four parts
  • 1. Breakaway normal fault
  • 2. Detachment along single bedding plane in
    Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite.
  • 3. Thrust ramp or transgressive fault that steps
    up to Eocene land surface.
  • 4. Bentonite-lubricated Eocene land surface that
    allowed blocks to slide 40 km into Bighorn Basin.

Normal Faults
  • The Gulf Coast of the U.S. is riddled with normal
    faults, like the island of Hawaii, that
    accommodate sliding of high ground into the sea.
  • The Kettleman Hills anticline in California is a
    dome that puts the upper surface in flexural
    tension and caused the development of a system of
    normal faults.

Normal Faults
  • The hanging wall of a normal fault typically
    undergoes secondary folding (rollover), tilting
    (as at Red Rock Canyon) or faulting (antithetic
    faults), especially if the master fault is
  • The foot wall of a large-offset normal fault
    often undergoes isostatic rebound in response to
    unloading, which can expose deep metamorphic
    rocks of the footwall in a metamorphic core

Strike-slip Faults
  • Strike slip faults have dominantly horizontal
    slip and tend to be near-vertical, though they
    may also have some dip (but this increases
    friction and surface area, so it is not favored).
  • Strike-slip faults form in two principal tectonic
  • Transform plate boundaries
  • Step-overs between normal or thrust faults in
    dominantly compressive or extensional terrains
  • Either way, the end of a strike-slip fault is
    generally a region of compression or extension.

Strike-slip Faults
  • Frequently, strike-slip faults are made of
    multiple en échelon (parallel but offset linear
    features) segments
  • When the overlap between en échelon segments
    becomes large, there is a transition to multiple
    parallel faults all simultaneously active, like a
    stack of dominoes

Landers earthquake rupture
Strike-slip Faults
  • When strike-slip faults connect the ends of
    normal or thrust faults, they are called tear
  • Like normal faults, strike-slip faults often come
    in conjugate sets. In the strike-slip case, one
    set will be left-lateral and the other
    right-lateral, both at 30 to the direction of
    maximum horizontal compression. Example San
    Andreas and Garlock faults (?).

Thrust and Reverse faults
  • Thrust faults are evidently common at compressive
    plate boundaries, both in foreland
    fold-and-thrust belts and as principal subduction
    zone boundary structures.
  • Thrust faults, especially when high-angle, can
    form, like normal faults, conjugate pairs and
    horst-and-graben structures
  • More often, thrust faults are lower-angle and the
    structure is asymmetric it has vergence to one
    side (the way the upper plates are going).

Thrust and Reverse faults
  • Thrust faults are frequently imbricated in
    fold-and-thrust belts, and often form duplex
    structures with many small imbricate thrusts
    between major sole and roof thrusts

Relationships between faults and folds
  • Faults and folds are commonly associated, in
    several well-established relationships
  • Strike-slip faults generate folding at
    restraining bends or at terminations
  • Normal faults generate folding in both hanging
    wall (rollover) and footwall (rebound)
  • Thrust faults generate folds if they terminate
    below the surface (fault propagation folds blind
    thrusts) or at a bend in the fault plane (fault
    bend folds)

Fault propagation fold
Fault bend fold
Structural elements of rocks and maps Fabrics
  • Fabric refers to the internal arrangement of the
    constituent particles of rocks (i.e., mineral
    grains, lithic clasts, etc.). These particles
    can have characteristic size, texture, packing,
    preferred shape or crystallographic orientation,
    and inhomogeneity of mineral type or any other
    fabric element.
  • Fabrics are important in structural geology and
    metamorphic petrology because they record not
    only the primary formation of a rock but also
    evidence of the deformation. Texture development
    is the microscopic expression of rock plasticity.
  • Textural fabric yields quantitative evidence of
    the extent and orientation of finite strain.

  • Any fabric that defines surfaces of systematic
    orientation is a planar fabric or foliation.
  • Planar fabrics include cleavage (preferred
    cracking, breaking, or splitting direction),
    schistosity (orientation of planar mineral
    grains, particularly mica), bedding (sedimentary
    layers) and gneissosity (secondary compositional
    or mineralogical layering).
  • Any fabric that defines lines or curves of
    systematic orientation is a linear fabric or
  • Lineations often lie in the plane of associated
  • Lineations are defined by oriented mineral grains
    (shape or crystallographic orientation),
    microscopic fold axes, or intersections of
  • Foliations and lineations frequently display
    close geometric relationships with associated
    outcrop-to-regional scale structures like folds
    and faults. This makes fabric observations
    essential evidence in working out map-scale

Examples Deduction of Structure from Fabric
  • Slickensides
  • A lineation in the plane of a fault, defined by
    simple scratches or growth of secondary minerals
    with preferred orientations, gives the slip
    direction (but not always the sense of slip along
    that direction) -- often easier than finding
    piercing points (tells you which way to look for
    a matching piercing point, anyway)
  • Axial plane cleavage
  • Folds, particularly when not parallel, are
    commonly associated with development of a
    penetrative cleavage parallel to the axial plane.

There is no necessary relationship between
bedding planes and foliation directions!
Fabric Examples
  • The axial plane cleavage may display fanning as
    it passes between layers that are easier or
    harder to deform.
  • This property can be used to infer which is the
    direction to the nearest fold hinge, a good
    example of how outcrop-scale fabrics help solve
    map-scale structures.

Examples deduction of stress orientation from
  • Lattice preferred orientation
  • Mechanical anisotropy of minerals may cause them
    to rotate until their crystallographic axes are
    aligned with the applied stress.
  • LPO in olivine leads to seismic and electrical
    anisotropy in the sheared mantle. In ophiolites,
    these orientations may be preserved and allow
    mapping of flow patterns under the ridge.
  • Growth of new minerals in a stress field also
    results in lattice preferred orientation,
    especially of platy minerals

Examples deduction of stress orientation from
  • Shape preferred orientation
  • In addition to crystallographic orientation, the
    shape of grains or objects can reflect finite
    strain through several mechanisms
  • rotation of elongated mineral grains towards
    parallelism with the strain direction
  • homogeneous stretching of equant mineral grains
    until they too are elongated along the strain
  • growth of new minerals in pressure shadows around
    hard minerals or grains

Stretched pebbles, initially nearly spherical, in
deformed quartz-pebble conglomerate
Ooids in deformed limestone. Shape is due to
growth of calcite and quartz fibers where matrix
has stretched away from relatively rigid ooids
Examples deduction of stress orientation from
  • Shape preferred orientation
  • growth of new minerals in pressure shadows around
    hard minerals or grains
  • Changes in shape of grains by differential
    pressure solution in different directions.

These Stylolites (from the limestone partitions
in the bathrooms here) are planar features
created by accumulation of insoluble material
along planes of concentrated pressure solution in
carbonates. Their orientation is perpendicular
to s1. Similar processes generate shape-preferred
orientation by differential pressure-solution at
grain scale.
Pressure shadows of recrystallized quartz around
rigid, rotating pyrite grain.
Structural elements of maps and rocks Joints
  • A joint is any natural planar crack that is not a
    fault (hence, no slip across it), bedding (a
    sedimentary structure), or cleavage (defined by
    mineral orientation) and is larger than the grain
    size of the rock.
  • Joints generally form by tensile fracture. They
    may form open fissures and fill with vein
    material in some cases.
  • Systematic joints show regular orientation over
    many joint surfaces. All the joints in a region
    with a roughly common orientation are joint sets.
    Joint sets intersect without offsetting each

  • Joints sets are often regionally consistent and
    imply that joints reflect regional-scale
    orientations of stress in the crust
  • A joint system is two or more joint sets that are
    genetically related, e.g. the three joint sets
    that result from columnar jointing

  • The most common way to form joints is by tectonic
    unloading and thermal contraction. During
    uplift, progressive unroofing lowers the mean
    stress, while laterally confined thermal
    contraction generates differential stress. This
    leads to transitional tensile fracture (see
    fracture mechanics in lecture 7).
  • In many cases, jointing driven by erosion and
    cooling must take place very close to the
    surface, since joints can be evidently seen to
    follow topography at the 100 m scale and because
    the spacing of joints clearly increases over the
    last few tens of meters of exposure in quarries

Construction of Cross Sections
  • A geologic map can show all data actually
    observable by the geologist, walking around the
    surface looking at outcrops.
  • Interpretation of a geological map, however,
    usually requires visualization in 3-D, by
    extrapolation of surface data downwards
    (sometimes with help from drilling or seismic
  • The most common representation of such an
    extrapolated interpretation is a cross section,
    or vertical slice through the map.
  • The line (or piecewise linear path) along which
    a cross section is drawn should always be clearly
    marked on the corresponding surface-view map.
    The top of the cross section should match the
    surface data (topography, rock units, contacts,
    dips) exactly.
  • Usually, in regions of reasonably simple
    structure, one chooses to draw transverse cross
    sections, i.e. perpendicular to regional strike.
  • A cross section is always a model, a non-unique
    (though testable) suggestion of the simplest deep
    structure consistent with observations. It is
    always possible to suggest alternatives.

Cross Sections and 3-D visualization simple cases
  • Case 1 Homoclinal structure, flat topography
  • Case 2 Horizontal stratigraphy plus topographic
  • Simpler structure can give more complicated map

Cross Sections and 3-D visualization simple cases
  • Case 3 Simple anticline, no plunge, no topography
  • Case 4 Simple syncline, no plunge, no topography

Cross Sections and 3-D visualization
  • Case 5 Plunging anticline, no topography
  • Ignoring topography and dip measurements, same
    outcrop pattern in map view as case 2!
  • More complicated cases are built up from these
    basic patterns
  • Case 6 Plunging folds, angular unconformity,
    topography developed in the flat overlying strata

Cross Sections and 3-D visualization
  • Case 7 Thrust fault and normal faultlow angle
    faults are much more obvious in map view.
  • Case 8 Strike-slip faults can be obscure both in
    map-view and cross section, if piercing points
    are absent

Balanced Cross Sections
  • When rocks are deformed from a known intial state
    (e.g. horizontal strata), a cross section is a
    valid interpretation of data only if it can be
    geometrically retrodeformed (unfold the folds,
    backslide the faults) to the original state. This
    is called balancing a cross-section.
  • The fundamental assumption in balancing is
    conservation of mass.
  • If we are dealing with already-lithified rocks
    (no compaction), then in most cases we can also
    assume conservation of volume.
  • If no material moved into or out of the plane of
    our cross section, e.g. for cylindrical folds in
    a plane perpendicular to the generator, this
    reduces to conservation of area.
  • Finally, if the structure is parallel (preserved
    layer thickness), this reduces to conservation of
    bed length.

Balanced Cross Sections
  • Conservation of area in balanced cross sections
    can be used, for example, to determine the depth
    of an otherwise unobservable detachment that
    allows shortening above

Construction of balanced fold cross sections
  • For cylindrical, parallel folds, one simple
    assumption is that folds are concentric, i.e.
    made up of circular arcs. In this case dip
    measurements are tangent to the arcs and normals
    to dips intersect at the center of the circle. As
    many centers are introduced as necessary to fit
    the data. This leads to the Busk method.

Construction of balanced fold cross sections
  • Alternatively, parallel folds may be extrapolated
    using the assumption of straight limbs and
    angular hinges. In this case, if layer thickness
    is preserved, an axial surface must bisect the
    angle between the fold limbs. This leads to the
    kink method.

When the fold is not parallel, i.e. layer
thickness differs between the two limbs, the kink
method may be modified using a refraction law
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