Title: Amazement Square Childrens Museum
1Amazement SquareChildrens Museum
- Mission Events
- History Future
- Programs Suggestions
- Outreach Wrap Up
- Amazement Square is dedicated to motivating
children and adults of all backgrounds and
abilities toward greater creativity and
understanding of themselves and the world through
hands-on learning. The museum's exhibits and
educational programs encourage all participants
to explore the arts and humanities, culture,
science, technology and their interdisciplinary
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- J.W. Wood Building has been around for 150 years.
- 8 year plan and 7.8 million capital campaign
- March 24, 2001 became Amazement Square
- Part of Lynchburgs downtown history
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7Programs and Outreach
Programs are designed to uplift the children and
enhance their learning They want to reach out
to all children, even the less fortunate.
My Event Contributions The Ugly Bug
Ball October 26, 2007 The
Festival of Trees November 11, 16, 17
and 18
9The Riverfront Skate Park
Opened November 10
10The Future
11Sixth year of operation Annual visitation of
90,000 Need for new space is critical
More safety at location!
More Volunteers
13Wrap Up
Fun loving people Educational Well
organized Inspirational